Young luder wants an ass fuck | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was the last afternoon of the course trip to Berlin. All day, the teacher had slapped the class of the final year through the capital, all the usual tourist points with them: Bundestag, Brandenburg Gate, Hohenschönhausen, Madame Tussaud and so on. Now there was still some time available – in other words: hanging. Some lung around on their rooms, sunk in their i-Phone world, others sat in a card game on the roof terrace and some played in the hotel lobby billiards or used excessive WiFi with their mobile devices.

Not so one from the group. One who always made her own thing. Instead of the media world, she preferred the real. Instead of WhatsApp chats, she favored talks from face to face, and instead of a smartphone, she was more of a book in her hands. Nevertheless, she was not a way a nerd, but a young, very attractive woman. One that stood on his own feet and not like everyone else with the mass, like a dead fish driving with the flow.

Instead of Primark top, leggings and Nike sneakers, she felt more at home in punk-gothic style. Instead of mainstreamer Mark Forster, Justin Bieber or Pietro Lombardi, Broilers and Battle Beast lived in their headphones. Sunk into these sounds, she was sitting in a sofa corner in the lobby. A well -known book by E rested on her knees. L. James by reading the last hour. Somehow heated up by the content so that such a little bit of such a little bit, it had to take a deep breath.

In the entrance area of the hotel, prison increased in this late afternoon. One arriving guest in after the other snow. A good opportunity for a little “People Watching” – so there were always interesting characters there. In the small queue in front of the check-in counter, she discovered a gentleman in shiny black shoes, fine dark blue pants, white shirt with navy-blue shoulder pieces decorated by four golden stripes. Despite that the lobby was only illuminated by artificial light, he still had sunglasses.

His deep black hair in a duet with a southern European complexion suggested that he was from far away. Looks like a pilot – she ponders. All in all very well maintained, elegant and probably in my early 30s. …Pretty pretty!Types like this were exactly their taste! Not these semi-strong, sound, pubescent, pseudo-bath guys from theirs School, to which the other girls in their class. But also not the guys who have stems, but they need money and status symbols as women’s magnets.

… no – something like that! A guy who looked as if he had a class and level, but did not let a pasha hang out. Instead, he smiled at the check-in the young receptionist, as if he were the joie de vivre in person. She promptly felt a little jealous of the lady behind the counter. This had just had the pleasure to speak to the guy, maybe even to flirt. Help, maybe he even asked the receptionist if she was following with him Quitting time would take a drink.

One voice inside she told her: You shouldn’t miss the heavenly striker! Such a little flirt … maybe even a little more … yes, such a tiny adventure on the last evening of the school trip – why not. Nobody has to know. So do something before he disappears into the elevator! She quickly went to the elevators and was waiting for herself in front of it. When he completed the check-in and came over, she pressed the button. Just as she had thought about, they got into the lift together.

Only the two, nobody else. At first she did completely disinterested in his person. It was only when she noticed her – she was wearing a paint platform shoes, a black leather bell skirt, a shirt of any dark scandinavian metal band and a black leather jacket – she picked up eye contact. “Hi how are you?“He asked immediately as if they were already edging. “Hi” she answered a little shyly. “Quite good”. Due to sheer fright, she hadn’t noticed that he had asked her in English, but her answer was in German.

“Nice Book!”He said with a wink while pointing to the copy of” secret desire “. The moment was embarrassed a little. She tried to cover the book with her hands. She had not guessed that the situation could develop like this. How to behave properly now, pack the opportunity to put it and not to fake everything? She wondered. Escape to the front, advised her in the inner voice that she mostly listened to.

“My name is rafael, and yours?“He asked charmingly. “Anna-Lena” she answered briefly. But then added a “nice to meet you”. He handed her hand. A soft but strong hand with solid pressure. “Nice to meet you too. You Can Call Me Rafa… like all my friends!“He said in a quiet voice and it had something erotic in her ears. “Where are you from … um where there are you from?“Anna-Lena wanted to know.

“Girona, Spain” was his answer. “Viva Espania!“She grinned immediately before wondering whether this might seem a bit embarrassing. “How old are you?”He asked next. “18… Since a View Weeks” she explained, whereupon he looked amazed. “You look like 16 or 17! No Importa Que – Wanna Go for a Drink Later On?“Suddenly he smiled. For a moment there was silence. bingo! Screamed her inner voice. But should she really go into it? “Ahmm, I’m not sure about!“She replied.

