Meet the anonymous | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

We met online here on Xhamster. We both had one or the other erotic exchange online and found that we have a special one fantasy Share with each other, which we have never put into reality. For a long time I have long been longing to be used in public by a man stranger to me without what I know when and where it will happen exactly. You too dream of simply snapping a stranger, seducing her and really getting it in place.

So we quickly decide to implement our imagination into reality. I tell you that I take a walk through the park in our neighborhood every evening between 09/10 p.m. and always wear my red coat. Who knows what can happen there at a late hour, I write to you with a wink. A week later I set off like every evening to enjoy the cool night air a little and to enjoy the peace in the park.

Since I haven’t heard from you since our last chat anything, I now assume that our arrangement will no longer come about. Too bad, I think to myself, just thinking about how you suddenly grab me and your greedy hands in all of my body, I will explore my body wildly and a shower hunts through my body. But this dream will probably remain one. When I have about half of my little tour behind me, I sit on a park bench and enjoy the view of a small lake through the bushes in front of me, which is laid out in the middle of the park and which is beautifully illuminated by the moonlight.

Since I wear headphones and music I don’t hear how the scrub rustles behind me and a person comes to light. Only when a hand suddenly lies on my mouth, I scare so that the headphones fall out of my ears. “Everything okay beautiful woman” you whisper my ear. “We both will have a lot of fun together now”. Slowly and carefully you then loosen your hand from my mouth and let it slide down on my upper body, which you explored through my clothes through my clothes.

Vigorously grab my hands my breasts and knead them vigorously while I feel your hot breath on my neck and hear your desired view. After a while you pull your hands back and you can get around the park bench so that you are now standing in front of me. You kneel down and start my lush breasts out of mine immediately bra To free so that she is now dilating from the neckline of my dress with each of my heavy breaths gently shaken back and forth in front of you.

I look eager to see you deep in the eyes, so you can’t help but immediately plunge on her. With your left hand you roughly edit my right breast, whereby you think again and again nipple pressed together between two of your fingers. Meanwhile, you eagerly lick my right chest and suck my nipple into your mouth for a long time and play around it wildly with yours Tongue. I keep rushing up and holding on to the edge of the bank, while my upper body rears up with every shower of excitement and turns slightly back and forth.

Again and again you switch back and forth between my breasts as insatiable, so that I too get hotter too. Then you withdraw from me, with my breasts moist from your saliva now also shimmer in the moonlight. You mean to me, kneel in front of you and I obey you immediately. You open your rice closure and immediately your tight member jumps towards me. You take me a step too, so your glans now touch my lips and I can already taste your pre -seeds on them.

You are vigorous now your link in my mouth and I start to circle your glans with my tongue. Again and again I drive off their contours until I finally repeat my tip of my tongue slowly your nille, whereby I greedily devour every drop of liquid that catches up. I suck tirelessly on your member and let it disappear deep in my throat again and again. I always feel your acorn my suppositor.

Then you suddenly start to give the pace and alternately bumps into me faster and again or you stay in me for a short time, so I have to choke a little and the saliva starts to run down and drip on my breasts. This is how you edit my muzzle until you feel for the first time how it will come to you and you splash your entire load deep into my throat. Thrust around the thrust of your hot juice flow down my throat until you finally get out of me.

Exhausted and after breath I sink together and lean on the park bench. Then I feel how you grab me with your strong hands and bend over the backrest of the park bench. I support myself with my hands so as not to fall over while your hands now explore my butt that stretches towards you. You simply lift my coat and my dress uninhibited, so that my butt is only covered by my now soaked slip.

But you can also get this from the neck with an abrupt jerk, so that mine cunt Now is free in front of you. I immediately feel how your tail Greedy through my cunt and searches for my entrance, into which you promptly push into full force until your tail has completely disappeared into me. Immediately you grab it on my hip and catch me as if you were eating. With each of your bumps, my breasts wiggle more back and forth and always roam the park bench with the nipples, which makes me incredibly horny, so that I now start to moan louder.

You also always start to give a **** sounds of you, while you push into my tight cunt again and again, which seems to be clinging your penis. Each of your bumps creates a loud smacking while you are increasing my cunt juice with your limb from my little one pussy gap. So it doesn’t take long and it comes again violently. It also comes to me when I finally feel how you pour yourself in me.

Completely finished, I am panting in front of you while you let your penis slide out of me and safely stimulate it again. You throw one last look at me before you disappear in the dark without another word. So I’m lying now sperm dripping over a park bench and feel the cool air of the night on my damp cunt. I still can’t believe that I was really inseminated by a strange man, as I had imagined in my dreams night after night at night.

While I am looking for my clothes again to make my way home, I decide that I would like to repeat this experience as soon as possible. Then I go home with a smile on my lips while satisfied with me how your sperm slowly flows out of me and in small lanes my thighs flows down.

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