Submissive girl perverse taken out | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

As it started: I was 27 at the time and spent three winter months with a friend in NRW and recovered me from my seasonal business abroad. This was temporarily without employment and therefore also had enough time to go out. After two weeks I already had two girls going in parallel. Both knew that I would go abroad again and I was more about sex anyway. Janina, who we met in a disco one evening.

She had just turned 18, made a year of work and was totally shy. She was about. 168cm tall and probably weighed around 50-55kg. Thin, cracked butt, blonde long hair, 75 or 80b and this very innocent look. My buddy tied on with her friend and told her what is the thing for me. My playmate, who was on site that evening, had to get out the next morning and so we later drove to my friend with the two new girls.

Until then I had hardly changed a word with Janina, since the other was there almost the whole evening. Already on the way to my friend (let’s call him Mike) the desire to lay this shy girlie flat in me. At a train station, I gently pushed it but definitely on a wall and kissed it cheekily. My hands encompassed their buttocks and I knit but not hard in. Mike and her friend enjoyed how brazen and how cheap Janina was.

But rather on a funny basis. Arrived with Mike and an obligatory beer, in which more Mike and I led the conversation, I stood on Janina and said: “Come on, we’re going into the bedroom!“She got up and followed me. Arrived, it was more of a kind of command with which I asked her to do her clothes. She took a little unsure except for her underwear. I stayed completely dressed and looked at her irritated.

“Completely move out” I finally said. She did it, trembling her all over the body. When she was completely naked opposite me, I approached her and kissed her. I fast with my right hand between her legs and she was already gossiping wet. “Turn around and kneel you on the bed” I ordered. She had such a little butt so that you could look directly at her little rosette. It turned me on so that I knelt behind her, pulled her baking tightly with both hands and started licking her rosette.

She groaned with pleasure. I worked with my fingers pussy and from time to time sank a finger in the rear room. Now I also wanted to meet my satisfaction and he raised me. She turned around and was now sitting on the bed in front of me. I opened my pants and my hard strapped out. I stopped him in front of her so that it was clear what I wanted. I hadn’t washed myself after the disco and so it was not clear to me how she would react.

But without a word my glans disappeared into her mouth and she started with the fellatio. Suddenly the door opened and my buddy and her friend were in the room: “Surprise”. Janina was startled and stopped, but sat so close to me that she didn’t get away so quickly. “I don’t care,” I said, took Janina’s head on the hair and pushed him over my hard again. The two watched stunned for a moment and then laughed again.

Mike said: “You’re too blatant!” Nicole Janina’s girlfriend did not get her mouth astonished and looked a little horrified but also curious when I said, “come closer and take a look at it”. Both came up to us and looked at my acorn caressed like Janina. I had enough space to do it with one hand tail to jerk off. Then the two left us alone relatively quickly and I also took fucking noises from the living room.

The rest of the fuck was relatively normal and I did not last for too long because the little one was simply too sexy sweet and narrow. After the “fuck” we stayed a little and she said that she had never been so dominant. Your boyfriend, with whom she would always be on assembly during the week, and even at WE there would be 0815 sex if at all. I asked her if she wanted to meet me again and she nodded.

—————- #The next day #am next morning I brought them home, Janina and I made an appointment for next Tuesday. I should spend the night with her, she said. Already on Monday the thought made me horny to see how far she would go and whether she really is dominated. So I couldn’t leave it and wrote her an SMS. Fortunately, she wanted to go shopping with me.

I bought a new sweater and jeans for the show. But actually my intention was with her in one Erotic shop go. So after we had some normal stroll through the city, I said, “Come on, we also buy something for tomorrow”. A few streets further we reached a small Essen sex shop. With her big blue eyes, she looked at me frightened when I said “here”!Without complaining, she followed me.

