Drive to the stars | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Finally the time has come. A beautiful summer day with a bright blue and we both have time. I open the garage and push the machine outdoors. She flashes in the sun as she was looking forward to the excursion.

Only a short pressure on the starter and a dry hissing sounds to the greeting in my ears. let’s go. After a few meters we are familiar again.
I brake on your doorstep and you come to an incredibly prompt jumping towards me. You look as if you want to eat something.

Your Strubbelharen, your perfume and your leather dress smell simply wonderfully exciting. We hug ourselves briefly, I could put a kiss on you, I just feel like it afterwards. But we have never left so far;We haven’t known each other for so long and our passion is driving.
With one sentence I am back on the machine and you get behind me. Slides closely to me to feel all of my movements and to follow them by themselves.

When you put your arms around me and press yourself briefly, I know. You are ready. The heavy engine starts. A look back and we are on the way.

It takes a few minutes and we’ve started again.

You trust me your life and I am aware of it. I enjoy feeling how you, she and me become one. My thighs lead the machine. I feel incredibly intense.

You smough on me with your legs and I feel a gentle pressure of your abdomen on mine. Your hands lie on my chest and I can even guess your breasts through your leather jacket. We slide through the curves and start to merge. Complete harmony of the movements.

We move softly and powerfully together.

The next curves will be faster. You breathe out audibly. It sounds like a quiet moan. You press yourself to me and move your pelvis briefly to be on me as possible.

I understand your sign. I am also so far and go for a wild ride. As a sign, I grab my left back and press them on your butt briefly. You give me the confirmation with a pat on your right.

Ready. The machine jumps forward with a hoarse bark when I switch down and turn. We transform ourselves. We become a powerful smooth predator with steel runs, strong muscles and glowing eyes.

The powerful howling can be heard far. We are alone on the country road;Alone in the world. I feel excitement in me climbing and my pulse rises faster than the rev counter. We always storm wilder our way, the leaves on the side of the road are whirling up behind us.

A feeling of common connection and strength.

Suddenly a movement of you hits me like a flash. You push your hands down a bit and press you to me as much as you can. You spread the thighs a tiny bit and press your hip with a slight upward movement to my rear part. I hear you groan, even though you are half suppresses.

It runs down my body hot and I notice that I also react. I enjoy it like that leather Starting close to the tank begins. I reflect my back reflexively.

Although that has never happened to us before, you know immediately. Your hands wander between mine Legs and press gently onto the hard area.

I can hear your hot breath. My right hand automatically absorbs gas and the delay increases your pressure against my body for seconds. I stand on the brake and the journey is rapid. At the same time we tear the visor upwards.

“Oh please, finally drive in there!“If you come out. “Otherwise I would fall over you in the middle of the street.“I almost had overlooked the small, almost unpaved away, which turns from the country road and sniffed between trees and a wild meadow. I let the machine tip the side and bend in. We are in another world immediately.

A wild thicket, almost no get through. Nature closes behind us. I stop. A movement of me and the engine is silent.

I only hear the ticking of the cooling machine and your hot breath.
You have been able to lose your helmet a little faster than I can lose and both put it in the high grass. Then we push ourselves up against each other;still sitting on the machine. Your spread legs on the wide bench and your urgent abdomen make me half insane. Pictures of you shoot through my head.

I’ve already done some craziness with you.

You are the best buddy that I have -with you together everything is to be done. And there is more. Your femininity is unique. So incredibly natural.

I have never seen you made up. You are barefoot In a white T-shirt and Bluejeans the most erotic one I’ve ever seen. But I never dared to tell you that.
I turn around and we sit on the machine. And now you look at me with big shiny eyes.

You express deep deep wishes and promise to give everything. Our breath is difficult. Even the wildness holds your breath. We drown in our eyes and tenderly touch our nasal tips.

We stroke ourselves gently and this easy touch expresses so much. My lips form my only wish. I want nothing more than you. Make you happy and feel your love.

