Fuck with Franzi | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was in autumn, my parents had on their way in the morning early in the morning Vacation made to Italy. They traveled from the same house with a friend of a friend. I moved out of home a few months ago, but I should be careful of my parents’ apartment. Despite the invitation of my parents, I didn’t feel like driving, Franzi, the Daughter our friends also not.

There were a total of six apartments in the house. The other four were all inhabited by older couples. I was on the road all day, first in sports, then hanging around with friends a little in the city. I had made an appointment with you again for the evening, but only around 9 p.m.

So I had plenty of time and wanted to eat something else. So I got into the basement to loot my parents’ stocks. To get into the basement compartments, you first had to go through the laundry room. It was spacious and offered plenty of space to hang out laundry to dry.

I picked the light on and took more unconsciously than deliberately a rattling part on the clothesline. I stopped and took a closer look at the black thing. It was a string tipbody with bra. I didn’t have to think long who could belong to the part.

That could only be from Franzi. She was 18. How did you get to such a part at the time of the 80s? Now I also noticed the ownerless silk stockings on the small laundry rack. I knew that Franzi had had a permanent friend for a few months.

So it was actually clear that she would throw herself into her horny gear at the latest on Sunday evening and could do it with him until dawn.

I went on to the basement and got a can of corn for a salad. Angelant above, the thought of Franzi and the hot part did not leave me peace. Franzi was big and slim, with long black hair. I clearly guessed the bump in my pants.

On the kitchen chair I öften the zipper and began to get a comfortably down one, always with the thoughts at Franzi. At some point, shortly before I came, I decided to get involved in a little adventure. I grabbed the basement key and sneaked down. In any case, I opened the door to our basement and put a can on the ground.

Then I made the string body. I felt the fine fabric in my fingers, felt the fine tips felt. Franzi’s pussy had to look horny in it. I massaged mine tail Only through the sweatpants, after all, I became braver and pushed my pants down a bit.

Immediately my stiff tail jumped out of my pants. Now he had free rail. I jerked uninhibited, had the body only centimeters away from my head, the nylon stockings were a little further ahead on the clothes stand. Irendwann went through my body and I unlocked myself violently on the laundry room.

Shit – of course a nice part of my sperm hit the one nylon. I wiped the stuff cleanly with the inside of my jogging pants and got dressed again.

When I went up the stairs, back to the apartment, Franzi came towards me. We knew a few harmless words, then everyone went on. Man, only minutes before she would have me cold caught.

The next morning I woke up late. Finally sleep. I had breakfast and spent the day without doing much. At some point the phone rang.

I noticed slightly irritated that Franzi called me. She wanted to invite me to dinner, in a good 30 minutes with her up. So I stood in front of Franzi’s door a little later and rang. She opened the door to me and I was disappointed at first.

I almost expected that she opened me in nylons and a horny body, instead she had jogging pants and a sloppy sweater. We sat down at the table and devoted ourselves to the food. As a galant guest, I had a bottle of wine Father Cellar. Well, I didn’t really live at home anymore with my parents.

When father noticed that I had taken one of his expensive bottles, it granted Zoff. We sipped on the glass without it really tasting. “We empty the bottle today,” said Franzi and emptied her glass in one train. I did it right away.

After a short time the effect of the alcohol noticeable. I felt Franzi’s foot on mine. Your football slowly drove up on my foot and down again.

“I got them yesterday jerk off Seen ”she suddenly said. There was a break in which nobody said anything.

I just thought “such a sh …”. “I liked how you sprayed. I’ve never seen a man inject.“Her foot hiked up, right onto my stiff tail. I took her foot and pressed it towards me.

She actually wore nylons, how cool was that! I also placed my foot in her crotch and began to push him against her pussy. Franzi got up and nodded towards the bedroom. “Come on, you certainly want to see my outfit on me live.“She pulled me behind her and pulled out the unnecessary clothes. The sight was the hammer.

Black nylons, a black string body, and a wild, black mane. The hair fell on her shoulders. Two well -shaped breasts seemed to star at me. Her nipples were dark and stiff.

With good 1.90 she towered over by a few centimeters. “What is the courage to leave you?“Franzi asked me and looked into my eyes. I pulled the shirt over my head and let my pants fall next to it. “More” asked Franzi.

