My mouth cunt has to serve! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

… the current that pink on mine tail has created his duty. Although pink wanked me empty, my cock is back and pulsates with the swelling and decongestant streams. At first it was even exciting.

It crumbled slightly. But the program chosen by pink increases slowly and inevitable. They are intervals with three different patterns that become stronger with every run. The first pulsates and sends increasing blows at short intervals, which then subside again.

This creates an illusion to be milked. The second program is the worst. These are long -lasting impulses that hunt a very strong, stinging stream in my acorn just before you stop stopping. Very, very painful.

The third program is easier for me because it does not change: a constantly flowing electricity that allows all muscles in my pubic area. It’s nice when the last program comes because I know that I have about a minute break.

In the beginning I was still relaxed on the floor. But now the whole thing will be.

I have to do something! But what? When I make the stuff away, Rosa comes with the two men and they won’t just want to stroke me. I take it out? I try my knees. But the second program almost tears me off my best piece. I bite the piece of wood that pink bound my teeth and close my eyes.

I will hold it out. I am never fucked by a man – no! It gets so hard that my cock begins to twitch in a kind of orgasm. Nothing comes out anymore. I had already shot a lot with pink tonight.

Then this morning when she milked me on the table. There is nothing left, but I twitch and winsle. The worst thing is that you know exactly that after the break there is an unstoppable a new cycle that is again a step higher than the previous one. The taste of my own sperm is bland in my mouth and encourages me to fight me.

I lie on my back now and let myself be driven. I allow the pain and try to think of nothing.

The door opens in the middle of my agony. I don’t even notice it.

Only when Rosa sits next to me, I see her. She holds the remote control in her hand and hugs me. My head buries into her breasts. I smell their fragrance and feel better right away.

She caresses my head gently and my cheeks. But she lets the cycle run completely. I moan and whimper in their arms. She likes it when she feels the second program, how I tackle myself and how I win in pain.

Then it turns off. We stay that way for a while and enjoy the closeness. Then she removes the diodes and drips a biting tincture on her hands. It is Franzbrantwein.

He smells strongly alcohol and burns sharply on my battered cock. Then the feeling changes and a gentle, cozy cool. Our eyes meet. I see how Rosa’s eyes are smiling and loving.

I need some time to break my cramp. My cock only perceives dumf her touch. He is kind of insensitive. Only now do I notice how strong the electricity must have been.

Rosa opens the bridle and now puts the tin bowl from before. He is filled with sperm. Only this time it is certainly not mine. A blow with the cane announces that the following command is not a request: “Licking and swallowing! – EVERYTHING!“After the second blow I stretch my tongue carefully into the stuff.

It’s still warm and tastes exactly like my sperm this morning. I lick the vessel empty. Then she puts the bridle back on my mouth, pulls it tight and puts chains on my feet. Finally, she pulls the dildo out of my rosette, dives a thicker plug into this Franzbrantwein and rams it back in me.

I hadn’t even noticed the old one anymore. The thicker plug does not feel bad at all. “Your assholes are pretty tight, but we’ll get that!“My hole burns. “I’ll give you a little time before I ask you if you thought about it with the men” and leaves the room.

After about ten minutes she comes back in. “Well my little one, desire for a tail?“I decided to stay strong and shake my head. “That’s what I thought. You have the choice and I stand for my word.

If you like, you can interrupt yes at any time?“Rosa pulls off. It was dark yesterday and I see this woman completely naked for the first time. She is in early 30 and has brown, shoulder -length hair. It is not completely slim, but still has a very horny figure with well -shaped, firm breasts.

She starts me and brings me up to the living room. Rolf and Rudi are there too. Rudi removes the bridle from my mouth and the ass plug from my mouth. He creams my rosette very carefully.

It is the first time, that Rolf touches me intimate. He is not rough. Rolf brings me a glass of water with a lot of glucose. Apparently he knows that I haven’t eaten anything since the day before yesterday in the hotel.

The webcam makes it possible. I thank you and drink hastily. Is the first time that I don’t have to drink from a bowl. The glucose looks quick and I feel better right away.

I kneel on the wooden floor and make sure that my thighs are open, so that everyone present has a clear view of my genitals. I learned that yesterday. All three sit around me on the U-shaped living landscape. Rosa gets up now and put the diodes on my cock again.

And this time does not start with level 1 like the first time, but with level 7 of 12. I scream up when the current floods my cock. At the moment it is stiff and pulsed. Rosa and Rudi have started to deal with each other.

Is a horny sight My mistress to be allowed to see sex. Rudi pushes her cock into her mouth and my otherwise strict mistress serves him in front of my eyes. Rolf comes down to me. He leads my hand on his hard cock.

The current is unbearable. I whimper and can hardly take a clear thought. I touch his cock. Feels good.

