Geiler Teufelsdreier | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My friend Henry and I were invited to a new girlfriend who wanted to watch how two men do it. On my last date with the sweet experienced mouse, she had expressed the wish “I want to watch how her guy is doing it”. Well you could have the wish we would like to come after.
At home I said we wanted to go together so Henry and I drive to auction tin signs – it could take some time. So we had a temporal scope.
Henry asked “How is the magic mouse on it?”.
“Well you will be thrilled – it will be a new play partner in our Clübchen”.
It was a nice sunny Friday and we had invited ourselves to her for 9:30 a.m.

Just on time and of course with a few flowers for the lady of the house.

She received us at the door in a dress from a frayed jeans with a tight tight T-shirt in pale pink.
“Come on my little pleasure leaders”. Well, in our pants you couldn’t speak of an early age.
“Let’s go to the kitchen to supply the pretty flowers. They need a pour in the humid heat – by the way, I will also soon “.
“We thought you’re nice and wet in your potty?”.

“There can be no question at all – I’ll run out right away”. So look out in the kitchen.

She sat on the worktop and spread her legs. Henry knelt in front of it and started to irritate her beautifully tanned legs up near her honey potty with light licking. “Wait, I’ll make it a little easier”. Language and the Hot Panty was thrown aside.

The mouse was really in a good mood.

Below was a small panties that showed the first wet spot in the crotch. But the most beautiful thing about the little panties was he was opened in the crotch with two pressure buttons. Of course pink colors. An irresistible vanilla scent came from this sweet treasure.

“Well, someone made a lot of effort to make us horny”. Martina spread her legs a little more and only said “Then show how nice you can lick – I have already heard of the tricks – now I want to get to know her”.

Henry licked the first drops of pleasure that could already be seen glittering from her treasure chest. I now pulled her off the panty completely and kneaded her plump butt.

Oh yes, she liked that. At the front she was spoiled by Henry with the train in her jar and her magnificent butt was kneaded and the cheeks were pulled apart.
“Henry you have a little honey for the second hole?”

“But surely it is enough”. Quickly one and then better two fingers in this beautiful one pussy pushed and supplied with the body’s lubricant. Man oh man it just slipped.

I knelt behind her again and pulled the splendor apart and started her rosette finger. Only one and after a little stretch the second finger in your buttocks.

“Guys that is so good, I think it will come to me”. “Then don’t do any compulsion, I’m already very ratty when you splashed”. Then the time had come, her legs started to twitch and then Henry got the first fountain in his mouth and injected over his face.

“Hey you go surprisingly”. “There will definitely be even more – it spoke out and then the second proper gush of honey juice came out of this horny pot. In the meantime I have prepared her butt with two fingers because I knew that she was standing in the butt. We took a little breather and Henry got a glass of sparkling wine and I had a large glass of ginger ale.

Martina also took a sparkling wine and we were forced.

“So you want to watch how we spoil ourselves?”. “Sure yes – I just have my fantasies”. “Where did you get these?”. “I surfed again the other day and I accidentally went on a horny Gay Page landed, two boys first rubbed their cocks together – then a little blown and then they fucked as if there was no tomorrow “.
“Have you injected?“And how, the younger one kneeled, opened his mouth wide and the older one then injected a few loads in him.

That was so horny i’d tell you “.

“Where did the younger hit his seed?““ The older one then lay down and briefly the younger one again tail Blown and it came with power – he also swallowed everything and then licked the tail of the younger one clean.“In the course of the film it came out that they were brothers in a holiday camp and actually theirs first time was. Both were probably horny for a long time but had not yet dared to fuck together.

In any case, both of them knew that in the future they would always have a lot of fun together if possible.
Well that sounded promising. “Guys do the ge so that I can also see and taste the acorn nicely”!
Well, she could have. We both got our pleasure bolts from the jeans pushed them foreskin As desired back so that the glans looked out nicely.

The first drops of pleasure were already there. Martina went to his knees. “Take a closer one – maybe I will get your two cocks in my bladder at the same time. You could also have that.

“Guys how is we go into the home or in bedroom – and finally take off “,
“Let’s go bedroom then I enjoy that your husband will be led around his nose in his bedroom”.
So we then pulled out our clothes on the way to the bedroom and lay on the Lümmelwiese.
“Martina, how is we should try a sandwich?”” I’ve never tried that before.”” Well then it will be time!”
“If you want to have in your sweet ass first?”” Mostly the one – who asks “.
So Henry should spoil her in her honey pot and I was allowed to take her from behind.

Martina raised her leg a little so that I could get more of her honey on my cock – so I was able to knock more easily at her back door.

