The gay carer in the hospital | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Last week I got a small nose surgery in the hospital, since everything was now inflamed again and nothing was going on with medication. I signed up in the reception at the bottom and then had to go to the ENT station and register there too. There you had to record a few data from me before you could give me my booked single room. The data recording made a young guy. I actually like women, but something was between us.

We were immediately sympathetic, he was a little nervous and I found him somehow cute. His name was Andreas, was about. 1.80 m tall, blue eyes, dark blonde, short hair, 3-day beard and was sporty slim. Not so mega -trained body, simply athletically sporty. His crunchy buttock was well on the white, light work clothes, which I found very cool. After the data recording, he brought me to the room, prepared the bed, explained to me where everything was to be found and what the daily routine would be.

He also made me aware of what I would have to do for the upcoming operation. No jewelry and such, nothing more, that usual. Then he said you should be shaved for the operation, but that would no longer be necessary for me what you could see anyway..?! What did he mean by that? Was that a kind of? I was puzzled, but I cheekily replied that he was right, I would not have a problem because I would be shaved everywhere.

That made him embarrassed and he quickly gave way to another topic. He brought me the surgical shirt and the op “retro short”. You are the sexy! He said that was all, and if I needed help, then I should get in touch. So, I was ready, the operation was carried out, recovery room, painkillers. Then back to my room. I am quite finished and tired! A short time later Andreas came back into the room.

He asked how I was doing at the operation, whether everything was ok and whether he could do something. We talked a little and I noticed that he was looking for new topics just not to have to go. I was somehow a little crush on him. Fully sweet the young guy. He said I should be careful when getting up, not bending down, not warm have a shower, Do not wash your head so that the wounds in the nose do not open.

If I need help with putting on or needed, I should only let him know. Shortly afterwards his colleague called him, she needed help. Slept the night was ok, but I had to dream of him all the time. I imagined how it would look naked, what his penis had to look like and we would have made sex together in the bathroom. I was completely confused myself that I had feelings and dreams, because every time I thought of him, my heart insisted very wildly.

Breakfast came, I ate and Andreas came back a little later. He asked how I would have slept how I would be and if everything was ok? I said that everything would be good, only the night was a little restless because I hadn’t slept so well. When asked why the night would have been so restless, I said to him that I would have dreamed so much, especially from him.

That made him nervous: “From me? Ohh thanks ”he said“ What did you dream?“I replied that he probably didn’t want to know that, but he insisted on it. Ergo I said a little laying: well I dreamed, you helped me with a washcloth, and then we had sex together somehow together. “He became very red. Me too. Suddenly there was a completely embarrassing silence in the room.

I said that it was sorry for me, I would never be like that, and I don’t know why I would tell him that at all but “I would like to see you naked!“Andreas was puzzled. “Ummmm, yes I have to go, help my colleague,” he just said and disappeared. I don’t know if it was right to tell him that, but what should I do? He didn’t show himself all day, probably because it was too embarrassing for him.

It was then in the evening, 8:30 p.m., dinner was already made and I was ready for the night, had the television and looked Star Trek. It knocked on the door. The night nurse probably, she always comes for night control. The door opened and Andreas stood in the door. “Andreas,” I said in astonishment because I hadn’t expected to see him again. “Yes, hi,” he stammered.

“Sorry that I just ran like it, but I didn’t know exactly what to say and do, and I wanted to apologize for it”. “It’s fine,” I replied. “I attacked you a lot with it too. That is not my kind at all, because I am also married and have children. And why I don’t dream of something like that either, ”I said in an apologizing way. Andreas looked at me and then said: “Well, it’s ok, it wasn’t that bad either.

You still have to be washed? I have time to work now ”. WOW! I would not have expected this! I got totally nervous! He meant it seriously. My heart beat to the neck, I could feel how my carotid arteries widened, and became shaky. I had Family, Should I do that at all? But I also had feelings for him. “If you don’t mind, actually already,” I said to him, and he then laughed.

“Well then come, as a carer I can do that. So I went into the bathroom with him. Wow, I was totally excited and excited. He closed the door behind him so that nobody could get in from the outside. I didn’t even know where my head was, this really happens here? Then Andreas turned over to me, laughed at me, winked at me, and said to me: “So we were there.

So that I can wash you, I have to take you out completely. Naked!“I was perplexed for now. We stood there together in this hospital bathroom. It was spacious, was equipped with marble slabs and had an extremely large number. Andreas came to me. I didn’t say a word. I could feel his breath. Then he put his hands around my hip and carefully grazed my T-shirt up.

