Horny fuck with my new neighbor | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The new neighboring indie is not about the protagonist’s head cinema, but about a situation that he really experienced this time. Have fun “reading”;-) ————————————————- Quitting time, he thought to himself. At the thought, like many others, he really came on tours. He swung himself into his car without detours and headed for the next supermarket. The refrigerator had to be equipped before the weekend. On Saturday he didn’t want to go shopping.

Shortly before long weekends, people always turned on the bike and bought war for seven years. When the business arrived, his good mood was fizzled out again. There was not a single free parking lot. So he drove back down at the exit and tried his luck in a side street. Fortunately, he found a parking space directly and skilfully stated his little “nutshell” between the two roadblocks, which listened to the name “SUV”. In the market it looked exactly like in the parking lot.

3 people felt at every pile of sheet. Slightly annoyed he grabbed a small basket and skilfully meandered past all sorts of people. Although he carried a few kilos too much with him, he was quite agile and moved safely and almost grazil through the corridors. Of course, none of this can use anything if other people did not take care of. So it happened that he skilfully eliminated an older lady and her rollator in front of the refrigerated shelf, but the next moment collapsed with an employee who was just taking a step backwards and who simply overlooked a little weighty gazelle.

Although both were able to stay on their feet, the cardboard with ready coffee was less lucky. He plunged like a stuntman. However, this meant that some coffee mugs burst and put their contents across the ground, shoes and car wheels. The employee apologized embarrassed and only now realized who she came together with. She tried to put on a professional smile and immediately got kitchen towels to remove the mess and the risk of slipping with it.

His offer to help her thankfully refused. He should just be careful that nobody runs through the coffee and possibly slipped. He did as he was told and stood in front of the brownish puddle and skillfully steered the flow of people around the danger site. After the mishap was removed and the employee thanked him, her eyes met for the first time in this situation. Only now did he realize what a beauty he came together.

She was almost a head smaller than he was, but her super sporty figure let his head get out of control. The function of rational thinking was suddenly put out of operation. He looked at her a felt eternity. Her dark blond hair, which she had tied together into a simple ponytail. Her green-blue eyes that had this overwhelming force to draw everyone into them like a black hole. Her sweet, small mouth and of course the rest of your body, which was covered by poorly cut and sitting workwear.

After staring at her, he slowly came back to reality and only replied “Fortunately, the coffee just fell down. Otherwise you would have had to get a lifting gear. “Zack, charming like a combine harvester. He still tried to save the situation with an exaggerated laugh, but this attempt failed miserably. He felt an invisible hand gave him such a clamp that he didn’t know for a moment where it was up and where was down.

But instead of stepping into a fat, he apparently met her humor. She laughed briefly and removed the last remnants of coffee. Since there was no further conversation, she thanked him again and wished him a nice weekend. He did the same, but tried to get a last look at her name tag. “L. Patterns ”he repeated several times in thoughts. The rest of the shopping passed without further incidents and soon he had finally arrived at home.

He cleared the purchase and swung directly in the shower. There he let his head run wild. He thought back to L. and your heartwarming smile. This meant that his blood was increasingly pumped down again and his little friend swelled and straightened up. But since he did not feel a great desire yet, he only stroked it a little and then let him hang in the truest sense of the word. Chapter 1 work, work, work! it sounded in his head.

The past few weeks have so exhausting that after work he hardly wanted to do anything else than crouch on the sofa and look up and down his favorite series. But this attempt was also condemned to fail. Again and again a thought surrounding the daily gathering of bread appeared and rejected any relaxation. So he opened up two options: the first was to go to bed early and to sleep the stress.

The other was to chase away his thoughts in intoxication. He inevitably had to laugh at this option, because both he and his boss knew that the salary was definitely not sufficient to finance an addiction problem. So he decided to make the easier way and earlier than usual for the Lausch service on the mattress. No sooner had he changed for the night – actually it was just one off, because he slept in boxer shorts in every season – the doorbell rang at the apartment door.

He surprised the intercom and asked who bothered there. As soon as he had said the question, he heard a voice behind the door. So the person was already above. He quickly switched over the obvious T-shirt and reluctantly opened the door. He was absolutely not prepared for the sight of him. He had expected everything: vacuum cleaner representatives, police, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mafiaschläger or Aliens. But he would never have expected that she was on the other side of the inlet.

