A random meeting with a horny outcome | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Recently I had to do a lot in the city. I ran from business to shop, but that day I just couldn’t let go of my eyes from the women who passed to me. I experience that more often, especially if lust always lets the thoughts all around ..

I finally find myself slowing down my step to look after the girl who ran in front of me for a particularly long time. She had pretty high heels, which I particularly love in women and makes myself very horny.

She also wore nylons who long Legs particularly emphasized. My imagination was stimulated so much that I realized how mine tail Due to the mere thought of having sex with her, slowly getting hard in her pants ..

A short time later I turned back to a business. But I could hardly concentrate on purchasing, now I only thought of the situation from earlier. After all, I made my way home and sat on the bus.

Then the incredible thing happened: the girl from earlier got into the same bus and happened to face me … I could hardly believe it. The bus started and it jerked pretty much. I noticed how her knees partly came to my legs. I tried to avoid a little but now it was she who deliberately rubbed her legs on my legs.

I looked her in the face and she smiled at me. But it was such a lustful smile, as if she actually meant it seriously with me. I replied the pressure on my legs and grinned at them.

Then it happened: At the next station she got up and gave me an unequivocally to get out of getting out. I did that too and she went on two more corners of houses until we got to her doorstep.

I went behind her all the time and stared back on her legs and only now noticed what kind of horny ass she has. Then she spoke to me for the first time and just said: “Come in”. I didn’t let me say that twice. As soon as I had entered, she closed the door and took my hand and led it directly to her inner leg.

They were very warm and I also slid up with my hand and started massaging their pussy. She was already a weir, you could literally feel that through her panties ..

Then she grabbed my cock courageous. It didn’t need to massage long, because the pants were very tense … She got it out and started massaging my sack and mine Egg To pull down as if she knew that it was extremely cool to me. My cock straightened up immediately and became rock hard.

I told her that I absolutely lick Want … she couldn’t let that be said twice, sighed satisfied and immediately grazed everything off the body, let himself fall on the sofa and spread his legs and held her up on the back of her back.

Her wet labia shone and I punched her between her thighs and started, mine Tongue play. I quickly worked my way from her inner legs to her labia and licked her off. I collected my saliva, gently spread her pussy with my finging and pushed my tongue deeper into her hole. My saliva ran more and more over her pussy and made it really smooth.

Her cunt juice mingled with my saliva and ran like a trickle on the sheet … it was probably the right moment to spoil her properly. I worked on her clit and my tongue suggested faster, my teeth rubbed gently on her increasingly excited clit, her thighs flinched violently and after all, she pushed out a loud cries of pleasure ..

Then she immediately took on my cock and took it deep into her throat. In doing so, she kneaded my eggs violently. Your saliva quoll from your mouth to the left and right next to my tail.

It didn’t take long and I realized that it was so far for me. I pulled my extremely hard sucked cock out of her throat and inject her over the Tits. I probably had no sex for so long that it stopped shooting from my meat rifle. More and more sperm poured over her upper body ..

After that everything went very quickly.

We just smiled at ourselves, I got dressed again and just said “bye”. When I went out I thought: I can pass that again!

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