First gay sex | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Manuel_Geil: “When do you have time for a meeting? I would like to touch you real.”

I read the last line of our entertainment in erotic chat with the unknown several times – she was again the famous question for a real meeting and this time my interlocutor did not live at the other end of Germany but almost around the corner.

Manuel_Geil: “Hello, are you still there?”

My blood pulsed with excitement;Not only because of the chat, but also because of the thoughts that this question triggered with me.

Patrick_Bi: “Yes, I’m still there.”

I ripped quickly to win time. A thousand thoughts went through my head and my conscience told me that I should now either end the chat or to reject a meeting in a friendly manner.

My tail But told me something else, I felt in my tight shorts in half the tires and I felt that he had sunk from the chat quite a bit.

Manuel_Geil: “What’s going on? Do you stop now or what?”

Patrick_BI: “No. I am still here.”

Manuel_Geil: “Ok, what about the meeting now? You just made me so horny!”

Patrick_Bi: “If I say now that I have never done anything like this … you are then gone?”

Waiting time, waiting, seeing how far his virtual counterpart goes – the thought is attractive, so talk about it in theory – but only theoretically I thought about and continued to typed.

Manuel_Geil: “That only makes you more interesting for me. But then don’t let us talk about a private meeting with me or you, but let’s discuss places where you feel comfortable … … and now honestly you horny “bi” tail, you write as if you write a professional in dealing withare other cocks, but how many did you really have real? 😉 ”

The next evening I parked my car in the parking lot of the urban swimming pool and parked the engine.

I took a deep breath and loudly, kneaded the steering wheel, chewed on empty rows of tooth, bit the lips together. At that moment two thoughts in my head predominated. One was my conscience towards my girlfriend. Our relationship was good, it worked and the sex was good … not as often as in the beginning, but good.

Nevertheless, I jerked off regularly and looked at porn. If I went in there now, I would possibly cheat on them – with a man. That was the second thought, it was a man and I actually stood on wet pussies, thick tits, soft fragrant skin and crunchy peach strain. But my desire was focused on the tail, not really on the body or the guy as a whole, I also found the hard cocks in porn when they spray just cool.

But maybe he wasn’t here, maybe I would just swim a few lanes and then drive home or even if he is there, maybe I don’t get a high and I just say goodbye that. Just the fact that I felt the blood shot into my cock when I had the last thought in my head, let me doubt myself.

Ten minutes later I stood in the shower room and the warm water pounded on my head and ran over my body. I was standing off and then got into my swimming shorts again, grabbed my big bathing towel, slipped into the bathing shoes and left the showers into the large indoor pool.

I just had myself rough described, He was all the more precise for this and he wanted to put on a red bathing shorts. The bathroom was relatively well attended, I was almost alone under the showers, but some swimmers pulled their lanes in the pools and the air was full of noises. Slowly I walked next to the large 50m pelvis, then turned around the corner, walked past the big non -swimmer pool towards the resting lounger, which were arranged directly next to the warm pool with massage jets. No red bathing shorts – he wasn’t there.

I went back to the 50m basin, put my shower and towel in a free compartment on the shelf, went into the shower niche and roared me ice cold. Five minutes later I swum the first two lanes and turned the third when I saw some red on the edge of the pelvis. I came out of the beat and swallowed water, coughed and then tried to get back to my clock. I am truly not a good swimmer and I can’t crawl, so I always swim very slowly, but breast swimming has the advantage that you can look around.

Then he stood – he had to be a completely normal -looking guy, dark, short hair, an as normal hairy breast as mine and a slight abdominal base – nothing noticeable. He looked around, then turned towards the non -swimmer pool and went away. My heart pumped and I swallowed a lot of water until I finished this third track. I support myself on the edge of the pelvis and haunted – my excitement at this moment can hardly be described – my hands tingled, I felt a toilet in my throat and a flexible feeling in my stomach, my knees were soft and at the same time I was shivering and at the same time I.

