How I sucked a cock for the first time | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

This story is not invented. She passed this way and is re -enlarged from the memory.

When I was in the mid -20s I didn’t have a girlfriend. During this time I often went to a swimming lake in southern Hesse. The place was also well attended by nudist bath guests, but the men were clearly outnumbered.

The lake was around with trees and bushes and offered many small hidden areas for nude suns and resting from swimming.

I was there very regularly and repeatedly met people I knew from seeing.

Although I don’t Contact encouraged, a man came over over time (Heinz, as I found out later), who finally began to ask at some point if he could share the place with me. He was in her early 50s, almost 30 years older than me.

I didn’t mind, but I also knew why he came. I had been “sneaking” with me several times before. And the thought aroused me.

He took off and sat on his towel.

The berth allowed 2 people, but only at the length of the arm length.

I continue to read in my book that I always had with me, but also saw that his penis was half stiff. The situation excited me more and more and I got a lump in my throat. My tail started to get stiff and since I didn’t want him to see the obvious, I turned on my stomach to continue reading in my book.

He spoke about irrelevant things and continued to conversation while my heart knocked and I was not aware of what I should do now.

On the one hand, this seems completely unreal to me, on the other hand, the presence of his rather big cock excited me so that I could hardly hide my nervousness. Finally, I thought nothing better than put my book aside – reading was no longer possible anyway – and put my head on the towel to do a little bit of which would happen what would happen.

After a short time I felt his hand on my back and to drive to the buttocks.

He started stroking me! He now said nothing more and groped along my body with his hand, which Legs Down and up again, whereby he did not fail to touch my cock a little, which was now pressed hard against the floor. After a moment he asked me if I like that.

I didn’t know what to say and just produced a “I don’t know yet”. Since my stiff tail did not escape him, he continued and touched him more often. I made my legs apart a little so that he could touch him better, which he also understood promptly.

He sat down on his knees next to me and started touching me with both hands.

Not hasty, but determined. When I looked up I could see that his cock was now stiffly erected foreskin Was half withdrawn and at the opening there was a large drop of clear seed fluid, which already started to drop in a long thread. I wondered at the moment how it would feel if this drop falls on my buttocks. His tail was larger than mine, not thicker, but longer and with a plump glans.

I was fascinated in perverse way and horny at the sight. His presence and what he did showed the rest. That went for a few minutes. I have never had sexual contact with a man, but it became more and clear to me that my occasional fantasies may become a reality today.

I finally asked him with a documented voice whether he would like to blow me one.

With his “yes” I turned around and my liberated cock stretched stiffly. My naked and lust, which was so openly laid out, horned me up and I had to tremble when he finally included my cock with his hand. He leaned forward, looked at him for a moment and finally took him in his mouth.

That was an insane feeling.

He pulled my foreskin far back with practiced grip, let his tongue circle a little, then took it completely into his mouth and drove up and down with his lips. In between he licked my glans again and again or drove his tongue on the underside of my tail to the eggs, licked them and finally took it back into his mouth. I had never experienced anything like this and it was incredibly horny. It almost hurt a little when he licked over the testicles or firmly on the glans.

Most of the time he made it gentle and I felt his rough tongue everywhere on my cock and his lips that drive along my tail. His mouth was hot and moist, it was completely different from taking the tail in his hand.

It went such an eternity, I kept looking through the bushes, whether we will get a secret observer or accidentally get a bathing guest. But the corner was nicely remote and only rarely did someone get lost there. We were still undisturbed.

After all, I had to do something and grabbed his cock.

For the first time in life, I feel a strange great male cock stiff in my hand. I started rubbing it, but didn’t make sure to touch the further drops of the liquid, which ran from his glans and dripped onto the towel. He made a rough moan, but did not stop taking care of my cock.

I spread my legs, on the one hand to lie a little more comfortably, on the other hand to offer him my cock better. An obscene feeling!

He still knelt and in his attitude it was difficult for me to get his cock properly.

It was now clear to me that I wanted to feel this cock in my mouth – I also didn’t know if I would ever experience something exciting and horny again – so I said to him with one voice her uncertainty: “I would like to go to your cocksuck”.

He just said “yes” and straightened up on his knees. But he kept my cock in his hand. I was still on my back unchanged, the upper body based on the elbow, where I had observed how he sucked on my cock.

He slid up a little on his Kien, his hand further on my genitals.

He pressed his pelvis a little and held his cock with slightly spread legs in front of my face.

I stared at the plump acorn, saw the seed fluid stepped out of the urethra, and from close I saw that it was wide open – unlike I knew that from my cock. A long glittering thread of his clear juice extended to the ground below on the glitter. I lay down slightly to the right, so that I only support myself with my right arm on the floor and covered his tail with the left. I also pulled the foreskin back completely, as he did with me, opened my mouth and slowly picked up his tail together with his glittering juice.

I smelled his smell and tasted the pre -fuck juice. I felt the smooth skin of his glans on my tongue and on my palate and enclosed his shaft with my lips. I sucked him as he did with me. The situation was incredibly horny, I had never experienced anything like that.

All the time he held my stiff cock with one hand.

As I sucked him, I always felt sucked out of his cock like other juice, my previously dry mouth filled with my saliva and seed fluid. After all, I had to hit a divorce. It was so cool, I had to swallow it. Again the thought that I have to do it now, maybe I have no other opportunity.

So I swallowed and continued. Acuh I sometimes took the tail out of my mouth, licked it along the sides or raised it up around the underside lick and then always put it completely in his mouth.

I obviously did it well, at some point he started moaning and his hard cock became a little tougher. Then he pulled him back and I saw how his sperm From the opening lap. He splashed into the grass and rubbed his hard cock in front of my face.

I didn’t know if I had just missed something – I wondered how it would have felt if he had injected into my mouth. I knew the taste of sperm – had tried it – but how it would be if that would be ejaculation This older man pours directly into my mouth with his cock? How it would be to feel and taste the warm -warm beam? Well, this time it shouldn’t be.

After his orgasm was abbot, he wiped his cock on the towel. I thought it was over, but then he turned back to my cock, which he had let go of briefly and which I was rubbing slowly. He took him back into his mouth and continued where he had stopped when I started his cock closed suck.

I let everything go and just wanted to come myself. His hands were everywhere. He started sucking me alternately and rubbing with his hand, and I felt the orgasm slowly came up. After all, I also had to inject.

My seed poured over my stomach and thigh. He rubbed my cock on – slowly now – and I saw how he smiled while I was flinching in orgasm.

After that I was finished with the world. He asked if I was back tomorrow. “I think so”.

“Well, then we may see each other,” he said, while he was abras his cock again and then put back on again. With a “bye” he finally left our place and only the splashes in the grass showed me that this had really just happened.

We would definitely see each other again. Most certainly.

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