So I also threw the rest of my clothes on the heap and now stood naked in front of her. My cock was in full splendor.

I took a step forward, hung up an arm around Franzi and pulled it towards me. Her hands wandered down my back over my back to my buttocks. One hand stayed there, the other started to play on my cock.

She pulled my preheat gently and jerked me. My tongue nibbled on her neck first, then I started to caress her nipples. I let my tongue circle around the Wartenhof and the steep nipple circles steeply. Finally I started gently, then sucking on the nipples more and more firmly.

Franzi visibly enjoyed this treatment and acknowledged it with a quiet moan. Her hand on my butt pressed me tightly to her pussy. My wet acorn rubbed her body and left a dark spot on it. I felt her pubic hill pressed hard against my cock.

From my glans, an incessantly fine thread flowed and further moistened the fabric from Fanzis underwear. “You literally run out of lust, I only know that from myself,” my playmate whispered in my ear. With my hand I drove down the hem of her body, between her buttocks. I stopped on her bumping leg and began to massage it with gentle pressure.

Finally, the fingers continued, deeper between her butt towards her wet, hot, pleasure center. The fabric around Franzi’s Rosette might be another centimeter wide, I could type the fine haya. The fingers continued to feel about the streak chopping closure in the crotch. At the moment I don’t worry about how best to get it up.

My fingers guided their squires wet pussy. The body of the body was quite moist, the region to the left and right of it was also. I didn’t want to stay with minor matters for long and pushed the fabric aside for her. Now the path was free inside, I immediately moved up with a finger and put it deep into the wet pussy.

My head was still resting on the left and right chest, so that the whole thing came very close to a highly acrobatic performance.

Franzi took my cock and unmistakably steered it towards the entrance to her pleasure center. Until then I had never fucked standing up and so I stood up relatively cumbersome. After all, he was in there and I started moving my cock in her wet pussy in careful strokes. Franzi hugged me, kept me tight on my back around me a leg around me.

I raised her with both hands, her second leg clutched me too. Now I had the full control over her I pulled it up slightly and then let her slide a little and with it deep into it. Every time she pushed against me with all her weight, I pushed even more firmly with my pelvis. Franzi and I breathed violently and briskly.

After all, I threw her back on the bed. Your horny look said everything. She spread her legs wide and bent her in. I saw her full splendor for the first time.

The pubic hair was trimmed back to a strip. “Well, make you my little punk there horny down there?“Franzi relieved me to open the string body. I knelt in front of her, took her legs and put her on my shoulders. Then I took my cock in my hand and began to jerk it.

Franzi’s finger devoted herself to her clit. She pressed him sideways with my thumb and middle finger and the index finger pressed from above. This is how a wonderful game with her clit was created. I approached her cunt and conducted my cock into her horny hole.

I started fucking them in quick, deep and hard bumps. Her legs rested on my body. I hugged her and zo her even more firmly to me. I even had enough strength and lever to easily lift their pelvis.

Again Franzi was at the mercy of me. Her fingers continued to play on the clit unstoppably. With the second, free hand, Franzi began to massage my eggs. Until then I always had trouble, which – as I found out today – was due to my girlfriend’s technology at the time.

Finally Franzi took her legs off my shoulders and turned to his knees.

Kess stretched her bottom towards me. Of course I couldn’t miss this invitation. I knelt between her legs and began to fuck her again in strong bumps. Franzi played around her clit and my eggs with a hand with one hand.

I started massaging her bumping bone again. Franzi retired unexpectedly, crawled to her bedside table on all fours and got a bottle of massage oil out of the drawer. In addition, she held a wide rubber band in her hand, as you know it from the office supplies. “Massify me with the oil afterwards, but at first we conjure up something on your cock.“It overturned the rubber band twice, a thick rubber däbel with a narrow hole in the middle was created.

With her fingers she spread the tape and put it over my tail. Carefully you down to the shaft. I thought it was when she spread her fingers even more and pulled the rubber band over my eggs. Now she let go carefully.

My eggs, but especially my cock felt even steiffer and harder. “Come on, do it from behind now,” said Franzi and held her ass back to me. I took a little oil with me and began to distribute it on her buttocks. Then I stood behind her again and penetrated her still wet pussy.

