Lustful vacation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

This story is pure imagination. All similarity to living people is purely accidental

it was Summer And I was looking forward to mine Vacation. The last few days have been full of hard work and that in this heat. Now I had two days of effort in front of me and then finally relaxation.

We had planned to drive to the coast and had already rented a holiday home.

2 wonderful weeks nothing but sun (if you could believe the weather forecast) Beach and laze. The house we had rented was a kind of lucky stroke. Although remote and protected from curious views, but close to a small village to look after with all the necessary. The “ridiculous price” came to that the landlord demanded.

When the two torturing days were finally around, we quickly packed our things in the car the following morning and then we were already north on the highway. We had at 11.00 a.m. with the landlord agreed to hand over the house to us for the next 2 weeks and pay the agreed price. When we entered the entrance I saw a pretty woman standing at the entrance. Brunette with long hair and about our age.

We got out of our car and I noticed how you stared at the woman in disbelief. “What is it?” I asked. But you don’t look in my direction. “Annette?“I heard you address the landlord.

“Annette Hillers?“The woman looked as incredulously as you. “I don’t think so now,” were her words. “What are you doing here? I mean how do you come here?“Then you both fed your arms and the greeting was very warm. Not only the hug, but also the kiss on the mouth that you gave yourself after a short hesitation.

A kiss like from Sister To sister, but in the middle of the mouth, which was otherwise not your kind.

“Dietmar, that is Annette, my best friend from adolescence until she was moving away with 20 to make a career.”

“Well, that only partially stuck,” noted Annette.

“I wanted to lead a big hotel and now I only have 4 holiday homes that are cozy, but not luxurious. But come in first.

I want to show you everything.“She handed us the keys and I paid the agreed price. Then she promised you to come back and chat in the afternoon. Well, I still thought, it will be fun to listen to two chickens while gackling. But the afternoon was very nice.

In the afternoon sun we had made it comfortable on the veranda. I only had shorts and you have a bikini. Annette also wore a bikini with a light cloth that she had placed around her hips as a “rock”, she was wearing a big summer hat and sunglasses. I had immediately recognized with experienced eyes that she had at least one cup size of 75c.

She had brought a bottle of sparkling wine with her and you made it comfortable on two loungers in the sun. I lay down in the shadow with a cool bottle of beer and watched you half naked on the abdominal and chatted over old times. In the warm sun the beer made the beer sleepy and my eyes suddenly fly closed. I started dreaming like me both under the shower One after the other took.

It was a very intense dream where I kept looking at Annette’s rocking breasts in front of me.

This dream was probably not going past my friend. He stimulated and straightened up to his full size, which was not hidden by the shorts.

“Wow, you laughed at a whole guy,” Annette smiled at you.

You look over at me and saw the bumps that no longer hid the shorts.

“Yes, that’s right. It’s really fun with him.

I think he has just the right size. Not too big and not too small.”

“Do you remember how we slept in the same bed as teenagers?“Asked Annette now.

“how could I forget that? You were like that … soft. Quite different from Dietmar.

Not that he would be rough to me, just different. How about you? Do you have a man too?”

“No,” replied your girlfriend, “at least not a firm. A lover sometimes, otherwise I have a little pink friend. But I would like to have real sex again.

It’s been a while. We could disappear while your guy is sleeping here, “suggested Annette, encouraged by the sparkling wine, before.

Since you have already become a bit wet, you agreed quickly and you will rely on your loungers and want to go into the house. But when you get past me, you stop at Annette.

“Come on our top and put it on the lap of Dietmar. When he wakes up, he will meet, “if you whisper to her.

Said and done. You can quickly do your tops and your breasts are now rocking in the sunlight. “Oh, they are even more beautiful than before,” you breathe to Annette and gently stroke her buds. She kisses you passionately, then she goes into the house in the shower.

I wake up from the noise of the shower.

The sun dazzles me and I have to orientate myself first. Your two lies are empty, but I have two bikini tops on my lap. Then I hear how the water of the shower is turned off, beat your laughter and doors. I was still dreaming? I rapped down to the bedroom and looked through the half -open door.

I saw you on the bed there. Naked as God created you. You bent my legs and spread wide. Annette lies in between with her head.

I see how she licks you devotedly and penetrates my finger again and again with my finger. You hold her head when she licks you again. My whole blood now shoots stiff in my already in my already tail. I got rid of my shorts and opened the door quietly.

You closed your eyes and I hear you moan quietly. Annette will definitely not do this for the first time.

I stand behind Annette and stroke her back on her back. My cock touches her sweet butt brief.

You didn’t miss it either. You open your eyes and smile at me.

“You are late. Annette is certainly quite moist as long as she had no man more. But I want to feel your tongue a little more.

That’s why you get what you have always dreamed of today.”

Annette looked around briefly, breathed a kiss and whispered, “take me!”

I stroked her butt. Slidied between her legs and feel how damp she really was. There was no stopping for me either now. I stood behind her, rubbed my acorn briefly over her butt and then penetrated into her in a violent push.

She groaned loudly. Then comprised your left breasts and then continued to lick your wet pussy. Then she took two fingers and put them in you while I put my hands around her hips and kept pulling her horny ass violently to me until it claps. Your moan also got louder now and your head went wildly back and forth.

“I’m coming, oh god me comes!“You clawed in your pillow and Anette licked you while she fingered you and I fucked her violently.

Then I noticed it upright in me. But I still needed something. Another two violent bumps ..

“Yes, Jaa, Jjaaaaaaaaa oooohhhhhhh!“Annette was also able to orgasm just scream out.

“Please don’t go into me in me. Please don’t inject into me.”

I was happy to meet this wish.

I loosened from her, rubbed my cock a little more like me around her and then splashed half over her face, half over your stomach and lap. It was a powerful orgasm and I not only messed up to you but also half the bed. Then you lick my cock really clean while I kissed Annette and ran my sperm over our lips.

I couldn’t believe it. Two women so horny and the summer had just started.

I was sure I would burn a lot of calories in the next two weeks.

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