The beginner | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Peter was normally an active person, but that evening it looked different. He was the head of a small company and his employee was more than bitchy today. So he came from work and actually had no desire to. Actually, he would have loved to go to bed right away, but the activity of his neighbors prevented that.
The neighbor From opposite, like something like that, caused something and caused so much noise that was out of the question of sleeping.
To spend the day somewhat pleasant, he made his way into the basement to get a bottle of wine.

Almost a lot about the mop, which his neighbor had obviously turned off in the stairwell after the stairs.
He escapes loudly, that certainly didn’t help his mood. Once in the basement, he grabbed the bottle of wine and moved back into his own four walls.
He was miserably sat down at his desk in front of the computer. Maybe that gave him a pleasant change. He opened the bottle of wine and went into Internet.

At first he only surfed around a bit senselessly until he found a link on one side that made him curious.
The link led it to a fetish page with chat.

So far he had had nothing to do with this side of eroticism, but what should be big … “It is just a chat” he thought and the curiosity brought him to log in to.
Now he had to look for a username.Well, what should he write? With his nick that he otherwise always used, he did not want to log in, so he simply decided to call himself “beginners29”. So he was anonymous and open on all sides.
The first quarter of an hour was not noteworthy. He tried to build a conversation among the users present, but somehow this chat was different from the others.

Most of the time, only public inquiries came from individual chatters and depending on the response they stayed in the chat and obviously whispered or disappeared again.
He just wanted to leave the chat when another window opened. A chatter, “Jungelady”, who had not yet been noticed: “Hi, are you cathedral or sub?“This question was not easy for him so quickly, he hadn’t really dealt with it yet. He considered briefly and decided to answer with “sub” because he thought that as a beginner in this role he couldn’t do so much wrong.

“Great I was looking for that,” she said, “to make it clear, I am quite dominant. That means something like what I want, what you want does not count.

Are you ready to accept that?“Peter thought again for a while. He didn’t know what to think of this thing, but what did he have to lose, it was a chat, and this kind of her also made him a lot. So he decided to answer yes.
“But please have something forgiving with me, as you can see from my nick, I’m still new to this matter,” he added.
“Let my worry be,” she replied. “Just don’t be afraid, I’m already taking care of*.

But first I have to explain some rules of conduct first, because your behavior towards me is unworthy of a lady.“Among other things, she explained to him that he always had her to see and could only address her at the request. The instruction took a good half hour. Then she asked him again, “are you ready to stick to these rules?”This time he quickly answered” Yes, Mistress “. The last half hour had horny him so that he couldn’t say anything else than yes to say.

He had little time through his company, especially in the first few years he had worked for almost 18 hours a day. So his relationship has been left behind and he hadn’t had a date for half a year. He was starved after sex and would have done almost everything to get it. And just at that moment a woman arrived in a chat whom he would never have never visited ..

The thing was only a catch, it was not real, it was just a chat.

He didn’t even know her name.
“Ok, after that has now been clarified we can continue,” she tore him out of his thoughts. “Tell me, where do you actually come from?”” Frankfurt “he replied.
“Frankfurt? I live there too, you would like to meet me real?“She could read his thoughts? His heart literally hopped in his chest. The evening started so badly, he actually only wanted to go to bed early on that was completely forgotten now.
“Nothing better than that, mistress” he quickly typed into the keyboard. He was literally in a trance.

He no longer thought with his head, the power was passed on to a smaller part of the body.

“Ok, we meet in the parking lot of the century hall. First of all, however, I have to ask that you don’t see me. You will drive to the parking lot, sit on your passenger square and put on an blindfold. I’ll get on and we drive to me.

If you don’t follow my instructions, then I’m gone before you can see me. What kind of car do you do?“One had to give her, she knew what she wanted. How remote controlled he wrote “OK, as you wish. I drive a relatively new red golf, with the KEN sign F-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-PP 3210 “.
“Then everything is clear, we will meet in half an hour, you should rather leave your underwear at home, you no longer need it, that only prevents the quick access* she said, after that she left the chat.

He still didn’t know what to think of it.

Somehow everything went so quickly. She just surprised him. He didn’t even know her name, let alone what she looked or how old she was. Should he really go there? Time passed and he thought about the past hour.

With a look at the clock, he decided to go. He didn’t have much time. After all, he wanted to take a shower. Fortunately, he lived not far from the century hall, so that he stayed for a few more minutes.

