My first gay experience | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My first experience with boys

I don’t know exactly how old I was back then. Somewhere between eighteen and nineteen. Tommy

was a boy from the neighborhood, about the same age. The competition had us

brought together.

The competition who had the most beautiful and fastest moped. In the afternoon and on

We experimented weekend. Not only that a cousin of Tommy sanded our cylinder heads, so that our mopeds had gave us a higher compression.

We tested pinnacles, exhaust manifolds and spark plugs. In short, our fried

Things came on fabulous seventy hours­ kilometre.

In the case of tailwind or downhill, at least without


Tommy’s vehicle was a little faster than mine. The Sachs engine ran with air cooling while

At my ignition app of the fan of the forced cooling, breasts of a PS still consumed.

In the Easter holidays, we went on a long journey for the first time. It was over

April and for the season almost to be lured and warm, so

Ideal for our tour with the two -wheelers.

We had not planned the route, just followed the course of the Rhine

to the south, then turned from Bingen to the nearby. Already

Shortly behind Bad Kreuznach it drove us south again, crossed the Palatinate Forest almost in

the entire length.

The landscape was adventurous, we were

best mood.

In the early evening we reached Dahn, a small town on the Lauter, were dressed by the

Picturesque ruins and rock formations.

A neighborhood was quickly found. Double room, even with a shower. From the window you could

See a rock formation above the watch rocks, as our landlady told us. I hit

Tommy to see the sunset from up there, and my friend was of the idea


The climb did not cause any problems.

We soon sat at the summit, had a clear view to the west, where

The sky had already colored red, and the sun was just above the horizon.

Tommy’s breath still went a little faster from the climb. Something like his

Breast raised and lowered me. His slim thighs, his shoulders, his in

red light shimmering, blond hair that moved slightly in the evening wind, the light

Welding smell of his body. I couldn’t think properly anymore, hardly dared to move, just sat quietly and silent.

Something original so as not to say primitive seemed to make the attempt to control

to take over.

Tommy talked like a waterfall, spoke about the experiences of the past few days.

I could hardly do him

Follow, did not answer him, sat there and looked into the last rays of the sun.

Tommy held my hand.

“Say, everything is fine with you?”

I nodded, but I didn’t know, felt his hand warm in mine.

An hour had passed. We sat in the full moonlight, talked about the stars and ours

Future. Then the subject of conversation went out. We leaned side by side, felt the warmth

our body.

Then nothing more. An inner tension reached for me, let me freeze, paralyzed

my thoughts. Magic of the night. Tommy stroked my hair over my face,

very slowly loosened my bias.

Suddenly I could move again, reached for his hand.

“Maybe we should talk.

Just stay next to me and we

talk to us … “

Tommy’s eyes seemed to penetrate me, his hands landed on mine


“Secure. But everything is ok with you?”

“…It’s nice here … and you are beautiful …”

Actually it was a dozen things that I wanted to tell him,

But that was the only thing I brought out.

Tommy laughed Glockenhell, held my hand. We talked about the stars,

The Milky Way, About Girls, and I admitted not to have a girlfriend.

I wanted to fulfill my dreams, but at that moment I didn’t know what my dreams


We laughed.

I kissed Tommy on the cheek. It seemed to me, of course, that his lips

briefly my touched. His hands tenderly stroked my back. Tommy’s body shook when mine

Scraped fingernails over his back, then my hand slid deeper and in

Its tight backbake gripped.

I asked him whispering if everything

be all right. Tommy did not answer, pressed me to the ground in a sudden movement, lay

on me. His hands reached for my elbows, held me on earth. Again this

light laughter.

“You, you are beautiful too.

Crazy guy! What should you do with you?”

Back in our room, Tommy wasted no time. He pulled out his upper clothes, went under the

Shower. I let myself be reflected in some time to follow him. He had already showered, drying

His treasures between my legs when I entered the room.

Tommy seemed to smoke me up, dried

calm down in peace, left the bathroom.

I just showered myself briefly, scattered, in thought about Tommy’s naked

Body, its commuting, rosy sack, its gold -glossy pubic hair, his movements in an attractive nudity.

I was ready soon, put on fresh underwear. Tommy was already in

Bed. I switched on the bedside lamp, the ceiling lamp,

studied street maps in my bed, while Tommy was just calm Dalag. The silence in the room

A very special quality was charged with tensions and expectations.