Your pop chicken is already wobbling excitedly. Henry pushed his cock into her honey top of the slipp. Slowly I put my cock back with her – and slowly penetrated. Martina Japst to air.

“Slowly I have never had two cocks in me before – but it already feels mega horn”.

“Should we inject into your two wonderful holes afterwards or just fuck for the sample?”. “Depending on how much time you have?”
“Besides, this will not be the only great fuck day with you both boys”.
“I thought it was great to have your two cocks in my mouth – but of course it’s even cool to have your cocks in the front and in the back.”
“Henry, I want to taste you really Gerds sperm I know now – it would be very nice if you now inject your first cream of the day in my mouth and the rest on my tits “.

“You are welcome to have it – I pull out in try out if you like the mixture of your honey and my sperm? He pulled his cock out of her cup and sank it in her beautiful bladder.
I fucked her in her magnificent butt. “Darling should I fill your intestine or should I inject you on the ass?”.
“Spray out what in the back then pull it out and spray it into my mouth”.
And so I did it too – only a nice load in the butt then pushed aside of Henry’s Schwengel faster and then she had two cocks in her mouth again “.

It looked as horny as she sucked on both and we both came up like on command at the same time.

Martina couldn’t swallow as quickly as she was catapulted the sperm amounts into her mouth. Some ran out of her mouth angles that she quickly picked up with the train before making himself constantly. But wouldn’t have been bad either – because then the sperm clack would have run on her tits.
“Guys, I think I will become a sperm addicted to both of you” she distributed our juice in her mouth.

Then the phone went in the living room. “I am waiting for a quick one who bothers us”.

A short entertainment could be heard in the background:
“Yes honey what is there?”” I’m not sorry for my food today – I still have to go to a meeting urgently “. “Oh that doesn’t matter, I had completely forgotten that the two people come from the service today to watch the holes that still have to be stuffed and closed”.

“The two boys are already there and start inspecting the holes”.
So while they chatted with their gods husband, Henry and I changed the position and I was now in the front of the honey pot and Henry got it from behind. Man oh man was horny and at the same time funny there she talked and told what stuffed from the holes, she had a tail in each of her great “holes” until the stop.
“Treasure I have to break up now, they are ready here in the bathroom and now only inject something in the density so that it is all ready later”.

“Well then let the two boys make that all holes are supplied”. Well if he knew how right he was.

We came almost simultaneously and sprayed the holes nicely – just as Martina said to her husband.
Now a little breather has been taken.
“I think I have to get rid of the pot and get rid of your juice a little”.
“Well then don’t do any compulsion – we accompany you”

“How you accompany me – I usually go there alone”. “Yes usually but what is normal”.
So we in the bathroom with the magic mouse and she sat on the pot.
“I have to press a little so that everything goes out”. “Is there another option with you how to get the sperm out?”
“Yes, if I stroke a little bit about my piss höchlein then it starts to run”. “Do you see – only this time you don’t need to stroke your finger over it – this time it will be an extremely experienced tongue”.
“What do you mean by that?”.

Come on sweetness let yourself be surprised and pampered “.

“Henry knelt in front of her honey pot pulled the labia apart and then started to edit the whole slot including her piss hole with her tongue. “Ohh is horny I’m going like a suppository – I’ve never been spoiled so”.
“I think I will come back now”. “You see, you should think about the morning even longer – if you lie in bed this evening, stroke your pussy and think about your toilet and you will come back that it is just injecting.
“It is best to get a pace beforehand because you will get a horny orgasm”.
“Tell me, you don’t have a dear friend, you could spoil her so – we can do it to the four of them – maybe you and your playmate would like it?”

“I have such a horny niece when we moved two weeks ago, for a party she always looked at my pussy when I put on my tanga”.
“I think she would like to go to my laundry – so far she hasn’t dared – but I can try it out”.
“I’m getting really horny and wet again when I think about it”.
“Well then take a time – you could go shopping with her and then go home to try things out”.

“You will definitely give you the opportunity to reach the titles on the side or just to remove your pussy with your finger unintentionally with your finger. If she then gets horny you get kiss first and then you will definitely have a lot of fun if you think she would be for something like that “.
“Guys if you can still and have a little moment – would you lick me again on both hole and then spray your beautiful warm juice in my mouth – I just like bubbles and swallow”.

“You can help you, we can both put our cocks in again and then inject into your blowmäulch.

Just say which tail you first in the Vötzchen and which you want first in your wonderfully horny ass you want.”
“Then Gerd should spoil me in the back first – then change faster and then Henry in the back – I think he is the born ass fucker”.
“You could be right”

“Then think about a horny four number and a suitable appointment.”
We spoiled the magic mouse as she wanted and then it was time to leave the sweet honey pot for today.
We all had three that we could look forward to.

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