Uhh, that’s extremely exciting, I just thought. Goosebumps spread against me. He pulled the t-shirt over my head, so I stood there with a bare torso. I trembled with excitement, but Andreas was very quiet. He bent down, took his index finger and thumb on each hand and grabbed the upper hem of my short short with a tong handle and started pulling it down.

I was totally excited about the situation and really thought I would dream. He pulled the shorts down, she pulled over my buttocks and my genital, then she slid mine Legs Down, but my penis turned up. Oh dear, what should I do? Should I really do or cancel it? I really didn’t know where my head was. Reason told me that I have family and I shouldn’t do and cancel it.

But then Andreas already had my penis in his mouth. My penis was already swollen due to my lust. I felt its warmth of the oral cavity and how its warm, moist tongue slid over my plump glans. I groaned. All of my thoughts now gave way to lust. He blew my penis, let him slide out of his mouth every now and then, pressed his lips and introduced him again. I groaned “Yes, oh yes, ohhhh yes horny”, was the only thing I brought out.

He got up, looked at my face but at the same time fiddled with my shaft and stroked my testicles. I was completely delivered to him. “Well, now we’ll wash you, you horny man,” he said to me and winked with his eyes. “Yes, horny, do it Andi,” I said to him, also stammered slightly: “But take your off, I want to see you naked”. Andi just laughed. “Sure I do that, like to do it after all!“So he took off.

Wow! He had a wide chest, but rather slim to thin, no bodybuilder breast. Sexy! “And now the rest,” he also loved with lust. Then he pulled out his long, white pants and then his underpants and then he stood in front of me, completely naked! Was for a sight! My penis shot up! He was actually completely sporty, slim, flat stomach, his abdominal muscles could be traced straight down from his hip to his genital, he also had a horny cracked butt! He had already bought volume, because Andi was already heated up with lust and blood slowly shot into his erectile tissue.

His testicles hung a lot down, not as compact as with me. That was really hot to look at. I was at the mercy of him. “Make it me,” I just left him. Andi took a washcloth, kept it under water, made some soap on it. With his big hands he grabbed my hip bones and turned towards the mirror so that I could see everything exactly. And then he started. He washed my chest and my arms first.

With cold water! That read me further. And I watched him in the mirror. Man, I almost burst with excitement! While he washing my chest, I had to lean back my head. On his shoulder. He bit into my ear and I groaned. Then he kissed me on the mouth, behind my ears, on the neck, while his penis was slowly getting stiffer and I could feel it on my Poritze.

I felt the desire for his body! After his warmth, according to his desire to be able to surrender to him. He took the washcloth and started to wash my stomach and then to wash my abdomen. He stroked the washcloth between my inner legs and testicles, over the hip to my butt. After a short PO massage, he penetrated into the crack. “Everything has to be nicely clean here, that’s important!”, He said.

I was so willless now. I couldn’t keep myself anymore! I was only excited from top to bottom and thought of nothing more than him. Then he washed my legs and in between he let my penis slide into his mouth. Wow! Such a stiffness tail I have never had. He was swollen to the maximum, was even harder than my morning slats, and that meant something.

“So,” he said, “You Geiler Bock”, now we still have to take care of your skin so that it does not dry out. So he started dripping almond oil over my body, which he then passed away with both hands. I looked at him how he struggled along my body with his hands and massaged the oil. At the same time I watched the whole game in the mirror. It was horny! As if you were seen in a porn film on TV! Andi noticed his stiff penis.

Now he was fully extended! His penis stretched in a beautiful sheet towards the ceiling, his glans peeked violet shimmering shimmered out of his foreskin out, he had gotten thick veins everywhere on the shaft and right behind the glans was on approx. 2 cm his penis extremely thick and then rejuvenated again. His testicles came into their own even more than before, and the sight of mega turned me on! He saw that I liked that, he was faced with my face, came close to me and massaged my back, then I kissed it with tongue.

I couldn’t help it. A mysterious power blocked my thinking and all the limits of my shame. I got totally crazy, so. Kissed a man, how cool! And it was fun! During the kissing I could feel how our genitals touched and rubbed together. Hmmmmm, a pleasure. I had never experienced such feelings! Never! Then I turned around. I looked at my face towards the mirror of the washbasin.

I support myself with both hands. In the right mirror I was able to take a close look at the sexual events. He stood behind me, rubbed some oil in his hands again and then massaged my hips and then my buttocks. God, I loved it! I have never had so horny sex with my wife! The boy was just great!In the meantime he slid through my poritis with his flat hand, with his finger he circled on mine anus around.

