Horny weekend | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It’s a little procedure for over 20 years of marriage. There are hardly any real surprises and you are extremely familiar with each other. Even the sex at home hardly any surprises, except the normal flower sex there was hardly any noticeable outliers.
The children had their plans and we had the weekend for ourselves the weekend. I was able to convince Bianca to try something new.

The necessary utensils were quickly taken care of and almost as quickly I long with all my legs and arms spread strictly tied up on the bed. I pounded the blood in my tight piece. Somehow Bianca now also became very creative, quickly she got a sleep mask out of her night cabinet for my eyes to cover. She scurries around me here and knew how to keep the tension upright by apparently random touch here and there.

Although they are very careful to consciously omit the good piece. I go to the kitchen briefly and get us something sweet, I heard her still say and stroked my nails over my legs from one pound to another. I lay there now that moving was out of the question. Bianca at par excellence implemented their skills from the sailing course in terms of node art.

From the kitchen I heard the familiar rattling of the closet doors through the open door. I could guess the fridge, … glasses and the popping of a champagne bottle. Now it will start right away and I still have her mischievous grin in front of my eyes before she took the view.
The tension in me could hardly be topped, I felt almost every heartbeat through the excited penis The sack had accepted a nice, firm round shape. I heard her coming, only a few steps left.
Ding-dong, that can’t be true.
“Birgit and Ralf” I heard them say.

Our front door has embedded glass panes so you can see who is at the door. But also the other way around.
Birgit and Ralf met a few years ago and fit together well. Birgit big and slim and with an enormous bust size and Ralf with easy -care haircut and average figure. There is no hair below the eyebrows.

We already maintain a deep friendship share the passion for music, food and sauna.
“Hello sweet” I heard Birgit greetings, “Champagne already opened and only 2 glasses? Your egoist!“You have storm -free today or?
“Oh look at it …” I heard Ralf rit, it seems that the bedroom door was probably wide open and I was almost on the presentation plate. There was nothing in nothing I could do. I heard how they all stood in the bedroom now and probably looked at my lust. Oh how rude from me, you haven’t got a greeting kiss at all.

As if nothing was, Birgit would have bowed to me and gave a cheek kiss on the left and right. It was clearly their perfume and the cold zip on my chest from her black leather jacket. Again there was a bloodstroot in my good piece that everyone certainly noticed. “Well thicker, I’ll give you no kisses” grabbed my thick toe and shook it lightly.
There was nothing to save for me about the situation, so I asked them to put them off in a friendly manner and asked Bianca to get two glasses.
Asked not to be able to help because I am now a little “integrated”.
“Yes, then put it off,” said Bianca, “or take off,” Ralf Bianca interpreted.

“In the meantime I get two glasses from the kitchen and I’m back right away,” said Bianca. I only heard how it rustled, things fell to the ground and how the two kissed unmistakably. “We want to free him,” said Ralf and Birgit said dryly “Nope- first time for the head cinema”. Ralf is now starting to comment on everything like moderator, “I am here in your bedroom and in front of me the enchanting splinter fiber -saked Birgit”.

In fact, she has an enchanting body we have sauned many times and I have it clear in front of my eyes. “The first thing is a stubble control. To do this, start with the flat hand on the neck all over the body. The arms, back, the butt, belly, chest, legs and finally the pussy.

How fine it is and also wonderfully wet. As I see, the thickness also stands on your shaved wet pussy. His good piece shrugs like crazy.”
Oh yes, I would have loved to spoil your pussy.
There are the two glasses, loved their loved ones. “And I” I asked.

“You would like to be at the mercy, damn and completely helpless for the passive enjoyment.“My wife didn’t say without a pointed undertone. Let us help you take off. The next thing I heard was the zipper of her dress and the almost silent noise when it rushes on the floor from the shoulders of the shoulders. Again the sound of the champagne glasses and a smacking similar to a very intense kiss.

The smack did not stop, only now I heard Ralf to take up his moderators again.
“The two women seem to have liked each other. Your lips are pressed tightly together, you should be able to see that. Carry out the stubble test at Bianca quickly. The smack had stopped, he won’t!.

The arms tender and soft, hands as gently as you could wish for, beautiful solid breasts with solid little nipples. At that moment I heard Bianca trembling wandered through my mouth. Your nipples are very sensitive and almost look like a switch. A beautiful streak buttocks long legs and a bushy pussy continued Ralf, and here too a wet grotto.

Raspberries clearly raspberries your wife tastes sensationally like raspberries. I was torn back and forth to put an end to the hustle and bustle, he ultimately fingers my wife and that goes too far. Honest raspberries? Reduced Birgit. Shake, sit down there.

