Blind date | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Everything was as we had agreed. The room was darkened, the door was based. In the insulated light I could see her lie on the bed. She had connected her eyes, but otherwise she was dressed.

She had chosen a blouse and black trousers. She had pulled out the shoes, I could see the nylon stockings on her feet.

I carefully entered the room. I made a few quiet noises to announce my coming. I didn’t want to scare her.

I could see from her reaction that she noticed me. She swallowed her breath faster. Her chest rose and lowered. She felt the excitement exactly as I felt it.

The room was pleasantly warm, but I now felt damn hot in it. I looked at her as she was lying on the bed. Her full breasts were drawn up under the blouse, their female curves were emphasized by the waist and the pants that were tightened in the hip and thigh area. Her eyes were connected by the silk towel.

As agreed, everything else was ready next to the bed. But I also brought a few surprises for her myself. It should be a long evening.

I carefully sat next to her on the bed and looked at her. “I like that!“, I said quietly to her.

She swallowed. But nothing replied.

It was very exciting. I saw her for the first time. And it would be the last time.

A single meeting, a single evening on which our common lust, our common fantasies would fulfill. Unique in every respect.

My hands drove tenderly along her body. She had guessed the touch, but she winced slightly, but then enjoyed the pats. Her body relaxed, she easily pressed her lips together.

My hands explored their body, drove over the stomach, arms, Legs, stroked her neck, her hair. I missed her breasts and genital area to increase your desire to increase. To touch them right there, give in to the whole desire, that would be too fast.

I buttoned her blouse, put her aside, she pulled out her arms. Now she was lying on the blouse under which a black one bra came to light.

A light goosebumps could be seen on her skin. Slowly I lowered my head and kissed her bare belly. Then I opened the button and zipper of her pants. She stretched her hips towards me that I could pull my pants away under her buttocks.

I only consider whether I should take off your panties right away, but I decided against it. When I pulled my pants away from her, my hands drove over her bare, warm, soft buttocks. She was wearing a string. A suitable black string to the bra.

Also holdless, black nylon stockings.

It was a very exciting sight of how they were in front of me in black underwear, stockings and with the black silk towel. Once again my hands drove over her body, stroked naked skin and also drove very, very gentle and superficial over the top fabric of her string top. The touch aroused her, she breathed in audibly, her body tensioned slightly. When my hand then took suddenly in her crotch, she groaned with pleasure, put on the legs and together, closed my hand with her thighs and pressed it firmly.

I felt that she was very excited. It was hot and I could feel it through the slip that she was damp.

I grabbed her ankles, pushed them back so that their legs were bent. “Stay the way you are!“I ordered her and she included her back of her knees with her hands. Your intimate area is still covered by the string, but the fabric was transparent.

It was completely smooth shaved. Below, where the fabric went into the string, she was anus easy to recognize. The sight excited me. The thought that she was now exposed and was lying in front of me, I could touch her, could look at her and would play with her right away.

And that she would enjoy it.

Slowly I pushed the string to the side. I could see her wet column. So moist that it was now out of it and the Poritze ran behind. My hand drove over her bottom, slowly towards the poreates.

Then tenderly up with one finger, the moisture is absorbing and gently massaging the anus. It felt great to touch her there and she groaned under the touch. I reached into my pocket, got a little plug, moistened it with a little lubricant and then carefully introduced it. Do not push straight in, but first that she could get used to it, then a little further.

I saw the twitching of her sphincter when I pulled the plug out again, how he relaxed again and then after the sixth time or seventh, he gently penetrated it into her. Again she groaned.

It would be a very, very long and intensive night. I looked at the toy next to me. Vibrators, dildos, plugs, brackets, clamps, chains, love balls, ball chains, ropes, chains, joint cuffs, but also whip, Whip and paddle.

But first I wanted to enjoy their excitement.

I sat down at the bed, where her legs were still lying, which she had still bent. I stroked her thighs, slowly drove down on them, my hands slid over their buttocks, down to the string. She felt my intention, lifted her pelvis again and I was able to slowly pull the string up, over her thighs to my knees. He stayed there for the first time while I enjoyed the sight of her nicely shaved pussy.

Slowly my head approached, I kissed the inside of her thigh, slowly moved deeper, felt how the idea of what would come now, she was excited, let her open and then I lowered my lips on theirs. Touched them tenderly. My tongue slowly drove between her, it cost it. Slowly I moved my tongue up in the column, I enjoyed it until I got to her clit.

My lips slowly closed around her, my tongue started to slowly circle, to caress. The next few minutes I lost myself to play with my pussy with my tongue, lips and mouth long and extensively. To excite her until I felt that she was shortly before a climax. Slowing my game to increase your lust again until at some point the game in a loud groan and twitching of your body unlocked to an incredible climax.

I couldn’t help but a satisfied smile! “That was too fast!”I told her.