You nude me lovingly and breathe the most beautiful words that humanity knows. Our mutual admission whips up our emotions. We both never dared to say it, but now the fear of radiant warmth has given way to us. We are missing the words.

We want to say so much, but it’s impossible. We only feel the desire to let the others feel. The train breaks something in us. Like a roller coaster that loosens from the ramp and gains an unstoppable drive.

We both know what we want.

Us. Your hands wrap my neck and I feel firmly in my hair. Our lips meet for a kiss of eternity. You are wonderfully soft and warm.

Tender and coveting at the same time. Strong and yet so weak. We briefly loosen from each other and look at each other. I lovingly spread your hair back with my hand and enjoy the gentleness of your skin.

Your fingertips on my face. You look deep into my eyes and whisper the words that I will never forget: “I would like to sleep with you now …” A loving passion that I have never experienced so intensely now increases with you … “.
As redeemed, we jump from the machine into the grass. The wildness spills back within seconds.

I open your jacket and hug you under your T-shirt. At the same time I feel your hands on my bare flanks.

You just pushed it under my heavy motorcycle jacket. Now we are no longer to be kept. Our jackets are in the grass in seconds. Our T-shirts are welding wet.

I free you. You shake your hair and your little solid breasts stretch towards me. Your burst warts protrude steeply. You get to me and pull my shirt over my head.

Then you pack my bare torso. Our hot naked bodies meet the first time. I feel your hair on my skin and look for your breasts. Remove them and stroke them with my fingertips.

Our lower halves are pushing together. Jaaaaa! I can feel your heat, they taste in your kiss. Ohh, that’s the most wonderful taste that I have met. My excitement is increased by the proximity of your femininity into the immeasurable.

You feel it. Slide a hand between us. I open when you find your goal. You rub yourself against me.

With skillful Finger Do you open my leather tank that protects me.

Then you touch me. It is as if a circular impact goes through my body. ignition!!!! My masculinity jumps towards you and you enclose them with your slim female hands. Your fingertips caress almost touchlessly the most sensitive area of my skin.

I almost turn through. If I don’t do anything, it happened right away. I succeed with great effort to open your pants. You breathe out relieved.

But my hand finds your warm swollen femininity, you sharply draw the air in. I feel how the anticipation begins to run down your legs. And when I perceive this pre -female fragrance, the last rest of my control says goodbye. I jahale with desire and the loud goes into a wild crumbling over.

You look me in the eye and I recognize a sparkle. “Friest me with skin and hair before I do it.“In seconds we freed ourselves from the rest of our heavy leather. I pack you and lift you up. You surround my hip with your legs.

So pushed together I wear you suddenly a few steps to a place where the grass was blown down. Your hands merge into my hair. I put us gently in the grass. You roll on your back, beam at me and open yourself.

Your gaze flickers desirable, vulnerable, female. Your sight is incredibly beautiful. I just can’t wait you.

Your fingers stretch towards me when I come to you. We touch at a thousand points at the same time.

Your wet hands on my chest. Your warm belly. Your hard breasts. The pressure of your open thighs.

Our lips meet and you wake up the predator when something very hard and something very soft meet at our center. We squeeze together. Electrifying Do you pull your fingernails over my flanks. I flinch off in front.

Your hands drive my back to my buttocks and start to press my hip on you. You give me to understand that you are ready.

I raise my upper body to relieve you and to strengthen the pressure of our passion. We look deep into our eyes. Then the top suddenly finds my masculinity the gate to you.

It feels incredibly warm, soft, damp and tight when I penetrate wildly and passionately and at the same time lovingly carefully into you. We both cost this first movement into each other with every fiber. Discover the first. From the deepest throat, both of us are groaning that has slumbered an eternity there.

Your bright female urlaut mixes with my voice to an indescribable tone of love. Every millimeter is purest, intense feeling. You take me into yourself. I feel how I fill you more and more.

Your eyes are torn open and your mouth opened. We hold our breath. Hold the time. The moment lasts forever and yet is far too short.

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