A willing slave | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I still remember the first time when I met you. How casual you were at the bar, a glass of whiskey in your hand in which you rings the ice cubes. There were a few other gentlemen around you, but at the moment our eyes met … it had happened to me. You indicate to me with a slight head movement that you want me to have me.

How remote controllered I brew my way through the guests until I stand right in front of you. And then your voice. It still runs cold across my back today, and every time I hear it. This kind of voice had something incredible, warm, and at the same time exciting. I had assessed you around 40 and almost 18 years older than I myself with my then 32 years. “Hello beautiful lady” you said and patterned me from top to bottom.

It almost seemed to me as if you were putting me off with your dark eyes. In any case, I can’t do anything about the fact that my nipples under my wafer -thin blouse and press vigorously against the fabric. I am almost embarrassed. But it seems to you like it. You order two glasses of sparkling wine with your warm strong voice from the bartender. I just want to note that I don’t want alcohol. But you just lift the index finger and say “silence!“I am not able to answer something and … just hold my mouth.

My heart insists like wild, my breath is more violent from second to second. I feel my pulses on my carotid artery so strong that I am afraid that it could burst! But you only put your index finger just raised on my lips and offer me the bar stool right next to you, on which I will also settle down right away. The sparkling wine comes and you put a glass in my hand, take the other yourself.

We will briefly join in, then we both sip it at the same time. Immediately afterwards you take the glass back and put it next to yours on the counter. And then … If you touch me on my thigh with your hand, put it down below my skirt hem that lies a good 15 cm above my knee. I have to inhale deeply and stop the air. Then your hand is hiking with a wafer -like pressure between my knees. A short twitch of your hand … and I willingly open my thighs a lot.

But that’s not enough for you yet. So now I also feel your other hand as it lies on the inside of my other knee and you use both hands to continue spreading my legs. “You will never close your thighs when we are together. Never! Remember the “You breathe into my right ear, to which you bent away from my thighs after taking your hands away. And what do I do stupid turkey? I whisper to you two words that have changed my life … “Yes Lord”.

I’m there that I say about something like that about a stranger? Really now? Or who is that? I have no idea, in my head the thoughts rock rock’n roll. You stand up, stand behind me and comprise my hips. The pressure gets stronger and you simply turn me a quarter of the bar on the bar stool to the right. Then you sit down again. And since, as you let me know without big words, my thighs have opened very far to my circumstances you can see the edge of my own black stockings.

“Slide the skirt a bit higher, woman” you say audibly also for the bystanding guests, mostly men. But I hesitate. “Will it soon be?“Your voice sounds vigorous. The reason for my hesitation is … that I don’t wear a slip under my skirt! May I just show this strange man my little sweet pussy?? “I’m waiting …” you say vigorously. With trembling fingers, I push the skirt hem another 5 cm up. Would you crouch in front of me now … you could see everything.

But you stay seated. Very quiet, felt like a whole minute. Then I hear your voice again. “Get up, lift your skirt very high and sit on your stool with your bare butt. Immediately!“Again I hesitate, I just want to say something that I would not do that now, when you put me on both hands and pull me down from the stool. How you let go of me again says “You can choose.

Either you are now lifting your skirt very high … or I pull it out completely!“For heaven’s sake, I think with myself. Take off the skirt? Here? So that everyone can see me naked at the bottom?? Never!!! What am I to do?? The “reason” wins and I raise my skirt up. Slow and hesitant. Before the men around us can see my bare butt, I quickly sit on the stool again. As I sit on it again, I let the skirt down a bit.

You contract your eyebrows, but do not say anything, and wait and see what I would do next. I fight with myself … then, after definitely half a minute, I surrender and raise the skirt very high. I will never forget to sparkle in your eyes, as I will show you my bare pussy in front of you! I sit in front of you with wide thighs, my back upright and my tits pressed forward. I feel an overwhelming pride, my breath is quick.

