The favorable opportunity | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My wife Inge and I have actually understood each other since we have known each other very well in bed, and since we finally moved into a shared apartment a few years ago, we now have more opportunity to enjoy each other. And although we have known each other for almost 18 years now there are still things that we have not yet tried together. But for one thing that I had been around in my head for a long time, there was a reasonable opportunity recently. Inge is 51 and therefore almost five years younger than me.

She showed herself in terms of sex right from the start, and so we have already done some crazy things. She also has quite funny ideas again and again, I can still remember how she had shaved her then blond pubic hair in heart shape and brightly colored red in our third anniversary. That was a very inviting declaration of love.

Nevertheless, I hadn’t dared to do yet, the topic Pee to speak openly to your counterpart.

At the beginning of twenty my then my girlfriend literally brought me to the taste, but that only lasted a short time. Since then there had been no opportunity to pursue this passion, but the wish was still. But how do you address such an issue? I had always let a few hints fall in the direction, but Inge mostly reacted to this evasive or with a joke, so that the topic was quickly done again. However, a few days ago, however, the right circumstances came together.

It was the weekend and we had made a cozy day. After an intimate breakfast in bed, we were walking in the afternoon in the park nearby. It was just over zero, but brilliant sunshine, which, together with the joy of the warmth in bed, let our good mood rise afterwards. Arrived at home again, we both made a nice big hot coffee, which we first enjoyed in peace.

Inge, who generally paid attention to her slim body, drank still water as usual as usual. Inge was exactly my type, it was slim, but not thin or lean, the curves just sat in the right places. Her breasts were not too big (80 b), for which she could have a cracker that had already brought her on the street. She probably hadn’t missed that I was just finding that again, my gaze must have revealed me, and so she came across to my side of the table, sat down on my lap, and in the following kiss our tongues also found quicklytheir way to each other.

“You ruffle,” she whispered in my ear, “if you look at me like that, I don’t need coffee at all so that I get hot again”. “I just don’t want you to know”. I said with an exaggerated care, “and besides, your coffee is all” anyway “. “Hm, then it is probably time to go on to the cozy part of the afternoon, what do you think?“, She said, and actually it wasn’t a question.

It disappeared into the bath next to the bedroom, While I still cleared the coffee things in the kitchen. After a while the bathroom door opened again, and shortly afterwards the distinctive rustling was heard when Inge slipped under the covers. That was the signal for me to also disappear in the bathroom, on Toilet to go and make me fresh. Somehow I had to think of my secret wish again.

Whether the opportunity arises with Inge? I didn’t know how quickly this wish would come true. So I got into bed naked naked, which was already waiting for me, also naked there, and we snuggled up close together. The cozy weekend, the beautiful winter walk, the dusk that already started, which caused a steamed light in the room, and the cozy warmth in bed, which all contributed to a very special mood, and so our kisses quickly became more intense, and our handswent on a hike. I stroked her neck, her shoulders and then over her breasts.

I played a little with her now hard nipples, which I knew how much she turned it on. When my hand stroked her custom, I slid down a bit to kiss her breasts, and of course not to nibble little about what was acknowledged with a pleasant groan. My hand moved on, however, and after a while found the way to her Pussy, which was shaved at the moment, who was already awaiting the visit of my fingers hot and more than moist. When I had two fingers slipped into her without much resistance, she groaned and pressed towards me, she enjoyed the pampering program noticeably.

After a while she was draining from this hug. “Hey, not so quickly, master”, she whispered to me, “that’s very dangerous what you are doing. I wanted to enjoy the afternoon slowly with you “. She turned around and lay down on me.

“Now it’s your turn first.“Then Inge began to slow down on me with her hands and her mouth. In doing so, she made it tormented again to caress me on the belly below the belly’s nabble without getting to the matter. Just the anticipation for what (hopefully) would follow the same, I made me so horny that my plump tail eagerly stretched towards her. I tried to slide up to come towards her, but she didn’t get involved and slipped up.

She looked up at me and looked at me with an as cunning as well as lustful grinds. “So bad?“She asked what I only brought about a fading nod. “So, so,” she said, “Well then”, and shortly afterwards I noticed how her hot and soft lips slid down on my cock. Finally I felt her tip of my tongue on my glans, and that almost hit me like an electric blow.

It didn’t lack much at that moment, and the first round would have gone to Inge. She too had noticed that, and so she became more careful with her actions to be able to enjoy longer. Which was not the choice that I preferred at that moment, I was just under pressure. A few minutes later, who felt like an eternity, kissed and stroked Inge slowly back up to me to slide even further after a short kiss and a whispered “Now I’m back”.

I slid down on her back, because I knew what came now, one of my absolute favorite positions when it came to spoiling Inge. She crouched upright to bed, hers Feet were about to the shoulder width on the left and right next to my head, and so she could with her pussy comfortably settle on my mouth. I included her hip and waist from the outside with my arms, so that I could hold her two breasts in my hands in the front and easily support her. She put her hands on her knees for balance, and since we had a rather hard mattress, this position could be enjoyed for a long time without efforts.

