One day in July 1996 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The doorbell rang. “I already open* called my wife and jumped up from the lunch table. I ask myself who that is, after all, nobody knew that we were already back from our vacation. In peace I continue.

When Sabrina opened the door and a deep voice told something about Hermes Shipping, it was immediately clear to me that Otto had done a business with us again. The door closed again and Sabrina came back.

Beaming joy she sat down at the table again. “I already thought the package no longer arrived in time.“I thought about what we had before, that you had to order something for it and, above all, that it had to be there in time.

Unfortunately I couldn’t think of anything. However, my curiosity was big enough to ask. “Tell Such Schatzi, what was delivered in time?“Slims she laughs at me and thinks that it doesn’t matter and I should just let myself be surprised. What else did I have.

If Sabrina had her will, she also implemented him. There was usually every struggle pointless. “Incidentally, I had invited Janine for tonight. I hope it’s right for you?“Well what else can you say.

A no would inevitably have led to an unsightly afternoon. So I nodded and we spent a nice afternoon together.

The evening moved closer. As a precaution, Sabrina had cold a bottle of the good chablis. What else she actually does very rarely.

So something had to be in the bush today, just what was the question? Around 8.It rang the doorbell and Sabrina opened the door. “It has arrived?“Was Janine first words slow I got really puzzled, what was in this package. My curiosity got worse and worse. “You can open the wine! Yes-nine and I want to watch something quickly please don’t come into bedroom.“Pech again! I turned around and went into the kitchen to uncork the wine.

About 10 minutes later both came out of the bedroom and giggled half dead.

I felt like a nappel. We all sat down Living room and lit a few candles. The mood was good and after we had made the bottle, I went to fetch the second bottle. “So now tell me what was delivered earlier.

Both started to giggle again as well as on the keyword and ran red “now we ordered a few smaller things, nothing unusual but very pretty,” explained Janine to me.

“Well, then you can show me it too!“I suspected that it was a couple Lingerie Should act. For a long time I had been sharp to see Sabrina and Janine together in lingerie, but unfortunately it was always an unspoken wish. The two looked at each other. It was one of those moments in which a story could develop in two directions.

Either they took part or I was able to bury a dream again. Sabrina looked at me and then Janine again. “Why not,” Sabrina finally said to my relief. Now only Janine’s reaction was missing.

Sabrina took her hand and pulled it up from the couch.

“Objection to Janine!“Janine still giggled“ Sabrina I don’t know if I should really do that, after all, you don’t show anything like that!”” Be so prude, Steven Weiss was built, “she replied to her. Man what was I relieved when the two finally disappeared towards the bedroom. As a precaution, I set the heating to 30 degrees so that they don’t get goose bumps. Less than 5 minutes later, the temperature in the room increased significantly.

Sabrina called me out of the bedroom to wait a moment. The candles spread a pleasant warm light and I sat in the armchair. “Okay, we’re coming!“Sabrina came in first and yes, slightly hesitant, yes, came behind. I was speechless.

I really hadn’t expected that now. Sabrina had a black top combination of bra, Straps belts, stockings and one, string tanga dressed.

It fit wonderfully to her tanned skin, her blond long hair formed an exciting contrast on her skin. When my eyes finally hiked over to Janine, I noticed how the swelling in my pants assumed threatening dimensions.

Janine presented herself in a refined cut body. For the first time, what I only suspected was confirmed, she had a fantastic figure and her breast filled the top fully.

She almost had twice from Sabrina and she already had a good 80 b. How much I would like to caress them. Sabrina went to the CD player and put the CD from George Michael a.

That always brought her in the right mood (as you say). Both started moving to the melodies. The warmth and the wine had a positive effect on the mood. From the faster rhythms, the CD switched to the gentle songs.

Since I was not danced and only watched, Janine had no choice but to stop for Sabrina as a blues partner. Janine spared himself a little bit of dancing body to body. After a few minutes, both wrapped up as if it had always been like that and did not bother the two. Now everything would have destroyed everything.

During a small turn, Sabrina looked me deep in the eyes and winked at me.

I smiled at her and hoped that it would go on. Sabrina’s head turned to Janine’s face. A moment later she pressed her warm and soft lips to Janine that of Janine. Both stopped.

Now it’s over I thought. But far from it. Janine returned the kiss, even more she opened her lips. The kiss became more and more passionate.

Slowly they moved back to the bluestoes. Sabrina’s hands wandered over the back of Janine. Her delicate fingers stroked along the spine to her buttocks. Sabrina was a connoisseur.

I hardly stopped it in my armchair. But I knew that I would receive a sign if I should get to it. Janine also became more active, her lips detached from each other. Sabrina put her head all back to the back of the neck, so that the neck is downright seductively open.

