My deflowering | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My first time Today I tell you like me, Giulia 18, finally from my friend 18, with whom I have been fucked for 2 years. We never dared to do that, but on my 18. Birthday we finally wanted to go through it. I really want, but he always pushed it a little bit. Unfortunately it was on my 18. Birthday, of course, also a party, so we had to get through it for the time being and in the evening I got myself pussy silver.

Man, if my mine Mother I knew … I wore a salmon -pink dress and not panties, because from early morning I got wet every time I had to think about it that I was that evening tail From my friend in mine cunt Feel. Of course I already knew it because I played on his pants from time to time and already brought him down, but fuck was just a horny idea that I didn’t want to get a tanga with my pussy juice.

So I left the stupid thing away. I was tense all day because I was afraid that someone will raise my dress, or I bend too deeply and you could see something. I have the idea of not wearing panties, but also made a little horny and mine Legs have certainly shone very often because they were wet. I showed my friend once or two that I have nothing underneath when I knew nobody sees it.

It always really horn off him and he had to go to the tail to straighten up. I thought it was funny to be so mean to him, but so I wanted to make sure that he doesn’t take a backlog. The day didn’t want to pass. It felt forever until everyone was finally gone and it was already 9 p.m., which was good, because my parents were quickly in bed and we had the time for ourselves.

He was still on my bed with clothes and watched TV when I came in. “Well how did you find it?“He asked me and I grasped my dress like a little girl, curved it around and wobble with my hip so that it always slipped up and he could look between my legs. “It was great,” I said with a smile with a smile. He asked me why I actually didn’t wear underwear and then I explained to him that I got horny all the time, from the thought of tonight.

I laid on the bed, on my back and my dress was slipped through the stretcher over my venus hill and he could look at my smooth cunt. He lay on his back next to me, put his left hand on my thigh and looked at me. “And what are you going on now?” “I do not know. What are you up to?“I asked back and looked down at his hand and my exposed lower.

He closed his eyes and gently kissed me on my mouth. I turned on the left side, opened my mouth and pushed my tongue towards him. By turning my hand slipped between my legs and he easily touched my pussy and I noticed how it started to tingle. We were passionate, he moved his hand slightly between my thighs and I also pushed my pelvis slightly back and forth.

I removed from our kiss and leaned to him so that he lay on his back. I went to his pants and opened the button. “I don’t know if we really” stammered. “Today you don’t take a backlog again!“I said seriously to him and also opened the zipper and slowly pulled his pants down. In the boxer shorts you could see that he was waiting for me in half -time. His pants landed on the floor and I tilted back up to his boxer and grabbed the waistband.

I looked into his eyes with a grin and pulled the thing down. His tail was left on his thigh. He too was shaved smoothly. I reached for him and once again had him in his hand with a wide and excited smile, I looked at my friend: “There he is again there. “I whispered and could feel that he got very hard in my hand. I picked up my dress, lay on my back and opened my legs.

“I look forward to being deflowered by you, honey” he crawled between my legs and had his cock in his hand. “It will hurt and I don’t want you …” “Ah ah ah! You can’t talk yourself out I said. “I said stubborn and cheeky and pulled him down to kiss him. “And now push him in, baby” I whispered in a hot voice out of sheer lust and excitedness.

He looked down, grabbed his cock and put him on my pussy. I put my arms around his neck, closed my eyes and breathed a deep breath. He gradually pushed it in and I bit my teeth together, since his tail hurt a little more than expected. Of course it is bigger than my fingers, but I didn’t expect that tightly. His cock is half in it, but I can’t stand it anymore.

“Finally push me through!”I japied out. We both looked down when he sank his remaining tail in me with a jerk. I threw my head back, wanted to emit a cry, but had put my hand on my mouth. “Don’t do that!”He said unsuspected. I pinched my eyes together and bit my teeth together. I japied for air when the severe pain let go. He just stuck in it and didn’t move and still stayed hard.

“Why do you still stand?“I asked completely out of my breath. “It’s so horny in you. How should it become soft there?“I pulled his head down, my arms still laid around his neck and kissed him again intimately. “Do something, no matter what, but please fuck me. “I whispered roughly and begging to my boyfriend, who finally deflected my pussy. He pulled out his cock and slowly pushed him back in.

I sighed out “Uhhhghh” and put my hands on his back and put my fingers. He did it again and I let my hands, with my fingernails on his back, slide down. He groaned and tensioned when I scratched his back. His cock went back and forth again and so also my fingers. I groaned from his cock that widened my cunt and he from my fingernails, who scratched his back.

“That’s so … good baby. “He gasped. “You stand up pains?“I asked a little more firmly over his back with teeth bitten together and scratch. “Hmmmm … J.. Yes. “He groaned and stuck in me to the attack in the pussy. I groaned “Ahhhh” and pinched his back with the nails. He groaned with me and his cock began to insist. His whole body twitched, his moan stuttered and at the same moment I felt hot and full of my pussy.

He sank weakly on me, his cock stuck in my pussy and he sniffed to air as I stroked his head. “I am…. Never came so well … I love you, ”he japied. “I love you too, but that’s no reason to be in my pussy,” I said grinning. “I couldn’t hold it back. My whole body was paralyzed. I’m sorry. “He was invalidated on me and breathed a lot.

I lay there, with the pussy full of cum, his sleeping cock slipped out of me and his juice found the way outside. And he? He had fallen asleep on me, so I had to sleep exactly like this. With sperm on the pussy that ran out of me. Just mean from him.

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