The feeling was incomparable. My cock felt close to the explosion. I massaged the oil in Franzi’s skin and gently rubbed over her cushion. But she wanted more.

A wild ride was created in which she tried to move my finger towards her asshole with rapid movements. For me it was a total new territory. So initially I didn’t get the idea that she could like that. “Come on, massage my rosette” therefore ask for it at some point.

I took some of the oil on her buttocks and massaged her asshole. I watched the great game fascinated. It was like cinema, just better;I played a leading role. Her ass was open so that I put my thumb a little in her.

Franzi pulled her bottom back immediately. “Only on it, don’t go in”. So I continue to rub her over the rosette. Slowly but surely I noticed how the rubber band cut deeper and deeper into my skin.

My eggs became more and more sensitive. Franzi seemed to know that. Only with the fingernails crawled me. After all, I couldn’t hold back.

I felt like a giant orgasm approached. I noticed amazed how he apparently couldn’t get any further on the rubber band. When it happened, I splashed hard that I was almost black in my eyes. I pulled back out of her pussy and let me fall completely broken on Franzi’s bed.

The rubber band, which surrounded my eggs and my cock, began to pain slowly. It threatened a lot of sensitivity until it was down again.

I only stretch out on the bed for a long time and slowly came to breath away. Franzi had to have come at some point. In any case, she smiled at me satisfied.

“That was cool. I’ve always wanted to try something like that. I got fifth easily. But the last orgasm where you sprayed at the same time was by far the best.“She sat on my stomach.

I looked at her body. She was really a horny woman. My hands lay on their knees and moved on towards the clit. I massaged him slightly and Franzi just let it happen.

I continued to feel myself and she lifted her pelvis slightly. After all, she only knelt over me. I started to fuck Franzi with two fingers. She was no longer so wild, so greedy, but rather calm and relaxed.

Her eyes were closed, she visibly enjoyed being fingered by me. Part of my sperm dripped my stomach. Franzi’s hand jerked my cock to the movements of my fingers. My glans hurt slightly when it became stiff again.

The action had probably been too much earlier. But that was certainly also due to the rubber band. Franzi’s pool moved slowly and rhytically. At some point her breath was so violent that I assumed that another orgasm was only a second in front of her.

In fact, Franzi groaned violently shortly afterwards. Her upper body reared up, I felt how she cramped. She threw her head back, strands of her hair stuck her face. Franzi let me fall on me exhausted.

For minutes we just lay there. Her head rested next to mine and I could feel her heartbeat. Then Franzi rolled off me and rose. “I’m back right away” I mean with a slight smile and was a pack of pace to me.

“Wipe the mess on you and my bed away”.

I heard how the water was pushed up in the bathroom. After a minute I realized that it was not the shower, but the bathtub, which was slowly filling. Franzi was already in the door frame. “And? You come to the tub, ”she asked me.

She pulled the body over her head in the door frame and threw it onto the floor. Then she took a step towards the bed and sat next to me on the edge of the bed. I watched the nylons carefully moved out the nylons. It was a great picture.

Franzi seemed to notice that I liked the sight. She took a stocking and led it teasically over my body. Then she also dropped him and went into the bathroom without another word. I followed her and was amazed that candles burned throughout the bathroom.

There were definitely 10 pieces. “Hey, don’t look so amazed, I worked, so you broke half.“I was probably nodding briefly. But now awake again. Franzi got into the tub and sat down.

It still had space behind her, albeit little. So I sat down in the comfortably warm water behind Franzi. A bewitching fragrance after whatever climbed into my nose. No matter.

It was a fuck fragrance for me. Something oriental-long as it is moderate. Even today I get horny when I smell something similar.

Franzi leaned back relaxed, her head rested on my chest. She stuck a sponge towards me “Washing once” she said about it.

So I started to wash her feet with the sponge as best I could, then I worked my legs up. Varized the sponge on the left and the right side of the thighs higher and higher. After all, I rubbed the coarse natural sponge over your clit. I wanted to keep up with her breasts, but Franzi pressed my hand back.