It sounded like Birgit is being slipped off my wife. I felt her vibration through the bed frame her breathing became more and more violent and it would certainly not take long until it orgasm comes. You have quite treasure clearly raspberries I always thought that for men. I pleaded her on mine tail to settle and ride me.

My lust could hardly be topped and one or the other drop of Liebesseft came out of my shaft. Bianca was already about crawling over me. She came off the side and I felt her hanging breasts like my cock striped by chance.
moment! said Ralf, ass up. I only noticed how her breasts slowly loosened from my stomach.

Shortly afterwards there was a groan from Ralf and my wife. Now it was clear that Ralf took my wife from behind while she was lying across me. Her tits hang down like a ringing and strip in the thrust over my tied upper body. Please do not, I asked to be able to put an end to it in the hope.

Bianca put a finger over my mouth to counteract the violent bumps of Ralf. Pssst Schatz You’re not yet on. She reared up briefly to land on me twitching. Ralf also seems to have drained, I heard he heard it and came over my wife’s back.

His effusion was so huge that part of his sauce went down to Bianca and I felt it on my legs. “Just look at what you have done and I can clean it again. Bianca Schatz go to the side, ”Birgit whispered. My wife straightens up and disappeared into the bathroom.

Ralf his sauce now started to walk down my leg cold. Birgit’s tongue collected from my leg, which doesn’t belong there. Wandered on with her tongue. She started sucking my eggs in a way that I had never experienced before.

She did not leave a millimeter and always only ran to the penis. I heard my wife opened another bottle of champagne in the kitchen. And sounded “but not that he is coming!”But that’s exactly what I wanted,” please do it quickly or take the hand I burst I asked right away “. “Nothing there, you’re not on it yet” I heard her enter the bedroom and gave the glasses full.

May I then at least a sip of champagne I asked with dry throat. I had no idea what went there, there was definitely a lot of giggling. It got calm and someone came to the bed. The mattress on the left and right of my head was pushed down.

Seconds later I had a dripping wet and smooth -shaped cunt on my face. A breathtaking fragrance of champagne, female lust and a hint of shaving foam. My tongue made my way to the column without further ado. Before I arrived at her clitoris, she let the champagne run.

Not exactly much but the hottest performance. I hadn’t quite swallowed it still pressed her on my mouth her pleasure center. Swinging hips to the nose every now and then over to the mouth. Slowly the champagne gave way to taste and her love juice became more dominant.

I have often had Birgit’s shaved pussy in the sauna viewed and fantasized. Sometimes she noticed me when I seemed to stared at her column. One time or another she spread her legs as far as possible. Beautiful festivals and barely above skirmishes.

And now she rides my face, more and more violent and violent. My tongue edited your anus and her ever wet pussy. Your juice must have already spread over my whole face. “Thanks buddy, from here I will continue” I heard Ralf how he literally snatched Birgit to me.

He put her on my bed next to me began to fing her violently. Her moans became more violent and one of her hands was looking for hold and found my still tied arm. Her handle became painful and shortly before I wanted to open, I felt activities on my eggs and cock again. Is there now the longed -for redemption? In the sudden it became quiet, Ralf had stopped working like a steam hammer.

Bianca ended her activities and left me alone with my stiff pulsating tail. It was incomprehensibly for me again. Shortly afterwards Bianca continued where Birgit receded. Her delicate hair revealed her.

Her fragrance was also breathtakingly erotically beautiful. First tentative and gradually their movements became more violent. My tongue did her best to spoil you well one possible. Her vulva pressed more and more to my facial contour.

Breathtaking in the truest sense. So I have never had Bianca on my face. Now my best piece was taken to grip and led into Birgit’s pussy that crouched on me. The small eel slipped into the greedy column without any problems.

Any attempt to get from me was skilfully skilned. “Very calm, not move,” Birgit asked me. I only reluctantly stopped my shock movements. I was rewarded by crazy tender strokes on my chest.

Shortly afterwards I felt how her big breasts started to slide on my back and forth. I tried to move my penis rhythmically again. “No, nice calm brown” I would have a groom again. I felt her skirmish lips deep down on my shaft and I couldn’t be deeper in it.

You can’t imagine greater agony. A pussy that rides itself to ecstasy in your face and your cock is damn in a actually greedy pussy. Oh yes, it works even worse. Ralf bored his penis in Birgits’s ass.

I literally felt how he entered her. It got really tight in her. “When you move, everyone is over. Understood?“And Ralf started editing her.

I noticed how he had always happened in her. A true overflowing of stimulus, I noticed that Bianca would come to the climax at any moment. Birgit also seemed so far to reach the magical point at any moment. Ralf’s movements became more and more violent and hardly allowed an increase.

Stiffly of excitement and stiff of fear of doing what wrong, I’m damn it to endure me. But I’m just a moment away from the climax. Hard to be stopped, Bianca rears up to shrink to completely devour my face with her abdomen. Birgit also came with her double penetration almost simultaneously.

