Blond angel | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello everyone. This story is pure imagination.

It was on Altweiberdonnerstag. I was on a carnival party in the city center with friends.

In the meantime it was already 10 p.m. when I decided to leave the party and go to the disco. I heard a quiet whimpered halfway. I stopped and tried to find out exactly which direction the whimper came. In a dark entrance to the yard, I saw a girl sitting on the floor.

I went closer and asked: “Hello can I maybe help you” she looked at me and said crying: “No. I want to be alone!“So I turned around and started. Maybe only 100 meters further I heard the girl’s voice from behind: “Hello you there! Wait a minute. You can help me after all!“I stopped and waited.

I appear to be the street lamp I could now see them better. She was about. 1.65 m tall, long blonde hair and was as Angel disguised. “What can I help you angel what?“She said:“ I actually wanted to go to the disco.

But I don’t want to. I just got my friend with another caught. Maybe you feel like it?“I didn’t think long and said because I was on the way there myself. On the way we talked and I learned a lot about them.

I learned that she just turned 18.

As Sandra and me at the disco When we got to the counter we got something at the counter. Then we mixed under the people on the dance floor. The DJ knew exactly how he heated up everyone.

Around 3 a.m. it got a little empty. The DJ already put on a brisk dance music to keep the lasts happy. When I danced with Sandra on a slow song she puts her head on my shoulder. I pressed her tightly and felt her wonderful breasts that came into their own in her angel’s scene.

In my pants my friend started to straighten up. She had to have noticed this, she looked at me and smiled. Shortly afterwards she nibbled slightly on my ear. Oh God I thought.

She found my most sensitive place. I was getting closer to my pants. She looked at me deeply our mouths came closer and closer. Then we sank into a layer of intensive tongue kiss.

Our tongues danced wildly. In the meantime it was 5 a.m. and decided to leave the disco.

I decided to accompany her home. (After all, I didn’t want to go through the city alone in the middle of the night. You never know)

Arm in arm on the way to her we passed the courtyard entrance in which she had been sitting a few hours ago.

She stopped and said: “This is the farm where our fate meant well with us. Here we have ourselves the first time seen.“We sank back in a long kiss. After another 600 meters we arrived at her home!

We stopped at the front door and wanted to say goodbye when the front door suddenly opened and hers Mother stood in the door. “Good morning you two.

I really heard.“I gave Sandra another kiss and turned around. When she grabbed me by the hand and pulled me towards the front door: she introduces me directly to her mother. Which then asked me in. We all sat together in the kitchen and drank coffee.

Sandra’s mother told us that she had seen the “ex friend in the city when he had driven it with another. So she could also imagine that Sandra was alone. So she would have remained to wait for her daughter. Genes half of 7 I wanted to say goodbye to get to bed.

Sandra’s mother says “You no longer need to go home 1.5 km. You can sleep here.

Sandra and I looked at each other. “Can he at least sleep in my room or does he have to open the couch?“Sandra’s mother says:“ You have to decide that. You are old enough”

Sandra grabs me and pulled me into her room.

I wanted to shower myself briefly and asked where the bathroom was. She opened a door in her room and points to the still dark room. She had her own bathroom. Sandra adjusts me a towel and left the room.

When I was standing in the shower, the door opened and Sandra came in the way God created it. I put the water off and wanted to leave the shower to make her place. She pushed me back the cabin door behind us and turns the water off. We washed each other.

My friend had grown to the full size and rises up. Sandra took some soap in hand and started to pull me. Then she crouched and washed my friend particularly well. She washed the foam, then caught her tongue to spoil my cock.

I felt her lips very clearly. Sandra knew how to get me mad. I couldn’t help but groan. She blew so well that my eggs contracted.

I just wanted to be that I was shortly before the cumshot, so it shot out of me. Sandra swallowed everything that came. After she had licked my cock nicely, I put the water off the cabin door and grabbed a large towel. I wrapped her in, took her on her arms and brought her to bed.

I put them off and started to dry them with light circular movements.

Then I pulled the towel away and could now look at one of her whole beauty. I lie down next to her and began to stroke them all over the body, of course I wanted to reciprocate. I let my tongue hike from her neck down over her breasts between her legs. I spread her legs apart and had her pussy exactly in front of my eyes.

No hair was watching there, her labia shone slightly pink. I looked for her clit with my tongue that I found very quickly. Sandra started to moan they pressed my head down more and more. I licked her until she had the first orgasm.

Then she pulled me up on the head, reached my tail with her right hand and put it in front of her hole. Then I slowly penetrated her. After a few bumps we had found a common rhythm. After approx.

We changed the position for 5 minutes. I was lying on my back and Sandra sat down on my hard tail. Sandra got faster and faster. Your next orgasm was announced.

It was almost that far with me too. After approx. My cock started to twitch for 2 minutes. Sandra grabbed my testicles with slight pressure and massaged.

Then it shot out of me. Sandra also got another orgasm. I heard Sandra’s room door moved into the castle. Sandra’s mother had watched us?

We both snuggled closely and also fell asleep very soon.

When I woke up, Sandra was in front of me. I turned her carefully and gave her a light kiss. Sandra opened my eyes and looked at me. We were still closely wrapped under the covers.

During a long kiss my friend moved again. Sandra comprised my cock around the foreskin slowly. “Well, someone has become completely awake again?” ask her. She started to jerk off my cock.

I escaped her skill and searched with my mouth for her breasts her nipples straightened up directly. Again I wandered down with my tongue down. Sandra turned me on the back and climbed over me. Now we were in the ?” Position.

I licked her pussy and she blew my cock. Shortly before I cum, Sandra got up and pulled me up. She crouched on all four in front of me. I stood on the floor and pulled it back.

I put my cock on her nice wet hole and penetrated. My eggs really clapped their butt. We definitely fucked for 5 minutes. Sandra’s moan grew louder and louder.

I pulled out my cock. To put it back in,. So I did it several times. Sandra, in the meantime, rubbed her clit with one hand.

I now pulled out my cock completely and placed it on her back entrance. I penetrated with slight pressure. Sandra Stühne really loud: Yes, fuck me in the ass. Put your bolt pure yes Jaaaa on.“When I was in there, I started toast.

Sandra screamed with lust. Then she screamed out her orgasm. I also unlocked myself in her.

In this position we fell on the bed on the side and remained something like that.

My cock is still in it in it.

After a good quarter of an hour we got up to shower Sandra went to her brother if he could borrow a boxer shorts and a fresh t-shirt. After we finished we went down into the kitchen. Sandra’s mother had covered the breakfast table there for us.

As we had breakfast, Sandra’s father came in. I stood up to him and my hand and myself. But he already knew. Sandra’s mother also came in and smiled at me.

(She had now watched us?)))

She leaned down to her daughter and whispered something in her ear. Sandra got a high red head. So I thought. She watched us.

Sandra’s mother came down to me and said quiet.

I’m already jealous of my daughter that she has a friend with such a magnificent cock “

I also got a red head.

Continuation desired????

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