Inge was now even hotter and, above all, grew even more wet, and so I was able to lick it to my heart’s content, because I enjoyed the taste of her lust and the way she made her pelvis slightly circle over me to be safe,that I didn’t miss a place with my tongue. I could hear her moaning between her legs. I let my tongue slide through her column lengthy, I sucked alternately on her swollen labia, and whenever I touched her clitoris, I got a twitch and an excited sigh as an answer. I could spoil her for hours, only the experience showed that she rarely ended it for so long and the round went to me in the episode 🙂 This time she tried to break away from this position earlier than usual.

I noticed how she slowly started bending forward to get up or slide back to sit down, but I didn’t let her. I had just got going to spoil her with my mouth as well as I could – and, not to forget – to enjoy this intensely. Due to the special mood that was created today, I felt Inge even more intensely than usual. Somehow I felt that more was possible today.

I tried not to let myself be put on and continued. Whenever she shifted, I gently pushed her back. Then I noticed how she put a hand on my head, the signal to take a short break and look at her. “Sorry honey, but I have to,” she whispered.

Her gaze revealed that she didn’t really want to get up at the moment. “But you were only earlier?“I asked in astonishment. “Yes,” she replied hesitantly, “but the coffee and the water, I have to go again”. I only replied without thinking about it, “I don’t let you go now,” closed my eyes, and let my tongue slide through her pussy again.

I rarely experienced her so wet, and I sucked up every drop that I could get. Obviously, she had also gained lust about the need, because she had me granted me again for a while. I had made her abdomen to twitch with my actions again a few times when she suddenly put her hand on my head again and quickly said, “Stop, I really have to!”. Without really taking a break, I only replied, “not now”, she stated, and let my tongue slide back into her.

I only knew that if she went to the toilet now, then she also washes, which in principle is a good idea, but at that moment I did not want to do without the heat or taste. I didn’t think any more. That changed when she grabbed my forearms after a while and tried to break away from my hug. “Kurt,” she called, “let me go, me, uaaaaaah!“She couldn’t get any further, because I had started an attack on her clitoris again in common way, and she shrugged over me.

Then she managed to slide a little bit backwards and gently press my head down with one hand. She looked at me urgently and said, “You can continue again, but you have to let go of me now, I really can’t keep it right away right away.“That was the moment when it made it * click *. Here she was, the opportunity I had been waiting for so long, and it was literally close. I decided to let it get on.

“No,” I said, “you can just cramp yourself. Relax and enjoy it “. “But I can’t relax now,” she protested, “otherwise I can guarantee nothing”. “I take the risk, I rarely enjoyed you as today,” I said, and kissed her lap.

For a moment she didn’t know what she was supposed to reply, and I took advantage of this moment and gently pressed it forward so that her smooth pussy was directly over my mouth again. My tongue went back to the hike and I took as much of her in her mouth as I could. Now she was constantly trying to get out of my hug, but I pressed my arms tighter and also took her breasts more firmly to hold her in the right position. Her attempts became stronger, and if she had seriously torn herself, I would of course have let her go too.

But it didn’t come that far. Whenever I have a “stop!”,” Stop!”, “Let me!”Or” stop!”, I tried from below with a” calm “,” relax yourself “,” let go “or” shhhhh!” to calm down. Then came the moment that I had been waiting for so long. After touching her most sensitive point again with my tongue, her abdomen twitched again, but this time the twitch was accompanied by a quiet hissing, and for a short moment I felt her hot beam on my tongue.

Wow! I enjoyed the new taste in my mouth and smoke with relish a few times, as with a good wine tasting. I had palpitations and was happy as the first time when Inge and I had sex, a wonderful intense experience that I often think of it. And this was again a first time, One that I had been dreaming of for a long time and that I will certainly think about for a long time. I licked her lips again in the hope of getting a few more drops from their delicious water.

I have no idea how long it took until she realized what had happened, probably it was only a few seconds, but it happened to me like minutes and she said slightly shocked, “Oh god, Kurt, I”, but I pressed my mouthfirmly against her pussy and only replied with a “mm” full of pleasure. I kept her further and let my tongue slide as deep as it went into it. When I got her back in the right place, I was rewarded with a hot ray again, this time a little longer and stronger than before. Her pee tasted delicious, so fresh from the source.

It was warm, almost hot, slightly salty, a little spicy, like good herbal tea. It was even better than I imagined in my fantasies, I definitely wanted more of it! Inge was of course not escaped by her again, and she put a hand on my head again to request a break. She looked at me and gasped quietly, “Kurt, I”, then suddenly she closed her eyes, put her head on the neck and breathed a audible manner through her teeth. At the same time, I felt how she pinched her buttocks and tensed, but a few drops from her bladder found the way outside again, where I immediately killed her tenderly.