We both waited

On the fact that the other started, I wondered what Tommy wanted to do and what he would say.

I felt how my mattress moved. Tommy sat on my bed. I smiled inside,

continued to study my card, otherwise I didn’t move. Tommy took the card out of my hand,

she put on the night­ Table, then deleted the light.

“Maybe that’s better …”

I still didn’t say anything, in the dark, like the duvet pulled off my body


I sat up, moved aside, let Tommy get into my bed. A whole


If we sat there, looked at each other, could hardly see us because our eyes are not yet in

Weaked light got used to it, which penetrated into the room through the window.

Soon I could see Tommy, the outline of the upper body, the white panties that he was still on my body

wore. Tommy seemed to take the initiative

want to, because I saw how he knelt, pulled his panties down, then wiped him off.

I was easily biased to have it naked on my bed naked,

But my wishes went unconsciously in similar directions. So I went into it.

At least

now. I could the outlines of Tommys tail see. I was hardly surprised that he was stiff.

“It’s your turn. Come on, pull yourself off too.”

I had Tommy at have a shower Seen naked, we shared a room, knew ourselves for a long time, but

His wish seemed very intimate me now.

Nevertheless, I pushed the rubber bond down

My ass cheeks, stretched them out Legs, brushed off my last piece of clothing.

The hour of the truth had come. Both naked on a bed. My cock became stiff. I saw

not him, didn’t touch him,

Had only the tingling like between my thighs.

We were sitting in the tailor’s seat, naked, almost in the dark, looked at each other.

Tommy reached for his plump Schwengel and began to jerk off.

“I have one

Latte … you can check.”

Tommy rubbed his cock devotedly and challenging.

“Now do what I’m doing.”

I watched him for a short time, then almost automatically reached too

After my steep tube. My body suddenly awakened, was ready for all kinds of

things; matters. I had spoiled myself earlier, but this time it was of my own,

more pleasant quality.

The naked Tommy gave me a kind of certificate, I was more sorely,

Add my vessel more harmless when I was used to it otherwise.

My concerns melted there, my nipples became hard and pointed, bubbling in my eggs

it. I actually only discovered now

The desire for your own body that grew bigger and bigger.

I kept jerking off, experimenting with various types of movement, hand changes, rubbed them

Equales exposed, only slower, then faster.

Tommy watched me, got through my sight

own suggestions. “How do you feel?”

I almost forgot him, the naked boy right in front of me, so I was from my hot game


“Sure well.”

Tommy stared at me. My sight excited him so that his cock is still stiffer, even plump

be seemed. He stopped one

get down.

“Ok, Rolf.”

Tommy unfolded his crossed legs, stretched out on my side.

“Fancy something else?”

My friend supported his body on the left elbow. Requesting his right hand reached for

My ankle, also made me stretch my legs. My heartbeat was too

a quick staccato.

Tommy began to talk to me quietly and gently. I hardly heard that

Words, only the tone, understood the word anyway.

Stop my hand movements on my latte

as if by itself. I looked up full of expectation

my friend. I had a quiet idea what he had in mind because he was very close to me

moved, but I didn’t know exactly.

Tommy did not allow a discussion from my side, but took me as a matter of course

Plump cock in hand, began to jerk him slowly and easily.

“Just put yourself back, Rolf, and let me do it …”

One of my muscles tensioned under a weak inner defense, but Tommy’s hand felt

so well that the internal reservations quickly


“Now relax, just let yourself go.”

I took a deep breath, then just closed my eyes, concentrated

me on my feelings.

Tommy’s hand squeezing my stiff tube, mine Egg were very tenderly touched,

Stroked, as well as the sensitive skin on the inside

My thighs. I forgot all my thoughts about right and wrong, right or wrong, in

My body began to vibrate, always

clearer and more urgent.

A feeling that my thinking drowned more and more.

I spread my thighs devoted devotedly. My heart beat faster, my breath went gasping.

I enjoyed each of my feelings, wanted more, was insatiable. Tommy also seemed very excited to me,

Because despite the uncertain lighting, I could see the red spots on his face.


He leaned after and cooled his heated, slightly weldable cheek on the smooth skin of my hip.