Immediately changed and shocked in him. However, this disagreement meant that his brain could not spend a voice command. So she took over the scepter again and greeted him with her magical smile. Her too the surprise noticeable. She briefly stood up as *Lisa pattern *, The new neighbor From below, before and aptly found that the world was quite small. A few weeks ago you met in the supermarket and now you lived in the same house.

Slowly he came back to reflection and also found his language. “What a surprise. “Was the first sentence he produced. “Nice to see you again. By the way, my name is *Max Mustermann *. With that we would have clarified that, ”he added with a smile. With a cheeky grin she opened the further conversation. “You actually always greet your visit in underwear?“He answered something like a layout“ No, actually not. Just I just wanted to go to bed.

The work hides enormously. “While he was noticeably a little red, his ‘best friend’ also spoke up and let an increased blood supply felt. “Oh sorry. I didn’t want to disturb. Just introduce me briefly. ” “Is not a problem. You couldn’t know that. “He answered while he was looking and noticed how she looked at his shorts. Smiling she said “I no longer want to bother you. I wish you a nice night.

You will probably see each other soon “. While she was slowly turning, she threw a teasing wink to him. At that moment he realized that his friend stood in the shorts in the shorts and let the fabric look like a tent. “Have a nice evening. “Was the only thing he could say to say goodbye. After he closed the door, he took his head and realized how embarrassing the situation was. There is a pretty, attractive young woman in front of him and he got a stand like a teenager in the middle of puberty.

Certainly she now thought he was a perverse wanker who secretly heals on every visible female body and then a leg in the evening in the evening. At that moment, everything that had registered half -time. He was annoyed about himself for a while while trying to calm down in bed. Chapter 2 As early as the next afternoon, the two new neighbors ran into the stairwell. “Hello * Max * she said. “Because of yesterday …” – she took a short break – “.. I didn’t want to get too close to you “.

“How to get too close?”He asked. This time, however, he was more determined when he was in her last two meetings. “Well the with you” she made the international gesture of the so -called goose feet with her fingers. “In retrospect, I thought I couldn’t have been uncomfortable. “” Well, half as wild. “He logs. “Was a stressful day and my head wasn’t particularly receptive either.

There should be some information on the way to the brain incorrectly. “He tried to play down the topic. “Anyway …” she continued, “… I wanted to ask you if you might have had a coffee to come over?“Again he tried to position himself when it comes to humor:“ To you, or to me?”He asked neckisch. “Find it out” she replied briefly. “With you in half an hour?” asked he.

“OK. I’ll say then until right “. They smiled briefly while each of them disappeared into the respective apartment. * Max* quickly jumped under the shower and took a lot of time to wash its intimate area. If that was already discussed, the rest could not be far. So he was his best piece, which had now set up to the full size, and pressed another load of shower gel into his hand.

With her he drove along his buttocks. Also there he didn’t want to leave an unclean and stinking position there. When the shower gel distributed himself, he took his middle finger and started to pull his rosette a little. Initially without great pressure, but then with more enthusiasm, so that his finger was about to penetrate in his most valuable. He enjoyed this feeling extensively. He introduced his finger several times. A little more every time.

He noticed that this treatment also liked his beating. This only threw around with drops of pleasure. So that he did not miss his cargo prematurely, he broke off the action and pulled his finger out of his rosette one last time. Then he washed everything off and put on fresh, sporty clothes. Like an appointment, he was at her door half an hour later and rang. She opened the door and asked him in a smile.

In doing so, she wore dark sports shorts and a shirt that matches the color. She did not wore a bra that he recognized directly to the emerging nipple. He entered the apartment and went straight through the hallway into the living room. Since all apartments in the house had the same cut, he knew directly where which room was. The bedroom was directly opposite the living room. However, the door was closed so that he could not catch a look. A little voyeristic drive that he liked.

“What do you want?“Asked the hostess. “Coffee, cappucchino, …” she just wanted to ask when he “Latte?” asked. Again he received an answer that amazed him on the one hand, but on the other it was delighted. He liked her humor more and more. “I know that, but what do you want to drink?“She answered cheekily. He added with a laugh: “Latte, coffee latte”. She promptly countered “shaken, not touched, not true?”. Laughing, she went into the kitchen and turned the coffee machine on.