“I’m here with my school class. My Teather Shouldn’t See That!”She explained – a bit to test him. He probably gave up? Or would he start an attempt to invite you to a drink. Without a word he took a ballpoint pen from the inside pocket of his jacket lying above his arm. “Gimme your hand!“He asked her. Excited what came now, she did what he wanted. He slowly wrote a number of digits on it without interrupting the eye contact with her.

“Here is my Number. Text me, if you want. I would love to see you Later!“Just at that moment the elevator door opened – his floor was reached and he left the lift. Anna-Lena was completely flashed. She looked at her hand. Wow … the guy had such a fantastic way. That really happened?The rest of the afternoon passed, the night a lot. Gradually their classmates came back to the hotel. Some had taken the alcohol ban pronounced by the teachers slightly, others were simply turned up and in the party mood – ran back and forth between the rooms.

Two of her classmates sat in the company of a bottle of Hugo with Anna-Lena in the room and talked about blowjobs and the rumor who has been secretly around with whom in the past few days, and where. Anna-Lena’s thoughts circled instead. Finally she grabbed your cell phone, typed the number from her palm and sent a short WhatsApp message. Long minutes passed. Then, finally, the hoped -for vibration. >Hola Rosa Negra! Nice to see your message. Will you Join me at the Roof-Top-Bar?< she read.

After a short consideration she wrote back: “Sorry. I think some of my teachers are there!”Waiting for a long time again. She stared intently on the dark display. It got light. >If one of them got the name Horst… yes!< Somehow she inevitably had to laugh about it. In fact, this was the first name of her class teacher. While she was thinking about what she could write now, the next message came: >My Room is 904. That’s a Teacher Free Zone.

See You There in Ten Minutes!”Oh wow! She stared at her display with big eyes. Cool! It impressed her how he stood out that she came. She briefly considered what she could answer. But he was no longer online. Her gut feeling said: Whatever she wrote now, he wouldn’t read it. Either she would go there now or she left it and the thing was done once and for all. The gears were all apprenticeship.

In some rooms, however, still lively conversations. Laugh through one or the other door. She hoped none of the teachers would meet her. No matter whether of legal age or not, the instructions regarding certain rules of conduct had been very clear from stones the teacher. But well, driving home was no longer an issue. It went back tomorrow anyway. Since the elevator was too unsure for her, she took the stairwell. 6 floors were not without. In addition, 904 was not far from the stairwell, so she was at the door of the door.

She should? Anna-Lena considered again. A little further, just around the corner from the aisle she heard how elevated chair doors opened. Voices. Known male voices! Shit, a teacher had his room on this floor. She hurriedly knocked on without thinking. When the door opened, it immediately jumped in. “Wow, you are very stormy, Young Lady” found Rafael when she literally jumped into his arms. With her foot she closed the door behind her and interpreted her thumb behind her “Horst what comming!“Both laughed heartily at situation comedy.

“I hop you like sex on the beach?“He asked her deep into her steel -blue eyes. “Ummm …” She didn’t even know what to say about it now. The fact that he had suggested to meet her in his room had certainly secured others than a little small talk at orange, but that he became so direct … From the corner table in the small double room, he took a reddish -colored cocktail and handed it over. “Sorry i didn’t know what you like – Hope this one is fine?“It took two seconds before it finally clicked on her.

She promptly had to laugh at herself again. “Yes, thanks you! … i what confused for a moment. I thought you ask for sex!“Now he looked her even deeper into her eyes, pulling his right eyebrow up. “Just in Case of … what would be you Answer then, Anabell?“She thought crazy! Then she was in his hotel room for just a minute and it was about whether she would theoretically jump into the box with him.

This type of ice. In her stomach pit it tingled like crazy. Suddenly she was pretty warm and suddenly she felt this itchy between her legs. Man, that was exactly the kind of crazy number that corresponded to her taste. This corresponded to what she went through her head when it comes to erotic imagination? At least similar. … so what now? A shy, embarrassed well maybe? A non -serious no to test with what sophistication he will conquer you? A demanding find-es-Heraus? There was no reason for tactical games, they were all alone here – so why it pulls us out uselessly.