My almost painfully pulsually pulsating boyschwingel was only a few centimeters away from him, and he stared at it from a slight distance. Hesitant, but then definitely his hand crawled up my thigh, scratched in the soft curls of my pubic hair.

Tommy moved a little closer with his body, put his leg over mine,

so that his eggs and his hard member rubbed on my thigh. Now my friend slipped

Down, pressed his latte against my foot, packed my cock spending, held up, held

upright him, put a hearty kiss on top.

I felt the moist warmth

His lips, pulled a lot of air into my lungs surprised.

A tingling went through my whole body because Tommy put my oak in her mouth and started

lovingly sucking on it. He stroked my cock, took more and more from him in his mouth,

Until he was in full length in his warm and damp oral cavity.

I seemed to float, could no longer see clearly, so it closed

Eyes. A concentrated iAden of my comed sauce collected in my loins, was ready

to overcook, explode. Tommy’s tongue sent electrifying signals through my body, in

My temples rushed the blood, me

was a tremendous tension in me.

My abdominal muscles tensioned, my thighs

seemed frozen before my body embarked in a series of lustful spasms. All I

was able to do it, to give me the horny feelings, because I had no longer

under control.

My Samuustus was no longer to be stopped. My cock spies the creamy

Saess in powerful while. I didn’t get to be surprised because Tommy swallowed mine

Life juice, sucked it out until I completely spent and breathless dalag.

I was completely

dissolved, because never before

I had the lust so sorely, felt so deep in my body.

I lay motionless, felt the throbbing of my heart, the rattling

Breasts of my lungs.

Tommy waited patiently until I had recovered a little again. Finally he slid back on mine

Body upwards, his bare skin stuck on my welded chest. Really quiet

he whispered in my ear. “That was incredible what?”

I was still breathing violently.

“Yes unbelievable…”

Tommy laughed in a moody.

“And yet I would do that with you again and again.”

I wrapped my arms around him and smiled at him. My feelings too

He gained a completely different quality, converted from friendship to a kind of love. I

hoped that today’s evening

The beginning of a new, completely different joy would be.

The special thing was that I was good, although inside

The certainty grew to be gay. So far I had taken this into consideration, but mentally

always showed far from me.

Gay? Not me!

But the warmth that I felt in my heart was fed by the sweet boy in my arms,

finally brought me certainty. Thoughts­ I was only lost while Tommy was his head

I warehoused me, shared the pillow with me. His left arm pushed himself under mine

Shoulder, then he pulled my head on his chest, that of two pointed, dark red nipples

was decorated.

I was still in thought, also a little exhausted from the experienced orgasm, enjoyed the tightness

Physical contact, the fragrance of Tommy’s skin, the silky

Texture of his hair. I no longer had any reservations to lie naked next to a boy, his

To feel warmth, touch it in the most intimate places.

I had completely forgotten in my thoughts that my friend was still unsatisfied.


Now I was reminded again because Tommy started to jerk off his swing. Quite

Slowly and deliberately moved his hand. I lay on his chest and watched him.

The tail was quickly erected again, steeply stood

and straight line from the dense pubic hair.

The red, shiny

Eichellugated every now and then from the foreskin out of here.

I was almost pushed to be Tommy to service. Soon my hand replaced his. I

If the plump hardness of his cock, the silk soft skin, massaged him, pressed him

Loving, wanted

Give back the pleasure that Tommy conveyed to me a few minutes ago

had. My friend put his fingers on my hand, touched her while I jerked him.

I understood that sex is and was ready to give Tommy

to return what was preserved.

Tommy scratched in my hair, then stroked my shoulders and

My back, leaned forward, laid his

Lips on mine.

I loved everything, but also everything in Tommy at that moment. I

was ready to do everything for him, to learn everything with him without

Experiment reservations with our bodies.

I sat up, prompted my friend to go all over in bed

To push up the top until he came to sit on the pillow and leaned against the bed point with his back.

I crawled between his legs, pushed her

far apart, put my head between his thighs.

My cheek lay on his thigh, felt the silk soft fluff on it, handle the steep

standing tail in front of me.

Tommy took a deep breath and I slipped a little higher, pushed my nose into his pubic hair, so -called that

aromatic boy in my lungs. I wrapped my legs around his, stroking the

left hand

His chest, rubbed his cock against my cheeks, my nose and lips.