During this he looked around in the living room. Since the common living room furniture such as sofa, dining table and co were arranged in a similar way to him, the countless photos noticed him. Photos, how to keep them with the family or. makes friends. Sometimes when grilling in the park, sometimes at Christmas dinner with the family, sometimes in the jersey in the stadium. None, however, could see a man who could have been her boyfriend. Pictures, at least there didn’t seem to be a happy couple here.

Chapter 3 “Sugar?“It echoed from the kitchen and tore him out of his thoughts. “I’m sorry, what?“He called back. “I asked if you want sugar to your latte. “. “No thanks. I’m sweet enough. “Both could not resist the grin and before he knew it, she stood in front of him with two cups of caffeine -containing hot drink. He took the cup that she was enough for him and caught a look at her breasts.

They were small and well shaped and their nipples were still under the shirt. She acknowledged this look with the question “Well, you like it?”. “Yes, you can say. “. She thanked politely for the simple form of the compliment and sat on the little sofa gocker opposite him. “Are you actually always so shy when you face a woman?“She wanted to know. “Actually not. “He answered again more closely than necessary.

“And inappropriate?”. Now she had him ice cold caught. He was completely unprepared and knew how to help himself than practice and answer in charm: “That usually doesn’t happen to me. In principle only if it is an attractive woman. Then it can be that I can get over like a shy teenager who is in the middle of puberty and makes the first contacts with the opposite sex.

I don’t know myself, which is “flowed out of him as if he were sitting in the confessional. “So you will find me attractive?”She asked. “Yes, very much. “He answered and noticed how he obviously turned red. Smiling, she said “Thanks for the warm words. I can also give them back directly. “He looked at her questioningly. “You noticed me at the time at our first meeting. I had hoped to see you in the market more often.

That we now live the same house is of course a coincidence. But yesterday I was just as surprised as you. “” Didn’t notice you at all “he replied something bland and sipped his coffee. “You noticed it all the more,” she said and deliberately put your finger in his wound. “It would have been wonderful if it hadn’t been. “” “Your girlfriend actually knows about it? I mean how you ‘welcomed’ attractive women “?”Which friend?”He asked motionless.

Now it was she who was confused. In order not to lose the thread, he added “I have been single again for almost 5 years. That’s why there is no one who could be bothered by it. Except for your few, of course. ” “It does not bother me. On the contrary. I even liked this form of attention. I just didn’t expect you to be single. “She continued the conversation. “I’m not actively looking for a partner.

Since the separation I have been living in terms of love and relationship. “” Please excuse my direct way, but you haven’t lived in chastity for 18 years now, or?” “No no. No partner does not necessarily mean foregoing the lovemaking. “” Then it’s good. I’m almost exactly the same. Only that the separation from my ex was shorter ago. More precisely almost a year. “. Slowly but surely both seemed as if they were sitting either in the confessional, or with a therapist and would process their traumas experienced.

Before the topic could now degenerate, she stepped onto the brakes and steered the topic of conversation on another level. “Tell me, before we cry our ears fully, we should get to know a little better, or? We both seem to have a similar humor. So much is certain. “Nodding he replied“ yes, humor is when you laugh anyway. Fun by page: My name *Max Mustermann *, I am 29 years old and live here in the same house.

Professionally, I am an employee of my boss and in my free time … “” … you hear rock, go to festivals and are experienced beer drinkers “added a little snippet. “I had already recognized that with the music at the first meeting. I only say “AC/DC”. And everyone who was on one recognizes that these are the festival ribbon. What about sports?”” Make or watch?“He hooked after. “As well as. ““ I go to the gym twice a week and like to jog in between a round.

Otherwise the sport will take place in the telly. Football, volleyball and also a round MMA “. “Football is also my area. “She said and pointed to the photo in the stadium. “Unfortunately the wrong jersey” he replied. “Oh, something is a blue/yellow one here?”No, green/white” he replied. “It’s worse,” she replied as she stretched out his tongue. “I don’t let myself go on something like that. Everyone knows that you are whistle.

