A horny Christmas | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

When I come home you stand in a sloppy jogging pants and a thin T-shirt in the kitchen, just cleared the dishwasher, you wink happily out of the kitchen window when I drive under the carport. It looks cute, your pretty, crisp, round butt in the loose jogging pants, your shirt is too short and has too long sleeve excerpts, I can see your beautiful breast, especially your sweet nipple. I hug you from behind press your heavy, firm but not too big chest, kiss your neck and whisper a little hoarse, you look so cute my little one.

You smile, that’s so nice of you that you keep telling me that, I need that!You can always hear that from me!Even if I am a bad girl?I laugh just then! Were you bad today. With these words I slowly pull your sweatpants down with my free hand until she slips into your knee. My hand reaches between your delicate, smooth buttocks, 2 fingers slide over your bare, hairless pussy.

Hmm, I whisper, it is already a bit wet. If that’s a miracle, you ask if you touch me here so directly?I stroke your round buttocks a few times a few times, you have such a hot butt, I would like to take you from behind now. No, no, you laugh and wobble with your butt, then turn to me and we kiss very intimately. Honey …, when the word comes like this, something is already going on to me.

I smile, actually know what you want, but I want to let you fidget a little. You darling, um, yes, I wanted to ask you something. Yes, ask!Uh, yes, the Michael called earlier. (Michael is one of our good friends, he is the owner of a very well -groomed swinger club, which we occasionally or Pia sometimes attend). Ah like that, I stand stupid and what did he want?So, he has such a small party tonight, there will be 20-25 people and he asked if I didn’t want to come by, there would be some nice people there (by nice people or especially nice men, Pia guys with a particularly beautiful one, mostly big, tail, Or women with a pretty figure who also want to do something with a woman).

Ah like that, I have to smile and I correctly suspect that you want to go there?You kiss me with your full, damp lips, press your firm, heavy breasts on my stomach, then you can breathe, I may?I have never rejected your wish and of course you can also!Oh, honey, that’s so great of you!And quietly: you won’t regret it! Feel again, my pussy has already become very moist from the thought.

What, I ask, I have to look at it exactly, go to my knees, you laugh, open the thighs a little so that I can see your pink, blank shaved pussy. The little labia have opened a bit, it looks so appetizing, I can’t help it, I have to drive through her with my tongue and of course touch your pleasure button, which lets you inhale deeply. You lift one leg and open yourself even more, my tongue slides through the moist pussy, I hear your ohh and ahh.

Smiling I get up, kiss you how it feels afterwards?You will find out, honey, you smile lovingly at me. Ok, when do you have to go?Actually now!Well, then do it!You quickly pull your jogging pants up and don’t go back to the bedroom without turning around again. You just see your sweatpants down the bare buttocks and think that you have a stiff in your pants!We both laugh. No wonder I call behind you and go to the fridge, my mouth is somehow dry, I have to drink something.

Nevertheless, I still lick my lips briefly. I love to lick your tender pussy and to peak yourself. You love it and me too!Treasure, it sounds and you only come back in your shirt that is too short. Oh man that looks so cute, your breasts rock heavily under the shirt, your so clean pussy, your beautiful long legs, the proportions are completely right, you look beautiful. Honey, what should I put on? I don’t think I have anything!Then go naked, it will certainly not take long anyway for you to be pulled out.

I laugh. Hey, you mean, smiling. Ok, then let’s see what you can wear. Yes, it’s great if you choose it, you are happy!In the bedroom I open the clothes reciprocity. What is always well received? Sure, black laundry is always good for everything, so I take the great bra that is currently covering your pretty nipples, a string tanga, the straps and black stockings. This will be the most beautiful of the night and all guys will fly on you!If you mean, you smile and kiss me briefly, the shirt has already moved out.

I can’t help it, I push you slightly on the bed, so you open your thighs and I am already on your pussy with my lips, with my nimble tongue. It is completely wet, this is called anticipation!  Slanted, tender but demanding, I let my tongue slide through your pussy, then I suck on your lips, pull them a little, lick again and hear your sweet sounds that you always do from you.

I mean, give you a slap on your pretty butt and rise. Oh no, you mean what you start you have to finish!No, no, I laugh and leave the bedroom. Shortly afterwards you come. Oh man, with high heels and a sexy black light dress, you look fantastic. Red lips, nicely made up, a dream! Should I really let you go, I feel my head. But then I think of you that you have fun, because if you have fun we have special fun together.

Ok, then come on, I’ll take you to the car. Schatz is all good, you ask a little worried. Yes, yes, of course, come you have to go. You get into the car and give me a look at your stockings and straps. How sexy, I think and close the door. Oh man already come the thoughts that are a bit uncomfortable, you drive into the club and I know that you let yourself be fucked there, other cocks blows and maybe also licks one or the other pussy, which doesn’t worry so unpleasant thoughts.