The adventure knocked on the door, so it decided to do it. Just put the cards on the table and see what he makes of it!“Not anabell, my name is Anna-Lena!“She improved him. In doing so, she emphasized her name in such a way that it like anal Lena Klang. After a moment she came a little closer to him and added as if it were a state secret that should not take on a listening microphone, added: “And this name is program!“Now he needed a little moment of reaction time.

“Yes? …Wow! … I like your way!“After another moment of silence and mutual pattern, he suddenly kissed her. And damn – he kissed well! The typical Spanish men’s scent of his perfume got her nose and increased her will to the upcoming adventure with him. Solved from him, she went backwards. It was just 3 steps to the bed. Rafael followed her, took the cocktail out of her hand, put him aside, pushed her back until she was sitting on the bed edge.

He knelt in front of her, kissed her again, helped her out of her jacket. Meanwhile, she opened his shirt, stroked his smooth, brown, trained chest. At the same time, she felt like his hands under her not quite knee -length skirt. With his eyes closed, she dropped back. Now she opened her thighs on the bed. Rafa then pushed her skirt up a little and freed her from her black lace brief. He began to stroke her labia gently and easily circle her clit with his thumb.

This young, somehow untouched and innocent but also very dirty rock Gothic gorses turned him on damn it. He hadn’t guessed that the day ended like this when he got the call at noon, just to jump in for a colleague and fly to Berlin instead of with friends Beach To be able to drive. Oh how boring, on the other hand, it is to lie in the sand of the Costa Brava with a Cerveza in your hand.

Grinningly grinning his head between her thighs, began to lick her southern opening, or circle her pearl with her tongue. Except for a small, well -kept punk over the clitoris, it was smooth as a baby. Gradually, his tongue elicited her the first cozy sounds. For a few minutes he continued the game, licking it into the excitement. In doing so, he enjoyed the first drops of her juice, which appeared in a shallow trickle towards Damm from its inside.

His pants soon seemed to burst. He couldn’t expect the German chica to be eaten. Back on his legs, he pulled out his pants. The condom, which he had made in his back pocket with a certain premonition, he took out. Anna-Lena, who wanted to see why he had interrupted his exciting licking, spotted how he pulled out. She also saw his hard -established limb. She now automatically encouraged this to set up and to devote himself to it first.

The sight of his masculinity reaffirmed her burning desire. As she had already understood to understand it by means of an invented but very fitting name, which was not her more real, she had a certain preference for Anal sex. This therefore moved that they had started to discover their sexuality very early. But since she wanted to remove “the first time” for a man – a true love – instead, she had always introduced something into her second opening.

Initially a pen, then a finger, later the handle of a hairbrush. At some point she simply connected this feeling with excitement. It was part of her masturbating like today’s coffee for breakfast! When she had her “first time” about a year ago with her short -term friend, this was rather unsightly. Therefore, she repeatedly returned to her secret preference, which she has now lived out with one or the other boy.

She has now found a lot of pleasure on normal sex, but she felt the special kick when her back door became the main entrance. When looking at his standing penis simply, her first thought was the question of how he would feel in her buttocks. Fortunately, he wasn’t too big for that. As he got rid of his shirt, she grabbed his stand, began to rub him with a relaxed hand. Finally she put him in her mouth, sucked and sucked it.

It tasted good. When she bubbles, she looked up at him. Rafael’s facial expression revealed how hot he found it found. At the same time, however, she looked at him that he could no longer expect what she had made him sharply Ass fuck. He already held a condom in his hand. She snatched it, opened the packaging with the help of her teeth and grazed his rubber over him. Immediately after that she rose, offered him her lips to kiss.

After a short but wild tongue game, she turned around, knelt on the bay and lends himself to supporting herself on her elbow. A wonderfully inviting sight of how this young, wild thing willingly knelt on the bed in front of him and expected him. Except for the jacket and panties, still fully dressed, which testified to how excited it seemed to be. Rafael raised the soft leather skirt, which loosely hung over her obviously crunchy buttock.

He hit him back on her back. The provocative packaging had not promised too much! A flawless, rounder, tighter girl popo came out. “Dulce Culo” he raved about. His black eyes grew big. He took his hard masculinity in a pleasure. Led the glans to their delicate labia, he rubbed them up and down on it. Something of her gently moistened, he slid into Anna-Lena surprisingly easily. Surprised she kept silent. The penetration elicited her a lustful moan, but she was a bit surprised.