“How?“, It came as a surprise and breathless of her. “Turn around!“As her ment, she did, turned on her stomach. I opened your bra, now pulled blouse and bra under your way and also the string that was still hanging between my knees. “High on all four with you!“Again, she will be willing.

I could see her now completely wet pussy. I attached cuffs to your hand and ankles. Then I took her wrists and attached them to the ankles. Her butt was out of it, her head was lying on the bed and she was totally defenseless.

My hand gently stroked her bottom, then clapped down on the buttocks.

“Au!“Delicately did it. “You know what that is for?” I asked. “No!“Again my hand clapped on her buttocks! The place was reduced slightly. My hand drove down again.

She groaned. I knew that this light pleasure pain and this exposed position and her defenselessness would only increase your lust. A few more times. I saw how much she was excited.

How your juice ran down on the inside of the thighs. When my hand surprisingly did not punish her, but two of my fingers gently penetrated her, she willingly pressed her buttocks to take up my fingers and groaned with pleasure. It felt incredible. She was very moist, very hot and my fingers to know in her most intimate place, the sight of how to bury into her between her labia, that also made me incredible pleasure.

I could now see the little plug in her butt very well! The thought that I would pull him out soon and instead … but first I devoted myself to her pussy again. Two fingers could easily penetrate them. Three were no problem after a short time.

At four Finger I felt how tight she was. I decided to remove the plug to just be able to enjoy everything. When this was out, my four fingers could almost fully penetrate them. She turned under me with lust for everyone to penetrate.

My fingers stimulated them, moved in her and her moans motivated me to continue. After a few minutes she was incredibly moist and ready for the next step. I pulled my fingers out of her, drove my hand over her now very wet pussy, also moistened the back of the hand and thumb. Then I penetrated them again with four fingers.

This time to the place where the thumb starts. Moved my hand slowly in her, she stretched a little further. I felt her lust, her excitement, her desire for more. I pulled my hand back a little, put on my thumb and slowly pushed my hand forward.

It got tight, but the “Oh yes!“What her lips did showed me that she wanted more and was more ready for more. Slowly my thumb also disappeared into it. Due to slight movements of the thumb and my hand, I slowly pushed myself deeper into it, felt how the narrow place at the entrance of her pussy slowly pushed over my back of my hand. Keep.

When I heard the long -drawn “Ohhhhh” from her mouth, I felt how my hand was now completely in her, her pussy slowly closed around my wrist and I felt how tight and excited in my whole hand. It only needed a little movement from me in her and she came with a loud gas. I felt the contractions, their movements of hips and buttocks, the intensity with which the orgasm rolled it over. After what felt like eternity, she slowly relaxed again, her hand still in her.

I kept silent, granted her a breath and also enjoyed the sight.

When I slowly started moving my hand after a few minutes, she realized that she was still in her. A surprised, lustful moan escaped her. I couldn’t move my hand into her much because it was very tight. But every movement stimulated everything in it, with an incredible intensity.

It didn’t take long and another climax was announced. In order not to overwhelm her right away, I pulled my hand out of her. The pull out then brought her to orgasm again, she groaned, breathed violently, walled up.

I allowed her that? I looked at her, looked at the toy and my look fell on the whip. Still breathless and therefore completely willless, I took her, turned her on the side first, then on the back.

Her wrists were still on the ankles tied up. I do not know if she could see how I attached the spreading rod between the ankles, but when the whip touched on the inside of her thigh with a slight blow, I had her full attention again. With a clearly audible hiss, she breathed in. She didn’t want to give the nakedness of a small rash.

The blow with the whip was not hard, the pain was bearable, but also due to the intensity of the previous experience and the surprise moment an abrupt change.

I saw her tense her body in anticipation of a next blow. The common on the whip is that you can use it so targeted and well -dosed. From light pats to very painful blow. She didn’t know what would come now.

What the next goal would be. How intense the pain would be. Her breath went quickly, her muscles were tense. My gaze wandered over her body.

On the thigh, the previous goal emerged in a slight reddening that would soon pass again. Your pussy was still very wet. My eyes fell on her breasts. No, one blow to it is out of the question now.

The position is too difficult for that I could meet and it could dose well. But her breasts were beautiful. Full, feminine, soft. Her nipple had become tough, had set up.

I liked that. But I would take care of that right away.

My next blow landed very gently, but specifically on the Venus hill just over her clit. He didn’t hurt, but the clapping of the whip and the surprising choice of the goal let them flinch and groan. The twitch ensured that even more juice ran out of her pussy.

A very cool sight. Again I became my incredible erection consciously. She was almost painful. And not only that.

The previous actions also left traces for me, through the underpants and trousers, a dark stain also emerged on my pants. It was time for me to get rid of my clothes. Not only because it seemed very hot in the room.

The next blow with the whip on your right buttocks in classic backhand as a right -handed man should be the last one should be the last one. I took off.

