Quickie in the thermal bath | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I was a little down. My relationship was over and there was nothing in sight that could distract me. Until Ines reported. She was free and wanted to go back to the thermal baths. Her friend was working, I also had free – so why not?In the thermal bath we had a relaxing afternoon. I had to watch her again and again. In your bikini she looked very sexy. Her slim figure with her thin legs, her snow -white skin and especially her little breasts were biting.

I had to control myself, but she kept getting like my eyes stuck to her. How good that we were friends and everything was regulated between us – I thought. After a few hours we wanted to go home. After we get out of the have a shower came, we got our things out of the common locker. Her medium -length, blond hair was still wet. I wanted to take the changing room directly opposite, apparently too – our hands touched when the door was opened.

“Oops,” I apologized. “No problem,” grinned Ines and indicated with her hand that she wanted to grant me ahead. I went into the canteen and immediately noticed that Ines followed me. I felt her little, packaged breasts on my bare back. I went through into the changing room and immediately closed the door and grinned at me while I looked questioningly. “Let’s save space. There are hardly any cabins left!“She said while my face became even more questioner.

After all, the thermal bath was not particularly well attended on Wednesday and we were in the way the only people were far and wide. In the meantime, the blood shot into my abdomen. Of course I knew that she hadn’t come along, just to move with me. Without further words I moved it up to me. Your hand immediately took me between the Legs, Where a considerable bump could no longer be denied. “What have we here?“She whispered in my ear and kissed me down from the neck.

My best piece pulsed while she went deeper with her lips. Once at the bottom, she pulled my pants down with both hands. My big, plump tail While her opposed to her. She tore up her eyes and looked at me appreciatively, but only for a second. Then her concentration was again on “him”. I leaned standing on the cabin door while she knelt in front of me and hers Tongue and their lips gave their best. I had to control myself not to get loud, but still moan noticeably.

A short time later she got up. We kissed hot and intimate. I took off her bikini top and saw her little, hot breasts for the first time, who stood like one. The nipple were hard, which was certainly not due to the ambient temperature. I kissed her breasts and caressed her nipples, which she made really hot now. She couldn’t expect it anymore, took off her panties herself and whispered in my ear: “Fuck me now!“She turned around and stretched her little butt so that I could take her from behind.

I pulled her bare labia apart and made my way into her wet hole. She groaned loudly, but immediately mastered herself, while my impacts were careful and slow, but then faster and faster. It held onto the wall where a small mirror hung on. I got hotter and my bumps became more and more violent. The cabin next to us was now occupied how you could hear. No matter. I continued to fuck Ines, reached for her breasts.

Suddenly she took my hand and led her to her mouth. As soon as I had reasonably covered, I heard her muffled moan. It got louder and then ended in relaxing sigh. Ines had come and I was also about to. My cock pulsed, vibrated while continuing to look at and now I noticed how my hot one sperm in your pussy distributed. My movements were less. I pulled out my cock. The many white sperm dripped loudly onto the red -brown soil.

Without big words, but grinning up to both ears we got dressed and left the place of the action. We continued to be good friends and from what we experienced that day should never find out anything.

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