It was for them the first time, that she entered a sex shop, so we went to the lingerie department first. Since I wasn’t exactly the richest and did not want to spend a fortune, we left it at a Catsuit that was open in the crotch. Of course, some other men in the shop had already noticed the sweet Janina and on her eyes and buzzed trousers it was clear what was going on in her heads. Janina seemed to be a little scary.

Nevertheless, I passed the DVD department with her, towards the toys. Her eyes became huge when considering the enormous dimensions of the display. I took a medium -sized anal plug and two vibrators. A little one to stimulate and “The Boss” to see how she reacts. She looked questioningly and I said, “You think that is possible? -“Are you already liked, but let’s play it safe. So we went to the fetish department and I threw a bondage set into the basket.

When we got to the cash register, we faced a guy in his mid -40s, which scanned all the items and asked if we needed something else? Janina shook his head, I asked what would be in mind. Well, maybe lubricant with this shopping. The tube with strawberry taste is new to the spot price. I agreed one. Before we went to the exit, I had to show Janina the back entrance to the adventure cinema. On different TV you could see in front of the entrance what was offered there.

I thought about going in briefly, but decided that she is not that far yet. So I brought her home, gave her the bag with Catsuit and the small vibrator kissed her on her cheek and let me confirm the appointment on Tuesday again. What you should wear now was mandatory. When she was around 20 on Tuesday evening. 30 o’clock The door opened it wearing a bathrobe, under which black high paint shoes flashed out.

For a February evening, the whole apartment was extremely warm and I wondered how long she was wearing this cat, but kept it to me. Since a DFB Cup game with the participation of my favorite team was scheduled for this evening, I had a few beer and a bottle of Ramazotti in my luggage. So we opened two beer and when asked whether she had already taken the vibrator out of the shell, she became fire red on the face. She had tried to pack him again true to the original, but this would not have been possible.

I explained to her that I had no opportunity to get rid of my pressure and that she should first ensure the same conditions. She pushed the table aside and pulled out the bathrobe, let herself sink to spoiling my plump penis. Since horny thoughts were struggling all day, my glans was completely wet. She drove her hand over and wiped part of the cum by side before she began to spoil the glans.

With one hand she drove along the shaft without pressure and schoolgirls. This was stimulating animal, but … After a few minutes, however, this was too little for me and I asked about the handcuffs that we finally bought for them. She got her bonds and I closed her hands behind her back. “So now, now give you effort, I pushed and from now on could watch how she tried to take my cock deeper in her mouth.

Shortly before I came I stood on bending down to her and gave her a tongue kiss. Then I whispered to her that she should try to swallow everything. So I straightened up again and started my cock approx. 1 cm in front of her mouth to jerk off. When I felt the first shot left and I saw how he shot into her throat, I grabbed her on my hair and put her mouth over my twitching splashed cock.

After that I instructed her that she should keep the Catsuit on but for the time being could spread out the bathrobe, up to football be over. —————– Unfortunately my team lost. But I was in the face of the fact that Janina was still wearing her Catsuit to counteract a successful evening pessimistic. We switched from beer to wine and I already noticed a little hicks at Janina. Since so many horny thoughts had accompanied me all day and I finally wanted to live it out, I diligently gave it to her.

After another two glasses, she now had the right level to lose all inhibitions. So I asked her to point out. I want to see if she would have shaved properly. She got up and showed her freshly shaved column. She had only left a small fine strip. “Ok, turn around,” I said. She turned around. “Wang forward. She was about to reply, but I interrupted: “I want to see if you shaved properly.

“She leaned forward and pulled carefully and inhibited the buttocks apart. The catsuit stretched and hidden a piece of the rosette, so I reached and tore it up a bit. She was startled and wanted to recover. “You should stretch out your ass and pull your cheeks apart, you will learn today what it means to obey a man you little bitch,” I drove her on. She obeyed, but started to stammer from not and her buttocks.

