Leoni, a fantasy | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Werner and I had agreed to do the matter next Saturday. Leoni was also informed by me and had agreed after some hesitation. Leoni is my girlfriend For a year now, and it is now completely healthy for me.

And so it didn’t need too much persuasion to convince her to take part in this game. Next Saturday I should finally see and be there when my young and pretty girlfriend had a strange man die.

In front of my eyes Would she have to humiliate, everything that I had done with her so far would have to endure. Leoni and I received Werner together. We took some drinks to us to unload the tension and then I said to her that it was now time for our game. Without a word she rose from the couch and went into our bedroom, To appear again after a short time with a bathrobe.

As already mentioned, Leoni is a beauty.

Your fresh and girlish face is carved by fine brown hair. Blue and clear eyes give this face an almost angry look. Your figure is slim and looks fragile. And so she missed her effect on Werner, whom she saw for the first time that evening.

Werner and I sat on the couch and let Leoni take a seat between us. Each of us took one of her hands and Werner stroked gently through her full hair. “You are beautiful. “He whispered and drove his eyes over her eyebrow leoni had closed his eyes when Werner loosened the belt of her bathrobe.

With his free hand he has the most exhausted her chest.

Leoni has small but solid breasts with big ones Nipple, which, if you are stiff, can stand out a good two centimeters. “You didn’t promise too much!“, Said Werner. “Your tits are really great if you could also be a little bigger. You will probably not allow a titty fuck!“No, certainly not.

But they are very sensitive! You can make them come to the way by clever manipulation of their breasts. “I replied. “Just try it. “I encouraged him.

While I took Leoni a bit aside and both hands now kept motionless on her sides, Werner folded her bathrobe completely apart.

Unabashed, he had his gaze roamed over her body, exploring that Leoni was wearing a short, black panties that had an ancestor of her swallowed shame due to the thin fabric. “You don’t need to have inhibitions!”, I noticed. “We agreed that you can do everything you have always wanted to organize with a sweet and horny sow!Leoni trembled. I didn’t know whether with shame or excitement.

The fact was that I was excited and could hardly wait for him to take possession of her. Werner finally let a hand below her right breast slowly hike up the stomach, felt the beginning of her chest and gently printed the right tits upwards.

The other hand drove with the palm of your hand over her bud and made it first in a short time. While he continued to gently squeeze the breast meat, he took the hard wart between the thumb and index finger and began to roll it gently. “Look at me!“, He asked my little one, and she obeys with a fleeing look.

“Open the thighs!“, He ordered her, and Leoni immediately followed his words and let the magnificent and solid thighs apart. Werner had not subsided to continue massaging her bud. Now he pulled her off her from her chest, which elicited her a slight groan. “Do you wet?“He asked her in a quiet tone, which was determined and expected an answer.

She nodded.

Werner pulled the wart a little further out of the chest and prevailed: “Are you silent? Replace in whole sentences!“Now she hurried to respond quickly and with panting:“ It …, it does … it wet me. “Where makes you wet?“Werner continued the embarrassing survey. “In.., In my panties!“Leoni had learned. “So you are a little horny sow who enjoys it and that makes her panties dirty when you pinch her into the titty warts?“Werner was relentless.

Leoni nodded and Werner knit hard into the forny rakes. I heard her slightly yelled and got a stiff.

“Whole sentences, I said! “I …, I …, I’m a horny sow that enjoys it!“, Leoni emerged. “Much better!“Werner approached her left chest and began to lightly lick his tongue over the other wart while continuously kneading his right tits. Leoni shook lightly and her hands began to bale to fists.

“Still silently!“I whispered in her ear. Werner looked into her face. “I want you to collect your saliva now and then give me a sweet kiss. As I suck your tongue, I expect that you will let the saliva leak out! He gave her for a minute in which he calmly massaged her two tits, the warts rolled and pinched and occasionally licked both warts.

“Now!“, He commanded, grabbed her hair and pulled her mouth on his.

I saw his tongue penetrated deeply into her mouth, then I heard him sucked suckingly and when Leoni tried to let the saliva run out, I noticed at his Adam’s apple as he swallowed the liquid that she had collected. He loosened and looked at me with a grin, “she is good! “O. K. , I will now tell you which fun I will have with you while massaging your little and horny titles!“Werner looked at her with a smile.

He started: “I will first remove your panties so that I can finally your cunt able to see.

Then you will kneel on the carpet ass Cover up and keep your ass cheeks apart with both hands so that I can look at your asshole in peace. You will tolerate it motionless when I your tongue rosette Lick and with my tip of my tongue a little to enter your asshole. How I assess you horny pig, you will be released plenty of liquid so that I can then lick the horny juice out of your cunt with pleasure. Werner spoke slowly and emphasized, massage her tits and warts while Leoni listened to him and every now and then twitched in my hands.

He continued: “Then I give you the opportunity to thank you.

With great zeal you will lick and blow my cock until it is big and hard, so hard that I can then push it into your hopefully tight cunt. I expect you to peel loudly and moan when I fuck you until it comes to you. And you should be good and plentiful cum, Because afterwards I will fuck your hopefully close asshole, which will certainly not be a great pleasure for you when my tail is dry. Understood everything? Then we can start!.

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