Fantastic fuck am See | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I often let my thoughts wander and then look around in the area. Most of the time I think about my life after or about fantasies that I write down in stories. Often these stories are erotic stories. I chose a place on a small lake in the forest, which I prefer to see for this kind of thought. One place just for me. I sit there on warm summer evenings and enjoy the silence of the forest.

In the middle of this lake there is an island that serves as a place to sleep for hundreds of crows. Since this lake can only be reached after a long walk, I can be sure that I am not surprisingly surprised when bathing nude bathing. Here I have experienced many erotic adventures in the past … if only in my imagination. I put most of them on paper and rejected them after reading it through several times. But the following story is far too beautiful to be true: That evening I sat on “my” lake again.

The sun stood red in the sky and turned the lake into a red mirror. Fish tried to snap the mosquitoes that danced over the water. Rings ran over the water and created a pleasant rippling on the bank. The first crows arrived to secure the best sleeping places on the trees of the small island. Since there are no benches on this Waldsee, I had brought myself a large blanket that I spread on the forest floor.

Armed with binoculars, I watched the crows in their disputes over the best sleeping places. I could always enjoy myself about these birds. Like small children, they hung around every centimeter branch. After a while I let my gaze wander along the banks of the lake. I had felt a little uncomfortable all the time. Apparently I wasn’t alone at the lake. I almost felt like someone was watching me.

I almost felt looks on my skin. Since I was swimming naked a few minutes ago, I had spread out naked on my blanket to recharge some warmth. I had succumbed to the mistake, the water would be pleasantly warm. At the end of May the power of the sun was probably not enough to heat the lake at a pleasant temperature. The head jump into the water looked very, very sobering but very refreshing. Goosebumps covered my entire body.

I almost saw binoculars that were aimed at me. Behind this binoculars was a mane made of fire -red hair and a delicate non -clad woman’s body. She too was on a blanket and had made herself comfortable in the rays of the setting sun. This cheeky person actually waved to me now. If she had her stomach on her ceiling until just her stomach, she now sat up and offered me a sight that immediately drove me the cold of the water out of my limbs.

She had sat on her ceiling in the tailor seat and kept the field cup in mind. Her breasts were apple -shaped with dark atrial stoves and warts. This bitch now sat down so that I could look in the middle of her paradise. The red hair of her venus hill had skilled her, her shame was completely smooth shaved. Her pink labia opened slightly. This sight also created body reactions for me, which could not be overlooked even in the world’s best will.

So I grabbed my towel and tried to hide my nakedness, which was far from me. When I reached back to the binoculars to target the young lady again, I unfortunately found the space empty. Completely stunned by the one just seen, I was sitting on my blanket again and looked into the forest in thought and was a little disappointed. I got dressed and packed my things and made my way to mine automobile.

The next night was very restless. I had to keep thinking of the unknown beautiful from the forest. The sight of me couldn’t let go of me anymore. Unfortunately I could not see her eyes because she always hidden her with the binoculars. But her sensual mouth and these breasts, her sweet little pussy didn’t let me sleep. I fell into a restless sleep around four o’clock. I woke up completely wheeled at around eleven o’clock. I absolutely had to go back to my Waldsee that evening.

I had to see this forest fairy again. The day passed like chewing gum and didn’t want to end, I became more and more impatient and could hardly wait to rush to my car and make myself on the way. There he was, my favorite place, the imprint of my blanket was still in the grass. So I spread my blanket in the same place. When I dropped so carelessly on my blanket, I noticed a note that was attached to a beech with a tear nail that was in my immediate vicinity.

“I’ve been watching you for a long time,” said there. And: “I like you!“I just thought:“ You me too!“I was now watched by her again? She had targeted me again? So I took my binoculars- I had brought a stronger one from home- and systematically searched the lake bank. Then she was, my heart made a jump with joy. She too had her binoculars again and waved to me again. Suddenly she got up from her ceiling, packed her things and disappeared into the forest.

No, again she had gone through my rags, again I would eat after her next night. But I should have been wrong. I decided to go too. I collected my belongings and packed everything in my backpack. If she wasn’t there, I couldn’t enjoy my Waldsee anymore. Without this forest fairy, the whole magic of this piece of earth evaporated earth. Just when I wanted to turn around to make my way home, someone said behind me: “How, you want to go?”” But you can’t do that to me now.

Not after I have around half the lake because of you. “I was completely datted and did not bring out a word. There she was in full size. She wore skin-tight jeans and a super tight t-shirt. I could see her eyes for the first time. Dark and deep like the universe. I felt like one teenager, which the first time hits a girl. My appearance must have been so unique that it broke out in a sounding laughter and gave me a pat on my butt.