“” I was allowed to experience a master celebration of the ‘whistle’. When was the last time you were master? Wait, I’ll ask my grandpa “. she laughed. Her laughter was so magical that he could be infected and laughed. “And, the coffee tastes?”” Yes, the latte tastes. ““ Your latte tastes even without sugar?“She asked demanding. “Yes, better than your brown bitter plutor. “” Let me try. this cant be true. “Said her and pulled my cup to my hand, including my hand and treated himself to a sip.

Her tip of her nose appeared in the milk foam and now looked as if she had a little white crown. He takes advantage of this moment, stroked his nose with his index finger and demonstratively collected the foam and then licked his finger. She acknowledged that with a research smile. The further conversation rippled and both came back to the point where they started.

“May I ask you a personal question? You also don’t have to answer them if you don’t want. “” Klaro “he replied and waited for the question. “I liked you last night, as you could see. Did you actually do something afterwards. So made with you?“She looked at him expectantly and expected his answer. “Honestly no. The day was stressful and I actually wanted to go to bed. And I annoyed myself about my embarrassing behavior.

““ You don’t have to be embarrassing. Sure, it might have been uncomfortable at the serious moment, but I liked it. “” Nevertheless, “he said,” just embarrassing. But why do you ask?”” Pure curiosity. I later imagined how you wag the palm and I was your template. “” And, you did something afterwards?” “Clear. I hardly got the picture out of my head. ” “Which picture?”” Well, the bump in the boxer shorts.

The thought of it completely excited me. I couldn’t help but get myself. “So much intimate openness amazed him. He sits with his neighbor, whom he in a supermarket a few weeks earlier the first time met, with coffee gossip and both talked directly about the most intimate things. She masturbated to his half -tire stand. This combination alone meant that the bolt reported and increased for the blood supply. This time, too, this fact was not undetected.

A jeans might still have in Chess held, but his current pants allowed so much scope that there would have been space for several pleasure drills. He summarizes all his courage and asked her her own, re -formed, question: “May I ask how you got it?“Astonished, she replied about so much offensive research:“ I only worked on the plum while I have introduced my fingers every now and then to recover it.

And I imagined how you edit your cock all the time. “” How do you imagine my cock?”” Well, like a cock. “” But cock is not just cock. There are certain differences, ”he demanded them. “Good, 20cm long, 5cm thick and hard as an iron rod. Is that enough?” “Nearly. Only so much can be revealed, it is smaller than specified. I would say that mediocre. But he can be hard, that’s right.

Only yesterday he wasn’t quite hard. “At that moment, both realized that suddenly a role exchange had taken place. Suddenly he was no longer the shy man who was embarrassed to get an erection and suddenly she was no longer the loose woman, but rather looked more like a shy girl who now learned embarrassing things on her. “Not?“She asked in astonishment. “No, just half. But it was enough so that I had little white spots in the shorts in the morning.

“” Well at least something. I have still one question. ” “Which would be?”” Are you circumcised or not?“Now he was wondering what he could best answer so that the situation does not turn out straight away. He decided to answer with a counter question: “What do you tap?”” Since it is a 50:50 decision, I guess in uncircumcised. “” Well, I could just tell you yes or no now. Or … “” … or you show me?“She asked visibly excitedly.

“That would be the simple variant. What do you think of it when I just pull my pants off. Maybe that will help with decision making. “As soon as the sentence was spoken, he got up and let it examine his bump. Shortly afterwards he pulled his pants down and sat down on the sofa with his boxer shorts dressed again. “Well, that helps a little?” “Not really. Only in size you have understood. Average is different.

Believe me. It’s not that small. “But what is he now: cropped or uncircumcised?“He asked her. “I stay uncharciated. “He got up again, let her take a look at the bump and wrapped his glans with one hand while he pulled out his shorts with the other. Now she could see his testicle and the shaft, but not the glans. Without to continue waiting, he asked “In return, you don’t want to show me anything from yourself? I mean, I’m almost naked here and almost exposed my best piece.

You can also do a consideration for desire “. Without hesitation, she got up and pulled her pants down without detours. Obviously she did not wear underwear at all, he found. Now she was only stuck with a T-shirt and thus gave a look at her intimate area. Similar to him, it was almost completely shaved. Only a small, thin strip of hair came out. When he shook his head and indicated that that would not be enough, she took off her shirt without further comment.

