Hot fuck in the sauna | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was a few years ago when we open together with a friend of friends Vacation were. We drove into a thermal bath in Styria and stayed in the associated hotel for a few days. I was looking forward to it because I had known the daughter of the other family for a long time and we got on very well. Stella was almost 20 years old like me and was a beautiful girl.

To my regret, she had a friend who, luckily, was not there, but I didn’t want to throw myself on her, especially because of our long friendship. But it shouldn’t be about it here.

On the first day in the thermal bath, as always, I explored the wellness area. He was quite extensive, with five different saunas, but still quite clear. Created in a large oval, there were several showers on a rounded wall and the different cabins all around.

In addition, there was a very spacious relaxation room with a few individual beds in their own rooms. It was wonderfully relaxing and so I spent almost all day long.

When I went to the sauna for the second time in the late afternoon Mother, Gabi, recognize. Tied with a towel, she came from the sauna with 60 ° C. I could think that the towel had bound the whole sauna session around her broad but incentive body, because she often said that she would not like to be seen naked by others, nor in the sauna.

With others she not only meant strangers, also acquaintances like me. Probably she wanted only her husband and daughter, who clearly saw the mother’s appearance, saw her intimate places. Gabi was built a little more, but she certainly didn’t have to hide her body. I also don’t think she was ashamed, it was just uncomfortable for her.

That’s why my hopes were you on holiday To see naked, rather low at the beginning.

But for a short moment I was lucky: Gabi hung the towel on a hook, only to immediately disappear behind one of the shower walls. It was only a two seconds, but at least I saw Gabi briefly how God created her. And she had to come out again, I thought to myself. However, she took after almost three minutes under the shower Immediately her bathrobe, which was hung next to the cabins and disappeared into the relaxation room relatively quickly and disappeared into the relaxation room.

It was clear to her the discomfort. But these few seconds from their naked body were enough to wake my desire. These pictures no longer got out of my head.

Before dinner, I asked how long the sauna area has opened. Fortunately until 10 p.m., I stayed for a good hour after eating.

I like to go to the sauna so late, because then it is much quieter and clearer and you can often take an undisturbed look at a few women. A few minutes after dinner I said goodbye to my room, with the excuse that I urgently need to go to the toilet so that I could also make sure that Stella did not go up. Arrived in my room, I moved immediately and only clothed myself with a bathrobe. Water pants were not necessary, of course a towel came to dry and sit on it.

In the wellness area I took one of the countless loungers that were naturally free at this time.

Only seven loungers were occupied on a dark -haired woman who had only put a towel over her pubic area. At first she didn’t notice me, but after a few seconds she pulled the cloth over her breasts. But I was already on my way outside to the sauna. Alone I didn’t want to sit in one of the cabins now, but every male society was also not to be used.

There were two pairs of bathing sandals in front of two sauna cabins, so I had to advise more or less where I could find a female body.

I entered the much less hot sauna of the two with 60 ° C and met inside a couple, both in his mid -30s. I first spread my towel on the top level and lay down on it with my back. The two talked only a little, more liked the heat, which I also liked, because so I was able to make the woman a little in peace. It lay on the bottom bench, a foot set up, which caused me not to see all of her shame.

However, she had magical, medium -sized breasts and long, blonde hair. I kept looking down at her, through the presence of her friend even more careful than if we were alone in the cabin. I often took a look at her vagina, even if it was a little adjusted by her bent leg. I thought I realized that her sparse pubic hair was blonde, which made me pretty sharp.

Fortunately, I was on my back, neither of the two could notice my light erection, but gradually my link against the wood began to hurt to hurt.

Unfortunately, the woman no longer changed her position until both left the sauna, but at least that’s how I could put on. As soon as the two were gone through the door, I sat on the bench one step below. My penis thanked me and jumped a little forward. I watch the sauna area through the glass door, at least as much as I could see from it.

Of course, there was very little going on, except the couple who went back to the relaxation area after the shower, and an older lady with small, slightly hanging breasts could be seen. I couldn’t see where she was going, but I slowly decided to go into another cabin, since my erection had now disappeared.

I was about to rise and take my towel when I saw through the door how Gabi entered the sauna area. This time she didn’t wear her bathrobe, just a towel around her body. Immediately I had to sit down again and eagerly waited for which sauna Gabi would choose.

I remembered that I was sitting in the same sauna that she used this afternoon. Of course I would also follow her in another cabin, after all, I would be alone with her at this time, but I prayed to God that she went through the door in front of me. And in fact she moved to my cabin after a short superiority.

My penis had already made up for these thoughts and he grew even faster when Gabi suddenly took her towel off her body in front of the door to the cabin. There it was again, the picture of the beautifully shaped, ripe brunette with the slightly larger breasts.

They no longer looked too tight, but absolutely did not hung down, but rather adapted perfectly to their somewhat stronger but rather sporty body. You noticed that she had a lot of movement, she was well -shaped and by no means thick. Their wide thighs seemed tight and tight. You couldn’t see any wrinkles.