But on the other hand, I feel that my cock in my pants has been swollen slightly all the time, I feel that my glans is damp. How I would like to let her slip it now and then push him into your delicate pink pussy. But you drive away. A neighbor waves greeting. If he knew what you were going to do … Ok, I sit on the sofa, look at something and I am in the notebook Internet, Have a look at one or the other porn clip and do my thoughts to me.

What can you expect in the club? What will you do? Hopefully there are nice guys! Hopefully you have fun!It will be later, you have long since arrived and Michael received you. Kisses left and right, nice that you are there. There are only nice guests here today and I think you will have a special fun. He knows us and our preferences, especially yours. You take off the dress in the cloakroom and Michael is enthusiastic, great, you look adorable, oh man!You smile and go to the bar with him, you are already attracting a lot of looks.

A little unsafe you look carefully into the round and OK, they all look sympathetic. A few couples, types and individual women, certainly a few more than 25. You get a glass of Prosecco and a guy rises towards his glass and prompted yourself to. Smiling you replace his greeting and think ok, looks nice. Since you don’t turn away your eyes, he understands it as an invitation and comes to you with his glass.

Hey, yes hey, you greet you. Sorry if you felt stared at, you look fantastic!Oh thank you, ok manner he also has, that’s a plus and you look down at it, he wears a black tshirt and a dark gray tight -fitting short in which it seems to be in motion and you also like. The bump cannot be overlooked and it lies across his stomach. A smile scurries over your lips.

Then someone puts his hand on your hip you turn around and hey, you look forward to a guy that we had ever met there and with whom you had a lot of fun with. We had our game, “We don’t know each other”, played and at some point you had gone into the mat room with him and later raved about his great cock. So there are three of them with your drinks and are talking about this and this, whereby you already look at the bumps of the two every now and then.

You put your glass on the bar and took a little step back, of course you came to the bump from, we call him Sven, who of course did not get back but her hips and pressed his tail on your butt and back. The other, we call him Jörg, looked smiling and said, oh that’s definitely a good feeling what is pressed on your butt. You smile at him, turn around and look over your shoulder, let me feel your bump.

Jörg already pressed on your butt while Sven crowded to you from the front and pressed his cock to your stomach. The other guests looked over briefly, but had now also found their own playing partners and you slowly retired to the premises. There are smaller rooms with sofas, armchairs and screens on which porn run and then a larger room with a mattress warehouse of the so -called playground. Let’s see what’s going on, you mean to the two and each take one hand and pull them with you.

Looks great, you with the two in tow and your breasts weigh something in front of you! That lets others look!Others had already distributed something on the rooms and actually there were guests in all rooms. In a room, there were u-shaped 3 sofas, the middle one was still free. The opposite were occupied, 1 pair and a pretty young woman with 2 types. You pull them onto the sofa, on the right and left you have a guy and look at the film, accidentally a group sex scene with some good -looking people.

Oh, great, you mean quietly when a guy sprayed violently there and his playmate enjoyed his cock with relish. If you like that, one of your new friends asks quietly. Yes, you breathe back, very even!The pretty with the two types slowly became active and was alternately kissed by the two types and their hands were all over their body. One already pulled out their bra, the other had his hand in her panties and carefully massaged her pussy.

She thought it was great, because she looked into the group with a smile, she wanted to say what they’re doing, that’s great, but participates. The other couple seemed the first time To be there and was still quite insecure. You could see in half -darken that he has a mighty bump in his pants, but she did not make any institutions to stroke him yet. You look at the two bumps of the boys at your side and open the thighs, put one leg on the thighs of the two.

Already her hands were on your thighs, stroking the silky stockings in the place where the stockings ended, there you are so tender. One grip on one of your beautiful breasts and a little down the bra so that the nipple came to light, the nipple was already stuck and he leaned to you to kiss it tenderly and soulingly and suck on the nipple. He did a good thing, you liked it and at the same time your hands went to their bumps on a hike.

You pulled something down the shorts of the two, which only succeeded in one, his plump big cock came to light and let yourself be said “Oh” that he fully met your hopes and ideas. You look at the other, he stood up from the sofa so that you can pull the short down, which you also like to do and pop, a great big cock jumped towards you too. Your smile said clearly that you both liked.

The big one in front of your eyes was the first one you kiss with damp lips and his hand with your hand foreskin Far back, your hand was not even half enough for the powerful shaft, you said that it was definitely 20 cm long. The glans, plump, red, round delighted you and your lips surrounded you, which made him groan hard, he put his head back. Now the other pressed your bra from the other breast and then open it and your heavy breasts rocked something.