Now she was completely naked in front of him. Without shame she asked him directly “Well, you like that? Do you like my little breasts with the hard nipples?“He now also took off his shirt and was almost naked in front of her. Furthermore, he held the tip of the meat whip closed in his hand. Slowly but surely it became more uncomfortable to keep your hand closed. The pressure in the shaft grew continuously. So it was only a matter of time before he had to let go.

However, she liked it so much that she wanted to further exploit this moment. She read her hands with gentle, circular movements over her upper body and massaged her breasts with skilful and experienced handles. While he was looking at her hands, she only had his gem in mind. With small, dancing steps she approached the couch. The lust had taken control in her. She grabbed him on the wrist and gave him to understand that he should finally solve the handle.

Although he briefly, he then let his hand pull away when she started touching his lips. He too could not hold back and was now the passenger of his own excitement. After finally loosening the grip around his glans, such a thrust precum that one might think he could have an orgasm. With a lustful smile she opened him that this was the first circumcised penis she saw.

He hung his arms around her body and pulled her up to him. Now the time of contactless teasens was over. He replied her gentle kisses and breathed her “tail is tail. Whether with or without a hat. They are all the same. ” into the ear. While they kissed closely, their hands slowly wandered down the other’s back. Almost like in a synchronous competition, the hand pairs reached the respective hip. As she started with her fingernails to slowly hike towards his POS, he grabbed powerfully.

Her delicate moan told him that he was on the right track. He started combining tender massage with powerful grabbing. Such a firm, crisp and well -proportioned butt. He became horny from time to time and distributed the increasing drops of pleasure on their intimate area. She could be encouraged by his approach and changed rhythmically between stroking with the fingernails and powerful gripping. She tried to continuously increase the intensity of packing.

When he groaned his side briefly, she wanted to try something new and let her hands hike towards his Poritze. Once in the middle, she started replacing the side hand movements with vertical. Although they already have some men seduced And sometimes better and sometimes worse sex experienced, she hadn’t dared to play the butt and especially the rosette of a man. She didn’t know why, because so far it was only the gentlemen of creation that licked her rosette, fingered or even penetrated with her cocks.

Now she felt the desire to try it out herself. She continued to slide down with her fingers. In doing so, she tried to grasp his reaction. She wanted to know if he liked it and how far she could go. And since he was freshly showered, she also had no inhibitions to penetrate to his back door. To be on the safe side, she briefly loosened her mouth from his and asked: “Well, you like it?”.

“I will be noticeable if I don’t like it. “He replied winked and took up mouth-to-mouth contact and now started to play her rosette in return. He enjoyed her touches, because this situation was relatively new for him too. He had played on the rosette a few times, but he had never had his fingers to a stranger so deep between his cheeks. When she had received some practice, she used his numerous drops of pleasure and moistened her middle finger to signal him that she wanted more than just stroking.

Alternately she distributed his own love juice on his rosette and finger. When she felt that she had “oiled” enough, she started to put her finger on his hole with gentle pressure. It increased the pressure in the pressure and was a little amazed at how much was necessary to overcome the sphincter and penetrate it into it. The amazement gave way when she realized how the muscle now gave in and her finger gently slid into his buttocks.

So that was what the men felt before when they entered their asshole. With pleasure she moved her finger in front of and back, as best we could always penetrate a bit deeper into it. He enjoyed her movements and acknowledged them with delicate moans. This unusual feeling increased his lust for a new level. He dropped out of her cracking butt and grabbed her hands and led her to the side. However, he took her middle finger in his mouth without thinking and sucked it eagerly.

With a grin on his face, he got back on the back the couch. He angled his legs and gave her to understand that she should continue where he just stopped her. She crouched in front of him and initially started kissing his feet. Then she slowly worked down her legs and came on the inside of the muscular thighs at the end. Her left hand grabbed the stick stiff lust piston, which was still dripping cheerfully, and now began to play around the red glans.

She massaged his testicles with her left hand and occasionally exerted slight pressure, which led him to other moans. Slowly her lips enclosed his shaft and moved millimeters downwards by millimeter. She visibly enjoyed the impact -filled lance in her mouth. In between, she repeatedly pushed her right middle finger into her mouth to add it again properly. Drawing wet puts her again on his rosette and began to build up rhythmically pressure.

