A submissive woman | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Wrapped into each other under a cozy blanket, caress your hands over my whole body and remind me that I have to be quiet … I do it well while kissing my neck, but it’s so difficult not to scream. If you pull my shirt down and expose me so that you play, crush and teased with my nipples … the more you stroke them, the more difficult it is to be quiet … I bury my hands in your back and shoulderDo my best to stay still … Then you push one of your hands under the elastic waistband of my pants and whisper your instructions … “Spread yours Legs For me … “And of course I obey immediately.

To discover how wet and willing I am for you, lets you chuckle, gentle and quiet, and my body trembles under your touch. You tell me again that I should be quiet or you have to stop … my lips and tongue find your neck, hoping to occupy my mouth so that I don’t give a loud thing from me. With our pressed bodies, your fingers work skilfully in a frenzy, while your other hand plays with my left nipple and makes me bend my back.

I lick your earlobe and try not to dig my nails too deeply in your back … but it’s so difficult to get it … “Please …” I moan … and you smile at me. “Please what?”” Please let me come for you … “And then because you are generous and loving and are so damn good in what you do … let me come for you. And everything I can say is “thank you” over and over again … While I woke up on the couch, the highlights of my dream stopped.

Your hands and your mouth on me … You wet my nipples … I stretched out, arched my back and felt the moisture between my legs. I just wanted to rest my eyes after yoga for a few minutes, but I had to have slept for a while. The shadows in the room were weird and the light outside was the gold of the magical hour. The front door opened and I heard your voice called through the foyer. “Hey babe! Are you almost finished? “Damned.

The fundraising campaign. “I, uh …” When you came into the room, you saw me in my training clothes, crumpled and sleepy on the couch. “You make a nap?““ I’m so sorry, I fell asleep! I can be finished in fifteen minutes. “I jumped up and stamped into the bathroom, tore me as fast as I could off my clothes. “Well because we have to go in twenty minutes. I hoped for a drink with you before we go, but … “I heard the disappointment in your voice and felt so bad.

“I know darling, I’m so sorry. “” It’s okay, I’ll get your dress for you. “I showered quickly, but made sure to wash myself thoroughly. I wouldn’t let you down again tonight, I didn’t want to leave you a stubble. When I switched off the water and wrapped myself in a soft towel, you opened the door and handed me the dress I wanted to wear. I hung it on the door and you offered me lingerie.

“I thrown your yoga clothing into my laundry for you. “”Thanks. “I took the underwear and blushed my dream in my thoughts. “I dreamed that you can take advantage of me in these yoga clothes …” “Yes, really?“I nodded, my blushing deepened. “What did I do to you?”” Um … we were at a party in the other room, so you always reminded me that I had to be quiet … and um … you made me beg for you to come for you … “” Huh.

I am sure that I did it … “When I looked around, you watched how I nibbled my skin with lotion and combed with my hair. Then, when you lifted the laundry, you groomed before you left the room. “Dirty girls who have fallen asleep and have naughty dreams when they are supposed to get ready does not wear underwear. “A little whimper escaped my lips and you look back into the bathroom.

“Is this a problem?”” N-no … “I stammered. A familiar tingling crawled from my nipples to between my legs and I wondered if the extent of my punishment would be if I were naked under my dress. I got ready quickly and put on my dress. Thank god it was black, so there would be no perspective. Nevertheless … the fabric around my breasts was loose enough to rub against my nipples.

When I moved, they stayed hard and upright. The skirt skirt was also pretty short … I would have to be careful not to give anyone an insight. I found you in the kitchen while you were waiting. Sometimes when you look at me – and that was one of these moments – the glitter in your eyes could only glitter as hungry described become. You put an arm around my waist and kiss me deeply and give me a taste of the warm alcohol on your lips.

“Mmm …” You touched my neck and kissed into my skin. “Thank you for getting ready so quickly. You look amazing. As always, I am impressed. “I grinned, a warmth fulfilled myself that only got away from falling away. “Please. We have to go? “” Yes, but one thing first … “You pulled me back a little and ran slightly over my nipples with his thumb tips so that my breath was restless. I tried to kiss you again, but you leaned back with a little giggle.

“Ah, uh”, you gently chased me up and touched my firm, tender nipples. “I understood that night, understood?” I nodded. “Good girl. “I groaned a little because I am very susceptible to these words. You bitten your lower lip and studied my face. “Not right now because I want to let you wait … but someday this evening – actually, in many points tonight, whenever I like it – I will push my hand under your dress and fuck you with my fingers.