Somehow she had expected him in the other hole. He didn’t dare? Well maybe it was quite a good thing. Quickly fuck the pussy before it hopefully got her ass – that increased the sexual tension!Rafael enjoyed the feeling in her not so much, boys pussy to move. In addition, the view of your flawless, sweet, round bottom. In doing so, he again took awareness of how she had emphasized her name and what she also said about the next.

Anal – that is with her program. It was rare for a young thing as it was as direct. For him from the much more conservative south, the fact that a girl practices Posex and also expressed this at the first time together was absolutely extraordinary. It totally excited him. At home he rarely got the opportunity to take the much closer, more exciting back entrance. He pulled his smoothly tail From the little pussy. He quickly leaned down.

This small, delicate rosette has been laughing at him for a few minutes. With his tongue he began to circle her. At the moment cozy sounds came over her lips. Yes exactly, he thought. Which woman did not like this, regardless of whether she was on anal sex or not. This always felt wonderful for everyone. So he licked her rosette to line and thread. Sometimes he tickled the edge gently with the tip of the tongue, then he got rid of it wildly or drilled his tongue into Anna-Lena’s butt.

Almost as if he wanted to fuck her in this way. Every now and then he also took a finger to help. But not to finger them, just to stimulate them in addition. He specifically exerted pressure with his thumb. But only a little penetrated – not right. Anna-Lena drove it crazy! In the meantime she had put the head and chest on the sheet, only her butt protruded up into the air.

Nice wide stretched out for her! Closed her eyes, she enjoyed moaning. Tongue anal was just wonderful. Getting a hard cock in the ass was not always the greatest pleasure, even if she still found it very cool. Such a rimjob, on the other hand, was the pure bliss! Simply the sky and perfect for enjoying and preparing yourself for “bigger”. After all, she had excited the analingus so that she now wanted more. … that she wanted to proceed and take the initiative! Enough the tip of the tongue in her hole, now it was time for more! She withdrawn from him, crawled off the bed.

Looking under his somewhat surprised – maybe he wondered if he had gone too far and she had now lost interest – she took off her skirt. The shirt followed. Immediately afterwards she helped him out of his pants and everything he was wearing on the body. “Lay down” she then cheekily asked him. Rafaels literally begged for attention to the standing ceiling, almost as if she reported in class.

Okay, you won. But only briefly! She thought, knelt on the bed next to Rafael and began to blow his masculinity. Nice up and down, her lips sucked around his shaft. A little had to be moistened anyway. She consciously took him into her mouth as deeply – until the stranglist started. That stimulated saliva production, she knew. As she sucked on his thing like this, she kept haunted her fingers to continue to moisten her back door.

At the same time, she tried to stretch her fingers. At the sight of his plump latte there was already a little respect – whether that will fit? … that’s exactly what she wanted to know now. She finally wanted to feel it in her – experienced how it is when the Spanish pilot tail fills out her buttocks. Anna-Lena got up, victory on him and let himself down on his joystick. With her right she led his glans to her rosette.

She slowly went deeper, increasing the pressure. In doing so, she felt how his penis tip continued to open her back door. Borrr is huge, she thought, knowing that it wasn’t so – she just got far too rarely at the moment to live out this preference with guys. Accordingly, it was also untrained. Finally she managed to squeeze Rafael’s acorn. “Oh wow …” she japied after air and stopped first.

On the stinging pain in the sphincter, if it went too quickly, she was not in the mood for it. It took a few moments, then she finally got used to the “foreign body” in the butt. Now she gently let herself down on him, took him completely in herself. When he seemed to be fully in there, she made a hollow cross, stretched out her butt out a little more. And lo and behold, he went in a bit lower – until her young, round buttocks reached his lap.

“Help … Oh my goodness!“She groaned. It was really so crazy to be so filled out. Having a man so intensely in her most private, this was something very special for her. Suddenly she had goose bumps everywhere. Impressed Rafael watched this young lady … this dirty girl, who obviously felt so much excitement in setting himself on his stand. … to push his thing into the ass. Of course he totally turned him on.