My gaze wandered over her body. I had already taken care of her pussy. Her narrow anus was very tempting in the position below the Pussy with the legs that were broken and spread above. In addition, some of her juice had accumulated in the Poritze and the plug had already gently prepared her.

But also her mouth, which was slightly open and through which she breathed clearly audible, turned on her right side, above it, the black cloth as a blindfold was very seductive. But why decide in between when you can have both. Not at the same time, but but in a row.

I stepped at the head end of the bed, gently lifted it on the neck and turned it to the left by 90 degrees. Her head was now on the side of the bed.

When she leaned back, her neck was slightly overwear. And she suspected exactly what I was going to do. As expectant and seductive, she drove her tongue over her lips. I looked down at her.

The legs are still bent, the wrists tied to the ankles, the legs spread through the spreading bar. My erection was incredible. I felt the pulsation of the blood in mine tail. The tip of the glans shone wet, because I too ran out.

Slowly I lowered the tip of my cock on her mouth.

Her tip of the tongue was the first thing that touched the underside of my glans. She drove around slowly. A silk thread was spanned between her tip of the tongue and my glans when they no longer touched. She opened her mouth and I pushed the entire acorn that she greedily absorbed and the lips closed around the tip.

I felt her tongue that stimulates my cock tip, drove around her and leaned back my head and enjoyed it. She stretched her head, tried to get more of me in her mouth and I knew what she wanted. We had exchanged long and extensively in advance about our preferences. And even if there was no script for the evening, it was always clear to me that I would not miss the following now.

She continued to lower her head, I could see her chin and neck well.

Slowly I moved my cock deeper into her mouth. She continued to open her mouth and he was now almost half of it in her. I felt the first resistance, slowly pulled it back. Her mouth wrapped him up, her tongue pressed on him and stimulated him during the movement.

The next penalty I lingered in her a little longer. Slowly she got used to the fact that my cock always penetrated a little deeper. I felt her lust and greed that I would finally go on. And then at some point I just pushed him on.

I felt the resistance and how he dissolved. The tightness in her when I penetrated into her mouth. The indescribable feeling when my cock now completely disappeared into her mouth. It was clear to me that I couldn’t savor this feeling for long, so I pulled it back.

Completely. A moan escaped her when I pulled him out completely. Her breath was harder. But I could also see the mischievous smile in her corners of the mouth because she knew how intensely it felt for me too.

I briefly put my cock tip in her mouth, which she greedily pondered again. She pulled out again and then slowly penetrated to the stop. The feeling, this intensity and your lust, almost brought me to the climax. I almost had the temptation to completely unload myself in her mouth.

I knew that she wouldn’t mind. That she was even willing and greedy to record everything. I thought about a moment.

It was clear to me that my highlight would be very intense after this previous prelude. That I would also need a recovery afterwards.

At the same time, I thought of the temptations that were waiting for me on the other side of the bed. But with the idea of how I would slowly push my cock into her tight bottom, it was clear to me that it would be very quick. So I gave myself the temptation, pushed my cock deep into her lustful mouth for the last time, enjoyed the tightness, felt the pulsation in me, how the climax was on, pulled it back and sprayed everything into her open mouth. All the desire and tension were discharged in several batches.

I groaned, she tried to catch everything in her mouth, but due to the intensity also in me, twitching that drove through my body was out of the question. It sprayed out of me, on her chin, her tongue, on her breasts. It was amazing. The last white drops ran out of the lace of the shiny glans and fell into their open mouth.

She closed him and it was gone. You kissed the tip of my glans from below.

A satisfied smile played around her mouth. Created and satisfied by this incredible orgasm also gave way to the tension from my body. I gently stroked her hair, her cheek, her neck and looked at her.

She nestled her head by my hand, enjoyed the touch and tenderness that we both deserved after this intense start.

I stroked her for a few more minutes until my view of her breasts fell. These beautiful, full breasts with the promising nipples. My hand slid down on her neck while stroking. To the breast approach.

She too felt the rising pleasure again. A slight goosebumps came over when my touches became a little more intense and moved noticeably further down. A cozy hmmm escapes her lips. The goosebumps continued to ensure that their nipples were upset.

With my fingers I drove over her chest up to the nipples. She circled tenderly with her fingers, she touched slightly. She groaned. My hands laid out completely on their breasts.

They felt warm, soft and beautiful. I massaged slightly, while their nipples slowly slid back and forth between the index finger and middle finger and they were gently stroked and complained by both fingers.

The temptation was too great. I lower my head to her chest, first gently kissed a few places around the center before my mouth lowered over this beautifully placed nipple. My lips closed gently, my tongue slid around on the side, over them over them, enjoyed the hardness with which they opposed my tongue.

Slowly I started sucking them. She enjoyed the touch, she groaned. My second round had started.

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