I love natural breasts that like to hang and swing heavily. Your lips still massage the plump glans, you couldn’t take much more this great cock in your mouth. It noticed that it tasted quite good, your hand massaged him and your mouth sucked him, you felt that some anticipation came out of him, it tasted to you, so you suck carefully, which made him twitch and groan.

Please do not yet come through your head and that’s why you turned away to the other, he kisses yourself, your lips are always particularly tender when you have blown a tail and the scent of another tail or other sperm is just great. You mean the two that you wanted to kneel on the sofa so that you can now spoil you with your lips and mouth, the other hopefully fucks you from behind.

He did that too, as soon as you kneel on the sofa, you felt his plump acorn on your pussy, which was already very wet. But, he pressed her briefly and something into your pussy, then he pulled his cock back and crouched behind you, looked at your pink pussy and kissed her tenderly then he started licking her very sensually. Oh man, if you thought he was doing well, please go a little further.

You massaged my hand and lips to me, and he didn’t see himself to be able to groan and twitch, I know how well you are doing it. Especially if you always lick the shaft up and down for a long time, are active below the glans with your tongue, over and over again and again to suddenly take the still bumpy acorn in your mouth, which often leads to the types cumshot.

Your new friend was very steadfast, even if it was very difficult for him. The other suddenly stopped with a wonderful licking of your pussy, you look around and he now pressed his plump cock into the wet pussy. That read you up loudly now, because it was a violent part that he pushed deep into you in order to slowly get it out again, push it deep again and again and again.

He could fuck, you felt through your head. You picked up your lip massage on the other again and were happy about his moaning and twitching among you. You also liked his cock very well. Unfortunately he couldn’t stand it for very long, you would have liked to exchanged the two again, but too late you felt as he got a little thicker, something sperm came and then the whole load was sprayed into your mouth.

He wanted to push your head on his cock, which was not necessary, you wanted to get everything out of it, but some things came out of his mouth and ran down his cock. He now groaned enormously and from the corner of the eye you could see that the couple on the other sofa had also become active, she massaged his cock by hand and when your new friend came and so violently you could see that he could see a violent fountainSpermas shot, everything on his tshirt and his chest.

He groaned violently. The guy behind you was a bit more persistent. You put yourself from the sofa and press it onto this, then you crouched about his strong cock and kept him vertically so that you could settle on him. Your wonderful butt offered the others a great show and slowly you went down on this gorgeous tail, he shared your pussy and the thick glans had to survive a little resistance.

You started riding him. It looked so horny in the half -darkness as you ride it until he almost slips out of you then you go back on it again. Your breasts in front of his face, he held her with both hands and kisses intensely his nipples. I was sitting on my sofa at TV and laptop at home and still had a half -stiffer in my pants, would only like to touch him, but did not allow it to have everything, wanted to pick me up for the moment when you come home.

My cell phone gives a sound for WhatsApp messages. I take it at hand, hey, I think Michael, what’s up. A video clip! Oh man, how horny, I think he secretly filmed how you blow the tail of one and then get some of your corners of the mouth, you riding the other, how horny it looks, your beautiful butt as he is on this great cockemotional. Wow, and then you suddenly let him out and he splashes on your back it runs down on your butt, 4, 5 times violent splashes, the couple next to you has bent, especially she looks at how it sprays out of it andSlaps on your back and then run down the butt.

Really much!Then he waves to the young woman next to you with her 2 lovers, who cum under her hands almost simultaneously, it has too much to see the two of them to see how you rode this great cock. Slowly and smiling you take care of the guy, turn around and one of the two is enough for you the role with the paper towels, it helps you dry your back. You bend again to the guy, whose cock is still stiff, he is completely soaked with sperm and shines moist, once again you take it carefully in your mouth and suck him a little, then bend to him and kiss him with yoursSperm.

That was great you mean to the two to go into the shower first. Michael comes towards you on the way to the shower, hey, everything is good with you, he asks. You smile at him with shaky knees, for the beginning it was very good. You both laugh, he looks at you and think you look so great again, your heavy breasts with the sweet nipples swing something in front of you, your naked pussy, hmm, so delicious and your butt.

With the suspenders and stockings and the bra and panties in your hand you go into the shower, first take off, go under the shower to wash off the sperm. The shower rushes, suddenly you feel hands on your back of your waist and your hips, look around and a sympathetically smiling young guy is behind you. Hey, if you want to wash my back, you ask him. Not only does he mean that he means cheeky and he grabs one of your breasts in front of it and with an open mouth he picks up a large part of your breast.

His tongue licks your nipple and he sucks on it almost a little violently. Hmmm, you do that well, you mean and he comes closer to kiss you and stand up to you. Due to the warm water, your bodies become very pleasantly soft and smooth, as if you are oiled, as smooth as you are. It feels good, so you rub, no, your bodies slide together, only now do you feel his cock that he pushes you through your legs, you massage it with your pussy rapies and think wow, today has to be a special day againA splendid specimen.