In addition, this fabulously tight sphincter, which clutched his shaft firmly, felt damn horny. Completely caught in her fascination of the moment, Anna-Lena moved up and down carefully. Obviously she cost every millimeter of him. In the entire length of it, she enjoyed his masculinity. Every time she had reached the top, so that he almost slipped out, it felt most interesting. So she changed the tactics somewhat and moved back and forth only a few centimeters at the point.

The feeling of how the glans out of her rosette and roamed in had something particularly pleasant. It caused such a light, stimulating itching in the sphincter. Wonderful to look at, Rafael found how she played with him. How she experimented something around him and gave her lust. Her big blue, black -painted eyes sparkled. In doing so, she stroked her long black-purple hair or reached for her breasts, as if she wanted to hold on to it.

At some point Anna-Lena got used to the tail in her ass, had completely relaxed. Now she could really enjoy it. The initially still strange feeling was evaporated. However, the dirty thoughts began to sprout in their heads. The inhibitions that have still existed until now gradually. >Hey you are riding a damn sniffy pilot, you have his cock in your ass. And that on the course trip, with the teachers only a few rooms< she thought herself.

>All the other bores from the class, who chatted from the Rummachen all day, were probably already in bed now< she continued. This encouraged her to really do it really wildly. Climbed by Rafael, she knelt again on the bed next to him. “Come on, take me from Behind!“She asked him. A request that he did not say twice! He quickly went into position behind her. “Put’em back in. But Nice and Easy!”She said, looking over her shoulder.

She wanted to see how it was for him to penetrate her ass again. After all, it had to be even hornier for him when it was already for her. Unfortunately she couldn’t see his cock and hole. The privilege only had him. But she felt the acorn made her way back into her inner one. It was somehow not easier than the first time. That’s why she grabbed the back without further ado and pulled her buttocks out of each other with both hands.

At the same time, she tried to stretch her butt far out and always let her sphincter loose. Oh help, alone how she knelt in this submissive position, offered him her asshole to fuck – she felt so wonderfully dirty. With a light tingling sensation in the stomach area, she was waiting for his penetration. For the second time he started. A little easier than before, Rafael’s stand made its way into her tight girls’ PO.

As soon as the acorn was in there, it suddenly went easily. The rest only slipped in. “Yahhh, madness” she gasped. “Shit is blatant!“She didn’t care that he only knew English. Leave her buttocks again, she put her left arm under her head. With her right hand, she felt after her clitoris to do it herself on the side. Posex alone had little exciting, except for her dirty head cinema.

But masturbating in combination with anal sex was simply the hammer for you. Rafael now fucked them through this naughty punk göre on their hips. After all, she wanted it exactly the same way. His lap clapped rhythmically against her delicate apple buttocks. Like the piston in the cylinder of a sports car engine, he pushed into her tight, little rosette with his steel -hard stand. “Yeah, that’s so shitty. Give me it, fuck me right through!“She groaned. But then warned himself to return to English despite all the lust.

“Yes, fuck my ass! Fuck me nice, hard and deep! I just love it!“Actually, she was just afterwards with really dirty sayings to throw herself, but there is nothing to her because of sheer excitement. Especially not in English. This Spanish pilot just fucked her so well – sometimes very hard and deep, then again with small fast movements at the entrance as she had done beforehand. Now he also pulled out his best piece to penetrate again immediately afterwards.

This was just fabulous. At the moment, her pussy began to twitch under her finger games. One pleasant shower after the other went through her body. Anna-Lena really deserted. A climax came over her unexpectedly. Not a very intense, but still a wonderful shower that she passed through. In doing so, she could no longer keep on her knees and slipped flatly onto the sheet. As soon as the wonderful feeling of abandoning was, she felt the violently pump penis in her butt a little too much of a good thing.

“Stop, slow down please!“She gasped. As he was called, Rafael stopped, slipping out of her. “Every Thing Fine? Are you okay?” asked he. She already had enough? “All Good, Just Give me a moment!“Anna-Lena whispered. But Rafael, who was really bubbling from the sharp fuck. He slipped deeper, where he started licking her rosette again. She promptly got back into driving.