And you? Your eyes literally stick to my Blessed Sacrament! Felt like 5 minutes long! It was just 2, as you will tell me later. You hand me my champagne glass and I take a big sip out of it. You just sip on yours. With the other hand I keep my skirt high so that you can look at everything unhindered. I notice how the cunt juice swells out to me and droplets on my thighs are formed.

I run out! No wonder, I’m already on 180 anyway! Would you touch me there now … I would get an orgasm on the spot!You mean to me with a slowly lowering hand that I should let my skirt fall down again. On the one hand I am glad that you will allow me that. On the other hand, if you asked me now, I would move out my skirt myself! I feel a great desire to show you naked.

But you probably don’t want that at that moment … not yet. We continue to drink our sparkling wine, my glass will soon be empty. On a hint towards bartender, the second glass of the sparkling drink brings. You prostate to me again and this second glass will soon be emptied … I feel that alcohol somehow makes me flush. You still have something in your first glass. “Stand up and turn your back to me” I hear you whisper in my right ear.

Without hesitation, I rose, straighten my skirt and turn my back to you. Your mouth is still very close to my ear and I hear you breathe. Breathe out!! Why are you so calm? I don’t like you about? Or did I do something wrong? In me everything goes haywire over how I can feel your right hand, or rather, or rather one of your fingers in my neck and you slowly, slowly slide it between my shoulder blades until about the middle of my back.

As if you hadn’t noticed for a long time that I don’t wear a bra!! No, you also have to feel it, because there is nothing that would be in your way!The crop of your finger is now pressing more on my blouse, my skin. I follow the pressure and … lean forward with my upper body. You still press the same place, seconds later my chest is on the seat of my bar stool.

Only then do you take your finger away there. Why didn’t you tell me that I should bend over the stool? The way I am on it at the moment, I would have done it voluntarily. Knowing what would come next!But you enjoy having brought me into this absolutely unusual position without words only with a single finger. “Good girl” I hear you say quietly. I stay motionless over the stool, my arms hang on the side.

Due to the brevity of my skirt and my position, you can surely see the end of my ownerless. But I do not care. Just like what you ask next to me. “Fold your skirt up now and present me your horny ass” I hear you say. I thought it was worse finger you! But as I said, the whole situation and certainly the two glasses of sparkling wine that are unusual for me make me hesitate very briefly.

My hands are already on the way to my skirt hem. As soon as they have reached it, there … I ventilate my skirt and stretch my bare butt. My cunt juice shoots out of me and runs my thighs down. You push a foot between my high -heeled shoes and push both apart with alternating movements. Very far apart. I am completely open to you now my gentleman! I long, although everyone can see me so humiliating and almost naked here, to feel your hands on me.

And then … it is finally so far! You stroke me with a flat hand over my crunchy buttocks. This one touch is completely sufficient, and I start moaning, slowly move my magnificent car back and forth. Oh you would finally touch me on my pussy! On the spot I would roar my lust out!Instead, you take up, crouch in front of my bare butt and let your two hands from my ankles starting over the inside of my calves, gliding up my thigh.

I almost ceiling the closer you get your obvious goal. You play the end of my owners with your fingers before your fingers move upwards. To … to the place where the leg ends. You are now only a few centimeters away from my cunt, but stay there for a moment. Before … let your fingers hike back the same way back! My movements get out of control, just like my brain! Because I, the actually more reserved woman in the prime heard hear myself “I plead you, Lord, finally touch me, let me feel your hands … I hunt you!“It is very quiet around us, my greedy gasp is the only thing you and everyone else can hear.

“Just as you want, slave” you say. I have to admit that I would not have expected it to. With that you call me a slave in public! Me! The tough woman! And then … may I finally feel your hands on me! But not really as I hoped! Because instead of pulling your fingers through my gossip wet cunt and bringing me to the most intense highlight of all time … you just hit me with the flat hand on my two ass cheeks! How automatically I lift my head and back, just want to roar, because you press me down again and miss the other buttocks three more, felt a little harder blows.