Would you like that?“I nodded, I managed a little“ mmhmm… ”before you took your hands off my nipples and hit my ass. “Of course you would. “I wrapped your arm around my waist again and you led me out to the door. I already felt how the moisture between my legs threatened to walk over my thigh. You park that automobile in front of the restaurant and look at me with a devilish look. Let your look at my breasts fall and lick your lips.

“Your nipples are still standing for me?””Oh yeah. Very much so. “” I will have to see her before we go in. “Fuck, you were so good in that my whole body only shaken with your words … eager to please, whatever possible, I let the straps of my dress down and tugged on the fabric until my breasts were completely exposedWere, the nipples firm and cheeky, just as you liked them. I thought you would touch her even more, but instead you redeemed your promise.

Your hand slid under my skirt, you pulled my thighs to you until my legs separated, which gave you slight access to my exposed wetness. As soon as you felt it, you have emitted a groan that was both amused and impressed. “Damn … this naughty little one pussy From you is so moist for me … ”And before I could answer, there were two of your fingers in me and reached places that nobody had touched before.

I had to moan and wind myself on my place. As abrupt as you started, you ended my delicious agony. Then you put one after the other of your fingers in my mouth and instructed me to suck them cleanly. “And you know why you have to do that, yes?“I nodded happily to demonstrate what kind of good pupil I could be. With a satisfied smile you wink for me and open the car door.

“Good girl. “I got out of the car and wondered what came to my mind again and again whenever you tortured me … it really counts as punishment when I love it?Inside we spent a good forty -five minutes, smacked and shook hands and made all the generic networking that required these events. In the back of my head I kept asking myself when and where you would find a way to shake hands again … The anticipation drove me crazy.

I found my answer after I retired to one of the toilets. When I opened the door to attend the party, you wait in the hallway and block the exit for me. You put a hand on my waist and gently push me back into the women’s toilet, closing and locking the door behind us. I kissed your neck and you whispered in my ear. “Do you have fun, my darling?”” Mmm … mmhmm … I wondered … “I gasped when your fingers penetrated into me again, bit me on the lip so as not to scream loudly.

“Hmm … was that your dream? You had to behave calmly while I fucked you with a bunch of people in the next room? “My breathing became more and more crumpled when I tried to suffocate my moan … I nodded and answered you desperately. “Yes … Oh, the desire between my legs had reached new heights. It was one thing without panties or one bra – or both – not to wear for you … it was a different thing if you fuck me with your fingers in between, and then you let me simmer in my longing for you.

It took so long that you touched me again. I had started to ask myself whether our fun for the night was completed. But after we said goodbye when we made ourselves outside and around the building on the parking lot, I suddenly stood on the cool cement wall. With the weight of your body that was pressed against mine, you lifted my skirt until my ass. We were mostly hidden in the shadows, but not complete.

A small group of people – three? Maybe four? – passed, away from us, you stopped and waited, just to make sure we don’t caught become. “You know that you have to be quiet again … you can do that?“I nodded and bit on my lip. “Yes. I can be calm. “” Hmm … let’s see … “And your excellent attack on me started again. It was frightened by me every time … how easily you could get into the depths of me, how submissive I became in these moments … I knew that I wouldn’t hold out for long this time.

You made me so wild during the night that I really wanted to come. I needed it … I needed it from you. With my hips that stretched out against your fingers and palms. I bit on my tongue to stay calm. I could see your face. You could always say when you brought me to the edge. “Will you come for me, baby?“My face turned red, my fingernails bored into your shoulders, I nodded, for fear that I couldn’t use my voice without screaming in ecstasy.

A grin reached over your lips and you breathe in my ear. “Nice how a good girl. “Crap. Now I have to use my voice … breathless, throbbing for you, I asked as quietly as possible … “Please … B-please … may I come for you?”You fell into me, as deep as our bodies allowed, and pressed against my neck with your lips, I heard you say:” Yes, you can … for me … “And every piece of my body was released … that wasEverything I could do to suppress the sound of my rapture until the summit collapsed and subsided, and I pressed myself against you and we sunbathed in our collective bliss.

Our lips met in a smile and kissing before you address my dress for me and take me back to the car. I grew up on you, looked up and bit me on the lip, felt sexy and shy. “So, um … when we come home … you can be your turn?”You opened my car door for me, but hold me before I get in, kiss me and lick my neck, ears, collarbone …” Oh, when we come home you are definitely your turn.

You could even be your turn before we arrive there. “Then you settled next to me and took your place behind the wheel and we made our blissful path through the night.

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