He quickly got so good he could do and drove off.
Once there, he did as ordered. Put on a blindfold and sat on his passenger seat. He didn’t have to wait a long time when the door opened and a voice said to him “Beginner29?”He replied with” Yes “. Whereupon she took a seat on the driver’s side and the door closed.
“Ok, so that you can see yourself right away slaves Since it gets used to you, I brought you a few handcuffs.

Pull her through the handle on the car and then put it on.“Banned by her voice, he immediately followed her words. This voice had something, only he didn’t know what.
After he had put on the handcuffs and was finally defenseless, she immediately got his pants, she opened and put his stiffness tail free.

“My God, how this prolifers this! We have to change that immediately, ”she said with a loud strict tone. Extremited as he was now she let him. Start the engine and drove off.
“Where are you going?“He asked a little fearful.
“That’s the height, just speak to me and also forget the salutation.

You will still regret that!“She roared and grabbed his eggs with a hard painful handle. “Here you get a foretaste of what it means to annoy me.“He was only left away. He apologized for whimpering. After that it became quiet in the car.
After about a quarter of an hour drive, she told him that they were there.

Opened the handcuffs to him and ordered him to put his pants back on properly. After that he had to get out and let her lead him into the house, since he still had his blindfold and could see nothing.
Once in the house, she led him to the bedroom. She had a large spacious bedroom with a bed that was created for her inclination. It had massive iron grilles and was ideal for carrying out fittings.
He had to take off to his blindfold and lie on the bed, after which she captivated him at all fours.

This made it completely motionless again.
“So, we will now remove your jungle down there. You don’t mind, or?“She asked him with a simultaneous solid grip around his testicles, which clearly revealed to him that he was now just not allowed to give the wrong answer.
“No, mistress! It is their property, they have how they think it is right, ”he noticed how he hit the mark with these words because she loosened her handle around the testicles and easily massaged his penis.

He clearly enjoyed what prompted her to stop and leave the room.
After half an eternity she came back to him. Through the touches he catched from her, he felt that she clearly had a little free blank. She sat on his stomach and put a towel between his legs.

He felt her gentle thighs on his body, she had clearly undressed. Only a few suspenders disturbed the direct touch of their two bodies here and there.
She started to shave gently on his intimate area through the movement that was created he clearly noticed hers pussy slide back and forth on his stomach. This feeling made him crazy. He had never been tied up in this situation, how he would have loved to touch her, gently caressed her body.

So it was only left to him than to endure himself.
“So, finished,” she said at one time. “Looks much better. Now we want to see what qualities you have, ”she said and slide up at the same moment. She placed on his head with relish.

It was immediately clear to him what he had to do and licked what the stuff did. He noticed that she was also completely shaved. A great feeling, he really enjoyed exploring every single point in her genital area with his tongue, her smell ruined him even more.

To his great joy, she comprised his cock and the more violent he got it with her tongue, the more she took care of his best piece.
“That it is clear to you, you will only come when I allow you,” she exhorted him.
“I’m trying Mistress,” he groaned.
After a short time they were both completely in Excesses.
“Mistress, I can no longer, please allow me to come”, “listen, she hissed at him,” I want to fuck you yet.”” Please mistress, it doesn’t work, I can hardly hold it back, “he said.
“I will help you,” she said and hit his eggs without any prerequisite.
If he hadn’t been tied up, he would have curved himself with pain. But it helped, after a short time his excitement had disappeared.
She built it again with a light one massage on his best piece and sat on him shortly afterwards.
They literally disintegrate.

With a gentle movement she started to approach her orgasm, it didn’t take long and the gentle movements became a wild uncoordinated crops. He almost got afraid she could arise wrong and harm him to his penis. Shortly afterwards she collapsed on him with a pointed scream, he felt her vagina twitching and thereby demanding his tail pumped his tail. He rummaged that he was wet around his intimate area through her orgasm Pitsche and was almost before.

But experience taught him that it was not advisable to let himself go without getting his mistress’ permission.

She recovered briefly and told him that he has now also earned a reward.
At first he was quite disappointed when she got down from him.
Connecting she loosened his bonds and led him because he still had connected eyes – on a wall. He quickly felt that there was a wooden cross behind him. He was willingly captivated again.
“I jerk you now until you come,” she said to him, “but the rule still applies, if you are ready, let me know before”.
Skillfully and vigorously, she included his stand. With firm movements she worked on him demanding.

So that he was soon before his climax.
“Mistress, I’m coming now,” he shouted.
“Ok, you can come, let everything out,” she encouraged him and poured his blindfold off his head, just when his orgasm rolled up. “Look into my eyes!“She demanded.
He came as he had never come, opened his eyes and looked into the eyes of his 19 year old employees …

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