Follow -up… | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Just in time at 2:00 p.m. it rang the rang on the practice door and as an appointment, Martin stood in front of it and waited for me to open him. After having hung his jacket, I asked him as his “doctor” into the treatment room and we first talked about this, that and what has experienced so since our first meeting everyone had experienced almost a year ago. Finally I asked Martin to clear his upper body first in order to start with the “follow -up examination”.

Days earlier I had already put on a schedule with various studies, which I briefly explained to him while I carried out a blood pressure measurement on his arm. Another pulse measurement and once looked in every ear and I asked him to lie down on the investigation bed.

Here I carried out further investigations: First I started comparing its arm lengths with a measure, then I took measurements from his upper body in length and width. Everything was still calm and relaxed with Martin and he ended up with everything. Finally, I started measuring the distance between his little nipples and put the tape directly on his nipples, which immediately set up. The diameter of everyone followed their nipple stations and finally I wanted to measure the length of his nipples.

“Do you mean” I asked him hypocritically “that your nipples can get out even more?“And began to play with both hands at the same time. “Yeah, there should still be something,” he said and I saw that he kept his eyes closed. I now leaned down to one of his nipples and let my tongue slide over it several times before I started to suck. “Mmmmhhhh” only came from him and indeed, they became a little longer.

Now I sucked on his other nipple several times before I entered the measured values on my schedule.

“So, please put on once” I ended this part and with a “shame” Martin sat down on the investigation bed. I took the tape measure again and now started measuring his back, in particular I took a lot of time when measuring the spine, whereby I keep stroking his back tenderly. Again, Martin could only hear a quiet “Mmmmhhh”, especially when I pushed my hand into the approach of his Poritze a few times a few times. “Now please push the shorts down and put it on my stomach again,” I said and gave him a slight folding on his tight ass.

Immediately he pushed his shorts down and lay down on the couch, I could see that his tail already stood. Martin grabbed his stomach and lay down his stiff so that his already wet glans looked out under his shaved sack. With the tape measure, I now started to measure each of its ass cheeks in every direction, although I keep stroking through his, which has already been warm, as if by chance. I also touched his blank shaved with one or the other finger from time to time rosette, Which then always snatched a deep sigh.

Again I entered everything into the schedule and now asked him to turn on his back, which he did right away and his cock skyrocketed vertically. This did this with such a force that Martin got his own horny juice on his chest and it looked so horny that I could only bend down to him and slowly and slow. “So” I breathed in his ear “The juice tastes delicious. I hope you have more of it.“Martin literally groaned“ You can rely on that.”

And again I reached for the measuring tape and now measure its complete tail area.

Distance from his nipples to the tail root, length of his shaved sack, length, diameter and scope first from his shaft and then also from his Nille. But first I had to “drain” this, because a large drop of his delicious horny juice had already formed on it. I slowly slide my tongue over his thick purple nille and at the same moment Martin groaned loudly “Ahhh, you horny sow. What are you doing?“I grinned at him and just said” I don’t want to take my measure of my tape and just quickly licked your glans out ” -” Wared me, otherwise I will inject everything you will be fully next time.” – “OK.“I continued my investigation by now taking his sack into my hand and with the other one of him, eating exactly every egg from him.

Afterwards I just dropped his sack a few times and looked at the reactions of his Egg, who move up towards the tail. “As far as I have found so far, everything is fine with you.“I completed this part of my investigation. “The only thing that I noticed is that his cock runs out quite a bit and the only means I recommend is frequent licking.“And already my tongue slid over its still thick glans. “Gggeiiiiillllll” only came from Martin.

After enjoying his delicious juice, I said “But I would like to look at your horny rear part a little more closely. But we would have to change the room. So get up and pants up again and after me.”

And already I went with him to the next examination room in which a gynecological examination chair stood. “So” I said to him and stroked him over his two nipples, who quickly became stiff again “take off their pants completely and then put it back on the chair as last time.“I helped Martin his Legs Place on the footrests and pulled his lower body closer to the edge of the chair.

