Fucking with the hot nurse | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.


I was on the go again. I work in sales of a small American company that installed Telemetry in the hospital.

So I was also in the university hospital in Frankfurt to install and present the new system at the sisters on the ward. So after I had checked the system, the last time I wanted to prepare for the training.

The training should take place in the lounge on the ward. So I opened the door to this room and faced a half -naked woman who was just about to change. She was just wearing the underwear and lending herself in order to take the work clothes out of a lower compartment. Her crisp butt stretched in my direction in a beige hot pants, very cute.

She turned to me terrified and reflexively covered her body, but I had a brief view of her breasts that were packed in the bra that matched the hot pans and were not bad parents. I also crashed back to the unexpected situation and apologized and closed the door. Then the station management came along the hallway and asked me to wait 15 minutes, as the lounge is also used by some sisters as a locker room and offered me a coffee. I took the coffee and sat in the kitchen.

Shortly after that came Sister that I bothered while moving and sat down with me. It was called Lisa is approx. 25 years old has half -length brown eyes. She introduced herself and I apologized for the unintentional tension.

She took it easy and said it wasn’t the first time that something like this happens and that she would have been surprised by worse people. We joked for a while and something crackled between us, then the training should begin.

When I arrived in the training room, there were approx. 15 sisters.

I looked around for searching because I was still expecting a carer. I always need a subject for my training that I can demonstrate the telemetry system (placement of the electrodes). The ward management informed me that the carer had a private emergency and therefore had to go.

“Now there are two options.”I said” either one of the women is available or we ask a patient “.

Lisa called in between ”or you make yourself available as compensation for the that you watch little shy sisters when moving”. Everyone giggled and agreed with that. I first protested, but didn’t want to be a spoiler. In addition, I have no problem with my body, I don’t have a six -pack, but due to the weekly training sessions a sporty body.

I started training when it came to the practical part, I opened my shirt and wanted to make the corresponding steps.

Then Lisa performed and said, “I want to try it right away, then I can best remember it.“So I started to explain the handles at Lisa (clean skin at the glue points, stick ECG electrodes, etc.). When Lisa touched me with the swab I had the feeling that the blow hits me. My skin tingled and I noticed how my knees became soft. Nor could I concentrate on the training.

Through my thoughts, a picture of how I also pulled out Lisa and our bodies tied together. My explanations stalled and I totally came out of the concept. Which of course caused general amusement again. It didn’t make it better than the proximity of Lisa got her perfume into my nose.

Somehow I finished the training, the afternoon over I always helped the sisters to attach the system to the patient again and again. I don’t think I need to mention that Lisa always looked for my help. Since I handed her the devices or the accessories, our hands always touched our hands. Every time I went through a shower.

Lisa kept smiling at me. In a quieter minute we sat in the lounge and Lisa told me that she lives in a shared apartment and currently has no friend. Spontaneously I invited her to eat.

In any case, the afternoon went into the evening and when I also trained the night duty (now a carer was available), we set off.

When asked about a restaurant, Lisa then suggested to eat at her home because she would have a super Thai delivery service around the corner.

She shared her apartment with 2 other nurses who were not at home right now. There was a large common room and then one bedroom. I was sent with the request to open a bottle of wine in the common room. I had just filled the glasses when Lisa came back, she had changed.

Now she had a mini skirt and a belly -free top, through which the nipples were cheekily emerging. So she had left out the bra and could also allow herself. The breasts did not need support from a bra. She came to me and took a glass out of my hand and leaned to me and kissed me briefly on the cheek, with the words “If you like I am your dessert”.

I was about to pull her to extend the kiss when it rang the doorbell. Lisa jumped to the door and took our food that we had already ordered on the go.

We put each other side by side the couch and started eating. Since we had different things, we fed each other.

When a juicy part of the meat in my mouth was trying to put the thing on my shirt, Lisa said laughing. “Pull it out, I already know it underneath.”I gave back” So it works. That was intentional.“Your mischievous expression agreed with me. So I took off my shirt for Lisa for the second time that day, only we were alone now.

Lisa spilled on my chest again and when I wanted to wipe it away she pushed me into the lying position and leaned over me and began licking the sauce from my chest. She slipped deeper and deeper and licked over my stomach. She looked up briefly and said twinkled. “Your pants got something too.“Lisa’s treatment had become quite tight in this area.

She opened the belt and pants and pulled her pants down. My stiffer tail Already pee from the slip at the top. “But one is curious” laughed Lisa. “It’s a little unfair,” I replied “while I was sitting here half -naked you have everything on.