Her vaginal cramps ultimately also took care of me. With violent batches I loaded my source deep into your lap. It was also very quiet about Ralf. Think he too has pumped his cargo in Birgits’s ass.

It took minutes before someone even moved. First of all, Ralf pulled out his sagging Birgit eel, clearly felt his movements as if we had been in the same hole. Which then also straightened up. At the same time I missed the touch of her incredible breasts.

Her straightening increased the pressure on my abdomen and again my little friend showed enthusiasm for what that could still come. My awakening/twitching was also recognized by Birgit and confirmed with a twitching of a subordinated. “I think there is still something,” said Birgit with slightly circular hip movements on my half -tire stem. Bianca released my face again.

The violent movements had pushed the eye mask well over my forehead. I could finally see again. Birgit’s sight with her blasting things on me caused a surprising blood traffic jam in my little friend. It felt like her abdomen almost sucked up my cock.

“It always works so quickly?“Asked Birgit Bianca. “Actually, not so fast, you Little dirt sow!“Bianca replied with a grin on his face. “I would like to cuddle a little more before going on.“Said Bianca and asked Birgit to just put them on my side. I would have loved to take my bonds now, but both ladies answered almost synchronously with “oh nope”.

“You are almost a work of art at least a great performance as you are there.”Said Ralf took my digital camera and took a few pictures. Both lay close to me their heads on my outstretched and fixed arms. Your breasts facing me. One arm of the two lay on my upper body and almost on the collarbone with the flat hand.

My legs were enclosed by one of their legs. There were a few incredibly beautiful pictures that could have been hanged out. Only my unmistakable stand destroys the picture of absolute harmony. Ralf offered to make a small raid through the kitchen and to supply us with finger food.

The two women started chatting over the last week through their colleagues at the tax office or the new Italian. They use my chest as a virtual card and their fingers circled on my stomach and chest to describe the way there. My cock was now swollen to the full size and operational capacity. There were an infinite many ways described and painted sketches on my stomach and chest.

Some paths led to the highway. These were the traces of the nails from the stomach and then ran towards the thigh. They were always very careful not to touch the tail. “If you have no directions around the water tower?”I asked hypocritical.

“There is blocked. Because of roof work, it drips out of above.“Bianca pulled the foreskin back completely and my glans lay blank.“You see, … out of the roof.“She said and pointed to the drop that was formed above. Under the pretext that it was a waste of such a precious good not to make sense to use Bianca the drop in anticipation and handed him the Bianca’s fingers so greedily. Her eyes crossed and as driven by magic, her lips approached unstoppable.

The two kissed over me as if there was no tomorrow. Her breasts met and I could see how their nipples were set up. Both started rubbing on my legs. Her arms clasped like the arms of a octopus.

Again I was damn to be just a spectator, how they love to love, massage their breasts and kiss the nipples. Both have set up and I was between the now kneeling women. Bianca’s hands made their way between Birgits’s legs. She reacted lustfully moaning on Bianca’s rubbing of her clitoris.

I saw my cream slowly paved the way out of her pussy. Bianca also saw the cream run, “mine, mine” like the seagulls in the Nemo film and asked Birgit to put on it. Due to a lack of space, she lay back on me. Bianca moved between our legs without any redemption and started licking the expired cream.

Every now and then her tongue spread the underside of my penis in all lengths and pressed it against Birgits’s pussy. As much as Bianca tried, my stiff tail blocked access to Birgit’s pleasure grotto. Only with great effort she could reach Birgit’s little bud. Every touch of the same was acknowledged with waves of lust from head to toe.

“It won’t work like that,” said Bianca grabbed my stem and led him to Birgit in the ass. I was so tight in the seventh heaven, Birgit apparently enjoyed the unexpected anal plug. Now that Bianca had free access, she let it crash. Birgit began to gasp, massaged her breasts and rode my cock.

Ralf just came out of the kitchen with two plates in his hands. “Then let’s do the polonaise completely” put the plates aside and grabbed Bianca’s butt and started to fuck Bianca from behind. From now on he determined the pace. With every bump he sank Bianca’s face into Birgit’s shame.

I tried to keep up with the pace. It was just too horny and so I came in Birgit for the second time today. Ralf was tireless to edit Bianca. Her hands were only looking for and found in the sheets.

Her hands clumsy fists. And she sagged together before Ralf was finished. Birgit saw what happened, straightened up and started blowing and going to Ralf jerk off. Still my cock in the ass.

Ralf once unloaded his cargo across her breasts. “Smo?“Ralf asked dry. We all had to laugh heartily, they liberated me from the bonds and we ate and drank together until late at night. It was the start for many following frivolous weekends.

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