Moist dreams and a hard cock! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

// I am usually a very straight hetero type. But one night I had a dream for the first time and the desire, another tail pack. The story is fictitious and has never taken place.

I, Hendrik, was sitting in the subway on the way to work in the morning. As an agency director I had my own office and was able to look forward to my seclusion, because I am quite a morning muffle.

With loud music in the ears and books in my hand, I wanted to quickly get the annoying ride in a crowded path behind me, because it couldn’t get a seat. A total of six stations ..

Even more people got into the next station and there was a dense crowd, which is why I had to pack my book away, because a relaxed reading was no longer possible. I smelled your perfume for the first time. She was very close to it, seemed about the end of 20, Max.

To be in early 30 and was incredibly attractive. Through an old rail leadership, the train suddenly bumped and the woman stumbled towards me, right into my arm, in fright my hand slipped on her perfectly shaped apple pug, while so I pressed her breasts more firmly against my chest. A small sigh and a pelvic movement in my direction indicated that she liked it. She smiled at me mischievously and looked deep into my eyes before we separated from each other again.

The short touch had made me pretty horny, but I had the feeling that she was not interested because she was now turning away from me and on her mobile rum.

Finally the longed -for stop came and I had to get out, I dared to touch the woman again. With my hand on yours ass I gently pushed her to the side and blinked to her. But before I was able to get out completely, she picked up my hand and put a note and threw me a kiss.

I was so horny that my pants almost burst. In the office Arrived, I closed the door behind me and drove up the computer.

During that time I unfolded the note that I had put and saw that she apparently gave me her number. Since I actually had to work, I could hardly call now, so I just wrote about Whatsapp. Her profile picture was extremely provocative: she was just not quite opaque corset that her Tits Significantly pushed up while she is preventing herself into the camera and the mouth to Blow opened. So before I could start work, I had to reduce pressure.

I got my still hard cock out, logged into my computer and played the picture of – as I have now learned – Jenny on it to have it in big ways. My cock quickly came to the full size and hardness, while I put my hand and imagine how it is with kneels and for my hot juice. I remembered the train ride and her hot ass. I quickly came to an end, sprayed into a cloth and left the thought aside to start working.

After only a short time I received the first message from Jenny.

J: Hello, beautiful man! Was nice today tomorrow!

At first I didn’t know what to answer and put the cell phone back to the side when the next message arrived.

I was a little surprised because I was usually never the guy where women were very interested in. However, I joyfully got involved in the conversation and so the morning passed like in flight when we came to the train journey again.

J: I could swear to have felt a little bump in your pants.

H (somewhat offended): Well, it wasn’t that small either!

J: But you have to prove that to me first!

H: like a sharp bride as you like..

J: um, yes maybe we should clarify something beforehand..

Of course I was taken care of when this message arrived with me. She took it well that I hadn’t noticed it yet and carefully told me that I wasn’t the only person with a bump in my pants and that she had not had the money for a full conversion of gender to this day. She also told me that she started to deal with it and want to live like that.

For the first moment I didn’t know what to say about it, I was expecting something else, since I have had no experience in this regard and – without having anything against gays – was always quite averse to myself. So I was very surprised when it got hard again in my pants and without hesitation and thinking, I ignored their advance news and just wrote “We want to meet later?”.

She had to be very surprised because she was only a perplexed “uh, okay..“Could stammer together.

We made an appointment for 4 p.m. in my office, I told her that she should say to the secretary in the reception that she had an appointment with me for a customer discussion that I had not yet told her. So shortly after 4 p.m. it knocked on the door and it was hesitantly opened when my red -haired assistant’s head lodged in and said that a certain Jenny Böhmer would wait for me at the reception. I sorry that I hadn’t let her know and asked her to send her in.

A short time later the door opened again.

Jenny’s fragrance was ahead of her and she entered the room. She was on high heels, the long ones Legs still emphasized. The rest was covered by a coat that she still had on. I asked her in and closed the door, offered her a chair, but she preferred to stand.

I was extremely nervous and divided. On the one hand, I had never done anything like this, but on the other hand, there was already something in my pants again. I cleared my throat and didn’t really know where to start when Jenny just let her coat slip off my shoulders and came up to me. My jaw slipped down.

She had the hot corset on. Straps and a very short wrinkle skirt. She had to grin and of course noticed my nervousness.

“Don’t worry too much, let it come to you,” she said when she knelt in front of me and my pants were buttoned up. She didn’t turn her eyes off my eyes for a second while she started to edit my hard cock.

She really knew too well how to deal with it, I’ve never had a better one before Handjob Experienced and now that she takes him in her mouth – the hammer! I could hardly hold back and leaned against the desk. She had stretched out her ass, so that she gave me a hornier sight. I took her head in my hands and started fucking her head. Only a little hesitant when I felt her desire more and more.

From time to time she had to choke and rank for air, but I didn’t let go of her. When I was about to come, I treated us to both a break. She straightened up again and was very close to me. She gave me a kiss, first gently on my lips, then our mouths opened and her tongue quickly slipped to mine.

Her mouth was still very wet from blowing and I could taste great myself, we kissed an felt eternity while she jerked me.

My hand, which worked on her ass, slowly slipped forward when I felt her skirt slowly raised. I was nervous, so I just stroked the fabric. She started to smile and her breath became much heavier when I had packed her cock and massaged. We both jerked each other.

“I want to be fucked by you. NOW! Fuck me in the ass, you horny goat!“, She ordered me hard and leaned over the desk. My cock was still damp and I rammed it in the back. Moaning loudly she put her head back.

I baked her long, blond braid and pulled on it. I took her hard from behind and she got louder and louder. I leaned forward to her, pushed deeper and more firmly while I kissed her back and massaged her perfectly made breasts. She jerked herself, but I hit her hand and took over at this point.

Shortly before I came, I pulled him out and sprayed her in the face and on the tits, but she wasn’t ready yet and started sucking on my cock.

I pulled her up and put her on the desk while I knelt for the first time. I didn’t dare to blow him, but I jerked off what the stuff thought. I have never had a cock so close to my face, I sucked up the smell and found it cool when her hot juice splashed on my chest and slowly ran down on it.

Only now did I notice that I had forgotten to complete the door when my secretary stood in the door with an open mouth and didn’t know what she saw or should say … (But that’s a different story)

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