Do I have to spill you up first, or can we skip it.“Lisa laughed, straightened up and pulled the top over his head. As I had already suspected, she was not wearing anything underneath. Her breasts slightly paler than the rest of the skin were crowned by nipples with small brown farms. I couldn’t resist I took a breast in my hand.

It was as if they were made for each other, Lisa’s breasts fit exactly into my hands and I gently massaged them. I noticed how her warts hardened and twirled her slightly. Lisa groaned and pulled my panties down, so she saw my cock in his full splendor. She took him in hand and started to easily caught him jerk off.

I could hardly control myself and also wanted to see Lisa completely naked. I let my hands slide from her breasts over her stomach and drove my fingers under the hem of her skirt. She lifted her pelvis slightly and so I pushed her skirt down. She was wearing a very small red string tanga underneath.

Lisa pushed me back on the sofa and lay down on me. I felt her stiff nipples on my bare chest and my cock was pressed from her belly between us. She kissed me, her tongue explored all the regions in my mouth, then sucked and nibbled on my upper lip. Meanwhile I let my hands hike over her crunchy butt and drove the fabric of the string between her legs.

When I suddenly touched a wet area and stroked over it, Lisa groaned. She looked deep into my eyes and smiled. Then she knelt next to the couch and started to stroke my cock with one hand, while the other hand stroked my stomach and upper body. Since she knelt in my direction with her sweet buttocks, I continued to edit her buttocks.

Then Lisa spread her legs so that I can get better to her column. I pushed the damp panties aside and rubbed her swollen pearl. Then I noticed a moist warmth that lay around my cock. Lisa had put her lips over my tough lance.

Her tongue kept driving over my bare glans, where I am usually very sensitive, but her tongue was so soft and wet that I was getting hotter.

In the meantime I had started to lead my middle finger into her ever wet column. I found the rough area on the inside and started rubbing on it. Your butt and then the rest of the body started to tremble and twitch.

Her tongue and lips moved over my cock faster and faster and I was about to cum out. I already had 2 fingers in her now clapping wet cunt and fucked her more and more intensely with my fingers. Suddenly she removed her butt and swung on me, led my shaft into her cave with a quick moving movement and dropped. Splashed sitting on me and started riding me.

I support her by putting my hands on her breasts again. Slowly she increased her up and down and I had the feeling of pushing her down in every downward movement. Lisa groaned louder and her hands clawed on my chest. Then when I really pushed her cervix, her tight wet walk pulled even more around my cock and she pushed out a long pointed scream and collapsed over me.

I pushed into her twice and then poured myself into her in several batches.

For a while we walk on top of each other until Lisa straightened up and gave me a long and intense kiss again. “Actually, this should be the dessert, but due to my shot and your bare sight, I couldn’t wait,” she said with a laugh.” I hope you’re not mad?”. “Well, I’m actually still hungry, but I also like to take more desserts,” I replied seriously.

She knob in my side and sat up. My best piece slipped out of her, which Lisa noticed with a disappointed sigh. She reached the table where the remains of the Thai Essen stood and began to push a fork full of rice into my mouth. I meant with full mouth “hmm, it was warm” and sat down too.

As a result, Lisa slipped to the side. Then I got an idea. I pressed her completely on my back and then distributed the rest of the rice and a little sauce on her stomach and over her breasts, which she allowed with a squeak. The sauce was with coconut milk, so Lisa looked like she was with sperm would have been injected.

Then I started licking the sauce from her breasts, although I sucked on the nipples again and again. I also nibbled the few sticky rice on my stomach, although I bit something in the skin every now and then. “Now, it tastes better. At least the plate is warm: I said to Lisa at a short interruption.

Lisa was relaxed on the sofa and enjoyed my nibbling and licking. I was slowly working down. When I had arrived at her pubic mound, I said “So now dessert again”. I spread her legs and knelt between her thighs.

Then I started on her labia suck. Lisa groaned slightly and I penetrated her with my tongue. I tasted the salty mixture of our united body juices, opened her labia with my hand and began to wrench on her clit that stretched out to me. Lisa became more and more restless and when I drained her pearl into my mouth and nibbled slightly, Lisa twitched and unloaded with a wet orgasm In my mouth.

When I hissed off her column, I snuggled up next to her and we were without saying a word for some time in the couch. After a while we got cool and we went to Lisa’s bedroom where we then snuggled down naked as we were snuggled together.

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