Neighbors Fuck Part 3 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Fantasy 17 – Neighborhood Liaison 3 -Sit of Saturday fuck with Bianca, Erik kept looking carefully Contact To his horny neighbor. But his patience was put to a tough test, and their too. Because she too would have liked to continue the adventure with Erik. Either were craftsmen in the house or Bernd, her husband. During his wife Eva’s stay in the Spain with Vera, Bernd invited his buddy to a barbecue barbecue. Erik took care of the drinks, Bianca around the side dishes and Bernd for the meat.

Erik get beer for the men and red wine for Bianca. Three salads were already on the table when he stepped onto the terrace of his neighbors. The first thing he saw was the butt of Bianca, which leaned over the table to complete the decoration. She was wearing a short dress and a tanget shot underneath that brought her ass well and gave an idea of the approach of her cunt. Bernd stood a few meters away and heated up the grill.

He waved to him and then Bianca noticed him. She turned to him and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and a expectant smile. “Did you just look at me on my buttocks?“, She whispered in his ear. “Yes, and not just on your buttocks, also on your sweet plum. I’m so keen on you again!“Erik went to Bernd and the old friends greeted each other with handshake.

Bianca gave them beer and brought it to the grill. “So that you don’t die of me. A lot of small talk, a lot of food, lots of beer and wine, the time passed like in the flight. “It gets cold for me,” said Bianca, “let’s tidy up and drink a few nightcackers in the living room. They brought everything into the kitchen. Bianca: “I’ll tore the morning morning when Bernd im Tennis club is. “In doing so, she gave Erik a secret look unnoticed.

In the living room they sat on the sofa with Bernd and opposite them, Erik lühmmel in an armchair. Bianca had put a foot on the seat and opened her thighs slightly. Erik had a wonderful view of the small triangle of fabric that covered her hairy pussy. From time to time she pulled a finger through her furrow and the panties turned into a Cameltoe. At midnight, Bernd almost fell asleep on the couch and Erik said goodbye to the two.

Bianca brought him to the door. Before she opened her, the two strangers kissed passionately and Bianca put a index finger in her pussy. She held her finger under Erik Nose and then on his lips. “Lick him as a small foretaste of tomorrow. I’m looking forward to you!“Then she pushed him through the front door. The next morning, Erik could hardly wait for Bernd to leave the house and drove into his tennis club.

He ran out for another 10 minutes and then walked across the street to Bianca. As so often, he went through the garden and stood in front of the locked terrace door. He knocked on and looked through the Bianca disc into a tight white leisure dress. Immediately it started to insist in his pants. She opened the door and let him enter. The light fell through the windows on Bianca’s body, better a photographer could not have illuminated.

Her blond curls play around her head and shoulders. Her big breast was tamed by a white top bra and a small slip covered her hairy plum. She had thrown a white transparent poncho about it. The bright red lips promised everything and that was still supported by painted finger and toenails in the same red tone. In addition a smile that would have changed a gay. Erik looked at her with an open mouth. “You look so great and I stand here like Harry Hatschek his drunk brother in law,“He nagged himself around.

“Just pull yourself out naked,” encouraged him Bianca, “that’s how I like it best”. Erik undressed quickly and then stood in front of her with a half -stiffer in the half -darkness. She stepped towards him and nestled against him. “But you smell very well. Is that again the “le male”?“Her hand slowly hiked down to take a step back shortly afterwards. “You shaved down there,” she called out in amazement.

“It is all my fault?“Erik took her in his arms and looked at her. “Just because of you! Eva will be nice and surprised. But maybe she also shaved her cunt. ” -” There is a reward for that!“Bianca kneeled and inspected the first thing The intimate shaving. Her fingers felt every inch of his abdomen. It was particularly fun to push her tip of the tongue between the foreskin and acorn. The effect was not long in coming.

Erik’s best piece straightened up. Now she started to get his piston too jerk off And again and again she pushed the foreskin over the glans. “Slowly, slowly,” he tried to stop her, “don’t shoot me off. “Bianca straightened up:“ Please take off, so I was happy about it early. “Erik stepped down and first opened the ribbon of her poncho. He carefully put it over an armchair.

He looked at her again and again and admired her top bra. His hands stroked her breasts through the delicate fabric and he felt how her nipples became more and more tougher. His tongue played with them through the fabric. Erik stepped behind her and opened the closure. Then he grabbed her arms from behind and peeled the baskets from the meat mountains. “Please bend before”. Her big tits dangled freely in the air and she supports her with her hands.

Erik knelt behind her and covered her butt with kisses. Through the fine fabric he licked her the hole. “What are you doing with me,” she groaned. He pushed his index finger through her thighs to her vagina. There he let him vibrate and she was getting wet. He pulled out her slip and repeated his caresses, this time on the bare object. “I can’t do it anymore, I’m not standing it anymore. I can not take it anymore!!! Fuck me now please! I want your thick, long tail sense!“Erik got up and kept his stiff strap on her vagina from behind.

“Yeah, push too,” she called and Erik stealed. His pint penetrated deep into her pussy and he fucked her with the routine of an experienced man. And she took his 20 centimeters like an experienced woman. He leaned forward and a hand took care of her tits. The other was looking for her clit and he jerked it with two fingers. “Erik, I come, Erik, Erik, don’t stop, don’t stop …” You orgasm unloaded with a loud moan.

Erik got a few more times, then it was so far with him. He put his last push deep into her hole and then he injected his cream right into her directly on the cervix. Again she was shaken by a nuisance. She escaped him, fucked to the sofa and dropped. She pulled a small sperm track behind her. Erik followed her with having to be hanging. Bianca was on the sofa wide -legged and looked at him.

“Mine pussy still itches. Can you again?“He stood in front of her and tried to get his long strap up. When she prevented herself and helped him with her hands, he was quickly ready for use again. “Come to me right away,” she asked and opened her vagina with her fingers. He pushed his cock into her slippery cunt. “Old mud steaker,” he said to himself and had to grin grin. She hugged him and both kissed tenderly.

You have now played out your whole experience. They loved each other for a very long time and finally switched to the spoon position. Together they experienced the next orgasm. Not as intense as the first time, but it was very nice for both.

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