Guitar lessons | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was Wednesday evening, Wednesday is always a stressful day. The first thing to do is come a math aid student at 2 p.m., then at 3 p.m., then 3 piano students and then at 7 p.m. So when I was the first Pupils explained how the product rule works, the second explained the difference between the bike and the DEG and subsequently taught the 3 different Bach joints, I actually had no desire anymore. In addition, the perceived 50 ° C came in my room thanks to the attic apartment, and I had moved out my T-shirt.

The car from Felix ’ Mother You heard from afar, not exactly the latest, but it always said he said.

I stood by the window and watched the young man just meandering the door with his guitar case. I can honestly tell you that Felix is a hopeless case, I mean, I like him honestly and the hour with him always goes very quickly, but real musical progress cannot be seen with him ..

As I said, the hour went really quickly, but five minutes earlier he asked me an unusual question: “Watch out, I got to know a person I really like and wanted to play the person in a song … and I had on tear’sThought in Heaven … and I thought I just ask you about it … “Incidentallythat a young person should bring me towards me is often very low, so I want to secure it a bit.

“So Felix, without wanting to attack you personally, but I don’t think you can get it so quickly … but I can try to simplify you a bit. But we are going to the couch, Because I want you to sit down in front of me and hold the guitar.“Said, done, he practically sat in my lap and I put my hands around his body on the guitar afterwards I started to speak quietly in his ear:“ No matter how I explained it to you, we would be wrong, so we try it that way so, you put your hands on my on it and let your muscles loose, you take every movement with you that I do and I try to sing and explain to you how to move your fingers.”

The exterior was done, but I was still distracted because I was sitting right behind an incredibly cute young man, with short brown hair, a trimmed 3-day beard and a body odor that had fascinated me since the very beginning.

“First you hit the deep e-string with your thumb, then a” hammering “comes in 2. Federation on the same string.

Then the empty A string.“And so I whispered to this great man by bar and bit by bit. I tried to inhale his fragrance inconspicuously, I almost kept getting to his ear with my lips and I could swear that I noticed how his neck hairs slowly turned up. I was more than excited and at the same time tried to suppress an erection, explain handles and still sing. I concentrated so strongly that I didn’t notice that his hands no longer on my layers.

Felix had dropped her on my thighs completely inconspicuously and caressed her very carefully.

I had the feeling that the temperature suddenly increased by 20 °, but I wanted to continue to see how it goes on. And after the second chorus, I felt that he was no longer sitting upright, but slowly lay against me. That was out. His smell, his breath, his body everything rested on me ..! Little Jonny straightened up slowly and bit by bit and I couldn’t do anything about it.

And when he put his head back it was so far, I kissed his neck without thinking and he sighed quietly what my sign was.

Slowly and without saying a word I put the guitar away and devoted myself to his body and neck. I kissed him over and over again. I tried to act calmly and sensually, even if it was difficult for me. I pushed him up a bit and pulled his T-shirt over his head.

Then he leaned back and mine and his skin touched. Wumms, another 10 ° upwards. My hands stroked his body and he put his back on top. I played with his chest and nipples that were steeply upside down.

After a few minutes one hand pressed tightly around himself and with the other he slid down directly into his jeans over his belly hubs. He pressed my hand so deep into his pants and for the first time I touched the bar, which has often appeared in my dreams. His breath accelerated and when I was his tail Solidly picked up and I started kissing his neck again and gently biting. When he let my other hand let go of it, I took it to help and opened the button of his pants, after that only the zipper prevented me in order to take happiness in my hand.

His cock was firm and hard, he was bent so steeply that it was the best position to satisfy him.

I had his cock in my hand and slowly jerked it while I started playing with his left nipple again. His breath told me that he didn’t take really long to cum and that is exactly where I wanted to go, I wanted the young man to come in my arms, spray out his juice while he was captured by me.

This is exactly what I wish for so long, a quiet and panting I love you I heard you out of his mouth and I pressed him even more closely towards me around his cock jerk off be able to. I pushed his over and over again foreskin in front of and back, I held him. His glans was damp and small individual sweat beads stood on his body and forehead.

His abdominal blanket vibrated and his breath accelerated even more. It was ready, his tail twitched and Felix moaned loudly. Small fine strands of his sperm Sprayed out of his cock and spread over his chest. I got slower with my wanking movements so as not to overkeep him.

Heavily breathing he was still on me and you could almost say he panted like a little dog. I continued to hold on to him and was only capable of one sentence and that was me too. That was the beginning our relationship … how it goes on, however, remains our secret ?

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