It is the first time that I have a male penis in my hand. He is even bigger than Rudi’s that is slightly bent up and flawlessly beautiful. I always have complexes because my tail is in comparison to the maximum midfield.

I who don’t like sex with men, so I jerk this cock.

I calm down and think that’s not a real sex yet. However, I have to admit that it is not a bad feeling this hard, fleshy noodle too jerk off. Rolf’s body is more likeable to me than that of Rudi. I find myself imagining what it has to be to suck the thing.

I have to cry out because the electricity creepes my abdomen. All muscles cramp and twitch, I think it doesn’t work anymore. Please just let me put here, I think. My hands are looking for Rolf.

It drives my tears in my eyes and I sink to the floor whimpering. What do I have to lose, I think. I licked her sperm, had a dildo in mouth and assholes and now I have already waxed a man. I’ve had a lot with me with me.

The fact that they fuck me now is only a very small step. And Rosa will be proud and the pain will stop … I have bent many reasons why I will suck this male tail now. I sit up and tear my diodes off my tail.

Everyone is now resting on me.

silence. I need a moment for the pain emigrated. I think my cock is unusable for years! But it is clear to me what the action means for me.

I still have tears in my eyes, look at Rolf. I open my mouth submissive. As before, my hand is looking for his penis. A hard slap in the face hits my left cheek.

Rolf gets up. He takes my chain on the neck iron and pulls me up so far that I kneel in front of him. Another slap in the face hits me. Why isn’t it clear to me.

Maybe because I tore away the electricity? Rolf’s tail is in front of my face. I smell it and don’t feel uncomfortable. I look at him;Our eyes meet.

Rolf leads his glans to my lips.

Cautious. My tongue meets them and greets them. I think: now it doesn’t matter, so I’m doing it nice for him. I play the underside of his glans.

A drop of precum makes me taste that I suck a men’s cock. I am very, very emotional and result in the course of things. It is very humiliating for me. Last week I was the successful businessman, now I am chained here and suck men’s tails.

Rolf still has his hand on my necklace and continues to pull me. His tail glides deeper into me. Close my lips firmer to give him a resistance. Now he covers my head with both hands and begins to lead me.

I prefer it too. Its fucking blows become deeper and more demanding. I hardly get any air. If he gets too deep, I inevitably choke.

I try to stimulate it with my tongue on the underside, hoping that he will come quickly.

Rolf pushes his men’s beating deep into my throat. Then he stays a short moment and enjoys my fidget, withdraws it and allows me a few breaths. He is very horny and is glad that shortly before they had made up the current, I decided to cooperate by themselves.

He decided not to take me too badly during the deflowering so that I do not develop an aversion to men’s tails right away. But I should also clearly notice that I have and have to serve and serve. Rolf is bisexual and was the one who I am in Internet discovered. That is why he now has the first step in front of Rudi.

Rosa and Rudi have interrupted their lovemaking. Rudi leads the camera with a mighty stand.

Without paying attention to my tongue game, this cock rams into my throat. I arrived at the bottom, I think.

From now on I will probably taste male tails every day. I am ashamed that the action is filmed. My god, what would be going on if the film would be shown publicly online! I decide to banish such thoughts and concentrate on Rolf. I have no chance to influence anything.

I let it happen and tasted more and more from Rolf’s bitter love juice. I choke, whimper and rings after air. His fucking joins announced that he must be shortly before the orgasm. I follow completely in his leadership.

His juice shoots my mouth in a beam and other floods. He twitches and his hands bury into my hair. I swallow part of his juice. He pulls him back.

My sperm drips out of my mouth in long threads. Rudi is on it live with the camera. I look up at Rolf. He smiles and I kiss his half -flap cock as a sign of my submission.

I arrived. I’m now a tail socket and Ficksau. And I have to admit it was cool. It is so wonderfully humiliating to have to suck the cock another man.

It was totally clear that I have to spoil Rudi now too. Rosa comes and leads me to him. He sits on the sofa with wide legs. His cock rises hard into the air.

Rosa leads me on the chain and I greet Rudi’s cock with a kiss. When I ended my service, I get a beer to rinse and pink serves me a kind of stew in the tin taunt. I eat greedily and feel how my spirits come back. Rosa brings me back to my cellar hole.

She renews the straw, chains me and I get an old felt blanket to cover. I please speak pink. I lick your hand submissively and thank you for the experience ..

She smiles and replies that she is proud of me.

I overcome myself. I serve and that’s important. And that I didn’t fight for anything at the beginning. I will be fucked every day from now on.

She gives me my cell phone briefly. I can call my wife and check a few emails. In the meantime she cremates my scratches. Then she pushes the plug into my ass and says you go out: “When the door opens Ficksau, you always take the blanket away and spread your legs – no matter who comes in!”..

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