In order to prevent my again, you press me down with one hand vigorously. Now just don’t get rid of it, I think with myself. You just want that. You want to hear me roar!But I only have it, if even stronger than before. My two ass cheeks burn and your handprints can be clearly seen there! I can’t remember ever getting blows on my arm butt. Not even as a child! Another time it claps … significantly less strong, but noticeable.

And this time you leave your hand where you have hit me … directly between my thighs on my bare and of course smooth shaved cunt! It takes less than three seconds until the movements of your fingers down there on my pussy on my pussy, despite the pressure on my back pressure on your other hand, a little bit up and … in a pointed, loud and long -lasting outcry of my lust and I run wildget the so hoped for orgasm.

Your hand is still on my dripping wet cunt, your fingers still move … and I … snare out my second climax uninhibited my second climax. I still feel your fingers down there. But I started to “mercy.. Please do not go on..“Immediately you pull your hand away from my pleasure center. Grip my hand into my blonde fluffy mane with my other hand and crush me from the stool and immediately crouched. Should I possibly suck your cock here and here?? If you had said it, I would have done it on the spot.

But you hold the fingers slippery from my pussy juice in front of my lips and ask me to be “mouth, licking!” What the hell.. Then humiliate me and force me to slip your fingers. I don’t care now! So I open my lips and let your greasy fingers slide into my mouth. I have never done anything like this before! And certainly not in front of foreign guys! But what can I say … it is an uplifting feeling to suck my own juice from your fingers! At that moment there is nothing that could better express my pride than to make my beloved gentleman clean.

Oh god, what does that have to be when I unlock your cock! Oh my Lord, would you finally take me, fuck me, bump into all my holes and I should show you my submission by being able to clean your pleasure in the pleasure afterwards ..!”Your hand is now freshly cleaned, Lord” I still say crouching up to you up to you. You take my hand and help me to get up again.

You look deep into my eyes and say “well done, slave”. Such praise for me, your slave, hearing from you makes me infinitely proud. Your right hand, which I have just licked, buries in my hair on the back of my hair and you pull my head backwards. In the next moment my senses disappear and my knees become soft. Because now, Lord, you put your lips on mine and kiss me.

What do I say, kiss … you push your tongue into my mouth and let her fight out true fights with my tongue. I hardly have the opportunity to breathe. It’s like doing something like waterboarding with me. With the intensity with which you kiss me, I get dizzy and my knees sack away. But you hold me tight and just kept continuing. As we then loosen from each other after an eternity, I’m completely finished and snap for air like a little fish.

“Here, drink what” you say in almost caring voice and hand me my third glass of sparkling wine, which I, as if I drink water. The alcohol can now be felt very clearly for me. But it is a pleasant feeling from great warmth that floods me. “Please Lord, would you sit on your stool again now? Your slave is then to give yourself completely..“I’ll go to you and you take a seat.

Almost overwhelmed I speak the bartender quietly and ask him if he could have “you can leave your has on”. But you only get this with how the grinning man presses on Play at the bar and sound the first tones of my desired song. As all other guests, you suddenly realize what would come now. This song is the song when it comes to making a hot striptease.

And that’s exactly how it comes from me. With slow movements, again and again over your hands and your face, I open the button for my blouse button, but let the last one still. Then I bend back to you with my back and let my hands hike up on my legs and then take off my shoes one after the other and take off my own stockings. Accompanied by the joy of the other guests. Standing upright again I turn to face to face and open the last button on my blouse.

How I then let them slide over my shoulders, I put both hands on my breasts and cover them like this. I ask the gentleman right next to us to open the zip of my skirt behind me and pull it down in tiny little steps until my smooth shaved venus hill appears. At that moment I take a step forward so that my little helper no longer touches me.

In one go my skirt falls to the ground and I get out. I stand right in front of you, look into your eyes and spread my legs a bit. Only then do I take my hands off my breasts and put them on my neck with a protruded elbow and fold them there. Applause updates, it is cheered and whistled. “Lord, your slave belongs to you now. Only for you I have put everything I wear today and am now absolutely naked for you.