Wait, you mean, let’s dry and then continue. You dry very quickly, you don’t put anything on your laundry and go out of the shower with him. The playroom is your goal, for that you have to go up a staircase, at the top there is a kind of balcony from which you can look into the room below to the bar and of course also high!He wants to go straight into the playing room you pull him after his cock behind you.

Wait, do you mean quietly when you have reached. You stand in front of the railing with a wide -legged way behind you and mean, come fuck me. He cannot say that twice, he already presses his bright red glans on your butt, your anus, then he slides into your wet pussy and starts fucking violently. Slowly, slowly, you mean quietly, I want to have some of it. At that moment a couple comes out of the playroom and stops next to you, looks interested in how he fucks you, how your breasts dangle in front of you because he fucks so violently into you.

Your great butt looks horny and it sounds cool as it claps when it is in you. You look at the two and they only say, oh how horny is that. Your partner, you are both naked like you, rises his cock and she already has her hand on it and massages it slowly, you mean to your young lover again, let’s go into the playroom, you push me off the balcony.

His cock is vertical and the other woman says oh when she sees him. The two follow you in the playroom, you pull it like a trophy behind you to the mattress camp. There some people gathered and look at a couple that fucks violently there in mission representation. You pull your guy close to the two so that he can see everything well, then you crouch and start to slowly blow and massage on his beautiful cock.

From the first moment when his glans disappears into your mouth, he cannot suppress moaning, but puts his head back but again and again tries to watch the two on the mat. Another guy loosens from his partner, stands next to you and massages his cock himself. You see it out of the corner of the eye, look at him, take him in his hand to massage it with his hand, then take his thick glans into his mouth.

His partner is added, crouches in front of you and starts massaging your breasts then her fingers are on your wet, dripping pussy, tenderly massages you there. There are other men there wanking the couple on their mat and watch you. They become braver and suddenly there are 5 men around you. They show you their cocks and jerk off They enjoyed, you get them, everyone and kiss them, blows and lick them briefly.

Then it gets more violent, one begins to moan more violently, the others now jerk off faster and then they spray on your breasts, your back on your mouth. Some sperm runs down on you, they withdraw with shaky legs, it only remains the young guy, he has not yet hosed. You pull it onto the matt knee you, bend you and show him your beautiful butt.

Come on now, you mean, fuck me, I want to feel you. He does not let this say twice and penetrates quite brutally into you, you and the couple next to you make him so horny that he starts to fuck you violently, you come too late when you want to ask him for less speed, he comes, you notice how his cock in your pussy gets a little bigger, then you feel how he is injecting you, you feel every single sperm machine, with such force he shoots it into you.

When he slower you slide forward, lie on your stomach, you lie in front of him, he breathes deeply, then he leans over you, kisses your back and slowly works deeper, then kiss your sweaty buttYou can hardly believe it, he starts licking, your anus, then your dripping wet pussy, that’s so cool, you get a violent one orgasm, trembling and hearing your own sounds, you are completely exhausted afterwards you actually have to regenerate something first.

He has said goodbye to your bottom with a kiss, lets his hand slide over your wet pussy again, carefully, because it is quite swollen, now you really have to take a shower, too much sperm sticks to you. And again my cell phone goes and I get this horny scene as a video. Oh man, I have to press my cock, now don’t jerk off, I think you can’t stop and she will surely come right away, so I’m going to bed.

I can’t fall asleep, even if I am damn tired, I hear the front door, a short walk into the bathroom, no light, quietly you come to bed in the bedroom. I hear you breathe deeply, then finally I feel your little delicate hand on my arm on my arm, then spread over my stomach on my rock -hard cock, I hear your quiet laugh, then you crawl under my duvet, sit over me, no you turn overme, now I have your sweet, still dripping wet pussy with this wonderful fragrance over my face.

Please be careful, it comes quietly from you, she is swollen. I carefully slide my tongue over your labia, then penetrate very slowly, perceive the fragrance and taste strange sperm and then feel your lips on my cock. I can hardly withstand it violently. You turn again, then you sit on my cock and let it slide deep into yourself. Your pussy is so smooth from the sperm and my tongue, it penetrates deeply into you.

Yahaaa, you groan. We kiss and I know that you just blown one or more other cocks. It’s very cool!Oh, yes, come from you, come fuck me, I need it from you now, it was like that A horny evening. I can only groan “I know” and you ride me so violently that unfortunately I get very quickly. I hear these beautiful tones from you when you have an orgasm and I inject into you! Completely exhausted we fall asleep.

Whether I will show you the films on my cell phone?.

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