My 1. Once a foreign sperm | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Like me the first time was sprayed on. I had a long day at work, I came home and wanted to rest a little. When I opened the front door, candles burned in our hallway, there were roses on the floor. I followed the trail of candles and roses into the living room. My friend was sitting at a beautifully laid table and waiting for me with a romantic meal. We ate together and enjoyed the conversations with each other.

After dinner we sat on the sofa around the evening, so I thought. My friend started kissing me and stroking my belly, I liked it, our kisses were slowly wildered and his hand wandered to my thighs, I enjoyed every touch and just waited for him to go to my already damp hole, but heGet time and pulled my top up, where he sucked on my nipples, they were hard immediately.

His fingers slid over my wet clit … I groaned slightly, he stood up and went, I had to wait until he came back..But he called for me that I should come to him. I got up full of anticipation and ran into him bedroom.. He was already waiting for me at the bed and stood in front of me, I saw his plump hard hard tail, I could hardly wait to do it suck..He connected my eyes to me and pushed me down onto the bed..I felt something cold on my hand, I already suspected what’s coming..He captivated me, so I lay there with your eyes connected, tied hands and wet pussy.

I was excited because I didn’t know what to expect, every touch seemed more intense, it made me crazy about lust for his big cock. He stroked my wet pussy and slowly put two fingers in me. I started asking him when I finally get his cock, but he only pushed his fingers into my wet hole. I was finally betting him to fuck, but he just laughed and said that is still coming..He listened to fingers and knelt next to me, I felt how he pressed his thick glans against my lips so that I can blow his cock nicely..Now I heard our bell, he jumped up and went to the door, I was still naked and tied up in our bed and didn’t know who he said with.. The door fell, I listened to steps to come..My friend sat down on the bed next to me and stroked me, as if nothing had ever been.

As he continued to finger my pussy, I felt another hand on my body, my nipples were gently massaged, I enjoyed it, even though I didn’t know what was happening, it made me incredibly cool..Someone knelt next to me again, I heard a pair of pants opened, I felt an acorn that put on my mouth..When I opened my mouth slightly, I quickly realized that it is not my friend’s tail..It didn’t make me horny to know who the unknown third is in our bed..My friend continued to finger me in the meantime, I could hardly hold it back, I was as horny as I haven’t been for a long time..The strange cock was pulled out of my mouth, I was excited to see what was happening now..I noticed how my friend came up to me and heard his voice whispering in my ear.. “Well, you like it, you bitch”? Before I could answer, he kissed me fleetingly and knelt next to me again.. I noticed his hard plump, he rubbed it on my lips, I opened my mouth full of longing.. I want to suck him..Just when I had his cock in my mouth, I noticed how the stranger mine mine Legs Distributed and his bare glans rubbed over my clit, I tried to put my legs together again but the stranger did not allow it, I was defenseless..My friend rammed his cock deeper into my mouth and said to me “I should enjoy how I will be his bitch now..“When he said it, the stranger pushed his bare cock into my tight wet hole.. He saw how I liked it.. Tried to moan but through the tail in my mouth it was difficult for me..I sucked more cool as ever before..The stranger fucked me faster and faster, my friend said to him to take me, I tried to prevent it, but he groaned and splashed his whole load into my pussy..I felt the tails pulled out of my mouth and from my pussy, now the stranger knelt next to me that still me his sperm Smoked cock pushed into the mouth, sucking clean.. I licked over his glans..My friend kneeled between my legs.. He looked at my strange sprayed pussy.. And he saw the strange sperm ran out of me..He rubbed his glans over my sperm full hole and rammed his cock in with a strong push.

I screamed with lust.. I have already sucked the strange cock to its full length and thickness.. I played with mine Piercing At his glans he enjoys it.. My friend fucked me with every push the strange sperm deeper into my pussy..I couldn’t stand it anymore. I came while I was still sucking the strange cock.. I noticed how my friend’s tail slowly started to twitch.. He groaned and splashed his sperm into my pussy … I continued to suck the strange cock until he was just before coming, he was on kneeling between my legs, his cock pushed in completely.

I groaned again and enjoyed it. After just a few bumps, I groaned out loud and came again. The stranger rammed his cock more and more into me. He couldn’t stand it anymore and sprayed another load of his sperm into my unprotected pussy. They both got up. I heard how they put on and left the room..The front door fell into the castle and I heard steps come into the bedroom, my friend sat down next to me and asked me.

How it is now to be his bitch.. Sprayed by a stranger in our bed..It was awesome.. ;).

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