Dirty vacation with two friends | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Honey I have a new project and unfortunately I can’t do one at the moment Vacation make you very disappointed. Oh yes that is a shame, I was looking forward to it so much. On vacation or maybe a similar experience as last year, I smiled at you. We had one with 2 guys horny experience. The phone rang there. It was one of your friends and it turned out that her husband had the same problem, he too couldn’t go on vacation with her.

They had a nice holiday home in the south of France and she had spoken to you a few times whether you didn’t want to go there with her. I listened to the conversation and just said ok, that’s great. You are welcome to drive with her. 14 days had already been agreed and it should also start at short notice. At night I raved to you again the beach history and encouraged you if there was an opportunity to do it, but I would be happy if you tell me then.

But that was also clear to both of us!We have no secrets and we go to a small club from time to time, act as if we don’t know each other and mostly you then had a couple or one or two guys with whom you had fun and I secretly watched. That turned me on and then we had super horny sex. So your vacation trip went to the south of France with your girlfriend. Super great weather, violently warm and the sea, wonderful.

On the first evening there was a nice WhatsApp: miss you, is so great here! Are except for lunchtime at the beach. Lisa has her two sons with her. We have fun! Ok, enjoy it, I wrote back. The day after next came a photo, Wow thought, who are the two – oh they are Lisas sons? I appreciated them on 18-20, top figures, sporty, well-trained and good-looking. The next day a photo came without further text, something edited, only showed the short of one and I thought I recognized what you wanted to tell me.

He seemed quite well built. Ok, I wrote back, have fun! Me, Pia, now take over the story. We were on the beach and romped around. Lisa and I had really very small bikinis. At some point the two guys said that no woman wears a bra, we should also take it off and actually nobody is interested in panties, yes or no. I looked at Lisa questioningly, in front of your sons without a bra without slip? At first it was a little bit of me! We took off well the bra.

Kindly, the two offered their back on me. They almost argued something who should start first. You can both, I said laughing. Ok, very much said one if you can cope with that. I was a bit irritated, the answer was a little ambiguous. Lisa laughed. And the two did it very, very well, very tender, it was more of a stroke, massage than a cream. It was initially limited to the back and legs.

With my thighs I already had the feeling that a finger tried something. So a thumb pushed under my panties and touched my anus. I twitched, he was quickly gone, but I thought I was watching the two looks exchanged. I suspected that they test what is feasible. Lisa didn’t look, so I thought something to play with the two of them opened my thighs something. Shortly afterwards the thumb was back and this time it was pushed over my pussy lips.

I read it, it was very pleasant! Maybe they wanted to be asked to cream at the front, I just wanted to do that or I couldn’t, they turned me on too much, I felt that my panties were already wet. I sat up and slowly cremated my breasts myself, I could see your hot looks. Lisa slept, she has very small but firm breasts, mine are a bit bigger, like rocking and swinging, but are not excessive.

My husband thinks it is the most beautiful! And what about you, I asked quietly and commanded, lie down. Both were willingly on the stomach and I creamed her back. Of course I returned myself and my thumb slid under their short, the thighs were immediately opened and I massaged a little further. The next request. I sat on the brother’s lap, he was lying on my back. Mean, said his Brother.

I splashed some sunscreen on my chest, the two laughed and one said that he sometimes does that sometimes. Again clearly ambiguous, I smiled and rubbed his chest, felt his hard chest muscle. Then I felt that I was on his tail Seats that stood up. Hmmm, I thought, nice feeling and of course I also wanted to annoy the two of them and slide something back and for.

Lisa thought he had to visit the toilet, so I stayed alone with the two and continued to massage the sunscreen. They then thought that it would be time to take off the shorts and my bikini panties because everyone around us also practiced nudist. Ok, I rose, pulled my panties down in front of the two, they stared at my smooth, shaved pussy, of course it could not be avoided that the tail on which I was sitting so far from the short.