I don’t know how long I tried to sort my thoughts on the edge of the pelvis. On the lanes to the left and right of me, other swimmers changed until someone also supported on the right side on the edge, turned to me and said in a half: “I did not believe that you could come over. If I can give you advice, just follow me and just do what you feel like. No getting to know, thinking, chatting or something.

Make it or continue swimming your lanes, then I won’t speak to you anymore. Thank you for being so brave so far and are here.“Then he pushed himself out of the pool and slowly went to the shelf with the towels.

My gaze stuck on him, he dried his hair off, laid his towel over his shoulder and walked towards the locking room. When he reached the door I thought he would look at me again, but he went through without hesitation and disappeared from my eyes.

I pushed myself out of the pelvis heavily, I breathed loudly as if I was strained, the last track was a few minutes ago. I grabbed my towel, roughly rubbed myself off and went on the door to the changing rooms with quick steps – my head emptied from the thoughts and I felt my cock tingling with excitement. He leaned a good bit down the walk on the wall and his eyes shone when he saw me and a grin played around his corners. He interpreted the walk with his head and slowly advanced.

I followed him carefully, then turned into the penultimate corridor. Like everyone here, the corridor was lined with door to changing rooms on the left and right and it just went through the last door. When I stepped into the door to the large changing room for people with disabilities, he was already leaning naked at the closed opposite door. He crossed his hands behind his head and his cock dangled half the legs between his legs.

The hair was trimmed very briefly as with me, but not shaved that foreskin Was still completely pushed over the glans, he was very veiled and really thick. His strong testicles hung like big bells between his legs. I entered, pulled the door behind me and locked it. Then I pulled my shorts down with uncertainly trembling hands and felt like an inexperienced, anxious young man.

My cock was fully stiff, hard and my blood pulsed in it. My wide foreskin pushes back by itself and releases my pronounced glans. “Suck my.“He whispered and closed his eyes. I put my towel on the floor, knelt like in a trance in front of him, his cock was only a few centimeters away from my face.

I opened my mouth, also closed my eyes, touched his tail tip with my lips and pushed his foreskin back behind his glans with my tongue and lips playing through his tongue and lips. He flinched and groaned seemingly surprised by the way I put his glans free and reacted his cock by greater in my mouth. I sucked it slightly and as deep as I could in my mouth while my tongue massaged it from below. I still haven’t touched his cock with my hands yet.

My suck became a little more certain, I took some inhibitions at every moment, his cock became tougher and larger in my mouth and finally he was styling and I fucked him and sucked it with my mouth. Again and again my tongue played skillfully with his glans, with his chew under the glans, I pushed it so deep I could in my throat and my tip of the tongue massaged his big cock from below. I heard how he sniffed and breathed loudly while suddenly I tasted his pleasure consciously. He started moving to his pelvis, pressing his cock towards me and I managed to take him deeper and deeper into my mouth.

Suddenly he paused and gasped in a half “listen. Open your mouth, show me your tongue and stop silent.“Without thinking, I did what I was called. He grabbed his cock hard, pulled his foreskin far back, put his thick glans on my tongue, so that she disappeared half in my open mouth, he was trembling, tasting his muscles and being sperm Sprayed in my neck. The first shot was so intense that it sprayed against my palate and in my neck, the other pushing sprays on my tongue and I swallow in the reflex as with the dentist when something runs in your throat.

Then he grabbed my head and pushed it into my mouth and I instinctively knew that I should slip it. Then he leaned back all of the wall and I laid my lips in front of him kneeling. “Next time you can get it ready with my mouth. But this time I wanted you to experience it very consciously how your mouth becomes a cunt.“He grinned and pointed to my cock, which now stood hard between my legs.