Do what you want with me … I want to belong to you “. After these words, I kneel in front of you, bend my upper body forward and spread my arms. My right cheek touches the floor, my bare ass is slightly sublime. You and all the other men and the few women here remain in silence and look at me with relish in this submissive position. For minutes. I kept my eyes closed all the time, my other senses, which also includes my skin, are wide awake.

A shower runs over my back and I get goose bumps everywhere, as you can stroke me with a fingertips from the neck down over my back. How to guide your finger into my poreates … and then just press it into my little asshole without a long time. Only one centimeter. You can hardly describe what that does with me at the moment, beloved gentleman. I raise my butt a little more in the hope that you may let your finger penetrate me deeper into me.

I suck breathing air deep into myself, hold it in me for a moment and press it out with a pleasant moaning again. Each of my skin pores is wide open, I feel the cold stone floor of the club on my nipples, my breasts. “Stand up now, slave, your Lord wants to look at you in peace and quiet,” you say and help me get up. Then you lift me on the bar stool and push my upper body back until the edge of the counter touches my back.

You lead my arms under the stool and then press my thighs apart with both hands. I am now naked in front of you in front of all eyes and give your eyes to every centimeter of my body. I just don’t notice everyone else around us in this second. I am yours, Lord. Completely yours. I will fall into a kind of trance for the next for a good five minutes. Do not see anything, even though my eyes are open at first.

Do not hear anything, although many people might murmur around us. But … I feel!!! And everything, every little touch of my bare body, floods me with an unprecedented warmth. Regardless of whether you are my cheeks, my lips, my breasts, mine … oh no matter, I melt there. Now you tenderly kiss my forehead, my eyes, my cheeks, my lips … and drive with your tongue tip over my neck, my cleavage and my breasts and nipples, which have set up arrow and exceptionally high.

You kiss her, suck on it before you over my stomach, my belly button until … yes … finally!!!.. You reach my dripping cunt. My respiratory frequency has long since increased a lot, which at the moment your fingers pull my cunt apart, your tongue reaches my clit and your lips are enclosed again. I cancel this for only a few seconds, then the most violent wave of pleasure ever breaks over me. I moan, circles, chaste, fidgety around wildly.

So wild that strong men’s hands have to support me so that I don’t fall from the stool. Wait a minute … when your hands are on my cunt … who supports me then??? And who is that that knead my breasts when you pamper my pussy?? Oh, shit. Should you touch me calmly. The main thing is that you don’t mind! Even while I enjoy the rippling pleasure waves, you carry me over from the stool to a table and put me on my back there.

A little later … I got to the destination of my dreams. You got your mighty cock out of your pants and.. Bang me in front of everyone but something like that … later you told me that he had never had a woman who had so many orgasms in a row within a few minutes! Well, that’s how I am. If I let it happen because I trust the man, i.e. you, beloved gentleman, then I’m no longer to brake.

Afterwards, I drink sweat bathed, still naked, two glasses of water sitting on the bar on the bar. I probably don’t tolerate sparkling wine anymore. “Come on, slave, let’s go to me. There is still so much that I want to do with you. You just have to tell me that you want it, I will never ask again about it. So: do you want to submit to me completely, slave?”As soon as the last word is fallen, I immediately answer” Yes I want, Lord “.

Under the applause of the guests we leave the bar. As I look at in the floor -length mirror in your playroom the next morning, an overwhelming pride is spreading in my eyes. Everywhere on me there are sometimes light, partly thick streaks. I have no idea how they got there … My beloved gentleman. It was a need for me to write this letter to you. You have no idea how liberating it was for me to write down our first meeting with my own words.

If you get this letter by courier, you should know that your slave is already waiting for you in our special playroom. The courier … has already bound me to the cross for you. Don’t let me wait for a long time, Lord!!Yours about everything in the world loving slave brittae n d e.

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