Hot savings by the sea | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I did every year in winter Vacation on the North Sea, this is also the case this year. It was a cold stormy day and I found the anticipation for the coming hourly. I drove with that automobile To a lonely place on the mudflats that I already knew from last years. I’ve had mine on my vacation many times Legs smeared with slick and ran around with it until he was firmly dry.

But what I had planned for tonight exceeded everything and I should think about this evening for a long time. I put on my shorts, my old socks and my old sneakers. I had a thick sweater and a windbreak because I intended approx. 1 hour to run around. The temperature was already below 0’c and the wind felt like -10’c. When I got out of the car, I already noticed the cold on my bare legs.

I went through the dike and a bit into the mudflats until I found the correctest place with sticky silt. I stroked it evenly on my legs and the cold slick let me shiver slightly. I had about. 2kg of silt on each leg and noticed the additional weight when going back. Since I had come up with something very special for this evening, I did not go to the next ditch that was about 1km away but looked for a place, others rinsed the flood of tons of shell pieces.

These pieces of shells, most of them were broken and had very sharp edges, I pressed me generously and deep into the still soft slick on my legs. I already noticed a slight scratch from the mussels on my skin. So equipped I made my way to the ditch, which I also after approx. 20 minutes achieved. Since I wasn’t particularly cold yet, I now made a decision that I should very regret later.

I went into the mudflats again and carried a further layer of Schlick on the first Schlick-Mussel layer. As a result, I pressed the hundred pieces of shells even more firmly. Since I now had almost 5kg sludge and mussels on every leg, Mirjeder was difficult and I clearly noticed the additional weight. Now I started a “walk” on the dike crown, where I was fully exposed to the wind. This resulted in the silt on my legs dried very quickly and moved in.

As a result, the mussel pieces were increasingly pressed on mine and finally began to cut into my skin. Since my legs had already cooled down, I don’t notice too much in the beginning when more and more mussels were cut into my skin, I felt what was going on there. When I noticed this, I knew that I had to remove the silt as soon as possible again I wanted to cut my legs.

It was clear to me that I couldn’t just rub the slick, because this would also rub over my skin and probably would probably cut even deeper cutting. I had no other option than to go back to the ditch and carefully wash the slick with a lot of water again. I was now almost 1 km from the ditch and now had a long complaint and above all painful way in front of me. Since the silt became more recessed, the mussel pieces cut more and more into mine with every step.

I clearly noticed how the mussel pieces cut into my skin, even if it was slow and careful as possible. Especially on my knees and the back of the knees, the pieces cut very deep into the die. It took over forty minutes to reach the ditch and I could have screamed loudly now Pains. Since the silt now formed a hard, firm crust on my legs, I so deeply climbed into the cold water so that the water reached my pants until briefly.

A thin layer of ice had already formed on the water, but that was no longer disturbed by me. The cold water perplexed my pain and so I stopped in the water for almost 10 minutes until the silt became soft and smooth again. Then I started to carefully wash the silt from my legs, which was surprising, just the mussels, some of which had cut deep into my skin, I didn’t get all of them out.

It was a full moon night and when I got up the water, I saw the many pieces of shells that were still in my skin for the first time. Immediately I tried to pull the pieces out of my skin but my hands were so deaf of the cold water that I couldn’t pull out the pieces. I looked at my legs in the moonlight and horrified that there were no incisions on each leg hundreds, together with the mussel pieces that were still sloping.

Since I was already horrificly cold, I had to go back to the car with my pieces in my skin. But this time I chose the side of the dike that was turned away from the wind. Without the slick, the mussel pieces did not practice any further pressure on my skin and did not cut even more, and my legs were already cooled, which led to what the pain was reasonably bearable. I reached my car after half an hour and trembled all over the body so much I had trouble getting the car key out of my jacket.

When I finally in the car cast, I started the engine first and put the heater to the highest level. I was sitting for a quarter of an hour in the car And let the warm air spread over my legs, when my hands were warmer again, I started pulling the mussel pieces out of my skin. The wounds were not bleeding what could be explained by the cold in order not to enter into no risk, after being pulled out of the cluster, after moving all out of the dressing box.

Then I put on my pants again and drove back to my apartment, where I removed the tie from the legs and the wounds were thoroughly cleaned and re -connected. Most of the cuts healed without leaving scars only with my knees and Denwaden I kept a few scars back. After a week almost everything had healed again and at the end of my vacation, I made myself again on the way in short pants over the dike this time without a silt and mussels.


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