Strippoker | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was Saturday afternoon and like the last few days it rained every 10 minutes. A weather where you would not even hunt a roughage dog in front of the door, I have been bored all day long, and then I got the idea to drop by a buddy. So I drank my coffee, went have a shower, I dressed and ran to him half the kilometer. I rang the doorbell and when he opened the door hit me a damp breeze with the smell of bath water.

So he had followed one of his favorite actions again and had hours in the Bathtub put around. Well, that I didn’t call because he wouldn’t have been urged anyway and I thought he was not at home. We went to his room and sat on his bed to consult what we wanted to do against boredom. After a few rejected actions, he suggested that we could play a round of strippoker.

I taped my forehead with my index finger and told him that I would certainly not play a game that I would lose under guarantee because he almost always got games to win games. Instead, I suggested a round of “strip cubes” to him, with a cube and with every 1 you had to give a piece of clothing. Said and done. So a new game was born and the chances were not bad for me, since his first two throws were already 1.

In the end there was also his slip and I still had slip and both socks. So his permanent winning run was over and I told him … “Another 1 and I won”. My next litter was a 5 and his one 1 and now he had a problem … I knew that he was very reluctant to lose and he also started to print around as expected what we could do now and asked if he was still a chancewould get. Such a question from my, now completely bare buddy while he had losing a game already amusing and I wanted to tease him a little, so I told him that I would borrow my panties for this round … .. blow would.

But you should never do the bill without the landlord and so I was quite amazed at his “ok”.

He grabbed my panties for a short thinking customer, pulled it out and was immediately over mine with his open mouth tail, Enveloped them. In the middle with his lips and started sucking at him slowly when he was still limp and probably not yet understood that good would be done now. My buddy felt what he had in his mouth slowly with his Tongue and my cock grew to all its size while my buddy, with my cock in my mouth, chuckled something that sounded like “Man if the groff”.

Admittedly, if you have a tail of 18 cm in your mouth for the first time. Slowly my buddy was curious and explored everything about the cock with his tongue and was interested in the creme for a particularly long time, whereby he carefully killed the clamp and vibrating his tip of the tongue into the hole of the glans and there was also a while for a while. It seemed to me that he was totally enjoying it while the thought was going through my head, or. The question of how he would react if I now inject my whole load in the middle of my tongue … but I wanted to let him get out of the situation so easily and, above all, sooooo, after all he was a game loser today, I had to enjoy that a little, and he also did it really well and I was getting hotter, long and more on more.

After about a quarter of an hour I decided to bring a little more life into the whole situation, bent me a little, put my hands on his shoulders and began to let her go over his shoulder blades, then let it move down all over the back,Until I had arrived on his pelvic bones. From then on he had less of my cock in my mouth and slid up and now took my cock even deeper in my mouth and I put another one on it by taking my hands, grabbing his head and pressing it even deeper on my cock. Now he had almost everything inside and I pushed a bit again and began to move and fuck him really deep into his mouth until he started to chuckle and indicated that he could hardly breathe. He turned a bit on his side and moved up with his pelvis, whereby I got a good view of his stand.

I liked it so well that I had to grasp his hand firmly with his hand and his foreskin Once sluggishly pushed back to take a look at his crest. Then I started to massage the underside of his tail in the middle of his cock, which elicited my buddy a very loud moan and I felt how his cock became even harder. I also had the impression that his cock had become even tougher and it was a pound to feel. I also turned on the right side, now had his stiff cock in front of my face and tried to push my cock deeper into his mouth again.

I put on his cock with lips that were pinched together, brought my left arm on his ass In position and then pulling it up and making his stiff cock disappear completely in my mouth then one … my buddy groaned very loudly like wildly, began to move slowly at first but after a few bumps he fucked my mouth totally, so thathis Egg This often clapped into my face. He groaned louder with every bump, which I not only heard but also felt this moan in my cock and even became even hotter and fucked him deeper and deeper until he pushed his cock deep and splashed his juice on my tongue. That was an estimated 10 rich splash, a horny finish and it didn’t even taste bad, but with his tangible moan I couldn’t anymore and I also shot my entire load deep into his mouth and then fucking a number of bumps on it,Until he had also licked and swallowed the very last sperm cell with his tongue. I also slipped his cock to the end and somehow I had the feeling that something would have wanted to stand again, but we both fell on our backs until our pulse was back in the normal range.

If the story likes, I could continue writing.

Have fun with it

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