I was used as an object | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A horny experience cmnmich had met a man who wanted to take advantage of my permanent lust to play with my cock and my eggs to enjoy yourself. I rang the doorbell, he read me in, the washing door was only based, so I just entered. It was dark in the short hallway, but the bathroom door was open and the bathroom lit. It was clear to me that I had to undress there, I did it immediately, my lust was cheered up by this uncertain situation, my penis erected while moving out and so I went barefoot into the living room with a bobbing cock.

There was a man there, a little older than me, dressed in a suit. He greeted me and meant me that I should slowly turn around my own axis. (I had already made myself knowledgeable and of course crossed my hands behind the neck to present me to present me) Finally I should go closer to him and he looked at my cock and sack in detail, I was able to sit on a seat at the frontThe edge, he sat down on a stool right in front of me, I had to spread my legs so that he had unhindered access.

He started with a gentle oiling, the entire tail, the sack and the rosette were spoiled with its gentle fingers. I couldn’t suppress a slight moan, because he encouraged me to just let my lust out, nobody could listen to it here anyway. With once I felt a stronger train on the sack and ventured down. Nothing to me, nothing had striped me over the sack of several silicone rings, so that the eggs strolled tightly.

I also got a ring around the tail root. Slowly he jerked me with the oily fingers and hands, pulled and pressed on the testicles until I thought I would come right away and groaned louder. I already felt how my tense eggs tried to pull together to spray the sperm out. Suddenly the tender fingers and hands were disappeared from my cock and my penis got several hard blows. First the shaft, but before I could only say something, several strokes were placed on the glans.

I looked at him frightened, “You are my object, you came to me, you offered me your lust!“Another blow onto the glans that my tail was bobbed (it was more stiffer due to the blows!), “And now you are my object where I am pleased!“I didn’t know what to say at that moment, he said,“ If you leave your hands behind your head, it is good if you can’t, then I will have to put on you or youstand up and go!“I was torn back and forth, it was as horny as he worked on my cock and sack, and yet I didn’t know what else would come.

In any case, I put my hands behind my neck again and stretched my pelvis towards him, which was enough in response. Satisfied with my answer he lost no further words and again I felt the gentle wanking movements, and my fingers also played on my rosette, so that my desire was getting bigger and bigger. This game until shortly before coming and then strokes on the tail repeated itself several times until the point came at some point that I, totally overwritten, no longer felt my glans with deafness.

He had driven me so far that I was full of lust but just couldn’t cum. His experience showed him that too and so he let me get up for a moment and I had to walk around, a few steps before and back, so that he could patter me again from all sides. Finally I had to go on a table, yes, on a table, kneel. I had to spread my legs in this position as far as possible that I did not slip off the table, he bent down my cock and slightly slanted backwards.

In this position, on all fours, he jerked me again, milked me like a horny dog (to which I had become) until I felt the acquaintance again. This time I didn’t get any blows, I was finally allowed to cum my sperm. A gasp and moan penetrated from my throat, I sprayed the seed on the floor. Shot about shot, I didn’t count, but it felt like it was more than ever before. Like a dog, when I sprayed, I was also with a “good! Brave!“Rewarded.

Then I only felt how he touched me on my arm and led back to the seating. I sat down with shaky knees, exhausted, I got to be tired of how the tail and testicular rings were removed from me. I looked around, looked at the clock, there were a little more than two hours that I was available as an object for him!He was still in a suit, I was allowed to refresh myself in the bathroom, then we drank a tea together, in which he asked me, wanted to know more about my inclinations, experiences, taboos.

At some point I was allowed to get dressed and promise that it shouldn’t stay with this one time, I said goodbye. After this session, he was still with him to use his way of using me as an object, but I will not forget this great feeling of the first time when everything is still unknown.

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