Sex tutoring from the neighbor | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I am the Beate and tell me about mine Fling. I’ve been living with my husband for 17 years now. We also have three children and actually everything is great, but my life became more and more monotonous and I felt more and more drained. Now I was already 45 years old and I didn’t feel like it anymore. Why also? It was the same every day. I came from work and did the household and played it Teacher in the evening.

My husband played a lot with the kids and so he also dealt a lot with them but there were things that just stayed on me. And when they were in bed, I wanted to be the dear woman. But I was usually tired and I haven’t found myself attractive for a long time. I had very big breasts in category D, but they also hung more and more. My stomach no longer wanted to be flat but it was very clear.

But the worst felt I felt my butt. It was no longer a butt but an oller wider and shaky ass. Also also knows that I was reluctant to show myself to others naked. The sex was no longer fun. I just didn’t feel sexy anymore,. Even if my husband said he thought I was beautiful. Still, the inner feeling says something else. That’s how I just lived there and let him have fun.

There were no more orgasms for me. When I think back, no more. I also had no desire for it either. I have a lot into depression and became unable to work. So I stayed at home for a very long time. My psychologist advised me right now in Summer, To move me naked in the apartment, even to go on the balcony to be able to air and sun. Well, doctors hold who they say it,.

You try it. It was ok, after all, I was alone during the day. I also often sat naked on the balcony. But then a voice came diagonally from behind. Our one neighbor saw me. Our balconies were connected over corner. I thought he wasn’t there. He lived with a man and they were also a firm couple. He said good morning beautiful neighbor. I winced and threw a towel over my body right away.

He smiled and said that I don’t need to chase myself, he had to admit that he has now seen me more often naked. That was really super embarrassing to me. I wanted to get up but that didn’t work. The towel was too small for that. So I stayed sitting. He got involved in a conversation. I don’t know how he did it, but soon I was so distracted that I just forgot to have a towel over it. We talked about everything.

He listened to me well and was very sensitive. At some point I was so open to him that I explained him what was going on to me. Also that there are sexual problems. It was not embarrassing to him, on the contrary. He told me a lot about his sex, which was very interesting because he is gay. At some point it was so hot on the balcony that he went in briefly and came back naked. It was nice to see him to see him like that but also nice.

He was very muscular and slim. His body was completely shaved and his penis, yes the penis. He was very long and his testicles hung very far down. I didn’t dare to look at that. But he noticed it and said that it is ok. It doesn’t bother him. He also sat down and we continued to talk. After a while he said that I can try sex with him. I strongly made my voice.

He said it was not a problem. It’s not the first time. He used to have had sex with women, which was also nice, but he found the last kick with a man. I smiled embarrassed and waved off. I had to go in. So I got up and started. Nice soft butt came. I scurried in and got dressed. I was embarrassed to me. The next day I didn’t get out of my head.

So he can see me. I preferred to stay dressed. The following day, heard him said goodbye to his friend. I looked through the spy. So his friend was the very fat man I had seen more often. I don’t know why but so many things went through my head. He really found my butt sexy? At some point I had to pour flowers back on the balcony. So I sneak out.

I don’t know where he was, but it came, good morning. I was startled. He came closer to the railing, leaned his head and looked back and forth. Then he whispered, na interest? I couldn’t say anything and went in. My heart raced like crazy. It was astonishingly tingling in me. What was going on to me? Actually the feeling was nice. I haven’t had it for a long time. So I tried to feel it again and went out again but again naked.

But he wasn’t there this time. Hm, I was already disappointed and sat down. When the sun came out,. I made my eyes. I don’t know how long I was sitting there but he spoke to me again. Of course I scare myself and this tingling was immediately back. It was such a nice feeling. It was so nice, I was just deciding to put myself naked on the railing. He looked at me and smiled.

Also shaved? Asked he. I looked down and saw my bare pussy. Jap, I said. Looks good, he said and smiled on. Offer is still standing, his last words were. I still don’t know what rode me and why I said that but I said, well then come. He nodded and went in. Shortly afterwards it rang and I got a worst goosebumps. I opened the door a gap. He was it.

I continued to open her and he came in. We immediately went into the bedroom. I looked at our bed. My husband and I was otherwise in it. Should I really? What do I do? I turned around and he stood naked behind me. It was my voice and I hardly got any breath. He came closer and stroked my breasts slightly. I felt like a stupid schoolgirl what to be first time experienced.

I stood there motionless. I didn’t know what to do. He put my nipples in his mouth. I have enjoyed it for a long time. One hand started to stroke my stomach and went deeper and deeper. How often did my husband do that? Actually it should be so familiar to me, but no, it was strange and even tickled. When his hand came to a standstill on my pussy, a pleasant feeling spread.

He led me to the bed and I lay on it. He lay down next to me and stroked my body. I was like senses. The same touches were still new. His hand disappeared between my thighs and opened my pussy. His fingers played around my pearls and plucked to my lips. I could feel how I was getting wet. Then he rafted up, opened my legs and before I could ever have said something, his head disappeared between my thighs.

His tongue was very slow and soulful. He didn’t miss anything in me. When he sucked on my pearl, it had happened to me. Came so suddenly that I had to hold my mouth myself. I cried out very loudly. I had zero my moans under control. He let go of it and came between my legs. He slipped on me and put it in. Of course he was greater than my husband, but this feeling was amazing.

When he was in it, he only slowly took me to which a very loud smack was always heard. Then he took my legs on his shoulders and took me very quickly and strong. I groaned louder and what didn’t matter to me then. I was just listening to my lust. His testicles skin against my buttocks and it just smacked. Then he had to have reached one point. One orgasm Wave drove me through.

I think you could hear my screaming and moaning through half the house. I had such an orgasm that I tense my pelvis strongly. He apparently found it very good because he came in me. I just wanted to have everything and reached for his crunchy butt and pulled it up. I was no longer a breath and then let go. I was flat. He winced something with his pelvis and then pulled it out.

I was so sensitive that even this movement poured a twitch. He got up and slowly got dressed. I just couldn’t move. Then he went quietly. I could hear his door over there. I was so flat that I fell asleep. I only woke up because my husband woke me, he smiled and said that I could often receive him like this. Then he took off and opened my legs. I quickly reached my pussy.

She was damp but I didn’t feel any sticky sperm. Then he took my hand away and took me. Either he was better this time or something would have loosened with me. Because I got an orgasm again and it was even fun. Then he came in me and then went washed. I had to see quickly if something ended up on the bed of beforehand. Nothing, everything dry. It was surprised. Drip it out of me now but where is it from before? I was so excited that my body took it? Apparently.

I didn’t tell him anything. The next day I met our neighbors again. He smiled like almost always and then he said that it apparently brought something, as it sounded. Yes, I said, very much.

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