I have to admit that this was a lot of dashed and looking at her virgin ass, who only had a few fine blonde hairs, I got another stand. I got up on her hand and pulled her into the bedroom. Here I put the bond set on her and made it on my stomach lying on the frame. With two ropes from my pocket I tied her legs slightly, went to the bathroom and got her Ladyshaver and a bowl with warm water.

Then I put the little vibrator on her clit and put it lightly. He hummed her pussy and she groaned slightly. Now I shaved her the fluff out of her asshole and then washed it clean. “Now you are shaved!” I said. “How your sovereignty is” she joked. “You are certainly not in the situation to be cheeky, I said and got a video camera out of my backpack. She tried to turn her head 180 degrees and looked at me with big eyes.

“Don’t worry, just for me. So I can better imagine what I want to do with you. So nice and good, you are on TV, “I joked now. I put the camera next to the bed on a shelf and began licking her already wet column. Then I got the second thicker dildo and slowly led it into the pussy. She slowly began to circle the pelvis and it was wonderful to see how her pussy enclosed this dildo.

I opened my pants and exchanged the vibrator with my cock for a few hard fucking blows. She was warm and tight. Simply heavenly. But I made other things in the shield. I took the bedding and put it under her hips so that her ass was presented again. I took some of the lubricant with strawberry taste from the sex shop and massaged her anus with my thumb while I fucked her with the dildo and the vibrator raged on the clit.

Then I started licking her butt, first gently, then more and more violent and slowly but surely penetrated into her butt bit by bit again and again. She tried to make a hollow back and pushed more and more towards me. I reached into my pocket again and got the anal plug out, also smeared it with lubricant and put it on it. “What are you doing? -asked Janina. -“I film how I push the plug in your butt and before she could collect her thoughts, half the plug had disappeared in the narrow hole.

I pushed him back and forth a few times to watch the skin slowly stretched over the red plug. It looked so cool, the plug in the butt, the dildo in the pussy and the little vibrator on the clit. Now I got the last dildo out of my pocket, “The Boss”. “Come on, bubble the dildo,” I said, and she fought the device in her mouth at all. “Now you’re a real three -hole mare,” I grinned.

I exchanged the dildo out of her pussy, with “The Boss” and let her suck her juice from the shaft of the dildo. A light “aahhh, it came into her mouth as“ The Boss ”into her. So I only fucked her very slowly and gently with the giant part. She trembled all over the body and I allowed her to spit out the other dildo. When her pussy apparently got used to the large part and she groaned quietly I started to introduce her to her a little deeper.

“Finally fuck me” she hissed at me. I opened my pants and now pushed my cock into her mouth. I had reached the camera to get a few good shots. “Look at one of this little piece of dirt. Suck on the tail, a plug in the ass and a huge dildo in the tight pussy, ”I commented on my work. I pressed Janina’s head on the mattress in front of it and kept pushing my cock, deeper and deeper into her mouth.

From time to time she choked and a tear ran over her cheek. Then I took the plug out of her butt with my right hand and exchanged it for my cock. Presentable or totally submissive, she started licking him cleanly. I put him again with the tip in her ass and back into her mouth. Then I put the camera aside again to finally fuck it in the ass. I pulled her cheeks apart with both hands and the slightly opened rosette laughed at me.

When I slowly but surely penetrated her, I only realized how much this big dildo filled out the tight girl. When I finally penetrated her, I asked her if she continued if I got rid of it. She groaned: “Yeah! Then I opened her handcuffs so that she could raise her body on all four. However, she did not extend her buttocks, which was only understandable in view of the double penetration.

I started taking her really violently and she groaned and seemed one orgasm To have after a few minutes and some solid bumps I was so far. I pulled my cock out of her buttocks and the dildo rapid. I stepped around her and she knelt down my twitching cock and hesitated. I reached her hair and fucked her head. When it came to me, I pulled a little back so that I couldn’t prevent them from swallowing.

Then I bound her and she disappeared into the bathroom for 10 minutes. Then we smoked a cigarette together. She said I was perverted, I asked if she had liked her. You grin.

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