It only took a few moments for it to reach back and the baking of her crunchy apple POS-in which he would have loved to bite into it-spread for him again. “You are looking for a naughty girl!“Rafael murmured enthusiastically. “Oh yeah, you are right. I think you can continy now ”announced Anna-Lena. Rafael sat on her thighs, while she was now flat and stretched out, lying on her stomach with your legs closed. The glans back to her rosette, he slowly penetrated it into her.

First he briefly observed the wonderfully exciting sight of the whole, which he had thanks to her spread baking, but then he reached for her hands and crossed her arms behind his back, where he then held it. “You are not just naughty, … you are a dirty bitch! Absolutely Kinky. And I like Kinky Chicas! Your real need it into your ass, don’t you?“It was exactly the way he was holding it out, that had something.

“Yes! I am A Bad Girl, I’m very naughty. I need to be fucked in my ass. You have to do this, OtherWise I Can’t Sleep Tonight! I Wanna Come One More Time. I’m Anal-Lena-so Gimme the Passion I Need!“After a while, he let go of her arms and lay down on her – flat on her back. In the position he started fucking her with quickly movements into her now even closer buttocks.

In doing so, he reached into her hair, pulled something on it. At the same time he kissed her neck. Simply unbelievable how horny she felt. In addition, this piquant mix of such a dirty brat that looked like an innocent girl who got her ass fucked for the first time. His penis, who felt even more intense in this position than before, looked huge. It probably seemed to suck blood right just right and become even harder than ever.

Now he also groaned her hard, kept her more and more firm. His sweat, smooth, muscular breast rubbed her back on her back. Even if something was really missing without stroking her clitoris, she gave himself completely to him. Finally he started to get faster and faster, again very violently into her. In the duet with his groaning, she clearly felt the twitch of his tail and a spreading warm feeling inside her inside.

Panting, he came to rest. Stayed on her, continued to unite with her anal. “Did you come?” she asked. “Sí, yes. … wow that what great!“He whispered, slightly out of breath. Anna-Lena’s enthusiasm was limited. She found it pretty horny that he came while he banged her in his butt, but she didn’t have enough yet. “Mister, I hope that wasn’t all. I Wanna Come at Least One More Time!“She protested.

Such a wild, dirty piece, thought Rafael. German girls stop – once they are thawed, there is significantly more. Not as prude as the chicas at home, which always look so fiery on the outside but are rather conservative in bed. That alone excited him. Not to mention how these punk guys gave itself how it went, how uninhibited it was. Clear that he didn’t want to surrender there. “Un Momento!“Bad he to collect yourself.

He slowly pulled out of her butt. The condom was well filled with his juice. He quickly whizzed into the bathroom, disposed of it and came back with a new one. Meanwhile, Anna-Lena had lay on her back, put on her legs and played with her fingers on her clit with her fingers. The fingers of the other hand quietly circle around her rosette. At this sight, Rafael’s steadfast.

Next to her on the bed, he went to her hand and played something along. His penis returned to full hardness in no time. Now quickly put on the condom, he was ready for the next round. Presumably Anna-Lena’s dirty grin revealed how much she was looking forward to the sight of his excited limb again. This meat piston, which was wrapped in the condom and now by spitting its owner in the light of the room lamp. He would immediately conquer her ass again.

Take them into this tangled emotional world of anal sex again. Whatever it was, what fascinated it – she wanted it now! She grabbed her wide -spread legs on her back to the knees to put them on as far as possible. Simply raise something for Rafael with the background, to give him the best possible access and to get it yourself best possible. With a smile, Rafael grabbed one of the two pillows. Fortunately, this was not quite as voluminous.

Exactly right, so it pushed under your buttocks, ana-lena position improved. “That Makes it Easier” smiled the Spaniard. Good idea, she thought, but also fought her skirt to push it between the buttocks and pillows. The leather was finally wiped – you never knew. It was an additional exciting feeling on the skin, she found it. Rafael slipped between her legs. With his right he began to rub his penis tip on her labia, then spread over her rosette.

This was so exciting for her again that she bit on her lower lip. Anna-Lena remembered that-for whatever reason-it was a little more excited when she pulled her buttocks apart a bit. So she seized this and put her thoughts into practice. This had to be extremely inviting for him, she pondered it. Exactly that did so too! The spread but closed rosette literally called Rafael: “Come on, finally come open me!“He started and penetrated.

