Telephone sex in the bathtub | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Claudia had just turned the warm water and made herself really comfortable in her big tub when she was startled by the ringing of her cell phone. For a moment she was annoyed that she had taken it into the bathroom at all. But later she had an appointment with a friend and had turned an alarm as a precaution.

When she threw a short, informative look at the display, she smoked her anger again when she saw the number of Dennis. Your little one Brother she was almost always allowed to disturb.

With a grin she accepted the call.

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“Hello, brothers.“, She said, well -known that the 19-year-old annoyed it when his big one Sister called him so.

“Damn, you shouldn’t call me that.“, She sounded towards her immediately.

“Ah, I’m sorry. I could not resist. What is there?”

“I just wanted to report briefly because of Mutti’s birthday next week … tell me why it is echoes with you?”

“Oh, I’m lying in the bathtub …” said Claudia as by the way, but she knew exactly what reaction this would trigger Dennis.

“What, really now? Woah, you can’t tell me something like that …”

Claudia laughed inside.

She was able to imagine how the head cinema jumped on her dirty brother.

On the other side of the management, Dennis made the imagination overtime. Only too well he could imagine his big sister as she was naked in her tub and the water nestled around her great curves. Claudia just had a great figure, slim, but not too thin and with great long legs. In addition, she had a rather exciting tattoo that meandered from her left shoulder over her entire upper body to her left thigh, a mixture of flower tendrils, mystical symbols and a blue-violet snake.

Just crazy. In addition, their long, dark red curls and the water blue eyes showed an excellent wank template for the still teenager. Especially since he since Claudia like in XGerman.Net website surprised a few months ago during her vacation at home in the shower. Since then the sight has not let go of him and this bitch from a sister did not leave out an opportunity to finish him with it.

“Go through your imagination with you again?“He heard his sister asking questions.

“I bet yours tail Is already very hard.”

“Bone hardy, sister.“Dennis confirmed without shame.

“Hey, you shouldn’t call me that!“, Claudia protested with a clear laugh in the voice.

“Why not?“Asked her brother innocently. “Just because you are five years older?”

“That’s why. And because otherwise I don’t tell you how cool I am right now.”

That showed the effect, Dennis begged, to get more told more.

“Well, but first you take off your pants. I hope you are alone at home?”

“I am, mom is for shopping and you won’t believe it, but I’m already completely naked.”

That even voted.

Dennis had just showered and decided to call her before wearing. Somehow he had felt that it would be a great phone call with his sister again.

In her bathtub, Claudia just introduced herself how her brother lay naked on his bed and his stiff tail was showing the ceiling. The thought made her incredibly sharp and immediately she began to stroke herself. Unfortunately, she only had one hand for this.

I definitely have to get a headset, she thought.

Claudia said loudly: “I’m just kneading my left chest. The nipple is already very hard. Uh, do that good. And now I slowly let my hand over my stomach to hike.”

The pictures in front of Dennis eyes were razor -sharp.

The firm tits of his sister and how her hand slid over her tight belly, directly into her paradise, which was certainly shaved smoothly.

“My hand has reached my pub. I am freshly shaved from this morning, no hair can be felt. And now … Ah Jaaa, I finally got to my pussy.“Claudia sighed exaggerated, even though she was already feeling after a groan.

“Come on, tell me how you touch yourself.“She asked her brother. “You are already busy on Jerk off!”

Of course he was that. “My hand is firmly around my shaft. My limb is rock hard and I feel the veins in it throbbing in it.

Your moan turns me on and the thought of your bare body almost brings me to spray, so I have to jerk myself very slowly.”

“Fortunately not me. My fingers dig wildly in my hot cunt and rub vigorously over the clit. Hot lust hunt through my body and I now push two fingers into my hole and fuck myself with it. Oh yes, it feels good … “

“What are you thinking?“Dennis groaned.

“Come on, tell you dirty bitch!”

“On your cock! I think of your hard, horny cock and how you jerk him!“Claudia almost shouted now, she was very close to her climax and had to be careful not to fell her cell phone into the water. Then everything would have been in vain.

“You make me so horny, Claudia! I come right away, I can no longer hold back and now jerk off quickly and firmly!”

The fact that her brother called her by name showed how excited Dennis was really. But Claudia was also completely lost in her lust.

“Tell me when you splashed, Dennis! I’m almost ready … I fuck myself with three fingers ..

Oh god, I come … yes, yes, Jaaaaa aaaahhh.”

Claudia roared hers orgasm literally on the phone. She had never been quiet during sex and certainly not since she had her own apartment.

Dennis was in no way. “Yes, I come too ..

I splashed … Jaaaaaaaaa!”

In front of her spiritual eye, Claudia saw her brother to get his cock sperm outside. Thick, white fountains that rain down on him and the bed and the thought increased their own climax again.

After that there was calm. The two siblings first had to take a breath.

“Are you still there?“, Claudia finally asked.

“Yes, I am.“Dennis sounded terribly exhausted.

Claudia grinned satisfied.

She loved to make calls with her brother and get to climax. They have been doing this for a while since Claudia had separated from her boyfriend. How it started, she didn’t know exactly anymore. But it turned them into being scary to snap each other with him and then hear how he came and to experience a climax himself.

Especially since she rarely saw her brother since she had moved out of home. But otherwise they would never have come so close, at least on the phone. She wondered if Dennis had told his girlfriend about it. She didn’t believe it, but Diana (that was called the girl) should be pretty open -minded.

She was excited to get to know her soon.

Which she remembered the real reason for calling her brother. “Tell me, you spoke of Mutti’s birthday earlier. You are actually aware that we are there the first time see, since … “

“Since we have phone sex? Yes, I thought about it. But honestly, I’m looking forward to it.

A lot.”

Claudia could hear the excitement in Dennis’ voice. She smiled again.

“Yes, brothers, me too. Me too…”

sequel follows

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