Janine leaned forward and started kissing Sabrina’s neck and playful with his tongue.

At the same time they knelt down. Without stopping you continued in your game. Sabrina’s hands continued to slide over Janine’s body. As with a journey of discovery, every angle of the body was inspected.

Her lips were found again. Now it was on Sabrina with her tongue to caress her neck. She worked carefully and with a lot of feeling until she came to the borders of the body. It was uncertain whether she should continue.

Janine took the decision by putting both bodies of the body off her shoulders and thus exposing her wonderful breasts. They had an apple shape and the nipples stood steeply.

The environment was forgotten. I enjoyed the lovemaking of the two too observe. It made me happy to experience how beautiful and tender sex between two women can be.

“Kiss she” breathed Janine Sabrina in the ear. Sabrina leaned forward and approached the nipple without touching her. However, her warm breath was clearly felt for Janine. When Sabrina finally lined the completely excited nipple with the tip of the tongue.

Janine groaned softly. Only now did Sabrina put her lips on her chest. Sabrina started sucking easily. Janine’s noises became a little louder.

Meanwhile, Janine was to open Sabrina’s bra and put it aside.

I could clearly see that Sabrina was also very excited. Sabrina solested by Janine and both lay on the floor. The soft flokati turned out to be extremely practical here. Janine put both breasts from Sabrina in her hands.

Sa-Brina liked that. Also yours Nipple after touch. Janine knew how to reply the tender tongue game. As Sabrina the Legs I could easily see how excited she was actually.

There were clear comments on their panties. The tour in the game changed again. Sabrina took over the initiative again. She pulled out Janine the body entirely.

To my delight, the pubic hairs were put in shape clean.

A small cute and very erotic black stripes emerged in her lap. Janine lay on his back and Sabrina leaned over her. Her tongue left a track like a snail on Janine. Starting on the neck she slowly continued to work to the chest.

It nibbles tender on the nipples and with every somewhat firmer bite Janine groans Lauter. Sabrina continues to move on her exploration of Janine Body. She remains determined above the navel only to suck on it the next moment. Janine grabs Sabrina’s head with her hands.

Her long fingers slide through Sabrina’s hair.

Fascinated and like tied up I follow the game of the two. In my lap it is getting tighter and I hope to be able to participate soon. Sabrina has loosened from the navel again and carefully approaches the goal, Janines shot. Your legs willingly open.

She changes the position to get better to the lap. She is only a few centimeters with her face over Janine’s labia. Sabrina caresses the thighs of J. With a lot of thought she approaches the lap.

Janine breath is getting more and more difficult. When Sabrina penetrates into her with a finger, she slips off a quiet cry.

Then she pulls it out again, only to get back in with a second finger. Janine abdomen rears up. Only now does Sabrina also use her tongue.

Her tongue plays lovingly with the clit. Janine’s moaning is getting louder and louder. Your hands claw in the flokati. Apparently Sabrina is too fast.

She withdraws a bit. Janine comes up and kisses Sabrina wildly and passionate. “I want to spoil you too, Sabrina!“Janine pulls Sabrina’s shot, the still disturbing slip. Now Sabrina has lie on her back.

In good expectation, she spreads her legs. Janine puts himself in between to immediately penetrate her with her tongue. A long and deep sigh slips away. Sabrina plays with her breasts, sometimes she presses her more times less to bury her hands in Janine Haaren.

In rhythmic movements, Sabrina tries to counteract Janine’s face and tongues.

“Get your fingers still!“As required, Janine penetrates with two Finger in them one. Your movements are becoming more and more ecstalical. Sabrina will reach the climax if this continues. “Come on us come together.“Janine lies next to Sabrina.

They stroke each other their clit. The biling of the bodies becomes wilder, “Jaaaaaaa, ichhhhhhh kooooommmm-Mee.“Shouts out of Janine. Sabrina joins the climax at the same time. “Janine, please don’t let me go..

oooohhhhh …. Aaaaaahhh …

Jaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!“How smaller eruptions shrugged in front of me. When something had calmed down, they kissed lovingly. “It was just great, I wish we had tried it earlier,” said Janine to Sabrina.

“I thought it was great too, only I wish you had let me take part,” I drew a.

“Oh, sorry steven we have completely forgotten you. But what wasn’t yet can still be, ”replied Sabrina and looked at Janine. “Of course but only if I can make myself comfortable on the bed. Because the flokati is not so soft again, “we laughed all three.

When the two led me into the bedroom, Sabrina whispered my ear “Thank you for waiting for you. I wanted to try it out for a long time. “Then she gave me an intimate kiss.
How it went on in the bedroom is a different story that is told another time.

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