Ripe Luder | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hot in older women, give an advertisement with the title: Reifes Luder wanted, would like to take photos of her and everything possible.Since I live in a boring relationship and many wishes have remained unfulfilled.I had already given up hope and

After a while I get an email from a single lady.

In this email stood that I would like to talk to you during a breakfast and coffee.

I was very surprised, I had written so many advertisements and emails and had given up hope for response.

I sent back the lady if I could have a photo.

She emailed me back and asked, I had offered her to take photos of her myself. In this email she informed me of her address.

The city and the street. But I had to wait a few more days and I painted everything. Old, fat, wrinkled ….What can I expect. We still emailed, but she didn’t reveal anything.

The evening before the request to bring bread rolls.

Now this day came too and I started very early because I didn’t want to appear unpunctual. The residential area was a normal, nothing special. I found the house and got out of my car with the required rolls.Since it was very warm in the morning, a lot of people were already on the sidewalk and on the balconies lying forward. I felt strange in the stomach area.

You looked at me from the balcony.The lady was also on her balcony and saw me come. The tension rose. I crashed ….After a felt minute, the redeeming sound of the door opener came. I went into the hallway, it was very well maintained and I had more stomach pressures in my stomach.Some readers will surely know this feeling.

I went through the ground floor to the first floor, then on the second floor.

Her name stood at the right door. I knocked politely because I had concerns the clamp could be so loud that all residents could hear it. The door spy got dark and bright and the door opened. A woman for around 60 years opened me.

Due to the heat, it didn’t wear much. It was a well -groomed woman and through the narrow -sitting shirt, I immediately saw on her overpowering breasts. Wow….Those were things. She said I don’t want to stop in the hallway and should occur.

I couldn’t have been told twice. She closed the door behind me and went to the kitchen. She had a skirt to the knee throat. The wearers of their bra tensioned on their backs.

She had a very pretty face and her smile let everything come up in me.

The kitchen table was already covered and waited for the rolls I had brought with me. I still had a small backpack over the shoulder in which my photo equipment was located.I put it next to the kitchen table. If you like a coffee, she asked me, I was very happy to answer. She filled water into the coffee machine and bent down to take the coffee filter and coffee flour out of the lower kitchen cabinet.

What I could see was a hammer -horny mighty butt that looked even larger through the small string. I breathed a deep breath ….unconsciously….

She filled in the coffee flour and switched the machine to on. She turned and smiled. She had noticed something like me on her horny ass had seen.

One says yes, women notice something like this. She sat on my chair towards me and asked me …Well, it was nothing to reveal now. I replied that the tension increases every minute..

She told me that she has been a widow for 3 years and answered an advertisement for the first time …Ohjee ….From the dream … I thought to myself ..

The coffee had run through the machine and she got up from the chair and brought the jug to the table. May I pour you, yes I would like to tell her.

Consciously or not, your shirt -looking hammer buses touched my shoulder. Duch the bra he looked really tight and tight. She smiled and went to her place. Also gave a coffee.

She asked me why I had given up an advertisement, I’m a really nice man and wouldn’t have it necessary. I answered her that I can’t just address an older woman that I like on the street. I like you, she asked myself.

I almost choked on the coffee.With fright she spilled her coffee on the kitchen table. This still hot coffee dripped from the table onto her skirt.

Ferred because the coffee was still very hot, she brushed off her skirt. She said is not bad, there are washing machines. What a sight. A black string that betrayed more than he should hide.She noticed my eyes and smiled.

I told her politely, I’m sorry but I hope she didn’t burn yourself.I tried to distract something and told me some things about it, it is my first date. If you want another coffee, she asked me, I can put on another one. I was happy to tell her. The same procedure.

Only this time without skirt. She bent down to the closet and I could see how the string between her big labia slipped. These were also shaved too. Nice sight I told her and slip back and forth restlessly on my chair.

She turned and came to me. Pushed my coffee cup, the plate aside and sat on the kitchen table. With her hands she pressed my face between her breasts. Were the horny tits.

What I now noticed, hers Nipple were big and hard. I thought horny. So have breakfast so is boring or said to me. She bent and opened my pants.

Really horny, mine jumped tail Through the open zippers. She immediately took her mouth and sucked greedily on him. I would never have believed to be blown like this. After 5 minutes I said stop otherwise I’ll come right away.

Yes and what is so bad about it …I wanted more from her, I said. She smiled and just blown on.

I couldn’t stop, maybe I didn’t want to. I put the full load in her mouth. She swallowed everything.

Are proteins she told me. Gave me a horny tongue kiss, this taste was new to me.Now it’s my turn. Ohjee, I thought what’s coming now. I just shot the full load in her neck.

She took the glass jam that was open on the table and grazed her string aside. With two fingers, she actually smeared jam on her already wet shimmering large labia. A smell opened up …cool.Finally lick them ….It was almost a command and I licked like one who had done nothing else for life. She groaned loudly and I noticed how her stomach lifted more and more violently.With a deep sigh it came to her.I couldn’t swallow everything.

What had happened now? She said she got a real injection molding. But since it tastes bitter, she had used the jam. Uff …You’re probably not finished yet, she asked me and turned on the stomach. Again she took the jam with two fingers and also smeared hers rosette a.I could see the two fingers penetrate deep.Again the command..Lick them.I licked and had no problems with the tip of the tongue into the rosette.

Already gotten horny again, my cock was ready again in full size. She noticed it and jerked my strap while licking. She asked me to stop licking, took her jam again and put her rosette back in and again the two fingers penetrated deep. She took my cock and led him to her rosette.

I pushed my cock deep into. What makes jam possible. I fucked deeper and more violent. Again she groaned loudly.

With the right hand I massaged your clit at Ass fuck. Spray in my asshole … Spray finally I heard her say. I fucked on hell come out and shot the whole load into her ass grotto. She turned again and sat down on the table again.

Took two fingers from me and led her to her asshole. Hollow out your juice, I want to feel it on my tongue. My fingers entered deeply and they were full of jam and sperm. She greedily licked my fingers.

We both were done. I had never expected a woman around 60 and so horny. We had breakfast and agreed on. But that’s another story that I will still write here.

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