Erotic sex in the sauna | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A few weeks ago I had to go to Cologne for a few days for a few days. Usually I have nothing against a trip to another city, but this appointment was really a thorn in my side. I wouldn’t notice anything from the city and its nightlife, since I would always be back in the hotel late. And next day I would have to open the customers again and again early.

So my motivation fell. I would the first time be in Cologne, but cannot see anything of the city. And so my first day in Cologne passed unspectacular. It wasn’t until around 10 p.m. I came back to my hotel tired.

And I didn’t feel like getting up again.

When I was sitting on the bed and leafing through the description of the hotel, my view of “sauna” fell. Oh yes, that would be the right thing now. So I pulled out, showered, and wrapped myself in a towel. So I went to the elevator.

A short time later I was at the door of the fitness studio, which should also accommodate a small sauna. There was a note on the door with the opening times. I was able to remove the note “closed from 10 p.m.”. Damn it.

So I wouldn’t even come to my sauna session today.

And, how you always do it: I just pressed the door handle. And lo and behold: the door was open. “Never mind ?”, I thought to myself. “Then I just didn’t read the sign.“I went inside.

It was pretty dark inside. The room was only illuminated with the fitness devices. I made light and went around a bit until I found the sign “Sauna”. Then I found the wooden door behind the changing rooms.

I opened. My luck stopped. It was empty but switched on. The sauna was not particularly large.

Only 5 people would fit in here. I looked at the thermometer and decided on the middle level. I put my towel there and lay down on it. The heat was really good for me.

I really needed that after this long day.

Some relaxation. Although … I would have liked a little more relaxation. I lay for a few minutes and let my thoughts drive. In the meantime, sweat beads had formed on my skin everywhere.

And a welding bead rolled straight down my venus hill between my legs. This little touch already stimulated me. I thought that I hadn’t had sex for a long time. So I was probably so sensitive.

I put my hand on my Venushügel. Then I easily pushed her between mine Legs. I caressed myself gently. Yes, it was better that way.

I just enjoyed.

Then I heard a door folded outside. I slowly pulled my hand back between my legs. The door of the sauna opened and a young man, in his mid -20s, came in. He had bound his towel around his hips.

He smiled and nodded me briefly. I smiled back and closed my eyes again. Oh what. I did so.

I looked at him with half open eyes. Big, dark -haired, slim and a little trained. The arms and parts of the breast tattooed with tribals. He pulled his towel away and also put it on the middle level on my feet.

About 1 meter away. When he took his towel and put it down, I looked a little more closely. And startled a little. Because what was still limp between his legs was sure to go to the middle of his thigh.

And was also very thick about it. He sat down and looked ahead.

He avoided looking at me, so to me. Only from the corners of the eye did he take a look at me more often. Small sweat beads also formed on his body, which then ran down.

The pearls of his chest and belly ran between his legs. I would have loved to see how the welding beads then over his tail go on.

I had put myself a little bit myself until recently. And now my abdomen reported again. I got even hotter.

I felt that I was very excited. Mine nipple became hard. And I felt that I was getting wetter between my legs. No, wet is not true.

Wet. I closed my eyes. Then I put my right leg down from my level to the next lower level. So my legs were of course already spread a big difference.

I felt my lips opened easily by myself. They were definitely bright red and swollen. In any case, they felt like this. I didn’t open my eyes, I blindly enjoyed the uncertainty.

Uncertainty, whether he was looking. Uncertainty, whether he might have already been stiff. Uncertainty whether he slipped towards me.

Then I felt his hand on my Venushügel. He gently stroked the smooth -shaved area directly above my lips.

He passed away from my sweat. On my stomach. On my Venushügel. I easily pushed my pelvis because I finally wanted to be touched by him.

Be properly touched. And he understood. He slowly and gently led his hand over my venus hill between my legs. First he led a finger next to my lips.

Then back on the other side. He attracted me. And my body reacted. I felt how I almost left.

Then he easily began to stroke my clitoris. And I showed him my benevolence with a light “mmmm”. Then he drove with the Finger from top to bottom through my column. He divided my lips and let a finger penetrate me.

I opened my eyes and saw it half above me, the look and his hand between my legs.

I grabbed his arm and pulled it to me with it. And him on me. I opened my legs even further so that he could lie in between. When he was completely on me, he kissed me.

Soft. Our tongues were found and played. Everything was of such ease. He did not demand.

He only gave. While he was still passionate about me, his left hand found my chest and stroked me there. Soft. He leaned down a bit and sucked on my nipple.

I easily pushed the air out. He did that really well. Then he pushed his pelvis a little. And then he touched me.

I felt his masculinity on my lips. I looked him in the eye and nods slightly to him. Yes, I wanted it. He pushed his pelvis a little more.

My column shared his glans slightly. But he didn’t get any further. He slipped down. I kissed him again.

With my right hand I reached between my legs and grabbed his magnificent piston. I conducted his glans exactly between my lips and let them slide twice through my column down and upwards. Then I put his glans directly between my lips, directly to my entrance. I breathed out and relaxed myself.

Then his thick glans slowly pushed me into my slippery hole. His thick glans slowly penetrated me. I had to continue to push it down very slowly so that I could adapt to its enormous size. I am really very tight.

And he already stretched me very strongly with his glans. He kissed me tenderly. He did not press forward himself, but left me to introduce it to me. He stretched me so much.

But I wanted to feel it in myself.

When his glans passed my entrance, I pulled my hand back. I left him the further pace now. And he slowly pressed his pelvis. And slowly pushed his enormous masculinity into me.