I lifted the seat a bit over the foot lever and so that I could get better to his rosette, I also tipped the seat back a bit. Now his bare rosette was right in front of my face and while I was only looking at it, I could also see how a decent cool juice drop was running down on his cock again. Martin had to be really horny, with as much juice as I have already directed from him today and I also did not let this drop deteriorate and quickly licked it off. Now I started to grab my rosette carefully – but only to make him even hornier.

“When do you finally put a finger in my ass” came from him immediately “That makes me crazy when you play around my hole carefully.” -” Wait, I first have to investigate the outer area correctly before I take care of your inner values “I joked and hardly spoken, when my tongue quickly ran from bottom to top. “Aaahhhhh …ggggeeeiiilllll …“Martin now held on to the examination chair with both hands. I pulled my tongue again through his bare crack and then let it circle around his already heavily twitching rosette while massaging his ass cheeks with both hands. Martin moaned and groaned “Yeah, lick my hole you sow.

Make it smooth … aaahhhhhh …”In the meantime, the first finger stuck in his already damp hole and slid deeply and” fuck me with your fingers, make my hole nice and far … “Now the second finger followed and a little later the third finger – always in and out in, licked over the hole with the tongue again in between and I started to undress with the other hand too. There was already a large damp spot on my short and my cock could no longer endure it in the pants and had to go outside. Martin saw that I was now naked and sat up. “So horny sow no longer end and your cock drips just as much as mine.

Come here, I want to lick it so that nothing is lost.“I stood on the side of the chair and immediately took my stiff cock in my mouth. “Mmmmhh, you also lick horny …“I could only moan while I was still fucking him with three fingers, which apparently only spurred him more to blow my cock. Now we groaned around the bet and while Martin blew me more and more I fucked him faster and faster until he suddenly stopped with it and groaned me. I finally want to feel it … “.

I went back to the foot end of the examination chair, pulled my wet fingers out of his ass and immediately pushed my tongue into his hole. It was a great feeling to feel how his rosette contracted my tip of my tongue. “So my dear” I groaned after I had my tongue out of his ass “Now I’ll thoroughly examine you from the inside.“And positioned my cock tip exactly in front of his hole. Slowly and carefully I pushed against it while I slowly jerked his cock with one hand “Yes, push him in, finally fuck me with your cock, do it …” Now my big acorn was in it and I gave him time to get back to itget used to it, but Martin didn’t want that and with both hands he put me in his ass.

“Yeah …Finally, I get to me, get ready … I waited for that …“I started carefully my fucking movements and I had to be careful not to pump my juice now into his tight ass. “Your ass is so tight that I don’t stand out for long …” I groaned and fucked it deeper and deeper. Martin jerked his cock more and more faster “I’m also ready, my eggs are already tingling” he groaned me “Fuck me deeper, deeper, yes, Jaaahhhhh, mmmmhhhhhh …”I everything in your tight ass … aaaahhhhh …” -” Come on, spray me full, snot in. I’m coming ….jjjjjaaaaahhhhh …“I still saw his first splash that almost landed on his face, so it was so far with me.

My sack contracted, I felt my juice climbing and then I shot my all -up juice deep into his twitching ass “Jaaaaahhhh, you get my juice …ooohhhhh, is that Geill … ” -” Aaaahhh, spray me full … mmmhhhh … oooohhh, you flood me yes …“After the 7 thrust, I left my cock in his ass and licked his cock clean. His juice tasted so tasty that I through jerk off tried to get even more juice out of him, but he had already injected everything on his body and while he was rubbing a few drops of his juice on his chest, I licked again over his now flap cock and let my decongestant tail slide out of his ass. Accompanied by a quiet pop, my glans shouted out of his rosette, followed by a gush sperm from me. I was still so horny and heated that I sat back in front of his hole and licked my own juice off his ass.

“Nobody has brought that yet” groaned Martin, who had now raised his upper body in order to be able to see better, which I was going to do now “. Horny feeling on my ass.” -” Believe me, that was for me too the first time, But your ass makes me so horny, I couldn’t help it.”

Slowly we both came down again and found that his follow -up examination has now been going almost two hours and his train back to him would take off in less than 1 hour. So quickly in the clothes and him with mine automobile brought to the main station. During the car trip we immediately made the next “appointment” for another investigation, but this time it should be a “home visit” at home – I’m looking forward to it ..

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