She had tied her long, dark hair together. Unfortunately I couldn’t see anything from her vagina because she let her towel hang down exactly in front of it. But when she turned to the side slightly to take off her bathing slabs, I could see a little of her firm rear part. It was a really big ass with a lot to tackle.

Gabi turned back to the sauna and now opened the door. I instinctively moved my legs a little further out and support my hands on the left and right on the bench, To present her my slightly hard penis more or less.

Gabi closed the door and when she turned over she was completely shocked. “Simon!“, She called frightened and immediately covered her breasts and vagina with the towel. Exccited she waved around on the towel and wanted to tie it over again.

In the hustle and bustle, of course, it took it longer and so I had small insights into her cunt for a few seconds. “I … I didn’t know that you were here, that’s … so …”.

She was clearly missing the words. “It does not matter. Is not a problem, or?”, I asked. “No…

I don’t know. I just didn’t see any bath flaps outside, so … well, I thought I was alone in here … ” -” Is it a problem for you that I am here too?” -” No, I just mean … then I wouldn’t be that in here ..

I’m sorry.” -” I don’t understand … what do you have to apologize for?” -” Well that you saw me so … very naked.“But you have already noticed that I am also sitting here splinter fiber and also my penis clearly excellent? I think so, because at least I had the impression that she looked at it a few times a few times.

“This is a sauna, it is quite normal when you walk around naked. You have already seen many other people naked here.” -” Yes, but that doesn’t seem to be done to them.

Just like you.“Again she eyed my stiff penis, but didn’t talk to me about it. “I just don’t like it if everyone can look at me and mean … well, you already know … so my breasts and so sees.“Gabi still stood in front of me, apparently unsure whether she shouldn’t go again.

“Don’t worry, sit down first and relax. That’s why you’re here.” -” It’s really okay for you? I mean, after all we know each other and that is … somehow … ” -” No, everything is fine. We are adults, intelligent people, we won’t be embarrassed.” -” Okay.”

A little unsafe, Gabi sat on the bench at an angle to the right of me at the same height as I did.

Her towel kept her wrapped around her body. I leaned forward and put my elbows on my thighs in order to cover my erection a little so that the situation is not still embarrassing. “You are welcome to return your towel again.” -” I don’t know, that’s very uncomfortable for me.” -” You don’t have to be uncomfortable, you see me just as God created me.“So far, her gaze was more away from me, almost as if she wanted to hide from me, Gabi now looked directly at my body. She started at the top and moved down with her eyes, where she got stuck a little longer.

As if she wanted to lure my still first -time limb, which is badly hidden behind my arms anyway, out of his hiding place.

I broke the somewhat strange but exciting silence with a suitable question. “You have no problem seeing me completely naked, or?“I asked with very light ironic undertone. “It feels strange.” – “How come? We have known each other for so long. Back when we were still small, your daughter and I are in Summer Also walked naked in the garden, so you’ve seen me naked.” -” Yes, back then.

You were still a little child and it is normal when you walk around like this.” -” And now I’m an adult man and it’s normal when I’m sitting naked in a sauna. And for you it should be too.“Gabi slipped around the bench with a distorted face, still unsure whether the situation is unavailing for her. “I don’t know …” – “You don’t ashamed?“Gabi looked at me questioningly. “You certainly won’t be ashamed of your appearance.

I mean you have a great body. You look really very well trained … “Now there was a slight smile on Gabi’s face for the first time. “… and you are an incredibly attractive woman for your age, if I may say that.“Maybe it was also at the heat, but she was now slightly red on the face. “Gabi, you are very happy to move out.

There is nothing to be afraid of.“She was now a little more undecided and thought about a few seconds. “No, I think … no, I really don’t want that. Your compliments flatter to me, but I would feel too uncomfortable and then I would have gone to the sauna for free.”

I accepted her answer and did not say anything at first.

Only after a minute of less I hooked again: “Why did you go to the sauna now? I thought you would stay at the bar.” -” You know shortly after you have disappeared, I also left. I said I wanted to go to sleep earlier. But I went straight to the sauna area because in the afternoon, I don’t really have … ” -” Let me advise: You have now went to the sauna because you thought if there are fewer people here you can probably be in a cabinsitting and would feel much more comfortable and better relax.” – “Correct.“Well, probably didn’t go according to plan. “And why are you here now?“The compliments about their appearance had been right earlier, now I couldn’t say the whole truth.

“Actually for the same reason.” – “But why? For you there is no problem?” -” Not really, no. But all alone in the sauna it is much calmer and more relaxed.”

My penis was still gone like one and I knew she noticed it. It was certainly uncomfortable to talk about it too. Of course I couldn’t go to it either.

And I couldn’t see anything from their genitals, which also had to show any reaction. “But of course I’m very happy about your presence.“Gabi had to smile again. “If you want, I can help you to shy off.“I slipped a little further to the right and was now sitting right next to her, so that my knees touched her left thighs slightly. “I don’t know, Simon.“She turned her head away slightly, but remained just like that.

