Anniversary sex party [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello, here is your piss -horny Katrin again. Maybe you remember my long 10-piece from the 1990s, which was published here some time ago. Today I would like to tell you a story from the present. I am over 50 now, but my husband and I are still as horny as it was then. Werner and Juliawir occasionally invite us to guests who are just as horny to play a few games or even to fuck each other.

In the Summer Then usually pull us outside. Thanks to our large, remote house, this is not a problem. The Garden is surrounded with high spruces, so that nothing can be noticed by the neighbors either optically or acoustically. We only have a small group of guests that we always invite. Actually, there are only six people with us who come regularly. Most of the time there are two or three “occasional guests”, so we are usually almost ten people.

There should be nothing more. Last time we had the 25. Such a party, and we came up with something very special. We invited all regular guests at once for the anniversary. In addition, everyone was allowed to bring another guest. Otherwise everything was released. We are all sexual preferences right. It should only be non -violent and of course legal, so no minors. Otherwise the age doesn’t matter. But maybe I’ll imagine myself: my name is Katrin, I’m 1.68 m tall, I am currently wearing short, blonde hair.

I have blue eyes that mostly hide behind glasses. My most striking feature are my big ones Tits (120 cm chest size is already an eye -catcher with my body size). Most of the time I am shaved, and I also have a little navel piercing. But otherwise no intimate jewelry. My labia are also quite striking. You can also see them when I’m not particularly excited. Incidentally, that wasn’t that way before. My husband Klaus is significantly larger than me at 1.85 m.

It wears a full beard and is nowhere else shaved. He sometimes cuts his pubic hair a little because it otherwise bothers me on certain occasions. Be tail is not particularly long, but quite thick. It still fits into my asshole, but other women have their difficulties with him in this regard. So, but now back to our party. We knew that our guests took different lengths to get really horny.

So we had invited them at different times. Werner came first, already around 3 p.m. He was already over 70, but if he was really going, he could be pretty dirty. He had brought a young girl with him. “This is Julia, my granddaughter. “” Actually, he is not my real grandfather, but I’m still saying grandpa to him “explained Julia. It turned out that he Father her stepmother was.

We sat outside at the garden table. While Werner provided us with drinks brought with him, which he immediately deposited in the fridge, we asked Julia something. Julia was 21, quite petite, tanned with brown hair and blue eyes. A beautiful girl. She was wearing a light yellow, rather transparent summer dress and obviously nothing underneath. “What do you do together?“Ask Klaus without a wague. Julia began to tell: “Two years ago, Grandma, so Werner’s wife, died.

Since then he started to be interested in me. I used to be with grandma and grandpa in the past, and then often carried out her dog. Since grandpa has been alone, he has mostly come along. Once I have his cock at Piss kept, I found that very funny. I also put his cock in my mouth, but without blowing properly. I just waited until he got stiff.

That was a nice feeling. If we are alone and I have to piss, then he can always watch. “Werner had come to us now too. He had placed plenty of soft drinks on our shady table and we were happy to use ourselves. Julia was not disturbed. “Grandpa like mine cunt. He likes to look at her. ” “Show it!“Werner interrupted. Without every shame Julia pulled her dress up and showed us her beautiful cunt.

She was hairy but well -groomed. Julia slipped something in the chair so that we could all see well. Then she pulled her labia apart with both hands. The remarkably large clit came out. In the meantime, Julia did not stop telling: “I often show him my cunt like now. I then tell in what I did with my boyfriend again and grandpa starts jerk off.

I then let him inject on my cunt. “At that moment it rang the doorbell. Klaus kindly opened, so I missed nothing of Julia’s story. “Sometimes he pissed onto my fully waxed cunt. Or myself myself. I can piss very spontaneously, you want to see?“Without waiting for an answer, she pissed off a little fountain from her cunt grinning and grinning us. Then she grabbed a Cola bottle.

“Nach refueling” she laughed.

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