Slowly I caught myself and was also the master of my tongue and my brain again. Why and since when she had been watching me with binoculars. And whether she would not be ashamed to sneak up to me. In response, she suddenly put both hands on my shoulders, pulled me gently and kissed me on my mouth. I had no choice but to return this kiss and add another one.

My tongue crowded into her mouth and was surrounded by her tongue. I could see from her purring that this type of conversation liked her very well. When I returned from her she asked me for my name and what I would always do alone in the forest. She introduced herself as a Serena and said she would study ornithology and would write a doctoral thesis on sleep behavior about crows and colors.

Well, she had just discovered me at the lake. Again she kissed me. This time, however, it was her tongue who wanted to have my pleasure. I pushed my hand under her t-shirt and stroked her back. Her skin felt like velvet, she didn’t wore a bra. So I could feel her stiff nipples through my shirt. I grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and pulled it out over her sweet redhead.

Her breasts were of a beauty that was difficult to put into words. These dark atmosphere, their stiff warts their alabaster -colored skin, the cheeky freckles in their pointed -beefed face brought me to mind. My hands lay on her chest and slowly stroked her nipples. Whether I wouldn’t find that outrageous. After all, she would be half naked and I still have my shirt on. I took off my shirt in a very short time and immediately felt her nipples on my skin.

We let ourselves sink on the ceiling and kissed with one greed, as if we were thirsty. After a short time I lay on my back, she kissed my neck, stroked my chest and pushed me a hand under the waistband of my pants. At the same time she sat on my best piece and started to rub her lap on me rhythmically. Then she slipped a bit onto my thighs, opened my pants and grabbed my penis determined.

She licked her glans over my glans with her tongue and now let my little friend, who was now anything but small, disappear in her mouth full of pleasure. In doing so, she smacked as if she had never eaten something delicious. If she didn’t stop right away, it was too late and I would pour myself into her mouth. Without warning, she jumped up, pulled out her jeans, turned over my chest and sat on my face with a view of my feet.

My hands reached for their hips. My tongue made its way through her labia. The scent of this fruit brought me into ecstasy. Over and over again, my tongue drove through her almost dripping shame, playing her clit briefly sank in her vulva and only briefly tickled her pulsating rosette. Moaning loudly she supported herself with both hands on my pool and tried the Contact not to lose my tongue.

Your first orgasm She literally overrun. She pushed her lap so hard into my face that I was afraid to suffocate. Nevertheless, I continued to lick her clit and now worked on her little butt with my tongue. She screamed her lust out loudly into the forest. Now she was standing up again on my stomach this time. She slipped along my stomach like a snail and left a wet shiny with her still extremely damp pussy.

When she reached my stand that had buried to burst, rose briefly, reached for my best piece and slowly pulled it through her furrow. Slowly she let herself sink down on me. Her warmth and wetnessed me like a warm, soft, damp dream. The movements she was doing now made me climax. Shortly before I could pour myself into her, she grabbed my penis root and pressed it together. The ride continued after a short time.

Again her moan became louder. Her next orgasm made her almost unconscious. Exhausted she sank together and lay down next to me on the ceiling. “Please be very tender to me now and spoil me again with your fantastic tongue!” she said. I told her that she may lie on her stomach. Slowly I kissed her bottom, which she stretched towards me full of lust. I licked her sweet pussy again, but now concentrated more on her sphincter.

She started purring like a cat. Her hole pulsed again under my tongue. When I couldn’t hold myself back, I quickly put my index finger deep into her pussy. She groaned wildly. “But my butt also deserves some love,” she said. So I pulled my finger out of her pussy, stroking her hole and led it slowly and tenderly into her anus a. She stretched her butt so violently that my finger sank into her butt to the basic joint.

Slowly I pulled my finger out, licked her back door to make it nicely slippery, put my finger deep and slowly moved in and out. After a short time I pulled my finger out of her buttocks and licked her hole again. This time I no longer use my finger, but slowly introduced my penis into her buttocks. Loud screams that cheered me up through the forest. This wonderful tightness.

This heat. It didn’t take long for it to be so violent that I also had to scream loudly. Exhausted I fell on the blanket next to her. in front of my eyes danced 1000 stars. A pointed -beefed smile played around her lips again. Did this story really happen, or I just thought of it. I don’t know it. Maybe there is really this forest fairy. So I often lie on my Waldsee, watch the sleep island of the crows and watch the lake shore carefully.

You never know….

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