The fucked holiday camp [2] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“What have you done so long?“Danny’s horrified words when we came to the car. She had now dressed again and cleared the things in the car. “We were swimming again,” I replied to the towel. “You could have come with you, a lot would have been fun!”Said Antje and sat down in the weighing.

“Next time! Once a day is completely sufficient.“Danny’s comment was when we started again. I am at the sitting next to me and we had to laugh both of them.

We still needed approx. Two hours until we reached the holiday residential settlement. It was already dark and we hurried to bring things into our apartment.

The room occupancy was already known beforehand. There were 3 double rooms of which one loft bed contained. Danny and Antje slept in a room while Matze and I should share the room with a young person. In the time where Matze and I made fire so that we were nice and warm, the two girls started preparing something to eat.

We quickly turned the somewhat barren apartment into a cozy home. A few candles even brought a little romantic mood over. In the meantime, the girls had finished the meal and we sat down at the table.

Since we were the only ones who populated the settlement, it should be a quiet night.

The big rush would only come tomorrow afternoon. We ate some noodle soup and a slice of bread. I was just too finished from the trip and didn’t stay awake long. We played a little double head, the only card game that all mastered here, and then went to sleep gradually.

I gave the two girls a good night kiss and also wished Matthias a good sleep.

I had a deep sleep and would probably have overslept all the morning if Antje hadn’t blown me lovingly. She gave me a kiss on my forehead. “Get getting started. You could get rolls while Danny I am a round at the beach jog.

OK?“I stretched out before I got out of bed and went into the shower. The first cold shower that came out of the shower read me and made sure that I was wide awake. I put the temperature a little higher and hurried a little. I had showered and freshly made myself.

I postponed shaving later.

I got into the car in jogging pants, slappers shirt and adilettes and drove the few kilometers to the village, where there are a little one aunt Emmaladen gave. As always, I was recognized by the older woman behind the counter and she asked me in broken German if we had booked the whole holiday village again. We talked a little and I ordered the rolls for the next week.

I still buy some fresh milk, yogurt and of course the picture newspaper could not be missing. When I got back to the house, Matthias had already covered the table. The smell of fresh coffee got into my nose. Matze sat in front of the oven and made fire so that it was warmly warm.

Danny and Antje showered the sweat of body and it didn’t take long for us to sit together at the table and bite into fresh rolls with homemade jam.

We spent the day on Beach. We went for a walk, raged through the dunes, went Baden in the ice -cold lake. At lunch we ate a little something in a nearby village and slowly made ourselves back on the way back. It was wonderful.

The salty sea air, the cold wind and the fun while walking around. Walkers could have kept us for small children as silly as we sometimes poured over the beach. Time passed like in a flash and nobody noticed that the others had already had to arrive long ago. It was only when it was slowly getting dark to get back to the village.

There was light and smoke rose from all fireplaces. Light also burned in our apartment. We ran over to the house. “Hey Trabbi” called Antje when she saw the first newcomer.

I no longer know exactly why we call him that but everyone knew who was meant. Antje Liefrüber to him and knocked on his shoulder quite violently as a greeting. “How was the journey?“She asks him immediately. “Pretty stressful We stood in the Elbe tunnel for almost 2 hours.”

But you made it really comfortable here.

Katharina, who was supposed to live with Trabbi with us, stood in the kitchen at the stove. I knocked on the window and saw how she shrunk together. I entered the apartment. “You Mistkerl.

How can you dare to scare me so much?!“Was your greeting. She could hardly help her laugh. “Hm smells good!“I praised her cooking skills and hugged her slightly. “Welcome!“Katharina and Trabbi were both a year and since they have not yet .we were their supervisors.

Trabbi should share the room with Matthias, while Katha (that was her nickname, we only called Katharina if she had messed up) slept with me. Trabby was quite big like Matze and both played together in the 1. Men’s team. Katharina was a bit smaller but she was otherwise in no way inferior to the physical.

She was always in a good mood and her cheeky sayings could even knock the hardest guy out of her socks. She always wore her red mane open. A real little devil. In the meantime, the others had come in and I took over the cooking for the moment of greeting.

A little later we sat at the table and enjoyed it. Again and again some of the other volleyball players came in and greeted us. After dinner we made the dishes together and then went through all the houses again.

It had become dark outside and the cold seawind blew us violently in the face. Every year there was a so -called boys’ house, where we finally arrived.

There was always something going on here. Beer, acid and tequilla were the number one food source here and of course we had to take a sip for greeting. As always, it wasn’t with a sip and we made ourselves comfortable. Of course there are always plenty of games on such club trips.

Whoever lost had to drink one. The atmosphere was quickly damp, happy and there were bright faces everywhere. At around 3 a.m., however, we said goodbye. We were still quite fit, despite the many alcohol, and slowly strolled back to our hut.

When we arrived we made some fire again and sat on the comfortable couch. Little by little everyone got ready to bed until we all only sat there in the pajamas. A little later we all went to sleep together.

I let myself fall out on the bed exhausted and bumped my head on the night lamp slightly. When I looked up again I couldn’t trust my eyes.

Katha had got rid of the pajama and stood in front of the mirror and combed her long, red hair. I shook my head in astonishment. Currently came upside down from the blow or I already dreamed. However, the pain told me that everything I saw was real.

Slowly she kept driving through the hair with the brush and dropped her on the bare skin. Your skin was bright and sheer little birthmarks were adorned. The butt was crisp and round, the skin tender and unused. It was fun to present herself in front of me.

Again and again she took her arm up and drove through her hair so that I could admire her little delicate breasts. How I would have loved to suck on them and cost this young skin. The excitement in me rose and I hid my slightly swollen link under the ceiling.