“It’s so nice, keep going,” said Franzi. I listened to her voice that she was already in a distant place. The sponge massaged her clit unstoppably. I rubbed it in greeking movements.

The pressure on her pleasure center was always the same, but the gross swam seemed to have done it to her. Her head was on my shoulders and her mouth was very close to my ear. Again and again she whispered things to me. At first he was just a moan, a “mmh” or “yes”.

Then a “Make me, come” “rub my little cool pussy” “Make, do it, do it” and finally “put it in, go, put it in, I want to touch him”. So I started to start the sponge in Franzi’s pussy. as it turned out, what was more difficult than expected. I had to help with two fingers, but finally he was in.

With two fingers I started turning at the sponge end until the sponge moved completely. Franzi’s breath became increasingly violent. With the fingers of the other hand I twirled over her clit. Ranzi put the middle finger in her cunt and pressed the sponge against the vaginal wall.

Only now did I notice how big her clit was actually. It was a huge thing that I could massage, press and knead as you please. Finally, Franzi came once again with a mixture of moaning and breathing. When the orgasm had subsided.

we exchanged the places.

Franzi’s hands seemed to be everywhere. I started to understand why she had made this sponge so horny. She circled my glans with the thing and it rubbed with sweet pain over my pleasure head. The glans was deep red.

But Franzi’s hands were merciless. Sometimes I couldn’t control my pelvis when the sponge touched a particularly sensitive point on my glans. “What is? My little horny cock can’t inject yet?“Franzi whispered my ear. “Then I know what” it went on right away.

She rose from the tub and dried up quickly. “Go to the bed in front of the room, I’ll come after.“So I dried myself off, let the water run out of the tub and extinguished the candles. Then I lay down on the bed from a mixture of lust and frustration, that I didn’t really want to succeed in cuming a second time. Funny I could sometimes jerk off 6 to 7 times a day and sprayed without any problems every time.

Franzi came back and brought a glass. It was only when I looked at more I saw that there were ice cubes in it. She took out one and began to tease me by led him over my belly button. A wet trail pulled up to my nipples.

She played on my nipples with the ice cubes. It was a strange feeling. She got a few gummy bears from a crackling platform bag. It laid a trace of my belly button down to my eggs.

One thing she put between the foreskin and acorn. Then she kissed my stomach and so with a loud plop the first bear in. The second and third followed. Finally she nibbled the second last gummy bear from my eggs, then she freed the last sweet thing with her tongue, which was located directly on my glans.

Finally, Franzi put an ice cube in his mouth and began to blow my cock. I always felt the mixture of hard, cold ice cubes and soft, warm tongue. Ice, tongue, hot, cold. Her tongue slid over my glans, felt the ribbon, licked over the hole.

Her hand jerked my cock with a gentle handle, incessantly in front of and back. The ice cube was long gone. I only felt her tongue, which circled around my glans. An orgasm built deep inside.

I could feel it. He was still far away. Then there was the tongue on my glans again, the orgasm now a clear piece closer. I wanted him.

I wasn’t allowed to lose him. Franzi’s tongue was greedy and insatiable. It seemed to be all over my glans. At the same time, their hands worked in full swing.

One jerked my cock, the second took care of my eggs. The little Italian – Franzi’s friend – probably taught her a lot. Wherever she could blow from so horny, I didn’t care at the moment. I clearly tipped the heat in me.

My loins floated, the orgasm was getting closer and closer. After all, I inject Franzi’s full load in my mouth. She rubbed my cock wildly, fought the last drop out of me, licked my white gold from the tip of the tail and swallowed everyone as little drops.

I thought Claudia, my girlfriend at the time, always for a pretty good wind player. However, her teeth bothered me, which I felt in between.

But Franzi was the lonely number one. She would soon move away because she had started her training as a nurse and did not want to commute to the hospital every day. I realized that when Franzi finally released my cock. We fertilized a little bit of pure boredom and were exhausted next to each other.

At some point I got my stuff together and went. What remained was the hottest sex in my young life. Subject of some damp dreams and like to use the head cinema used to jerk off. It was probably also due to Franzi that I developed a preference for beautiful underwear.

Women in horny lingerie still make me crazy today.

I am happy if you liked my little excursion into the past.

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