I laughed he was lying on his stomach and I put myself back on him again. He was quite long and the glans looked out under my pussy. The acorn was quickly blank, the foreskin pulled out. In the meantime I was a bit turned and would have loved to have the cock in me, but from Lisa’s son? I slid from him and he quickly turned on his stomach, not without having exchanged looks with his brother.

Lisa came back, had her panties in his hand too. So the day passed very nicely. In the evening I was still sitting with Lisa with a glass of wine, the two had gone to the local disco when Lisa said that you, pia, I have to tell you something. I would like to visit someone here. We already know each other for some time, we would like to meet us when my husband was not there. Would it be a problem for you if I leave you alone and you tell my sons that I drove to a friend.

He’s so great and I enjoyed sex with him. Can that remain our secret? Hey, hey, I said, an amorous adventure and laughed? Everything ok, I don’t tell anyone anything! She smiled in a variety of ways, we have very horny sex if you mean that and I just need some variety from my husband. Can you understand this?I can understand you well, nor did I want to tell Lisa about Ennos and my adventures together.

Ok, she jumped up happily and drove off by car. It was already late in the night when I woke up from a noise. It was very dark in the room, I could only tell shades that a young man came into my room. I stood asleep, he stood in front of my bed and looked at me, I lay naked on the bed, it was so warm. I had opened my legs slightly and watched it.

He only had a towel around his hips, read it down and in the moonlight I could see a violent erection. He massaged him carefully and looked at me. I suspected that it is one of Lisa’s sons. It started to watch him masturbate and I must have moaned because he was startled by something, paused and looked. Slowly but surely got me a little lust. I’ve had no sex for a week now and I wanted him! So I had my hand painted over my stomach, then over my breasts, massaged and pressed it slowly and carefully then my hand drove to my pussy, opened the thighs a little further.

Oha I was startled, she was completely wet! He watched and massaged his cock further. I opened my thighs even more and let my hand slide over my wet pussy lips. He became braver and came to my bed, then knelt in front of the bed and leaned to my pussy. Carefully his hands on my knees continue on the delicate inside of my thighs and he leaned forward and carefully pressed my legs up and apart and finally his lips touched mine down there.

His nimble tongue stroked my pussy and my buttons, I had to moan violently again, but he continued and he did it so well. It would not have taken a location and I would have come if he hadn’t put on and kneeled on the bed., began to suck him.

She was nice and thick. I hoped to feel her soon in me. His fingers took care of my wet pussy. His cock smelled slightly of sperm, very horny, I thought. He shrugged and groaned, I pushed his foreskin far back, the glans became even plump. Oh man I thought he was so young and such a great cock. I continued with my wind skills. So far, every type has meant that I can do that particularly well.

So he had all the trouble, twitched and withdrawn him around him to push him back into my mouth. Yes he fucked my mouth and I enjoyed it. Laying yourself there I meant quietly and knelt next to him, then between his legs and continued to massage his little eggs with the other. Please blow him, that’s so horny he said hoarse. I didn’t let it take it and I made a special effort to spoil this wonderful glans and the trunk.

He could hardly stand it when I roamed his foreskin and then put his glans into his mouth, he groaned and twitched. I sucked and sucked, it was so much fun, I felt and tasted its precum, there was a lot and it tasted. I also wanted to feel him so I slide up to him, took his hard cock and led him to my pussy, let me slowly down on him. Wonderful the thick plump acorn had trouble penetrating me how cool.

I let myself down deeply and then slowly started riding him. He kneaded my breasts and sucked and kissed my hard nipples. I was so wet, slid up and down slightly on his thick cock, I fucked and kissed him! If you like to fuck me doggy, I asked him softly. Yes, he breathed and I slid down from him, he knelt behind me, looked at my horny butt briefly and then led his thick glans to my pussy, pressed her into me and started to fuck me deep.