She repeated this until her finger overcame the resistance and passed his back door again. As she moved her head up and down, she took the salty taste of the drops of pleasure for the first time. She also noticed how she got wet and her juice ran down the thighs. She pulled the middle finger out of him again and thus collected her juice. At first she straightened up and suddenly stretched out his hand.

He understood what she wanted from him and licked his fingers greedily clean. She repeated this procedure several times until she finally started to lubricate his hole with her juice. This time she started with a show and middle finger, which creates an exciting anticipation in it. Also what came was new to him. He had never had more than one finger inside. So now she was about to introduce two at the same time.

She puts on with a smile and slowly pressed both fingers against his sphincter. This was confronted with a challenge for the first time. At first it didn’t look like he would give in, but it was only a question of pressure until he would stretch and open the way. A short “Ahhh” from his mouth had it briefly paused. However, this break was not too long because it just continued to press.

Now she put it on it. Whether he liked it or not. She really wanted to penetrate him. Slowly but surely the two fingers pressed their way into his ass and drove more relapse drops. She immediately caught her with her mouth and began to blow him again as her fingers slid into the anal down. His moan continuously increased. For a long time he wouldn’t stand it anymore. Just knowing the two fingers of a woman in his buttock made him infinitely awesome.

He felt how he nourished the climax in ever faster cycles. This was not hidden from her and she slowed down the pace and let his penis slide out of her mouth at the end. However, her fingers left her where they were. She enjoyed having control in her hand. “Well, how far are you from the climax?“Asked her teasically while she continued to push her fingers back and forth. He groaned slightly out of breath “not too far anymore …”.

Grinning, she began to increase the pace of her fingers, but without touching his limb again. She wanted to know if he would come that way too. When he grabbed his cock impatiently, she fought his hand and only shook his head teasically. She wanted, no much more she had to know: how intense is such a “contactless” orgasm? How hard he would come? How far his cumin is catapulted?She increased the pace of her right hand and pushed into his intestine as deep.

“Do you like that? Yes? Makes you horny?“She groaned the pace of penetration. Instead of an answer, she only heard his ever -proof moan. It was like he was in a tunnel. He had only heard her fingers and stimulating effects. He tried as well as he could to hesitate the climax. However, he wasn’t exactly good in it. He rarely managed to effectively hesitate the orgasm. He let himself go too quickly and their free rein to the things.

So it happened this time too. He wanted to indicate with his moaning that she should make it slower, but that completely missed its effect. Either she hadn’t understood him or she was just putting on to finger him to orgasm. He had them granted them without great resistance and their free rein to the emerging feelings. He took his head back, closed his eyes and began to move his pelvis uncontrollably and unreshmetically.

With a smile and the question “Are you coming? Yes? Then show what you have on it!“She headed to the big point too. She pushed again as deep as she could go into his channel and harmed the things that came there. His pelvis now began to twitch and approached the climax. Without touching his cock, his body began to twitch uncontrollably. She heard these twitches and cheered him on with a smile: “Well, come for me! Spray for me! Just let it happen!”.

With a loud moan, his shaft began to twitch. First of all, a swing of clear liquid pushed up. This was followed. They flew over his stomach in a high arc and landed u. A. on his chin. The whole thing was accompanied by groans and intensive twitches. When the relapses slowly died away and he came back to reflect, he opened his eyes and saw her surprised face. Apparently she hadn’t expected such a strong orgasm.

“Wow, that was mega horn. I haven’t seen anything like that yet. That a man sprays in this way because a woman penetrates his ass with two fingers. And also without touching the tail. Just awesome. “She said and pulled her fingers out of his buttocks. Küssend began to follow the path of the sperm and to suck it up greedily. When she arrived at his chin, she also lick this splash. But instead of swallowing him down, she read the cum from her mouth in his drop.

She kept a small part for herself. He swallowed the rest without comment. This experience was also new to him. So far he had mostly sprayed his sperm in one of the three holes of the woman. He has never had it himself in his mouth. After both kissed intensively, he tried to take over the scepter and pushed it away from herself and indicated to her to lie down on her. SEQUEL FOLLOWS….

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