Katha turned a little now and was looking for something in her cultural bag. She spread her legs very easily and I was able to recognize her virgin lust grotto between her thighs.

She found what she was looking for and tied her hair together into a braid. When she was finished she turned for a moment and looked into my eyes. For a moment I was able to admire her complete beauty before it extinguished the light and crumpled under the ceiling. “Did you see everything you wanted to see?“She asked me as if it had been the most natural thing in the world.

“You have a really nice body.“I confessed and she laughed quietly. “And your duvet had a pretty big bump.“So she had noticed how fascinated I was from her sight. We talked even more irrelevant before we both fell asleep.

At some point in the night I woke up. The moon seemed brightly through the slightly open window.

My eyes quickly got used to the dim light. I just wanted to get up when I heard a quiet moan. I looked over at Katha and was amazed. The thin blanket was on its feet and the outline of her young body shimmered in the moonlight.

She was awake or slept she. I looked over to her for a while. She had her hand between her thighs as if she was stroking herself. Had not moved her hand exactly or I only formed it.

But actually. Slowly rubbed her hand between her legs. My pulse got faster. She had noticed that I was awake? Probably not, at least that’s how I hoped.

She now spread her long slim legs clearly recognizably and slowly let the second hand slide down over her body. She paused above the Venus hill and stroked the little red blonde fur, which I could see for a short moment when she pulled out.

With a finger stretched, she drove for her column and wet him with her virgin juice, which seemed to be running out of her little cunt in masses. Her lips were waiting impatiently to be able to cost the taste of their love nectar. She let her finger run over the narrow, sensual lips and then removed everything with her tongue again.

It seemed to taste because she repeated it several times. My blanket stood steeply from me and showed how much excited I was. I heard her breath got faster and faster and just a few moments later it came to her. Apparently she had to bite her lips properly so as not to moan loudly and wake the others.

Katha stayed still for some time. “Well you liked it?“I suddenly heard her voice. “I think so, or why does your blanket have a huge bump again,” she gave the answer herself. Before he could return something, she pulled over the ceiling again and rolled on her side.

“Sleep well you voyeur!“Then this bitch made me really sharp and now left me alone with my crossbar. Oh wait when we are both alone you will pay for it I swore and tried to fall asleep again.

It worked even after half an hour, but it didn’t take long for the first rays of sunshine to the window came and the sleep was over. I opened my eyes and looked over at Katha but her bed was empty.

Quiet steps approached the room and I lay down again in a flash and closed my eyes. “Well you duklash” I heard her quiet voice and felt how she came closer to my bed. She carefully leaned over me and I felt her hair on my back, which was still wet hair on my back. I straightened up at lightning speed and got her to grasp.

With fright she lost her balance and fell on the bed. My arms held them and I pulled them closer to me.

“So you think you can first make me really sharp and just drop it without being punished.“I whispered her in her ear. Only now did I notice that she was naked and let my hand slide over her delicate skin. Her pulse was at 180 and her small, dainty breasts moved up and down quickly.

She looked at me frightened and I just couldn’t resist and pressed my lips on her slightly opened mouth. She had replied the kiss and I felt her tongue gently pressed against my. Our hands tried to explore every centimeter of the other’s skin. With my feet I pulled my blanket away and Katha understood what I wanted.

We turned a little until she was lying on me. My tail Was already swollen again and was waiting to be freed from the shorts. I lifted my butt a little and Katha removed the hindy piece of fabric. She was in a hurry because it would not take a long time for the others to wake up.

My crossbar steeply got off and Katha straightened up.

With one hand she gently pushed the foreskin Back while she positioned her wet, hot hole over it. My hands were on her hips and pressed her abdomen against my hard masculinity. The tip of my glans carefully massaged the entrance to your love grotto. I loosened a hand and drove her over the furry bush of the red -blond pubic hair.

With index finger and thumb I started to rub your clit properly. A small orgasm had her dainty and almost fragile body shaken. A quiet moan came over her lips when I entered her deeper into her. But suddenly I paused.

I looked her in the eye and saw her a little tear ran down the cheek. She leaned forward.

“Please make me a woman!“Whisper them quietly. I stroked her calmly and told her that I would not do anything that she didn’t really want, but she straightened up again and let my hard member break her maiden hewn. Slowly I penetrated deeper and deeper.

Her vagina was really nice and I approved that I didn’t hurt her. I was now almost complete in her. In rhythmic, circular movements, their pelvis danced up and down. If I hadn’t known it, I wouldn’t have believed that it the first time For them is.

I wiped the tears out of her face with one finger. She leaned again and gave me a little kuj3. “Come on me your plump masculinity” she asked me and increased the pace of her bumps. I adapted to her movement and kneaded her sweet little tits.

Katha dropped her head back and leaned back. With her hands she comprised my legs and supported herself. It was a wonderful sight that offered me between her moist shiny thigh. My horny cock drilled deep into her and rubbed her narrow labia while sliding back and forth.

I was getting hotter from this spectacle when the door suddenly opened.

“Yes, look at someone. Our chick is being fucked really well, ”I heard Antje say and katha paused in fright. “Don’t let yourself be disturbed, you two sweeties” and already Antje closed the door again. Katha and I looked at each other and had to laugh and now really continued.

After all, it was out and we didn’t have to hide anything anymore. She increased the pace again and continued to straighten up so that I could spoil the buds of her breasts with my tongue. I held her tight in my arms when I felt how she exploded for the second time. Her love muscles pressed together and twitched wildly.

That was just too much of a good thing and I sprayed in her. I kept her tightly wrapped in and again a tear rolled down her cheek. “Thanks!“Sighed.

“I couldn’t have imagined it for the first time.“I kissed the tear and we cuddled for a while until we finally separated.
to be continued ..

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