A horny fuck in the early morning | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

We had only contracted, but we knew each other for over two years. She loved sex as much as I did, had rather small but firm breasts and an almost always moist, smooth -shaped pussy. We had spent the evening before with friends and when we got home we were too tired to push another number. A little cuddle, fiddle, then light out and sleep. The morning was – as predicted – gray and rainy, so we stayed at home.

We liked to sleep naked, because so we were “ready” if necessary and we had “needed” every day. I heard that she was showering and so there was still a bit. As almost always, I had one Bar, that I wanted to hide in her. So I got up and went to her in the bathroom with bobbing lance, where she stood by the sink and brushed her long hair. In the mirror she saw my stand and said: “Typical, as soon as my engraver is awake, he already has a pipe !“Without a word I stepped behind her, pressed her stiff member against hers ass, kissed her neck and started kneading her tits.

She was happy about it, took one of my hands, led her to her wet column and whispered: “You know how sharp I am always on you, feel !“I only liked that and noticed how damp she was. Her nipples were hard and standing out when she leaned forward and asked: “Shiege your joy in the pussy !“As wet and slimy as this was, mine slid tail as if by itself in her grotto, which both let us groan quietly.

I slowly started to push and she replied my movements. Her labia remained slightly open when I escaped her to stimulate her clit a little with my fingers. “You horny goat knows exactly how you can make me even hot,” groaned her. “Close the toilet lid and sit down so that I can put myself over your hard cock !“As soon as I sat, she almost dropped to me, so that I was completely in her now dripping wet pussy and she started riding me.

“Knett my tits, I love it that way, I rub my bell button because I am so horny that I come right away !“She groaned lust and immediately after that she had a first climax that made her tremble. My member was still really hard when they let it slip out and on theirs rosette Attached with the words: “And now please in the ass, yes, yes !?“I was perplexed because she had refused to me so far.

My slimy rod slid very slowly into her back entrance and after the thick glans was in it, the whole shaft disappeared into her intestine. She stayed like that for a few moments, then she only rode me slowly and when she got used to the length and the scope, she increased the pace. “My face is good to feel your cock like this – I want to have that more often !“She jubiled. I gave back: “Your cunt is nice and tight and I always like the one, but if I should fuck you in the ass, you just have to tell me that you horny sow ! But now I’ll pump my juice into the intestine for the first time, because I spray – and now now !“While she had ridden me like that, she had to wank her cunt because she groaned:“ Yes, you give me horny bull – I’m coming back – that’s crazy how well I feel you !“The feeling of being milked from her intestine was indescribable after this orgasm Slept my cock slowly and slid out of her.

We rose slowly, then sat on the open toilet glasses and let my juice drop out of itself. I let warm water into the tub and just wanted to start cleaning myself when she thought: “Let me try it first, then we wash each other ! – So sperm I prefer pure and I want to look after it later !“After we were clean and dry again, we went back to bed, custody and stroked ourselves.

She knew exactly how to let my cock swell again, we lay down on each other so that I lick the plum and her on me suck could. The lust came back, it turned around and on her back, spread her thighs wide and asked: “Birds now please me very slowly and tenderly, treasure !“Slowly I penetrated her, paused, licked and sucked on her nipples, and then moved back to her agingly slowly.

“Make a little faster !“She begged, but I took my time. “Always with the calm, baby !”I gave back. “I thought you were so happy to feel me in you, and I also want to know where you want to have my next load !” “That is mean of you !”Replied with a played disappointment” But you are right, your thick, hard cock fills me so well that I would always like to have it in me ! If you are ready afterwards, you spray everything on my stomach and breasts so that I can rub everything nicely ?“While she said that, I kept moving in her and slowly increasing the pace, as it slowly began to roice in my eggs.

“Well, then I’ll nail you properly before breakfast !”I groaned. “It comes to me right away !“I announced, then I distributed my cream on her hot body. She creamed herself and sucked me clean. After a break, I said: “Come sweet, let’s have a comfortable and calm, who knows what the day is doing …” I should be right, in any case it was a really cool *Sunday morning * !.

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