The first millimeters were once again shaped by some resistance, but then he slid into play and quickly into it. The whole thing was accompanied by a soothing groaning on her part. “Yeah, the same way! Is that horny … ”she whispered more about himself than to him. So that she could leave her hands where you were, he took over the massage of her clit. At the same time, it changed between long, deep movements and nasal briefly out, in which the glans have triggered their sphincter.

Finally he pushed tight again. Full lotte as deep as it went, but only to stay motionless in the next moment. What kind of technology was it just that he performed there. It made her wild. But it should come even better than after a short break his stand abruptly and as quickly as possible, completely pulled out of her. “Wohhh …” she groaned, crossed by a sudden shower. For the while he enjoyed the sight of her widely open, irritated rosette.

When this began to close, he immediately penetrated her again quickly. Rafael now repeated the whole game from the front. It made Anna-Lena crazy so that she couldn’t avoid suppressing his fingers and rubbing herself her clit. Intense, targeted, with the right pressure. Now both hands released Rafael on her. He took her free hand over her head and held her there. What his lumbar muscles gave, he now fucked them through.

In doing so, he kissed her neck or gone passionately with her. She just had him taken through him properly, enjoyed the feeling of being a little defenseless. It didn’t need long until she started to moan louder. “Yes, keep on, don’t stop!“She whined rhythmically. Her rosette began to itchy to get her innermost hot. Now could no longer otherwise and tore her left hand. Again she grabbed her butcher, pulled it up slightly, touched his fingertips with his fingertips.

It was so horny for her. The circle of the clitoris of me my right fingers slowed down. let the orgasm Coming itself, she thought. That he felt ahead she was already. And finally the slowly rushing wave broke out over them. Twitching, cramping, winding and groaning it came to her. Incredible how they receded under him. How she let him share in her feelings. Rasch quickly pulled his limb out of her, tore down the condom, knelt next to Anna-Lena, jerked his tail vigorously and tensioned his pelvic floor muscles.

After a short time he also made it to a second climax. He shot his entire load on her stomach and breasts. Anna-Lena grinned on her skin at the sight of his juice. Then she let her head sink back onto the sheet. That was violent, but also damn horny! Meanwhile, the no less obtained Rafael went to the bathroom to bring her a few paper towels to wipe the sperm. “German Girls are Simply … Mui Caliente! Puro Fuego!“He laughed enthusiastically.

He handed her her drink. “Sure!”She gave back. “But i should better go back into my room uniled my teachers find out and get a crisis!“He could understand this, after all, did not want to have any trouble. So he handed her her clothes. As soon as she was dressed again, Rafael brought her to the door of his hotel room. “Let me check the situation outside” he whispered and took a look at the door.

No typical figures in the corridor. Before he let her go, he looked her deeply into her eyes: “Rosa Negra, you are a very unique, Hermoso Chica! I had a lot of plassure. Keep how you are – i wish you all the best. Buenos still!“She beamed even if she understood only half. Unique – that was exactly the perfect compliment. She quickly gave him a kiss, then she disappeared.

The next day it went home for the group. Most of the bus ride, the students evaluated the events of the previous night. Anna-Lena’s friends tried to outdo each other with stories in which guy they warn in the room, with which types of other groups they had smooched and fiddled with. A classmate looked pityed with her. “And then … you read your book yesterday?“But this was listening to the teacher sitting behind her, who told his colleague about the nightly noises in the neighboring room.

How loud one moaned and that on such course trips you experienced crazy things from year to year. Then she turned around. “Mr. Sembach, somehow it sounds as if you spent the night in another establishment!“She promptly had her friends’ laughter on her side. The teacher then pulled out his guest card on which, in addition to the A&O logo, the numbers 905 were also read. When Anna-Lena saw this, she turned quickly and slipped back into her seat.

“What’s up?“Wanted to know the Janine sitting next to her. “Yes, my book had an interesting climax at the end,” said Anna-Lena half loudly and looked out the window. Janine looked at the other two classmates looked over the back of their seat from the back of their seat. The connection became clear at the moment and they looked surprised, lashing, almost horrified to each other. ANNA-LENA reached for her smartphone and took a picture of the puts of her friends grim.

This finally sent her via WhatsApp with the subtitle ”… if you find out that your classmate had more fun last night” to Rafael. In addition, a “Mucias Gracias Héroe del Aire!””.

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