Horny guy takes me hard in the dream | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

For a good half a year that I have now driven this route, I had noticed a guy who was still chasing me in my dreams. But as he always has in Train sat when I was more zoological at the S-Bahn station Garden Approached, he then apparently disappeared into the tangle of the corridors on Alexanderpatz without a trace. Only one thing I had noticed in the meantime was one that had to use crossing subway lines that he used there.

The guy must be about 20 years old and a leather fan. Because he always only wore black, almost glossy leather clothes, tight, cuddly. Adapted to every detail of his figure. And he was aware of his impact on his fellow travelers, no matter what gender, but he did not make this arrogant impression on how to take it otherwise at boys, or this impression to look particularly sexy now. And if it happened to happen that I was sucking towards him, which rarely happened but happened, then he smiled briefly, so we were already old acquaintances.

You could see that, even if our commonality was that we used the S-Bahn and subway!!I don’t know exactly when it was and will get stone rolling, in any case we met then a first time To a joint trip to the surrounding area. Then they were Meet more and more often and more persistent. Then he slept with me, I’ll be with him but it was never anything between us.

I only knew one thing in the meantime, he had a huge teddy bear on his bed. He was obviously not even a year old because he made a new and loved impression. By the way, Martin was my new friend and he in turn called his teddy bear mark. But then it happened, the autumn gradually reported that the days started to get shorter. Martin was visiting me and because, how often at this time it was very surprising to rain, which seemed to develop as a real constant rain, nothing was made from an excursion or a similar company.

So we made ourselves comfortable, watching some films that I had taken over in the course of the time and then went to sleep around midnight. Martin actually always slept in the guest room, this time he also moved there and I moved into my lonely bedroom. Of course I thought of him, longed for his closeness and actually thought wistfully that it would be the same as before, I would do the things that would rather do with him alone.

I was already in this heated condition when it knocked quietly and a little hesitant. Yes, come in, I reported. Martin opened and came in slowly and sat down on the bed with me. I can’t sleep and thought that you might be awake too!’’ Yes, I can’t come to rest either!’I gave way to. ’Then maybe we both have the same problem, at least I feel like this when I’m here.

’Confessed. I couldn’t answer, but I carefully took his hand and pulled him to bed all over to me, he seemed to have been waiting for it, because he quickly slipped with a sigh of relief to me under my ceiling. We gradually discovered each other, there were the first gentle kisses that were increasingly petting until we were finally in a violent love game that shot us into space.

Martin’s melodic moaning, when he entered him, almost brought me to frenzy, so I didn’t know myself, I was never, even if I couldn’t do it for a long time. I only became calmer when I was completely given, it was no longer in me that I could have given him. I sank down next to him and panting to air. We were both sweaty and speechless in our first happiness.

’Micha, you know that I was young man until tonight?’Said Martin quietly. I have to have become bright red, because he grinned: ‘This is no reason to get red like a traffic light, even if this will certainly be very wild with both of us tonight, but we don’t have to pay attention to traffic rules, we areBut only in pairs and there are no such violent clashes as on the street!’He noticed smiling and tenderly brazen me.

On the other hand, I was also unable to oppose an argument, except to indulge in him now and I experienced an almost hurricane love trip with him. So I had myself in this Relationship very deceived in him and rather for shy held. That was 18 years ago and we are still very in love with each other and still drive the same route together, Martin lives with me, but still separate our ways in the morning as at the beginning at Alexanderplatz.I am already at the destination and come up with my workplace in the Red City Hall.

Only even the closer colleagues do not know about my private happiness and that should stay that way.

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