I had irritated her enough, now I wanted to see if she would participate. She relaxed again, I looked up and our eyes met. “What do you do with me?“She barely whispered. I was sure that she at least suspected what I had in mind.

I looked down again, where her wet pussy glittered in front of my face in the dim light. I slowly licked over her column from bottom to top. The taste of her urine mixed up to that of her lust and resulted in a wonderful cocktail. I still kept her tightly, even if she no longer fought back, but so I could feel how she was slightly trembling all over the body.

She was obviously very excited, but also torn back and forth. Our eyes met again, but this time it was one of these very special looks that you can feel into your deepest inner inner, a moment of deepest connection and trust in which time seems to be left. When I realized how something dripped on my chin on her, I licked again slowly and tenderly over her pussy, without our eye contact broke off. She took a deep breath and relaxed a little more.

I loosened my hug a little, although my heart knocked so much that I heard it rustling it and now I was trembling. Then, without giving a tone of itself, or maybe I just didn’t hear it through the excitement, she shaped the words with her mouth, “you want?”. I didn’t get an answer, not even a nod. I needed a moment to understand what had just happened.

Then I closed my eyes and pressed my lips against her lap. I enclosed as best I could my wet labia with my mouth and waited. My heart knocked like insane. When I couldn’t stand it and let my tongue slide through her column again, she gently put a hand on my head again.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”, she broke me quietly without moving. Then she put her hands on mine in which I held her breasts and gently pressed her. I felt how her heart knocked on how she concentrated, how she breathed calmly and deeply, how her abdomen tense and relaxed. I enjoyed the taste that was almost completely that of her lust again, the feeling of her wet femininity in my mouth.

Then the time came. Again a few drops of their hot juice found their way outside. I felt how it became significantly wet, how the taste changed again, how it slowly ran into my mouth. Inge breathed deeply through.

Then the next channel followed, a little more this time. “More,” I just thought, “I want more of it!“My wish was fulfilled. Suddenly a hot beam filled my mouth with audible hissing. I pressed myself very hard to her, I felt the pressure of her beam on my tongue, and within a few seconds my mouth filled my precious pee.

Then her source suddenly dried up and I took the chance to swallow the previous prey and take a deep breath. As soon as I pushed my mouth back to her, her locks opened again, and a strong beam filled my mouth again in a few seconds. I couldn’t believe it yet. my dream had finally come true.

Inge sat on me, relaxed, and pissed into my mouth. I enjoyed every drop of it. Your urine just tasted delicious. I swallowed and immediately I felt the next tidal wave.

The feeling of the hot liquid in my mouth to feel the pressure of your beam on my tongue was a sensation. She managed to fill my mouth a few times before her beam became weaker, and the source finally dried up slowly. It took a felt eternity. Obviously, the effect of coffee, water and excitement was stronger than expected.

After she had completely emptied, I had not missed a drop of it, I gently pressed her again, and now began licking it out with increasing intensity. I just couldn’t let her, and as I was opposed to me, it was also based on mutuality. Her breathing got deeper again and she pressed my hands more and more closely. After all, her abdomen was getting on again, in a different way this time.

Shortly afterwards she came with a huge orgasm, as I had rarely experienced until then. She bit her back in the back of the hand so as not to scream out loudly, otherwise the entire apartment block would have known what was going on, and her pelvis shrugged so violently that her dripping wet pussy claped my face several times with loud clapping. When her orgasm died, I let go of my hug. She stayed on me exhausted for a moment, then rolled out on her side weakly and let herself fall into bed next to me.

“Wow” was everything you could say completely out of breath, in the next ten minutes. We were just there still. Finally she slipped over to me and we nestled closely and kissed intimately. She must have reminded something of the taste of what had just happened.

“Was that a dream, or did it really happen just?“Asked quietly and looked at me. “If that was a dream, we both dreamed the same thing.“She rolled up slightly and put her head on my chest. She seemed thoughtful. After a while she said, “I don’t think so”.

“What?“I asked after a moment. She looked up again, hesitated for a moment. Obviously she turned the thought around a few more times before she spoke out: “As I was sitting on you, I really peeled there?“I tenderly stroked her cheek. “Yes, you have, honey,” I replied softly.

She slipped a little closer to me and asked curiously, “You mean, I really pissed into you?”. At the undertone in her voice it was to be noted that she liked this question. “Yes, you pissed my mouth.”” You rat, now I understand all of your allusions “she said with a slight grin and pinched me,” how long have you had before?”” For a long time, “I replied without obligation. “And I am at least a good year? I tasted?”” Mm, full -bodied!”” Soso and, you now expect that I pink your mouth more often?“I looked her deep into her eyes and said,” Yes, please, I would like to drink more from you.“She rolled up again, put her head back on my chest and said quietly as she caressed my arm,“ Well, let’s see what can be done.“There was no doubt that it was a ‘yes’.

I was in the seventh heaven.

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