He held onto my hips and varied skilful the pace. Oh it was horny, his cock felt so good, I thought briefly where the difference to my husband is. I must have whimpered something because he paused briefly, leaned to me and asked quietly if everything was good. Yes, it was very good! As if he suspected something, he started to fuck hard into me, oh please, I thought, not come so quickly, that’s so good.

He was probably close in front of it, suddenly kept silent to slowly pull him out very slowly to push deep into me again. I couldn’t otherwise groan violently. Then he pulled it out and pressed the plump glans through my tight pussy, sometimes to my anus, where could he get that from. Turn around, he said, and pressed my thighs far to the breasts she opened and pressed the glans back to my pussy, then slowly inside.

So good, I groaned. He became more violent and I suspected that he was coming, yes I fired him, come fuck me with your great cock you do it so well. Then he pulled it out and splashed a violent load of warm sperm over my stomach on the breasts and even a splash in my face, I laughed, sat up, his cock was still like one and I banged to slip tenderly.

Hmm, it took it to me, his sperm tasted so good. He was now very sensitive, only carefully I could edit him with my lips and get the last one out of it. He felt so good, just got a little softer, but it was so big and difficult I wanted more, I wanted to be fucked by him again. Suddenly his brother stood next to us. Wow, he too had a hard, big cock, I immediately reached, brought him to the bed and started blowing him.

He groaned immediately, oh man is horny, you do it so well, yes, please don’t stop going on. It was so much fun for me, I massaged him with my hand with the other below his shaft, the foreskin pushed far back so that he was even plump, how cool that was here, I thought I thought. I completely forgot that it is Lisa’s sons with whom I fuck here. He groaned and withdrawn my mouth and then came closer again.

I don’t want to come yet, he stopped. But I wanted him. Listen otherwise I’ll inject you in your mouth. Yes, come, do it, it came from me with a full mouth and I felt how it slowly swell out of it and then suddenly injected violently into my mouth. I let him out and he splashed my face, so much, it ran down on the chin and dripped onto my breasts. He groaned ah, oh, yes, do it, continue, then he pulled it back slowly.

I felt his brother behind me, his cock was completely hard again and big he just laid me forward and pushed him between my pussy lips to fuck me violently. Yes, yes, come on do, fuck me really hard, I got a little loud. It was so good, violent, deep, my wet pussy read it in and slipped out and the plump glans was awesome. He fucked violently but so well, I said, let yourself go, I want to ride him.

He did it immediately and I sat on him, kissed him violently with my sperm and then his brother came too he kissed me,. If you want me too, he asked how I could have said no, I thought he wants me to blow him, no, he knelt behind me, pressed my upper body on his brother and I felt a finger on my anus. Oh man, I thought of his thick plump glans, when he was already pressing her against my anus, I had to relax very much to let him in.

That was for me the first time, I have never had 2 cocks at the same time! But he was still so wet from his sperm that he could easily push him into me and then both fucked me. I was probably quite loud, because one held my hand on my mouth and I could only moan loudly, how good it was, a mistake and I came, had a very great orgasm, shaken and shook me and snapped for air.

Then I felt how both sprayed in me, oh how horny, I just thought and could hardly calm myself down! Now her cocks sagged and slipped out of me, along with lots of sperm. We stayed deeply on the bed and fell asleep. In the morning we heard Lisa calling breakfast, I was startled, I was between the two. They both had a violent morning slat, I am enjoyed myself. Both kissed me very much, thanks for the great night, we hope that we can do it again.

Bad but I just meant, very much! I kissed her beautiful acorns briefly and quickly went to shower. My pussy and my butt were full of dried sperm, I would like to have it quickly to a quickie under the shower seduced. Lisa beamed at the breakfast table. Well, I hope it was as good as with me! You were loud enough. I felt how I got red. Everything was well meant, dear you than any one! Now we have common secrets.

I didn’t want to tell her that I tell my husband!.

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