At noon at MC Donalds | Erotic sex stories

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At noon at MC Donalds

Now that we were standing in front of the business, the boys said whether we should not go out to eat, what Heike and Sonja consent to and so we looked for a cheap place to ultimately land at Mackes to eat a little something ..

After we all in the 1.The floor near the toilets had gathered and our menu had consumed the further course of the afternoon was discussed. The boys actually wanted to go back to the hotel and after Heike and Sonja wanted to continue shopping, I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to stay with the boys or stay with the girls after what had just happened in the shop ..

I therefore decided on the Toilet to go, also to me the dried sperm to remove something and hope that the girls and boys would have gone before, because I had indicated that I wanted to go back to one of the shops again and they should proceed again ..

When I then WC I heard how Heike asked the group to pull off because she probably didn’t feel like waiting for me, and I wanted to go to another business anyway and so the girls went off ..

When I left the toilet again, however, I ran Jörn and Robert in the arms that had been waiting for me before the toilet ..

“Hey, you actually know the saying, you should smoke after eating, or use your wife! If you don’t have both at hand, the Sandy is probably on it!”

I was a bit irritated, of course I knew the saying, if not in this modified form. Instead of waiting for my answer, I was grabbed by Robert on my arm and moved to the men’s toilet, while Jörn followed us directly and also pushed me afterwards ..

On the toilet, Robert pushed me into the last free cabin and closed the door while Jörn was probably lubricating outside ..

Robert: “So you little sow, now you can think of me first tail blow, clear!”

I nodded and then took his half -tire cock straight into my mouth after unpacking it. He then grabbed my head and fucked me extensively in my mouth.

After a short time he pulled it out of my mouth again and then said that I should turn around and support on the toilet bowl. So I turned around and leaned over at the front ..

Robert: “You are stupid, do yours Legs Broad slut!”

Oh, I followed this instruction, because the way he addressed me excited me. Then I already felt his glans at my cunt entrance and when he noticed how moist I was, he grabbed me on my hips and pushed his hard fuck tail deep into my now wet lust grotto. So I was fucked by Robert with quite fast and hard bumps until he had increased to the climax and pumped his sperm deep into my cunt ..

After pulling his cock out of my cunt again, which also ran down a little of his sperm on my thigh, he asked me to stand on what I did again when his hand clapped firmly on my butt so that I was surprisedAnd groaned loudly ..

Robert: “Schnauze bitch, otherwise I’ll fuck you in yours ass!”

Then I kept still and did not make a mucks when he gave me 2 or 3 more blows on my butt.

Then he opened the door ..

Robert: “So now you can have the little one again!”

With these words, the two changed and Jörn came to the toilet, while Robert was probably outdoors ..

Jörn: “Horny position what! And what a fickarsch! Just stand still!”

Then Jörn had already unpacked his cock and, like before Robert, rammed him into my wet cunt after he also grabbed Mcih on his hip. So I was fucked by him for the second time today, but after a short time he pulled his cock out of my cunt and followed a few solid blows on my butt, which I acknowledged with a quietly groan ..

Jörn: “Lot down with you and stretch your ass high!”

At first I didn’t understand what he wanted to do with it and so I obeyed him. As soon as I had implemented it in the best possible way, I felt his cock at my back entrance, which he immediately pushed a little bit into it, whereupon I groaned a little painfully, but he was not offset. Slowly but intensely, he pressed his cock deeper and deeper into my hole until he was probably completely in it.

Shortly afterwards he started to fuck me slowly in my butt and gradually increased the pace until he finally unlocked in me with a loud moan ..

After he had pulled his cock out of mine again and cleaned, he left the toilet, but not without giving me a strong blow on my butt so that a little painfully groaned up. After I had recovered briefly, I also left the men’s toilet, probably under the eyes of a man of the degree to enter it and slowly made me back on the way back to the hotel, because I didn’t go straight back over the boysWanted to run away ..

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