Cheeky fuck date in the penthouse | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Max loved his new job. Finally no more stupid analyzes. Now it was he who could order it. He got access to all information.

No more smug smile when he made suggestions. He was taken seriously, was able to prepare the appointments and strategies on his own responsibility. The equipment was right and there were sharp women in the figure cut to the figure on high heels. More money, more responsibility and constantly for the eye.

But that also brought with it that it was observed more intensely. His new boss watched him critically and the pressure was clearly noticeable. And that much was already clear to him: friends for life would not be he and his boss. But apparently it was no different for the colleagues.

Max therefore enjoyed the evenings or events where he was alone with his colleagues and escaped the control.

Or if he actually managed to get one of the sharp women around. Max had a feel for the right situation and the necessary hunting instinct. He naturally brought the corresponding look. It didn’t take long and he had a corresponding reputation in the new company.

They met in a club immediately after working under colleagues.

Max already knew him and the operator was a buddy of him. His boss should be added later. They wanted to enjoy the time until then. Max saw the woman while standing in a group at the counter.

She also seemed to come directly from the office, but that was not unusual here. A little undecided she was alone and obviously didn’t really know what she was going to. Waited for someone? Anyway, she appealed to him. Your long black hair framed wavy a beautifully cut face.

Under the thin blazer, she was wearing a tight white blouse, which was certainly too far because of the heat around a button and a beautiful valley spread between her breasts. Black stockings were visible under her tight short skirt. Max immediately had a picture of ownerless. Your high heels made her slim Legs incredibly long.

Max knew that he had to have this woman.

He strolled over to her casually. He managed to stand a little right behind her and enjoyed the wonderful view over her shoulder on the fantastic breasts. No, that were Tits, That’s how you had to call her, he was sure. Obviously he gave himself a little too long to this beauty.

She had turned to him and he looked into her brown eyes. Your angry flashing brown eyes.

“What do you think of staring at me so insolently? Isn’t that embarrassed for them?”

“There is no reason to be so formal. I just find you fascinating. How often do you see a woman who is as beautiful as you?”

This somewhat clumsy and cheeky answer seemed to get her out of the concept.

Obviously she had expected her outrage to show a different effect. Her eyes flickered a little and her mouth opened slightly. Perfect lips, as Max found.

“And you seem to find one thing particularly great in me, you spinner.”

“Right, your tits are just awesome. Your friend must be a happy man.”

“How do you know…? What am I doing here? I should knock you down, you ass.”

The “entertainment” enjoyed him.

Apparently she was passionate but apparently not the brightest. Although naive was probably the better word.

“Maybe you should do that.“Max smiled at her and let it spread for a few seconds, in which he just looked into her beautiful eyes with a smile. “How do I want to know that you are forgiven? You behave like that. You are here alone, the men around you are not interested in you, you react irritably to the slightest.

You have furnished yourself nicely with your boyfriend and therefore have no look for others anymore. Do you want to tell me that you are solo? I think you are no longer interesting for other men. my mistake. I let myself be dazzled.”

Her mouth opened again amazed and outraged.

Your eyes grew big. But something else also happened. Wanted or not she pushed her breasts forward, wanted to look more attractive. In her eyes he could clearly see an interested flash.

Max grin inside. He suspected that he was a decisive step forward. Consciously insolent and irritating slowly, he let his gaze slide over her body from her high heels to back into her brown eyes. His gaze became serious.

“So, excuse me that I looked at you.

I don’t want to disturb the idyll. Have fun.”

Max turned away from her and wanted to go back to his colleagues.

“Wait, not so fast.”

Max now struggled to suppress his grin. Somehow he managed to continue making a serious face. He raised his eyebrows to ask them to continue talking.
“So you believe, I have a friend and I am no longer interesting for other men? Away from the market, you call it a shit guys or? I should really go but you ass provoke me.

And you look good … “

Now it was she who looked at him and felt Max felt his cock bigger under her eyes. As if she was realizing, her gaze got stuck on his crotch. Then she returned to his eyes.

“Let’s go.”

Now Max couldn’t hold back his grin. Immediately he put his arm around her and went to Rico with her, the operator.

After a short conversation, Max got the key to the penthouse high above the club. With a clearly obvious look at the woman, Rico wished you a lot of fun.

They left the club through a back door and quickly reached the elevator. Immediately after the doors closed behind them, Max took the woman in her arms and kissed her. Willingly opened her mouth and received his Tongue To a wild dance.

Max let his hands slide over her body unabashedly. Checked their solid breasts and the round butt. In fact, she was wearing holding stockings. He felt her hand demanding at the bump in his pants.

Her hot sigh under the kiss turned him on. Severely breathing they loved their lips from each other. When she asked him for his name, the words came only silently.

“Do you actually have a name?”

“Max. And you?”


The elevator ended directly in the penthouse.

Rosa’s blazer fell immediately, as well as Max Sakko while kissing hot again. He opened her blouse quickly and routinely and loosened her skirt. She got out and let hers bra fall. Max took a step back and considered excitedly and astonished pink breathtaking body.

High heels, ownerless black stockings and a small transparent-black string supported the effect. Her breasts were round and spherical in front of her body.

“Nice and hotter than your gaze cannot be a compliment.“Many men had killed for the smile she was showing him now. “Now show me what I want to see.”

Max was out of his suit in record time. Meanwhile, Rosa had put on the wide bed and watched him interested.

Her eyes got big at first and then a horny grin lay on her face when she saw him standing in front of her with steeply raised cock. The right measure of muscles paired with a slim body. And especially…

“This is a cock. Gentlemen.

You will have to be careful. But honestly, I don’t care about it right now.”