“Come on, Gabi …” I put my right hand on her neck and slowly drove down my back. I roamed the towel down while I gently put my left hand on her thigh. “Please, take off your towel.“I whispered her in her ear.

Gabi immediately put both hands over her breasts to keep the towel above. “Simon, no!“, She called before she stormed through the door outside.

My penis was now enormously swollen. I was so incredibly sharp on her and had to have her now. I got up and saw through the glass door how Gabi went into the shower. I immediately left the cabin and went straight to the showers.

On the way I looked around for briefly if someone was nearby. There was no one to see, which was extremely good for me. Gabi looked as horny as she stood naked in the shower and unintentionally presented her wide butt. I slowly went up to her to stand behind her.

She touched me slightly with her elbow and startled immediately. “Simon, what are you doing?!“, She stared at me. “Psssst, very quiet.“, I said, while I turned it out completely again. She tried to solve herself, but I had my hands firm, but not so firm to hurt her to wrap her wet stomach.

“I just want to help you do something good for you.” -” But I don’t want that!” -” Please, Gabi, listen to me.” -” Leave me, Simon!“I started moving our bodies a little back and forth.

“I know you deserved something better.“Gabi kept trying to pull my hands away, but was unsuccessful. “Stop it now!“While the water on our naked, wrapped bodies, I continued to talk to her. “You are a beautiful woman, you should be able to enjoy a lot more.” -” Stop you now, you had your fun.” -” No, it is more about that you finally have fun again.“My stiff penis now pressed hard against Gabi’s back. “What do you talk about?!” -” I know it has to be a long time ago.” – “What? What are you talking about?”

Just as I knew her husband, they had no more sex or at least very rarely.

Gabi, I think, was not completely obsessed with sexual intercourse when you take her behavior in the sauna as a yardstick, but she certainly needed a cock in her old cunt again. “When was the last time you had sex?” – “What?! I’m sorry, what?!” -” When did you and your old sack of men really do it for the last time?” -” I will certainly not talk to you about that! And now let me go!“Her grip on my hands now got more energetic, but I pushed myself a little further to her so that my cock slipped very easily between her ass cheeks.

“Gabi, how much do you need it? You finally need a real tail in your cunt again, not true?” -” Please, Simon!“Her pleading now decreased and her handle gradually became weaker. “Always rub your pussy when you are alone at home will already be bland, or? That has to go that way too long. How long has it been?” -” Simon, leave that.“It was easy to hear in her voice.

“How long did you have no sex anymore? When was the last time fucked?“My cock kept penetrating her. “No … oooh, not.” -” When was the last time you had a real cock in your cunt, not just a rubber part?” -” I don’t have that, Aahh!” -” So only with your fingers? You poor thing, you urgently need a lout in your hole again. I saw how you stared at my part beforehand.“Gabi summed up a little of excitement.

“So when was your last real fuck? When were you banged really well for the last time?” -” Don’t know, five years ago.“In the meantime she had let go of my hands, so I took my cock in my hand with my right hand to take it into her cunt from behind. “Please, Simon … Aaaaahhhh!” – “Please? Do you want me to put my cock into you?” -” Jaaah!” -” Do you finally want to be fucked again?” -” Yeah, please! fuck me!”

I now pushed and sank my cock completely in her pussy. Gabi supports himself on the shower wall while I hear it from behind with all the rules of art.

I stayed with my hands on her head and grabbed again and again with one hand to grasp her hanging tits. “Oooooohh Goot, that’s horny!!!“Gabi screamed through the entire wellness area when someone was still there, he had to hear us. “Aaaahh, Jaaaa!“I pushed more and more violently against her pelvis and kept clapping her ass. “Ohhh yes! Do you like that? Did you need that?” -” Jaaaaa, exactly that! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!“I knew it couldn’t take long and I also felt my sperm, after all I had been horny for half an hour.

“Fuck me, yeah! Next, firm, ohhhhh jaaaa!“I got firmer and gave Gabi a huge orgasm with the last bumps. “Aaaahh, Jaaaa! Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!“Before I came too I pulled my cock out of her cunt and turned Gabi around. She immediately went to her knees and after the first splashes went into her face, she took my cock in her mouth and sucked it wildly on it. “Oooohh, Jaa!”

When Gabi was finished she got up again and just smiled at me.

“Thank you very much, I finally needed that.” – “And? Did you like it?” -” Oh yes, it was incredibly cool!“We kissed under the shower jet. I stroked my hand over her pussy and despite the many water, I noticed that this still flowed out of this cunning juice. I rubbed a little more closely at what Gabi easily made up. After a few seconds I put two fingers in while we kissed further.

Soon she had to solve her lips from me because she had to scream another orgasm. “Aaaaaaahh, good, good, Jaaaaaaaahhhhh!!“Gabi was completely exhausted, but happy. “I’m sorry, that was a bit quick. You wanted again?” -” Nothing, we’ll get that before we drive back home.“With these words I left Gabi in the shower, got my flip -flops and towels and went overjoyed to my room.

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