Shortly decided

I his limb in my mouth, pushed my tongue under

Its inustal, tasted the strange taste for the first time­

swelling drops of joy.

I enjoyed him, let my tongue play in his piss slot.

My greed grew, I kept his cock upright, licked, tasted

and researched it with his tongue and my lips. I completely gave myself,

Kissed him, licked him, yes, prayed him. My tongue touched him in the most hidden places,

My mouth watered after further drops.

Tommy’s body tensioned. His abdominal muscles became a real one

Washboard, the muscles of his thighs appeared clearly.

“Rolf! Watch out! I splash…”

I felt Tommy lost control of herself, his body shrugged with all the limbs,

Suddenly tasted his seed, swallowed him without hesitation, even wished it would be more.

I still kept Tommy’s cock in my mouth, cleaned him with mine

Tongue until he slowly got limp.

So far I had only understood sex to get one down,

But this was a different feeling.

Intimate. Loving.

Tommy stroked my hair, felt my face in his loins. We all had the time in the world.

Tommy pulled me up. We lay in our arms, pulled the duvet over us, custody and

cuddled naked under a blanket.


Thought more about spending the night alone in your own bed.

Certainly I wouldn’t have let Tommy go either. We were in silence, together in the warmth

our bodies slid into a calm,

Dreamless sleep.

The next morning brought the disillusionment. Not that something changed in our feelings

had. But outside of our room to show our affection, we haven’t been that far yet.

We kept the room for another night, did a tour through the surrounding Palatinate

Forest, visited countless ruins, hugged and kissed us occasionally when we are unobserved


I secretly watched Tommy when he drove next to me. He seemed more freely to me,

more determined to have become more male. Even his

Close, blond bare stubble rails to grow. I prayed him.

Become sensual through

The vibrating sum of the engines soon drove us back to our accommodation, which

we reached again in the early afternoon.

It was a sunny day been. Our faces seemed tanned, the sun’s heat had in

saved our bodies.

A short shower finally aroused the spirits.

Tommy’s fully extended cock swung in front of him like a steel spring, his eggs commuted in

her wrinkled sack between his thighs.

He jerked his latte with one hand while my stiff link between his lips

And from slide. Tommy’s long hair fell

after vom, the view hidden me. I closed my eyes, let my head sink into my neck.

My hands playfully caressed Tommy’s shoulders, my cock shrugged in the damp heat

of his mouth. Tommy stopped him, kept my glans between his teeth. With

He pushed my foreskin back to the tip of the tongue, touched the hard, rubber -like meat, rubbed itself on the sensitive surfaces.

Waiting during the day had done it. No more concerns.

We were ready to do everything

To give for each other, everything to do the

To increase the other’s desire.

Tommy crouched in front of me, looked at my warm body with bright eyes. His hands

grip on my chest, strokes

About the small, curly hair island, the bullied

Muscles, felt the approach of my ribs. I groaned loudly, my cock was circled

in the air. My friend approached his lips my stomach, stroking his tongue over the

tense muscles, my latte clamped between its chest and my hard abdomen.

His already slippery tube penetrated between my thighs, rubbed on their inside.

We knelt in front of each other that our cocks touched. Tommy took both in his

left hand, pumped the hard, warm meat. Our bags swinged, touched

and again, our eggs bounced up noticeable. Our pubic hair shone in the light of

underring sun.

Tommy’s candle raber, long cock formed an exciting contrast

mine, the shorter, but was thicker, meaty.

“Do you have no cream?”

I looked at Tommy without understanding.

“Yes, cream. Feels good. Makes your tail lumpers.”

I shrugged with my armpits.

“Sure I have cream in my cultural bag.“In Tommy’s eyes a fire.

“Good! Get you. Makes yourself good to jerk off … maybe also while fucking.”

The spit stayed away from me.

“You mean in the ass ..?”

Tommy didn’t answer, but his eyes said everything. I rose to get the cream.

My cock was harder than ever before. As Tommy just ‘fuck’

had said, my prostate had a short, just a little bit, but it appeared

to be an answer to my body now, a non-Ganz locking of what Tommy expressed


I came back from the bathroom, put the tube on the floor next to Tommy. “We can try it,

If you want.”


My interest was more than ‘maybe’ awakened.

I started to make friends,

and Tommy recognized that.

