Sarah is cool again | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It has passed almost two weeks. I was sitting in the living room and looked at the Bundesliga while Janine soned in the garden. Janine came shortly before half -time and said that Sarah would stop by and need help with her cell phone. “Okay, and what exactly does she need,” I asked my girlfriend. “Something with the memory, or with the display. I told her that you do that. “That can be cheerful and looked at myself and looked at the last minutes of the first half while I thought about how I had secretly took Sarah in our bedroom at my girlfriend’s birthday party.

Just in time for the half -time whistle, the doorbell rang and Janine opened. “Hi, thank you that I can come over today. Chic bikini, suits you well, ”I heard Sarah say. I went to the two and hugged Sarah as a greeting. She wore belly -free top and a short summer skirt with sandals. “Hi Sarah, nice to see you. What kind of cell phone problem do you have, ”I asked right away. Sarah explained what did not work with the cell phone and I assured her that I could solve the problem.

“You can go into the garden in time, I don’t need you. Besides, that’s not so exciting, ”I suggested the two. The two took a coffee and went on the terrace. In the living room I looked briefly out of the window, down into the garden and saw how the two were deepened into a conversation “. So far there was no tension or something suspicious I thought when I watched Sarah.

She looked damn hot I thought when I realized that my sports pants were slightly tensioned. Since it was very hot, I only had one shirt at home and a light sports trousers were put on. Fortunately there was no one here, which the bump would notice I smiled into myself. After approx. The cell phone ran again for 20 minutes and I decided to do a system update. At that moment Sarah came into the living room and put the coffee mug on the table.

“Do you get it or should I help you” she smiled me mischievously. Where is Janine, ”I asked Sarah. “I had to go for little girls and wanted to make a coffee” came as an answer while she went to the window and looked down at the terrace. She kept her gaze further on the terrace when I got up and slowly stepped behind it. As we both looked on the terrace and watched Janine in the sun, I grabbed her hair, which was bound to a ponytail and slowly pulled her head to me.

Then my hands wandered along her hips on her hips to her ass, where I stayed for a while and went into my fingers. Now I hiked with my hand under her skirt to be unerringly to her pussy. “Who has no panties on” I asked her when I slid over their slit with my fingers a few times. Sarah turned his head to me without losing sight of my girlfriend.

“I thought you were happy and we save time,” she grinned. At that moment I let three fingers disappear into her, which she acknowledged with a suppressed moan. Sarah now looked behind him for the first and in my eyes. It was again this arrogance mixed with lust in her eyes. Her hand went to the window handle and she tipped the window. Sarah bit himself on the lower lip when she looked at me again.

I pulled my sports pants under my butt and my now hard cock was vertically off. With my left hand I grabbed Sarah on my hip and moistened my tail with Sarah’s wet a few times. Then I looked out of the window and pressed Sarah completely in my cock. I captured her hips while I pushed more and more firmly into her. Sarah pissed off on the lower lip to suppress a groan. A few bumps later I paused to escape her, pressed her on all four and penetrated her back into her.

In the meantime, I also fucked her rosette with my thumb, which she obviously only made even wilder. So I put my cock on her perfect ass and slowly penetrated it into her. I felt like I was going to burst, this narrow made me crazy when my girlfriend suddenly called for me. I escaped Sarah and went to the window naked to open it to the window to open it. “Yes honey” I said with a red head.

“Can you say Sarah that she can bring me another cola”. “Of course, I think she’s still in the kitchen. I tell her directly “was my answer to close the window and look at the living room floor. There was Sarah with legs spread wide and said “Fick me finally, I have to go back to the garden”. Two steps and I lay over her and looked her in the eye. Our eyes met and I asked her where she would like to have me.

“Spray in my ass” she said when she pulled my head to her and we kissed for the first time. Without loosening the kiss, I penetrated her butt again and fucked it. Sarah had put on his feet and scratched my eggs with her hand. The ass and the situation let me experience a huge orgasm and I inject Sarah a few ointments in her ass. After I climbed from her, I kept my cock in front of her face and she began to blow to clean my cock from my remains.

While Sarah made himself fresh, I provided the coffee and the cola. When Sarah came back I pressed her on the wall to kiss her again briefly and put her ass into my hands again. Then I gave her the drinks and she disappeared on the terrace. When I was in the living room I opened a beer. The conference and the games were over, the re -reporting was just running. The next thing I noticed was like my girlfriend pulled to me and gently woke me up.

“Sarah drove. She left the cell phone here and asked if you could do it tomorrow as soon as you repaired it. She said you would make it until tomorrow, ”said my girlfriend. “Sure, I will only charge it briefly and then I’ll bring it over her tomorrow”. I thought a wicked bitch and was looking forward to tomorrow. “Did you listen to me? I asked if you also think that I had become brown today, ”asked me Janine.

“Oh yes, you have become a nice brown you have my darling. And tomorrow will be a sunny day again ”…. And not only that I thought …

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