I gasped. I was properly filled. And then he pushed against my cervix. I saw stars briefly.

Of pain. With lusty. And then he started moving. First small movements.

A very light before and back. Then stronger. And every time he pushed him back into me again, I had the feeling that he would pour me out. We kissed again.

I reached between my legs again and enclosed him. Then pushed him into me. Until he came back to my cervix. Now he was still not a whole hand width in me.

I let go of him and he picked up his bumps. My pussy got used to its size so that he could also happen a little more. I put my hands on his buttocks and conducted his pace. And increased it.

He sucked on a nipple again and twirled the other slightly. I groaned. With every push I groaned slightly. Oh god, what a piston.

And how he could handle it. I wish he would never stop. He also groaned slightly. My tightness also seemed to give him pleasure.

The door of the sauna opened.

Tattoo was startled and wanted to turn his head towards the door. I held his face and kissed him again. I enclosed him with both legs so that he didn’t pull himself back from me.

I was not ready to let him go now. No matter who came there.

He or she would go again if he or her didn’t like what we did. And the door closed again. We continued as if nothing had happened. We didn’t look at the door either.

Tattoo straightened up. He almost got upright. I looked up at him. And he looked down between our bodies.

What would I give to see what he saw … how to be thick tail In my tight hole stuck. I wanted to offer him more, so with both hands pulled me far for him. He pulled it out slightly and then pressed him back in.

One hand lay on my chest. Tattoo supported itself with both hands.

I looked aside. A man about my age with black curls sat next to us on the lower level and stroked my chest. He didn’t look in my face, but kept a look between my legs. He watched the tattoo penetrated me and pulled back again.

Slow. Tender. Then Lockenkopf leaned over me and began to suck on my nipple. A fire ignited in my chest.

It burned there with excitement. And in my abdomen it was longing.

I groaned comfortably. Locol head pushed a hand to my Venushügel . And over it.

He found my clitoris and gently stroked over it. In the meantime, tattoo continued in me. Then tattoo slowly pulled his cock out of me. I closed my eyes and lay back back.

I spread my legs again. Tattoo sat on the lower level. Right next to my head.

Locol head pushed his body on mine. He kept my nipple in his mouth all the time.

He lay down between my legs. I pushed my pelvis towards him. And then he penetrated me. He was smaller than tattoo.

But he still felt great. He released my chest out of his mouth and kissed me. Also tender again. Then demanding.

He then pushed me more firmly. And even firmer. I groaned again. And loudly.

With each impact a loud “aah” left my lips. I hugged him and pulled him close to me. Now he moved gently but powerfully again. His mouth breathed his excitement in my ears quietly.

Tattoo had only only watched from the level lower.

But now my face stroked. He stroked a few hair from my face and kissed me very gently again. I opened my mouth and took his Tongue grateful in him. Then Lockenkopf rose something.

Tattoo ended his kiss. And immediately Lockenkopf’s lips found their way to mine.

And then the curly head pulled out of me. Tattoo pushed his body back on me. This time he comprised himself and slowly penetrated into me.

Lockenkopf had taken the seat of tattoo on the lower level and began to suck my nipple. My whole body cooked with excitement. They slept with me. Both.

That was not a “fuck”, but really a tender lovemaking. I felt them both. Alternately in me. But always their hands and mouths on my body.

And then I felt tattoo trembling. He accelerated his pace. Now he pushed harder with lust. Then tattoo pushed deep into me for the last time and hit my cervix.

I felt I twitched him. And inject his hot seed against my cervix. He pressed himself so hard into me that I saw stars with pain and happiness. And then I came.

Not slow. But suddenly. My abdomen suddenly contracted and exploded. I tore my head to the side and pressed my back up to a hollow cross.

He reared up and then sank down on me. I felt his panting breath on my skin.

I gently stroked his back of his head through hair. I kissed tattoo easy. Lockenkopf touched my cheek and turned my head in its direction.

This time he kissed me. This time passionately and demanding. Tattoo slowly pressed up and pulled his already slippery cock out of me. Meanwhile, Lockenkopf still pushed his body on me from the side.

He gently penetrated me. And while I still followed the waves that the tattoo triggered in me, I felt a strong pull in the abdomen again. Lockenkopf pressed his abdomen against mine while he started moving again. His short, shorn pubic hair rubbed like small bar stubble over my clitoris.

Again. And again. And I felt like one again orgasm rack. The pulling in my abdomen was getting stronger.

I pressed my hands on the bottom and pressed it against me and back and forth. The stubble scratched even more … everything. I felt her on my column. To my lips swollen with excitement to burst.

On my clitoris. On my Venushügel. And each in front of and back and every friction let my abdomen pull even more together. Locol head was faster.

Harder. Our breath was faster. He panted. I pushed out small “ah” s.

He pressed up slightly and groaned loudly. He came violently. I felt it. For the second time, hot seeds shot into me.

And then it happened. I came for the second time. The small “Ah” s connected to a loud “aaaah”. All dams broke and I screamed out my lust and orgasm.

I pressed my abdomen together so tightly that the curly head was almost pressed out of me. I sank back. Tears ran over my face. Both stroked me gently.

Both kissed me alternately gently. At some point the curly head rose from me. The emptiness in my lap that he left was almost painful. They sat left and right next to me.

Tattoo wiped my tears away. I kissed him gratefully for that. Each of them took a hand from me. They got up slowly and went towards the door.

They held my hands in their hands until they almost reached the door. Then my hands slipped out of theirs.

“Thanks.“, I whispered. And it was the only word that was spoken between us.

The door closed behind them.

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