“Get up and rub it on my cock.“Only moments later I felt his still pretty hard cock on my rubbing. Overall, he was perhaps a few centimeters longer and a little thicker than mine, but that was irrelevant – the feeling of my cock on his too jerk off, To rub the glans together, to distribute my “anticipation sabble” on it-I came across him violently over him. He watched the last drops from my cock, slowly calmed down and the blood from my cock back into my body.

I realized what I had just done and my thoughts flew to my girlfriend.

I heard him say whispering “This is an important moment – close your eyes and away with all doubts.“The clever feeling was back in my stomach and the toilet in the throat was formed again – only that it now tasted a sperm – foreign sperm.

Before I could say something, he knelt in front of me and pressed me back against the door behind me. His fingers played between my legs and his lips closed around my smeared cock. With full passion he sucked me and gently massaged my testicles. I wanted to push him away, my feelings of guilt became too intense at that moment, I felt too little pleasure, too much burdened that just experienced – but just when I wanted to come loose, my cock tip was again sensitive to the lust that she can give meand I paused.

My feelings became more intense, his hands and tongue more intrusive, the blood flowed back into my cock and when he was hard again, he pushed me on the seat next to me. His tongue slid down on my hard cock, sucked my eggs and then buried itself as much as possible between my legs and then to be gone up to the glans again and further blow me. I grabbed his head and let go of it, he does it very well and I couldn’t defend myself against it, although my cock had only sprayed a few minutes ago, it felt incredibly good again. He continued, massaged mine anus And then even penetrated me with a finger – I hadn’t noticed that he had sucked it wet, so it had to be from my sperm that was slippery over his cock.

I had been looking for my prostate many times when I was jerking off, he found it unerringly straight away – but he probably did not intend to make a quick number, and again and again he broke off for a few seconds, got slower or sucked more instead of stimulating my glans. When I was finally allowed to explode in his mouth, he pressed a second finger into the anus and massaged me from the inside. I gasped with lust and had to bite my lower lip so that we did not pay attention to us here.

My cock pulsed when he paid off from him and stood in front of me.

I looked at his now hard cock that was smeared by my sperm. “Go a step, let your leg on the bench, Support you on the wall and just let it happen.“He pressed me aside and conducted me into the position described, went around me and stood behind me. When he pushed his greasy glans between my buttocks, I became aware of what he was going to do at lightning speed. I tensioned, wanted to say something, but he leaned and held his hand in front of my mouth and whispered “Don’t break it now, please … … and don’t tell me, you have never had anything in jerking off yourselfpushed the ass.“My thoughts got stuck in his last remark and while he pressed his smeared acorn against my fingered anus, I gave up my resistance and experienced all over the body the first time The feeling of feeling a cock in my ass.

The first centimeters went well, but then it pulled and hurt, he moved back and forth before and I felt a short, stabbing jerk and then a liberating feeling when he sank it to me. He paused for a moment and then said “.“… I wanted to return something because I have come twice and, moreover, more my conscience was currently taking command, but he was repeated very demanding“ Wank him about it. Jerk him damn it! No matter if he is getting limp! Wank him!”

He fucked me. Only a few minutes slow and deep, so that I perceived every centimeter movement intensely and consciously.

I held my half -tire cock in my hand and jerked it off without it becoming harder. Then he got faster, hard bumps – I werked myself on. Finally I felt a reaction in my cock and groaned – which brought him to fuck me in a mixture of deep but not quick bumps until he finally sprayed in me. My cock hurt something, but I included it hard.

He pulled it out of me and wiped him off with his towel. My anus was half -open, he twitched, closed slowly, but not so quickly, so that something was dripping out of me. “I’m not ready to do it now and recommend that you heal this experience so hung up. Your inner demons come back early enough.

If you then want to talk or even meet one, then you have my email address.“After that he said nothing more, put on his shorts and went. I was waiting for a moment, then I showered warmly, swam lanes until my muscles hurt and I could no longer shower, showered again and drove home – there I lay down quietly in the bed to my girlfriend, who was already sleeping.

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