She opened her slim legs and Max found that she had already stored her panties. He got a perfect view of her rosy-gloss lips. Requesting she smiled at him and Max liked to return it.

“Rosa is a suitable name.”

He grinned and came to her on the bed.

Without losing time, he sank his head between her legs. Kissing and caressing, he stroked the inside of her thighs between the panties and step and reached her already wet pussy under her hot sigh. He gently let his tip of his tongue slide through her lips and enjoyed her taste and moaning. Her hands firmly grabbed his head and pressed him itself.

Max skilfully spoiled his surprising conquest with tongue, teeth and lips. Her pearl shone under him and he would have found his destination with his eyes closed. He only needed his hands to keep them or massage their fantastic tits. Again and again he felt her high heels in his sides and he was surprised how much that excited him.

Rosa had put her head back and enjoyed her lover’s art.

She quickly felt that she excited his game. She liked to play his “victim”. But with what she was experiencing, it was worth it. She dropped and came.

Her body cramped under his tongue and with a short cry the waves collapsed over her.

Max did not give her time to come to her. Briefly he watched Rosa’s wonderful passion and felt that he had to come to the train now. He crouched between her widely opened thighs and had his thick glans spread through her wet lips. A surprised and throatian loud out of her mouth and she looked at him with big eyes.

Obviously she was not ready again, but Max could not take this into account. He burst with lust. Slowly he pushed his cock into her. Rosa gripped the face a little but it didn’t take long for him to see that she was also enjoying it.

His cock put big and powerful in her. Max cost the feeling and rolled their firm big tits.

Slowly he started moving and immediately she caught her long legs around his hips. Again she looked at him with big eyes, as if she could hardly believe what happened to her here. Max increased his pace and had his long cock almost completely driven in and out.

The leather Her high heels pressed his butt and showed him that pink wanted more. He was happy to comply with this and began to push her hard into her. Her pencil and moan now came in the beat of his bumps. His hands left her tits and firmly covered her hips.

Her head was back on the neck and slowly her body cramped. The sweat ran down them. Max loved the sight of a beautiful woman in her beginning orgasm And here he got his expense. With one hand he grabbed her swinging tits again, rolled her hard.

His bumps became harder and uncontrolled. Then pink exploded under him and screamed out her orgasm. Max struggled to stay in her. He wanted to come.

It would be so far. He closed his eyes and prepared for it.


Her scream irritated him and he opened his eyes. She was still in orgasm but seemed wildly determined. To whatever.

“Don’t come in me.

Spray me in my mouth.”

Max was amazed and somehow it took the pressure to him. Still he had to come now. He pulled back from her under her sigh. He stood in front of the bed and immediately took his big cock between her perfect lips.

Max felt her hands, who stuck firmly and yet tenderly enclosed his buttocks. The lips surrounded his shaft, her tongue hit his glans as far as possible. Max clawed in her long hair. He felt the twitch.

When his cry came, she had already withdrawn and only kept his glans in her mouth. Thrust around thrust she picked up his juice and both had the impression that it would not end. Then it was over and Max withdrew from her mouth. She looked down deeply and swallowed the rest with a horny smile.

“Hmmm, that was good.

It would have been nice if you had come in me but I think my stockings are already a bit ramped. I didn’t want to mess her up more.”

Grinning she got up and kissed him hot as she slowly jerked his lifting tail. Then she left him and disappeared into the bathroom. Max was now somewhat lost in the room.

He was exhausted and extremely satisfied and had to sit down first. It took a while for him to get back to date to dress. He heard pink in the bathroom and while she did whatever she did, Max relaxed with a cigarette on the roof garden. It was not surprising that she was busy for a long time.

Then she was finished and stepped onto the balcony. In Max eyes she was even more beautiful than before.

“I haven’t thanked you yet. That was a horny fuck. It’s been a long time ago that I was so satisfied.”

She kissed him again tenderly.

“Now let’s go.”

They went back to the club.

While Max delivered the key to Rico, Rosa disappeared into the crowd. On the way back to his colleagues he met a friend and talked briefly. Then he urgently needed something to drink. While he was fighting for his colleagues to the bar, he saw that his boss was already present.

Max mood immediately fell for not insignificant points. He was talking to a woman with long black and wavy hair. The woman gave him a tight kiss. Apparently they were together.

His boss held the woman like a trophy in her arms and looked around again and again. When Max finally came to the counter, he recognized the woman and frozen. It was pink. Smiling and by no means astonished she looked at him.

Now his boss also became aware of him.

“Rosa, I can introduce you to Max Peters, our latest employee? We recently saw him shopping in the city. Do you remember? However, he hadn’t noticed us. The man has a dynamic that we still lacked. I am pleased that you can get to know him now too.”
“Yes, I remember well.

He was actually in my memory and I was happy when I heard that you went to the club together again today.“Now she looked at Max directly and went to him. “I wanted to get to know you, Max. I can say Max, or?”

“Of course pink.“Max grinned a little unsafe.

She stood with him so that Max boss couldn’t see her directly.

“When I saw you the other day in the city, I knew that I wanted you. You can’t imagine how necessary I had it.

Our mutual friend leaves the dynamics that he appreciates something in your home at home.“She now smiled at Max Chef and then continued to speak quietly. “And then you almost screwed it. I have probably never heard of such a stupid address as from you. Cheeky and level.

If I didn’t necessarily want to fuck you, I would actually have given you a slap in the face. But then you made it more than busty. And I think we should definitely repeat that.“Rosa gave him a smile that already made his cock tough again. “By the way, you taste really good.”

Inconspicuously she put her card to him and left Max with an open mouth.

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