“This time in my bed?

I slipped into Tommy’s bed, lay down next to him, waited for him to start. So

I left all the possibilities open. Tommy smoke between my legs, raised my knees. My

stiff tube seemed to glow, shone almost in red sunlight the window

show in.

Tommy knelt down, raised my legs

over his shoulders. The underside of my thighs were in heated skin. Tommy raised mine

Hips from the bed, licked my eggs,

also the underside, just a few centimeters from my asshole.

It tickled a little, but the wet tongue felt cool.

I wish he would go on because my ass cheeks were

Prevised, my hole seemed to be open openly. I suddenly realized that I really want to

Had his cock in my body.

Tommy handwalk and found the cream tube, she showed me.

“Should I…?”

I bobbered all over the body before. “Come on.”

Tommy, calmly covered his steel hard, long shaft with the slippery cream. I

Watched him and my abdomen began to tense in horny expectation. Tommy gave

My cock still a few strokes before being his engraver

The goal of the goal, his warm glans touched my back output.

I felt his cocks easily against my closure­

Muscle pressed, took the lustful pain without a sound

to endure, closed the eyes.

The pressure of Tommy’s cock increased

a little.

I finally felt my ass opened. Tommy pushed his pipe

With annoying slowness in me. The tight ring of my sphincter pushed over his

slippery glans. Something tensioned, but it didn’t hurt.

“How walking?”


Tommy took all the time in the world, his cock in the heat of mine

To push intestines.

I groaned, slight twitches played along

The muscles of my body, when Tommy’s shaft opened me, slowly slid deeper and deeper. My

Body, my heart seemed to open him,

Wanted to be taken completely. My consciousness focused on the hot, hard

Tail that his way into mine

Insented. My nipples were as hard as my painful

pulsating member.

With a last flowing movement, Tommy pushed his lance up to the stop in mine

Wanted lust channel some solid bumps shook my body, but his cock couldn’t

penetrate more deeper.

“I love you.”

Tommy put deep inside me, stayed motionless for a moment while

he jerked me with long, elegant hand movements.

I felt lust, felt lust with everyone

Fibers of my body. Tommy’s tail seemed from

to reach my ass into my heart. Moaning Hon I mean

Back of the mattress, rubbed my ass cheeks against Tommy’s loins, let his tail wild

stir in my intestines.

Tommy’s passion was awakened. He rolled his head against the muscles of my legs, bit of pleasure

in the solid meat, left red


I didn’t feel pain. All gift theaters, lust and pain, interwoven in mine

Inside in a web of the ecstasy that Tommy in me and around me.

His loins clapped against my backbaking, then I felt his hands on my shoulders.

The fingers dig deep into the meat, Tommy started with deep, long bumps. His engraver

Peeking my pleasure channel through that the sweat from all pores.

My feet

swung over Tommy’s shoulders in the air, full­ led circles in the beat of his bumps. A not

Ending want to groan escaped my throat and fell the room. My stiff latte

Quick before and back, clapping against my belly, then against Tommys.

Tommy’s glans rubbed my prostate. That finally brought me over the threshold.


White, thick comed sauce shot

From my cock, formed the Pftis and rivulets on our skin,

flavored our breathing air.

Tommy bog his back, drove his spear in my

Body. A true howl penetrated through his closed teeth, then he was also ready to

To donate seeds.

Ecstatic waves were given violence over his body and his mind.

Ruthlessly thundered against my ass. I held his back baking as if I wanted him in

pulling me in, the rush of his warm life juice.

Tommy twitched with all the muscles, then dropped onto my chest, dismantled my seed

Between our bodies, rank na<.; H breath.

I clamped his cock in my hole as if I wanted the last

Milking the drops from him, kept him, stroked his back and

His flanks until his eyes were clear again.

His eyes looked dreamily and blue into my face, sank into mine. I reached under

His armpits pulled him in full length

on my body.

There seemed to be no more barrier between us, we were through that much

Glued our seeds, united by our sweaty skin. Tommy whispered love words in mine


“I think I can’t get enough of you at all.”

We were relaxed side by side. Tommy’s free hand drove tenderly over my chest, stroked

My thighs played with

my now limp tail and my eggs.

“Stay together?”

I sealed his mouth with a kiss. How could you ask so stupid questions.


At least as long as fate wants ..

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