That made me so willless. I only panted for air. He stroked further down to my testicles, then up again through the crack. I groaned with relish. Hmmmm and closed his eyes. I felt my stiff penis repeatedly pressed with his glans to the cold marble relationship of the washbasin. That only made me hotter. While I enjoyed these sexual moments with closed eyes and with only the other senses, Andi suddenly spoiled with his swollen acorn on my anus.

I opened my eyes, completely surprised by it! I looked right in the mirror and saw that his penis curved upwards with his glans was already in my poritis. The sight was extremely exciting. Should we really do that? This sight, his curved penis had exactly the right position to penetrate my buttocks. It felt great, it looked great, what should I do? Should I.

And then Andi already penetrated me without that I could even say a word! He continued to penetrate me with his big penis, I groaned loudly, it hurt lightly but also felt good at the same time. I could see Andi leaning back a little and sticking to my hip with both hands so that he had a slightly better position to penetrate my anus.

“Andi, please,” I stamped with a whopping dog to him, “I don’t know if I really want to” and then and then Andi came up. His glans push my anus muscles to the side, my hole spread and his penis slid into me. I looked at it in the mirror and it looked sensational! Extremely erotic! It inspired me. I was fucked by a man with his penis in the ass! I was analyzed homo, so to speak.

Cool! I leaned a little and Andi fucked my buttocks with gentle and hard bumps. Five times, six times, seven times, I groaned more and more with pleasure. Suddenly the room door opened and the “younger” called into the room: “Mr. Mayer, everything is fine with you? Do you need something for the night?” OH MY GOD! Andi paused, but was still in my ass with his penis.

I saw this in the mirror and it turned me on huge. I then called the lady in a nervous voice: “Yes, everything is fine. I’m fine, I don’t need anything!”“ Is good, press the buttons if you need what, ”she called and closed the door. I probably need painkillers for my anus tonight and a sedative for me to sleep, I thought myself, but at the moment I got penicillin from Andi.

Before I thought of my thoughts, Andi pushed back and pushed and pushed too. He japied to air and already panted, I closed my eyes and felt only every millimeter of his input and pushy limb. With every push I could feel his testicles on my buttocks. Every time they crashed into my butt like bell strokes. It was so wonderful cool! After another three bumps, he then unloaded his peniscellin into my anus.

I tore up my eyes, he groaned loudly, he doesn’t really do yet? Yes, he did it. He splashed his warm sperm Directly in my buttocks. The only thing I felt was his throbbing penis, which pulsating his warm fruit juice in my intestine. Oh my God! I did not expect that. I was ashamed of myself, but was also fascinated and excited about it at the same time. Foreign sperm in me.

A new experience. Andi poured all of his sperm into me in another four bumps and with a enjoyable “ahhhhhh” he then pulled his cock out of my rear. It dripped a little sperm and flowed down his curved shaft out of his glans hole. How horny it looked. And my penis had already produced in a megamous man. The glans was completely wet and the sink was fully lubricated by it. I was still horny and finally wanted to come and discharge myself.

“Sit down on the sink,” he instructed me. I did as I was told, and when I was sitting on the sink, Andi bent my left leg to my stomach and released my anus in the mirror. While his cock pulsed, he rubbed my swollen lout with his left hand. Since my anus muscles were no longer able to maintain the locking mechanism, his sperm flowed out of my butt.

. “Mmmmm. “He just said,. “Enau is so cool. “It flowed down the legs from his juice more and more from my juice. While Andi massaged my cock firmly, he slowly licked the sperm from my anus with his tongue. How to put me on! I was sooooo sharp! And I already came to orgasm. This sight was so hot that I just couldn’t hold back. My sperm shot from my limb directly onto my chest while Andi continued to move up and down the foreskin.

I poured everything I had, over my body and was ready. I leaned against the mirror behind me, I was still sitting on the sink, both legs now bent so that my anus could recover and get fresh air. Both were satisfied. But so satisfied. “And? Like your dream, ”he asked me. “Not almost as horny and satisfying as in reality,” I replied.

Andi also had to sit down first. We both laughed at each other and japsten to air. Our genitals slowly shrank to normal size and the pain in the anus slowly subsided. We both went under the shower and showered together and washed and mutually. A suction -horny sex adventure. I never had anything like that. And that with a man! I would never have expected or thought that. The next day I was already released from the hospital, Andi said goodbye to me.

He reached into the crotch, massaged everything down there and said winked:. ”AG, if you have an op here again, I would be happy to come to you in you. ”I laughed full of fusion and confirmed his request.

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