A horny night | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Susanne was slightly on my stomach next to me in my bed. My god what a night. It’s 5:00 a.m. and she sleeps. She seems to have gotten over to me completely.

Now it is next to me. The goddess. The temptation. It can almost no longer be called.

Through my window the moon falls gently on her back and its wild hair.

My god was horny yesterday. Finally after a certain time I picked them up from the train station yesterday. We didn’t even make it to me. Already in the car we fell on top of each other.

When we were with me, we could hardly rewink ourselves. Like two sex addicts, we took a breath of our lust and dropped everything. We fucked through my apartment all afternoon. It was amazing.

While I had the evening and all night rushed through my brain again, I automatically became awesome.

I was addicted to her. I was addicted to her body, her smell, her whole kind and her incredible moisture. she was sleeping. Finally.

Why finally?

Not because I was done, but because I liked it how she let me fall. Because she just fell asleep in my arms and has been sleeping the justice since then. She felt comfortable with me, I noticed that. And because of that alone I wanted to fulfill her a wish.

Awaken you with sex at night.

She once told me that it was the highest of feelings that you can have. You feel so popular. Yes, I request them infinite. My greed came over me when I slowly grazed the blanket from her body.

There she was now, naked as God had created her. The sight of her butt alone made my limb swell. I cautiously sit down around the leg, which was at the top to the top, and the long stretched leg, kneeled wide.

What a sight! Her pussy looked like a full roll that was cut on the side. A real meaty mountain with a gentle slot that ended her butt in a small inconspicuous hole.

Shortly next to it, her gentle, rosy, little asshole was. This sight was the hottest thing you can see as a man at all.

My tail twitched with lust and this wonderful sight. I gently put my plump glot. to wake up.

Then I slowly pressed him into her pussy. I felt my acorn with relish the labia pressed to the side and bored uninhibitedly into the hole. Suddenly she breathed open with a loud sniffer and with a long moan again. She was awake.

I introduced him completely to pull him out a short time later.

Her infinite moisture immediately came and moistened everything in genitals.

The juice ran down my eggs immediately and I noticed how her cave was getting wet. She took the pillow and bit in and started to moan loudly, because I started to fuck her horny with rhythmic movements. With every push, mine clapped Egg To your thighs side. She started moaning louder and I started gripping and massaging her wonderful breasts.

She already said that she can get very wet.

How wet it can be, I thought to myself, but yesterday I had it the first time felt. She was very wet! It was the purest little stream that dripped towards me. The mixture of horny moan and the damp hole, read me really horny and I had to be careful not to spray in it right away. I let off briefly from her to snap the big towel and put it under her buttocks.

She immediately took the opportunity and pulled out her leg and knelt to me. She put her upper body down on the bed and then she reached back to pull her ass cheeks far apart.

What a sight! In the gentle moonlight I saw briefly a drop of her clit, which almost gave me the rest. I took them on my hips and rammed her cock into the dripping hole uninhibitedly. It was divine! With every jerk she groaned out loud and bit into the pillow what she used again to almost completely bury her head in it.

I kept getting hard with rhythmic movements, so that I could feel my eggs clapping on their clit every time.

She also told me once when I want to feel all her tightness, then I should simply put him in her asshole, but of course slowly, but of course slowly.

What I did then. I pulled him out, which was immediately answered with a moody groan and pressed him to the little pink shimmering rosette. Moistened by her juice, I slowly pressed my plump glans into her tight asshole. What an incredible feeling! She stopped the air and sometimes groaned out loudly and then stopped the air again.

Until I was entirely in her. I felt how he twitched and pumped in the narrow hole.

After a while I slowly pulled it out and started to fuck her again. But it was almost too little when I slowly felt my juice shot up. I cramped and pressed my fingers into her hips.

I used the few but intense bumps sufficiently to finally feel the magnificent feeling of liberation. I breathed yeast and I felt that I can soon no longer hold it, just as little as she was groaning louder and louder.

Then the time came! With jerky movements I shot my juice into her ass. Shortly afterwards she pressed the pillow in the face screaming. I felt her asshole moved in and apart again.

She had also come and gasped her lust in my pillow. After a few sigh, she quickly turned and supported herself in front of me around me with the other hand to wank the tail horny. In doing so, she did not miss it, mine sperm dripping glans to rub into her face.

After pushing my cock in her mouth 2 times more, she let off from me and straightened up. She hit my arms around my neck and started kissing me gently.

I felt that she will never forget this little gift. Almost gratefully she seemed to press her body on mine. She said nothing but pulled me back down to the bed, where we passionately kissed and finally fell asleep together.

Written by nemesis

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